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Award luncheons return
The in-person awards have resumed for recipients with 20 years or more of service. Recipients please look forward to your invitation for your upcoming award luncheons in Cheyenne. n
Service Award Recipients

Photo: Rick Carpenter
Service award luncheons are held by the Transportation Commission for employees celebrating milestones of 25 years of service or greater. Service award recipients at the August luncheon: (Bottom row from left) René Brindle, 25 years; Ron Kaiser, 35 years; Marilee Manalo, 30 years; and Bob Stauffacher, 40 years. (Standing from left) Chris Romo, 25 years; Lt. Col. Shannon Ratliff, 30 years; Chase Hood, 25 years; and Mark McCracken, 25 years.
District 5
Samuel Carpenter, Lander Maintenance.
Promotions and Transfers
Jason Fleming, District 5 Maintenance Staff; Kevin Maynard, South Pass Maintenance.
Fleming Maynard
Jason Price was listed in the August issue as having 10 years of service. There was a clerical error and his years of service should have read 15 years. We apologize for the error. n