TO A470 & A483
BOX OFFICE: 01982 552555 www.wyeside.co.uk
We are grateful to the following for their continued support: Eve Best, Phil Bowen, Tom Bullough, Wendy Evans, Julian GibsonWatt, The Lord Lipsey, Cllr. David Price, John Walker.
Wyeside Arts Centre Castle Street, Builth Wells Powys, LD2 3BN
If you’ve bought tickets for a Wyeside event but find you can’t make it, they can be exchanged up to 5 days before the date, or the ticket value refunded via a credit note - less a £2 admin fee.
Wyeside Arts Centre Ltd. Registered Charity No. 505656 Brochure Design: www.savageandgray.co.uk 6701/17
picture: Peter Pan
Guide dogs are welcome.
Wyeside stands prominently on the end of Builth Wells’ famous Wye river bridge, opposite the Llewellyn mural. The centre is only 100 metres walk from the Groe public car park, which is free from 6pm. When you leave the car park, turn left, walk past the Builth bull statue and Wyeside is facing you at the top of the rise.
But - especially if you’re making a long journey - we advise you to check (with our Box Office, or on our website).
Satellite Live! & Live shows: We offer concession prices to under 18s, over 65s, students, disabled and unwaged customers. Film screenings: We can now only offer concessions to under-16s. Proof of age/status may be required. Support workers accompanying disabled customers can attend all Wyeside events free.
If you’ve bought tickets in advance, we will make every effort to let you know if any details change using the contact details you gave us when you booked.
Times/prices are correct at the time of going to press, but are sometimes subject to changes beyond our control.
Reserved disabled parking is available on our forecourt, and wheelchair spaces are available in both auditoriums. All disabled seating is allocated on a first-come first-serve basis as these facilities are limited due to the restricted nature of our Grade 2 listed building. To guarantee admittance we strongly recommend booking in advance via our Box Office on 01982 552555. Unfortunately wheelchair spaces are not bookable online at this time.
ONLINE 24/7 at www.wyeside.co.uk BY PHONE on 01982 552555 IN PERSON at the Box Office We accept all major credit/debit cards - there is a 50p charge per transaction. Sorry - we can no longer accept reservations. All ticket orders must be paid for when you book. Latecomers may be asked to wait for a suitable point in the performance.
Wyeside offers lift access to all areas, as well as an accessible toilet.
Wyeside Arts Centre Castle Street, Builth Wells Powys, LD2 3BN
We offer tailored rates for parties from schools and other organisations for selected shows only - please contact the Box Office on 01982 552555 beforehand.
01982 552555 www.wyeside.co.uk
Our answerphone service is available when the Box Office is closed or busy. Tuesday to Friday: 12.30pm – 9pm Saturday & Sunday: 2pm – 9pm
(A WIRELESS DEVICE FOR THE HEARING & VISUALLY IMPAIRED) We’re VERY excited to announce that we have installed a brand new - top of the range - Fidelio Audio System into both of our auditoriums! Our new system is able to deliver descriptive narration for the visually impaired and amplified sound for the hearing impaired for film screenings, satellite broadcasts, and select live events. All you have to do is collect a compact audio receiver from our Box Office and plug in a set of headphones. We do have a number of headphone sets available, but feel free to bring in your own if you prefer – the audio devices accept a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. This new installation was kindly financed through a grant from Powys County Council, which was generously match-funded by the Friends of Wyeside. Thank you very much to all of our friends, whose monthly donations help to secure Wyeside for generations to come.
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C
Table 19: 7:30pm M
EOS - American Impressionism 7:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C WED 3 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm M Power Rangers 5:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm M Table 19: 8:15pm C THU 4
We don’t think it’s fair to penalise people for buying online, so from the 7th of April we are scrapping the 50p booking charge that is currently applied to online orders.
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm M Power Rangers 5:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm M Table 19: 8:15pm C FRI 5 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:15pm C
Also, for the duration of this brochure, we are offering 5% OFF ALL FILM TICKETS which are bought online. Between this discount and no 50p booking fee, you could save up to £1 on your online film ticket! When you book online you get to choose your favourite seat. You also get to skip the Box Office queue as you can show a copy of your eTicket to the usher at the auditorium door. (eTickets can be printed at home, or can be shown on a mobile device)
VISIT OUR WEBSITE NOW! www.wyeside.co.uk
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 8pm C Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M SAT 6 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 2:30pm M Smurfs 2D: 2:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5:15pm C Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm C Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C WED 10 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Alice in Wonderland 7:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 7:45pm C THU 11 Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C NT - Obsession 7pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C FRI 12 Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G A Quiet Passion 5pm C Keith James (Leonard Cohen) 7:30pm M Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C SAT 13 The Boss Baby 2D: 2:30pm M Smurfs 3D: 2:45pm C A Quiet Passion 5pm C MET - Der Rosenkavalier 5:30pm M Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C SUN 14 The Boss Baby 3D: 2:45pm C Smurfs 2D: 2:30pm M
A Quiet Passion 5pm C
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 2:30pm M
Going In Style 5:15pm M
Smurfs 3D: 2:45pm C
Fences 7:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:15pm C
Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M
MON 15
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 8pm C
Lady Macbeth 5:15pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M
A Quiet Passion 7:30pm C
TUE 16 Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M Lady Macbeth 5:30pm C A Quiet Passion 7:30pm M Going In Style 7:45pm C
TUE 23
TUE 30
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Their Finest 7:30pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M
WED 17 Going in Style 1.30pm M Lady Macbeth 5:45pm C Going In Style 6pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C Viceroy’s House 8:15pm M
WED 24
THU 25
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M
THUR 18 Lady Macbeth 5:45pm C NT – Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 7pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C
King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:30pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C Life 8:15pm M
Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:15pm C
FRI 26
Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:15pm M
FRI 19 King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Life 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Their Finest 8:15pm C SAT 20 Peppa Pig 1pm M King Arthur 3D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Their Finest 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Life 8:15pm C
King Arthur 2D: 5pm C RSC - Antony and Cleopatra 7pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C
Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C SAT 27 King Arthur 2D: 2pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C
Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:15pm C King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:15pm M WED 31
King Arthur 2D: 5pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C
JUN THU 1 King Arthur 2D: 1:15pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 4:15pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C FRI 2 Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C Smurfs 2D: 2:45pm M
SUN 21 Peppa Pig 1pm M King Arthur 2D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Their Finest 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Life 8:15pm C
SUN 28
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C
Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C
MON 22 King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Life 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Their Finest 8:15pm C
MON 29
Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C SAT 3 Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C Lady Maisery and Jack Harris 7:30pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C
SUN 4 Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C TUE 6 Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5pm C The Zookeepers Wife 7:30pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8pm C
TUE 13
TUE 20
MON 26
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
King Arthur 2D: 5.15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm M
I Am Not Your Negro 5:30pm C
Snatched 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Despicable Me 3: 2:45pm C
EOS - Michelangelo 7:30pm M
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5pm C
Alien Covenant 7:45pm C
Wonder Woman 8pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
WED 14
WED 21
TUE 27
Their Finest 1:30pm M
The Zookeepers Wife 5:30pm C
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Their Finest 5:30pm M
Snatched 5:45pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
I Am Not Your Negro 5:45pm C
Baywatch 8pm C
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Miss Sloane 8pm C
Wonder Woman 8:15pm M
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
WED 7 Pirates Of The... 2D: 5pm C ROH - The Dream... 7:15pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8pm C
Alien Covenant 8:15pm M
THU 22
Churchill 8pm C
WED 28
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
THU 15
Snatched 5:30pm C
The Mummy 4:30pm M
NT - Salomé 7pm M
Their Finest 5:45pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Lisa Knapp 7:30pm M
Wonder Woman 8pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
THU 8 Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C The Zookeepers Wife 5:45pm M A Quiet Passion 8:15pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C
ROH - Otello 7:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Alien Covenant 7:45pm C
FRI 23
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
Churchill 8pm C
FRI 16
Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G
THU 29
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
Their Finest: 5pm M
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M
Wonder Woman 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
Baywatch 8pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 8:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Snatched 8:15pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
The Mummy 8:30pm C
Churchill 8pm C
SAT 17
SAT 24
FRI 30
A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Wonder Woman 5pm C
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
I Am Not Your Negro 5:15pm M
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Snatched 7:45pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
SUN 18
SUN 25
A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Despicable Me 3: 2:45pm C
Wonder Woman 5pm C
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5pm C
I Am Not Your Negro 5:15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Churchill 7:30pm C
Snatched 7:45pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
FRI 9 Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm C Their Finest 5:45pm M Miss Sloane 8:15pm M Alien Covenant 8:30pm C SAT 10 NT - Peter Pan 2pm M A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:30pm M Alien Covenant 7:45pm C Miss Sloane 8pm M SUN 11 A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:15pm M Alien Covenant 7:45pm C Miss Sloane 8pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C Churchill 8pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Churchill 7:30pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M MON 3 Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M THU 6 Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C Churchill 8pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
THE SONGS OF LEONARD COHEN Fri 12 May: 7.30pm £14*
Come with Alice on a magical adventure as she tumbles into Wonderland!
Enigmatic and mysterious, Leonard Cohen was an unflinching character, with an exact sense of prose, a wry humour and courage to wrestle with the unspoken. The announcement of his passing has marked the end of an era. His music befriended an entire generation. This World will miss him very much.
Guided by the White Rabbit, Alice meets some astonishing characters, including the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts, a studious caterpillar and those mischievous twins, Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Basing his ballet on Lewis Carroll’s much-loved children’s books, Ballet Theatre UK’s Artistic Director Christopher Moore has created a captivating piece, brimming with wit, humour and charm. With its whimsical flights of the imagination, eclectic music and joyful dance, Alice in Wonderland is delightful entertainment for all ages. * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
Keith James performs a concert of Cohen’s amazing material in an intimate and sensitive way, exposing the solitary inner strength of his greatest songs in their original perfect form. Amongst a concert of such songs as; Famous Blue Raincoat, Sisters of Mercy, Suzanne and Hallelujah, are also Poems by Lorca that Keith has set to music; Cohen’s greatest influence. There will also be songs from ‘You want it Darker’ – his last album which was produced by his son Adam.
* Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
‘Certainly the UK’s most celebrated and evocative interpreter of golden music’ The Guardian
Wed 10 May: 7.30pm £15 Full (£14 Concession)*
01982 552555
WITH sPECIAL GUEsT JACK HArrIs Mon 29 May: 7.30pm | £13 Full (£12 Concession)* This well-established band comprises three of the most innovative individual artists on the British folk scene. skilful explorers of the power, beauty and vitality of folk song, their latest album Cycle is a staggering demonstration of the full extent of their creative ambition. They’re important contributors to the political, socially, environmentally engaged movement in contemporary folk music. Each member is an accomplished instrumentalist, expertly creating a rich tapestry of fiddle, banjo, harp, concertina, accordion and foot percussion as well as “diddling”, a form of singing without words which is a perfect showcase for their sheer musicality.
Home-grown Jack Harris hit the big time when he became a sXsW showcasing artist at just 17. Now a critically acclaimed singer/songwriter, he produces songs which are compassionate, literate, curious, often in character, and always intriguing. Wyeside are thrilled to welcome him back to the Builth stage for this rare local performance.
‘A natural, captivating songwriting talent’ The Telegraph * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
Thu 15 June: 7.30pm £13.50 Full (£12.50 Concession)*
A South Londoner born & bred, Lisa’s early musical development led her through drum and bass, teenage raves, acid house and an electric guitar bought to learn Jimi Hendrix songs. In her teens, she also came across folk music when she heard a friend’s record collection and she was hooked! In the intervening years, Lisa has established and evolved her own distinctive voice. She’s toured the UK with her own band, but also in the company of James Yorkston, Sam Lee and Leafcutter John and most recently, as a special guest of Shirley Collins on her ‘Lodestar’ live shows.
Lisa Knapp first emerged in 2007 with a remarkable, independently released debut ‘Wild And Undaunted’ which was followed by the equally striking ‘Hidden Seam’. Both albums were met with critical acclaim and saw Lisa established as one of the most creative and distinctive artists around. Her 3rd solo album, ‘Til April is Dead – A Garland of May Songs’ is due for release by Ear to the Ground Records on 28th April 2017.
01982 552555
* Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
Fri 7 July: 8pm suitable for ages 14+ £14 Full*
sat 8 July: 8pm suitable for ages 14+ £14 Full (£5 Unwaged)*
Join stand-up comedian, poet, improviser, and TV stalwart Phill Jupitus for over an hour of tales, laughs and diversions. Watch in delight and/or horror as this experienced funny man smashes laughs out of the chaos of his own life and the uncertain world that surrounds it.
Jeremy Hardy is in his 4th decade as a stand-up this year. That’s a more dramatic way of saying he started 33 years ago and, without a lottery win, probably has at least another 33 years to go. In 2014, the tenth series of ‘Jeremy Hardy speaks to the Nation’ was broadcast on radio 4. He is also well known for his appearances on ‘The News Quiz’ and ‘I’m sorry I Haven’t a Clue’. His television credits include: Jack Dee’s Election Helpdesk (BBC2), QI (BBC1), Mock The Week (BBC2), and Grumpy Old Men (BBC1). After briefly hibernating in the winter, he’s back out on the road in 2017.
Phill became a familiar face when he started as team captain on BBC2’s pop quiz Never Mind The Buzzcocks in 1996, which went on to run for 19 years. Aside from Never Mind the Buzzcocks he also appears as a regular guest on QI (BBC2) and Alan Davies As yet Untitled (Dave), and in 2012 returned to television stand-up for the first time since 2000 with an appearance on Live at the Apollo (BBC1). * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
* Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
Wyeside has always boasted you don’t have to live in the big city to be able to enjoy the best Arts & Entertainment. But, of course, the huge casts and major international stars of ballet, opera and classical theatre have always been rare treats. Not anymore! Now, through the magic of digital cinema, we can beam LIVE performances from the world’s most gifted singers, dancers and actors from venues all over the world straight onto to our cinema screen! So browse through these pages, and see the fabulous shows that are coming your way…
picture: Der Rosenkavalier
Wyeside is again teaming up with Caer Beris Manor to offer the finest food to accompany the Metropolitan Opera’s newest season of broadcasts! Order your OperaBox (only £8.75) when you buy your MetOpera ticket, and enjoy quality food with quality entertainment. NEW MENU NOW AVAILABLE! * Full menu available online or from our Box Office * Special dietary requirements can be catered for on request * Orders must be made by midnight of the Wednesday before the broadcast * OperaBoxes are only available alongside Metropolitan Opera Screenings
Caer Beris Manor Hotel... ...offers affordable luxury, an excellent restaurant and high quality bedroom accommodation. Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3NP Tel: 01982 552601 Fax: 01982 552586 Email: info@caerberis.com www.caerberis.com
JEWELS Ballet in three acts Music by Gabriel Faure, Igor Stravinsky & Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky LIVE Tue 11 April: 7.15pm £17 Full (£15 Concession)* George Balanchine’s evocation of the sparkle of emeralds, rubies and diamonds is a brilliant ballet classic.The French Romantic music of Fauré provides the impetus for the subtlety and lyricism of ‘Emeralds’, while the fire of ‘Rubies’ comes from Stravinsky and the jazz-age energy of New York. Grandeur and elegance complete the ballet with the splendour of Imperial Russia and the peerless music of Tchaikovsky in ‘Diamonds’. Jewels is a masterclass in the many luminous facets of classical ballet and indeed of The Royal Ballet itself: the virtuoso choreography of Balanchine, the intensity of the soloists and the precision of the entire Company.
Est. running time: 2hrs 30mins (inc. two intervals) * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
by Tom Stoppard LIVE Thu 20 April: 7pm £13.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Joshua McGuire (The Hour) and David Haig (Four Weddings and a Funeral) star in Tom Stoppard’s brilliantly funny situation comedy, broadcast live from The Old Vic theatre in London. David Leveaux’s new production marks the 50th anniversary of the play that made a young Tom Stoppard’s name overnight. Against the backdrop of Hamlet, two hapless minor characters, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, take centre stage. As the young double act stumble their way in and out of the action of Shakespeare’s iconic drama, they become increasingly out of their depth as their version of the story unfolds.
01982 552555 WWW.WYESIDE.CO.UK
Est. running time: tbc * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
EUGENE ONEGIN Opera in three acts by Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky sung in russian (with subtitles) LIVE sat 22 April: 5.55pm £17 Full (£15 Concession)* Anna Netrebko reprises one of her most acclaimed roles as Tatiana, the naive heroine of Tchaikovsky’s opera adapted from Pushkin’s timeless novel. Dmitri Hvorostovsky stars as the title character, who rejects Tatiana’s love until it’s too late. robin Ticciati, Music Director of Glyndebourne Festival Opera, conducts the revival of Deborah Warner’s staging.Alexey Dolgov sings the role of Onegin’s friend turned rival Lenski, with Elena Maximova as Tatiana’s sister Olga, and Štefan Kocán as Prince Gremin.
Est. running time: 4hrs (inc. two intervals) * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
TWELFTH NIGHT by William shakespeare As LIVE Tue 25 April: 7.30pm £13.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* Tamsin Greig is Malvolia in a new twist on shakespeare’s classic comedy of mistaken identity. A ship is wrecked on the rocks.Viola is washed ashore but her twin brother sebastian is lost. Determined to survive on her own, she steps out to explore a new land. so begins a whirlwind of mistaken identity and unrequited love. The nearby households of Olivia and Orsino are overrun with passion. Even Olivia’s upright housekeeper Malvolia is swept up in the madness. Where music is the food of love, and nobody is quite what they seem, anything proves possible. simon Godwin (NT Live: Man and superman, NT Live:The Beaux’ stratagem) directs this joyous new production with Tamsin Greig (Friday Night Dinner, Black Books, Episodes) as a transformed Malvolia. An ensemble cast includes Daniel rigby (Flowers, Jericho),Tamara Lawrence (Undercover), Doon Mackichan (smack the Pony) and Daniel Ezra (The Missing,
Est. running time: 3hrs (inc. one interval) * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
by William Shakespeare LIVE Wed 26 April: 7pm £13.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* Angus Jackson directs Shakespeare’s epic political tragedy, as the race to claim the empire spirals out of control. Caesar returns from war, all-conquering, but mutiny is rumbling through the corridors of power. The Rome season in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre opens with the politics of spin and betrayal turning to violence. Following his sell-out productions of Tom Morton-Smith’s Oppenheimer (2014) and James Fenton’s adaptation of Don Quixote (2016), Season Director Angus Jackson steers the thrilling action.
Est. running time: tbc
Tue 9 May: 7.30pm £12.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* Following the smash hit Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse comes a new film based on the hugely popular exhibition ‘The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement’ from the Florence Griswold Museum in Connecticut, widely considered a home of American impressionism. The story of American impressionism is closely tied to a love of gardens and a desire to preserve nature in a rapidly urbanizing nation.Travelling to studios, gardens and famous locations throughout the Eastern United States, UK and France, this mesmerising film is a feast for the eyes.
Est. running time: tbc * Credit/Debit Card Charge 50p per transaction
* Credit/Debit Card Charge 50p per transaction
01982 552555 WWW.WYESIDE.CO.UK
OBSESSION (15) Ivo van Hove LIVE Thu 11 May: 7pm Suitable for ages 15 and over £13.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* Jude Law (The Young Pope, Closer, The Talented Mr Ripley) stars in the stage production of
Obsession, broadcast live from the Barbican Theatre in London. Ivo van Hove (NT Live: A View from the Bridge, Hedda Gabler) directs this new stage adaptation of Luchino Visconti’s 1943 film. Gino is a drifter, down-at-heel and magnetically handsome. At a road side restaurant he encounters husband and wife, Giuseppe and Giovanna. Irresistibly attracted to each other, Gino and Giovanna begin a fiery affair and plot to murder her husband. But, in this chilling tale of passion and destruction, the crime only serves to tear them apart.
Est. running time: tbc * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
Opera in three acts by Richard Strauss Sung in German (with subtitles) LIVE Sat 13 May: 5.30pm £17 Full (£15 Concession)* The Met’s first new production since 1969 of Strauss’s rich romantic masterpiece is conducted by Sebastian Weigle and directed by Robert Carsen, whose most recent Met production was the hit 2013 staging of Falstaff. Renée Fleming sings one of her signature roles as the Marschallin, opposite El na Garan a in her first North American performances as the impulsive young title character. In his new production, Robert Carsen places the action at the end of the Habsburg Empire, underscoring the opera’s subtext of class and conflict against a rich backdrop of gilt and red damask.
* Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
by William Shakespeare LIVE Wed 24 May: 7pm £13.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* Iqbal Khan directs Shakespeare’s tragedy of love and duty, picking up the story where Julius Caesar ends. Following Caesar’s assassination, Mark Antony has reached the heights of power. Now he has neglected his empire for a life of decadent seduction with his mistress, Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. Torn between love and duty, Antony’s military brilliance deserts him, and his passion leads the lovers to their tragic end. Iqbal Khan returns to the RSC to direct, following his critically acclaimed productions of Othello (2015) and Much Ado About Nothing (2012).
Est. running time: tbc * Credit/Debit Card Charge 50p per transaction
Est. running time: 4hrs 15mins (inc. two intervals)
01982 552555 WWW.WYESIDE.CO.UK
THE DREAM, SYMPHONIC VARIATIONS, MARGUERITE AND ARMAND Three Ballets Music by Felix Mendelssohn, Cesar Franck, Franz Liszt LIVE Wed 7 June: 7.15pm £17 Full (£15 Concession)* The royal ballet brings its celebrations of 70 years at The Royal Opera House to a close with a mixed programme of works by its founder Choreographer Frederick Ashton. The Dream is Ashton’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s riotous comedy in which a forest sprite plays havoc, armed with a love potion. Symphonic Variations was Ashton’s first work after World War II, and one of the Company’s first to be performed on the huge main stage of the Royal Opera House, in 1946.With six dancers performing a series of quartets, duets, sextets and solos to Franck’s brooding Variations symphoniques, this seminal masterpiece celebrates the pure beauty of movement. Marguerite and Armand is Ashton’s beautiful and emotional retelling of a well-known story, familiar to us through Verdi’s opera La traviata. Ashton famously created this poignant ballet on Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev in 1963.
Est. running time: tbc) * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
AS LIVE Sat 10 June: 2pm £13.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* Captured live in front of an audience at the National Theatre, a recorded performance of JM Barrie’s much-loved tale. All children, except one, grow up… When Peter Pan, leader of the Lost Boys, loses his shadow, headstrong Wendy helps him to reattach it. In return, she is invited to Neverland, where Tinker Bell the fairy,Tiger Lily and the vengeful Captain Hook await. A riot of magic, music and make-believe ensues. A delight for children and adults alike, Sally Cookson (NT Live: Jane Eyre) directs this wondrously inventive production, a co-production with Bristol Old Vic theatre.
Est. running time: 2hrs 30mins (inc. one interval) * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
MICHELANGELO: LOVE AND DEATH Tue 13 June: 7.30pm £12.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* The spectacular sculptures and paintings of Michelangelo seem so familiar to us, but what do we really know about this renaissance genius? Who was this ambitious and passionate man? Spanning his 89 years, ‘Michelangelo: Love and Death’ takes a cinematic journey from the print and drawing rooms of Europe, through the great chapels and museums of Florence, Rome and the Vatican to explore the tempestuous life of Michelangelo. Through expert commentary and Michelangelo’s own words, this film takes a fresh look at an enigmatic man whose life is celebrated in every mark and every stroke he made.
Est. running time: tbc
01982 552555 WWW.WYESIDE.CO.UK
* Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
sALOMÉ A new play by Yaël Farber LIVE Thu 22 June: 7pm £13.50 Full (£11.50 Concession)* The story has been told before, but never like this. An occupied desert nation. A radical from the wilderness on hunger strike. A girl whose mysterious dance will change the course of the world. This charged retelling turns the infamous biblical tale on its head, placing the girl we call salomé at the centre of a revolution. Internationally acclaimed theatre director Yaël Farber (Les Blancs) draws on multiple accounts to create her urgent, hypnotic production which will be broadcast live from the stage of the National Theatre.
Est. running time: tbc * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
OTELLO by Giuseppe Verdi Opera in four acts sung in Italian (with subtitles) LIVE Wed 28 June: 7.15pm £17 Full (£15 Concession)* World-famous tenor Jonas Kaufmann makes his role debut as Otello in Verdi’s passionate retelling of shakespeare’s great tragedy of jealousy, deception and murder. soprano Maria Agresta will be his Desdemona and baritone Ludovic Tézier his nemesis Iago in a new production by Olivier Award winning director Keith Warner. A major work of the opera repertory, Verdi’s Otello draws on the full forces of the Orchestra of the royal Opera House, the royal Opera Chorus and this stellar line-up of principal singers, with exquisite duets, emotionally potent solo numbers and thrilling choruses. Particular highlights include Otello and Desdemona’s rapturous love duet and Desdemona’s poignant ‘Willow song’. Est. running time: 2hrs. 45mins (inc. one interval) * Credit/Debit Card Charge - 50p per transaction
CINEMA APRIL JULY 2017 WHAT MAKES OUR CINEMA SPECIAL? We don’t charge extra for our 3D glasses – everything’s included in your ticket price Our building is fully licensed, which means you cwtch up to a good film with a lovely glass of merlot All our cinema ushers are volunteers Wyeside is one of the oldest cinemas in Wales - showing all the best films for over 100 years REMEMBER - Our films start at the advertised time - the adverts start 10 mins earlier.
picture: A Quiet Passion
CINEMA PRICES Adult Child (16 & under) Family
2D £7.90 £5.80 £23.50
3D £8.90 £6.80 £27.50
Film times, prices and certificates are correct at time of publication, but may be subject to changes beyond our control.
We therefore welcome people of all ages, abilities and needs to enjoy these specially designed inclusive screenings. We welcome siblings, family members and carers too! At these special screenings you can expect some subtle changes to the cinema environment.
Unfortunately due to a growth in Wyeside’s running costs we have, reluctantly, had to increase our cinema prices. We have endeavoured to keep this increase as low as possible, whilst still safeguarding Wyeside’s future. However, for the duration of this brochure we are offering 5% off all film tickets which are booked online through our website. As we have also scrapped our online 50p booking charge you could save up to £1 on your online ticket! (eTickets can be printed at home, or can be shown on a mobile device) When you book online you get to choose your favourite seat. You also get to skip the Box Office queue because you can show a copy of your eTicket to the usher at the auditorium door. Visit our website now: www.wyeside.co.uk
THE BOSS BABY: Tuesday 18th April: 2.45pm POWER RANGERS: sunday 30th April: 5.30pm
JOIN WYEsIDE FOr A ‘TEA AND BIsCUITs MATINEE.’ Enjoy the pleasure of the cinema, a cuppa with friends, and be home before dark. screenings aim to coincide with Builth Wells bus timetables where possible.
VICEROY’S HOUSE: Wednesday 26th April: 1.30pm GOING IN STYLE: Wednesday 17th May: 1.30pm THEIR FINEST: Wednesday 14th June: 1.30pm
111 mins | USA | Dir. Barry Jenkins Mahershala Ali, Shariff Earp, Duan Sanderson
106 mins | UK, India | Dir. Gurinder Chadha Gillian Anderson, Michael Gambon, Hugh Bonneville
Last chance to see this live-action musical remake of the Disney classic animated film. Belle is a bright, beautiful and independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realise the kind heart and soul of the true Prince within. But a hunter named Gaston is determined to hunt down the Beast and take Belle for himself - at any cost.
This timeless story of human connection and selfdiscovery, chronicles the life of Chiron, a young black man growing up in a rough neighbourhood of Miami. Neglected by his crack addict mother Paula, Chiron is given what little guidance he has in life by a neighbourhood drug dealer named Juan, whose home becomes a sanctuary from bullies and away from Paula’s abuse. Charting Chiron’s journey from childhood to adulthood, this vital portrait of contemporary African American life is an intensely personal, poetic meditation on identity, family, friendship and love.
2D SCREENINGS: Apr: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. May: 5, 6, 7. Jun: 2, 3, 4.
WINNER OF 3 OSCARS incl. ‘Best Motion Picture of the Year’
1947. As British rule in India comes to an end Lord Mountbatten (Bonneville) assumes the post of last Viceroy of India. Within Viceroy’s House, Mountbatten lives upstairs with his wife (Anderson), while downstairs live 500 servants. As the political elite of India converge on the House to wrangle over the birth of independent India and conflict erupts without, the film focuses on the troubles of two couples, Dickie and Edwina Mountbatten upstairs and a young Hindu servant and his intended Muslim bride below. The young lovers struggle as they find themselves in conflict with both the old India and the new.
Time tbc | USA | Dir. Bill Condon Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans
SCREENING: Apr: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13.
SCREENINGS: Apr: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27. May: 17. April 26: 1.30pm
THE BOSS BABY (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Tom McGrath Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Miles Christopher Bakshi Wildly imaginative seven-year-old Tim (Bakshi) is jealous of his fast-talking, briefcase-carrying ‘Boss Baby’ brother (Baldwin), who seems to be moving in on his parent’s affection. But when Tim goes on a mission to win that affection back, he discovers a secret plot by the CEO of Puppy Co. (Buscemi) which threatens to upset the balance of love in the world. Now both brothers must unite to save their parents, restore order to the world and prove that love is indeed an infinite force. 2D SCREENINGS: Apr: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. May: 13, 20, 21. Jun: 3, 4, 17, 18, 24, 25.
3D SCREENINGS: Apr: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. May: 14.
Time tbc | USA, Japan, France, Canada, Samoa, UK Dir. F. Gary Gray | Dwayne Johnson, Charlize Theron,Vin Diesel
April 18: 2.45pm
Dom and Letty are on their honeymoon, Brian and Mia have retired from the game and the rest of the crew has found a semblance of a normal life. Until, that is, a mysterious woman seduces Dom into a world of crime he can’t seem to escape from and a betrayal of those closest to him. From the shores of Cuba to the arctic Barents Sea, the team will face trials that will test them as never before as they try to bring home the man who made them a family. SCREENINGS: Apr: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. May: 5, 6, 7.
139 mins | USA | Dir. Denzel Washington Denzel Washington,Viola Davis, Stephen Henderson
108 mins | Japan, USA | Dir. Garth Jennings Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane
Time tbc | USA | Dir. Rupert Sanders Scarlett Johansson, Michael Pitt, Michael Wincott
Nominated for four Oscars, Denzel Washington directed and stars in this adaptation of August Wilson’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play, which centres on a black garbage collector in 1950’s Pittsburgh. Troy Maxson (Washington) once dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player, but was deemed too old when the major leagues began admitting black athletes. Bitter over his missed opportunity, Troy creates further tension in his family when he squashes his son’s chance to meet a college football recruiter.
2D SCREENINGS: Apr: 21, 23. 3D SCREENINGS: Apr: 22
Based on the internationally-acclaimed sci-fi Japanese manga, Ghost In The Shell follows The Major (Johansson), a special ops, one-of-a-kind human-cyborg hybrid, who leads the elite task force Section 9. Devoted to stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, Section 9 is faced with an enemy whose singular goal is to wipe out Hanka Robotics’ advancements in cyber technology. SCREENINGS: Apr: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
SCREENINGS: Apr: 21, 23, 24, 27. May: 14.
A final chance to catch this award winning animation from the makers of Despicable Me and The Secret Life of Pets. Sing is set in a world like ours but entirely inhabited by animals. Buster Moon is a koala presiding over a once-grand theatre, now fallen on hard times. Faced with the crumbling of his life’s ambition, he plans to hold a singing competition to restore this fading jewel. His contestants; a mouse who croons as smoothly as he cons, a timid elephant, a gangster gorilla and a punk-rock porcupine!
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. James Gunn Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana,Vin Diesel The eagerly awaited sequel to Marvel’s smash hit is finally here. To the sounds of ‘Awesome Mixtape no. 2,’ the Guardian’s adventures continue, as the team traverse the outer reaches of the cosmos trying to unravel the mystery of Peter Quill’s true parentage. As they attempt to find out the truth behind Peter’s star dwelling father, the group will be aided by new friends and old enemies – and, of course, Baby Groot.
2D SCREENINGS: Apr: 28, 29, 30. May: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11. Jun: 9, 10, 11.
Time tbc | USA, Canada | Dir. Dean Israelite Elizabeth Banks, Bryan Cranston, Becky G.
3D SCREENINGS: Apr: 28, 29, 30. May: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11.
When a group of high school outcasts stumble upon an old alien ship, they suddenly discover they have acquired extraordinary superpowers. Now dubbed the Power Rangers, our heroes quickly discover they are the only ones who can save the world, when an old alien enemy threatens its destruction. Together the group must overcome their real-life issues, harness their powers and learn to work as one in order to save the world. SCREENINGS: Apr: 28, 29, 30. May: 1, 3, 4. April 30: 5.30pm
Time tbc | Finland, USA | Dir. Jeffrey Blitz Anna Kendrick, Lisa Kudrow, Stephen Merchant
SCREENINGS: Apr: 28, 29, 30. May: 1, 2, 3, 4.
60 mins | UK | Dir. Mark Baker
Time tbc | USA | Dir. Kelly Asbury Ariel Winter, Julia Roberts, Ellie Kemper
Bring your little ones to see Peppa Pig and friends in this fun, interactive cinema experience! Featuring nine brand new episodes, where Peppa and her friends tour London in a double-decker bus with the Queen, go to Australia in a four part holiday special, visit the zoo, sail on a canal boat and meet the police! In between episodes there are lots of games, songs and dances for everyone to join in with. SCREENING: Apr: 29, 30. May: 1, 20, 21.
In this fully animated, all-new take on the Smurfs, a mysterious map sets Smurfette and her best friends Brainy, Clumsy and Hefty on an exciting and thrilling race through the Forbidden Forest, filled with magical creatures, to find a mysterious lost village before the evil wizard Gargamel does. Embarking on a roller-coaster journey full of action and danger, the Smurfs are on a course that leads to the discovery of the biggest secret in Smurf history! 2D SCREENINGS: May: 6, 14. June: 2. 3D SCREENINGS: May: 7, 13.
When Eloise (Kendrick) is relieved of her duties as maid of honour after being dumped by the best man, she decides to attend the wedding anyway. There she finds herself seated at table 19, along with five unlikely guests. As she and her tablemates come to realise they’ve been seated together in the back because they’re not wanted there, they vow to ignore the snub and follow their party dreams instead. As everyone’s secrets are revealed in this delightful comedy, Eloise learns from the denizens of Table 19 that friendships - and even a little romance - can happen under the most unlikely circumstances.
125 mins | UK, Belgium | Dir. Terence Davies Cynthia Nixon, Jennifer Ehle, Duncan Duff
Time tbc | UK | Dir. William Oldroyd Christopher Fairbank, Florence Pugh, Cosmo Jarvis
96 mins | USA | Dir. Zach Braff Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Alan Arkin
The story of 19th century American poet Emily Dickinson is brought vividly to life in this remarkably sensitive biopic by director Terence Davies, exploring her early days as a young schoolgirl, through to her later years as a recluse. Now recognised as a genius that penned some of the most important verses in American literature, the poet was virtually unknown in her lifetime, leaving behind a legacy of stunning, astute work that still resonates deeply today. Cynthia Nixon commands a superb performance in the title role.
Rural England, 1865. Katherine (Florence Pugh) is stifled by her loveless marriage to a bitter man twice her age and his cold, unforgiving family. When she embarks on a passionate affair with a young worker on her husband’s estate, a force is unleashed inside her so powerful that she will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
Willie (Freeman), Joe (Caine) and Al (Arkin) are three seniors living hand to mouth and struggling to get by in their retirement. But when their pension fund becomes a corporate casualty they decide enough is enough, and plan to rob the bank responsible for their situation. The problem is that all three are honest men, who don’t even know how to handle a gun…
SCREENINGS: May: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Jun: 8
SCREENINGS: May: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
SCREENINGS: May: 14, 16, 17 May 17: 1.30pm
117 mins | UK | Dir. Lone Scherfig Gemma Arterton, Bill Nighy, Sam Claflin
KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD (TBC) Time tbc | USA, UK | Dir. Guy Ritchie | Charlie Hunnam, Katie McGrath, Jude Law
2D SCREENINGS: May: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31. Jun: 1, 26, 29. 3D SCREENINGS: May: 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31.
SCREENINGS: May: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25. Jun: 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16. June 14: 1.30pm
Young Arthur runs the back alleys of Londonium with his gang, unaware of the life he was born into until he grasps hold of Excalibur and is challenged by its power. Confronted by the sword’s influence, he joins a shadowy young woman named Guinevere in rebellion against the tyrant Vortigern, the man who murdered Arthur’s parents and stole his crown to become king. Arthur must make some hard choices as he seeks to master his sword, face his demons and unite his people.
In this outstanding comedy-drama, Catrin Cole (Arterton) lands herself a job at the height of the Blitz writing copy for propaganda films that need “a woman’s touch”. However, her natural flair gets her noticed by dashing movie producer Buckley (Calfin) whose path would never have crossed hers in peacetime. Together they start work on a propaganda film about Dunkirk, along with the dashing star Ambrose Hilliard (Nighy at his best) as they attempt to lift the public’s spirits and get America into the conflict.
LIFE (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Daniel Espinosa Rebecca Ferguson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds Six astronauts aboard the International Space Station study a sample collected from Mars that could provide evidence of extra-terrestrial life. At first it seems they’ve made a revolutionary breakthrough - a large, single-celled organism, the first example of life beyond Earth. However, as the crew conducts further research, their methods end up having unintended consequences, and the life form proves more intelligent than anyone ever expected. SCREENINGS: May: 19, 20, 21, 22, 25.
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: SALAZAR’S REVENGE (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg | Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Javier Bardem Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp) finds the winds of ill-fortune blowing as strongly as ever, when deadly ghost pirates led by his old nemesis, the terrifying Captain Salazar, escape from the Devil’s Triangle, determined to kill every pirate at sea...including him. Captain Jack’s only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artefact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas. 2D SCREENINGS: May: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Jun: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25. 3D SCREENINGS: May: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Jun: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8.
THE ZOOKEEPERS WIFE (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Niki Caro Jessica Chastain, Johan Heldenbergh, Daniel Brühl
SCREENINGS: Jun: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 21.
ALIEN COVENANT (TBC) Time tbc | USA, Australia, New Zealand | Dir. Ridley Scott Michael Fassbender, James Franco, Noomi Rapace Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created, with a new chapter in his ground breaking Alien franchise. The crew of the colony ship Covenant, bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world. When they uncover a threat beyond their imagination, they must attempt a harrowing escape. SCREENINGS: Jun: 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15.
1939, and the Warsaw Zoo is flourishing under . the stewardship and care of Dr. Jan Zabi´nski (Heldenbergh) and his wife Antonina (Chastain). But when Poland is .invaded by the Nazis the zoo is destroyed and the Zabi´nskis are forced to report to the Reich’s newly appointed chief zoologist. . To fight back on their own terms, the Zabi´nskis covertly begin working with the Resistance and put into action plans to save Jews from what has become the Warsaw Ghetto, with Antonina putting herself and even her children at great risk. Based on the true story, this is the story of one woman who became a hero to hundreds during World War II.
132 mins | France, USA | Dir. John Madden Jessica Chastain, Mark Strong, Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Time tbc | USA | Dir. Lasse Hallström Josh Gad, Dennis Quaid, Peggy Lipton
95 mins | France, USA | Dir. Raoul Peck Samuel L. Jackson, James Baldwin, Dick Cavett
In the high-stakes world of political power-brokers, Elizabeth Sloane (Chastain) is the most sought after and formidable lobbyist in D.C. Known equally for her cunning and her track record of success, she has always done whatever is required to win. But when she takes on the most powerful opponent of her career, she finds that winning may come at too high a price.
Based on the bestselling novel by W. Bruce Cameron, A Dog’s Purpose is the soulful story of one loving dog’s life and the humans he encounters across more than 40 years of travels. The tale is told from the dog’s perspective, as he finds the meaning of his own existence across multiple lives, and recounts the story of the different humans he teaches to laugh and love.
SCREENINGS: Jun: 9, 10, 11, 14.
SCREENINGS: Jun: 10, 11, 17, 18.
In 1979, James Baldwin wrote a letter to his literary agent describing his next project, Remember This House. It was to be a revolutionary, personal account of the lives and successive assassinations of three of his close friends - Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. When Baldwin died, he had completed only 30 pages of his manuscript. Master filmmaker Raoul Peck envisions the book James Baldwin never finished in this radical, examination of race in America, using Baldwin’s original words and rich archival material. SCREENINGS: Jun: 13, 14, 17, 18.
WONDER WOMAN (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Patty Jenkins Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior. Raised on a sheltered island paradise, when an American pilot crashes on their shores and tells of a massive conflict raging in the outside world, Diana leaves her home, convinced she can stop the threat. Fighting alongside man in a war to end all wars, Diana will discover her full powers and her true destiny.
Time tbc | USA | Dir. Seth Gordon Alexandra Daddario, Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron Expect laughs aplenty in this firmly tongue in cheek reboot of the popular ‘90s TV series, Dwayne Johnson stars as Mitch Buchanan, head lifeguard on the beach, whose life gets complicated with the arrival of brash new recruit Matt Brody (Efron), an ex-Olympic athlete, on the team. However, their jobs get a lot more difficult when they uncover a local criminal plot that threatens the future of the Bay. Also co-stars David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson. SCREENINGS: Jun: 16, 17, 18, 20, 21.
SCREENINGS: Jun: 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22.
SNATCHED (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Jonathan Levine Amy Schumer, Goldie Hawn, Ike Barinholtz When her boyfriend dumps her, Emily (Schumer) a spontaneous woman in her 30s, persuades her ultra-cautious mum (Hawn) to accompany her on a vacation to Ecuador. At Emily’s insistence, the pair seeks out an adventure, but suddenly find themselves kidnapped. When these two very different women are trapped on this wild journey, their bond as mother and daughter is tested and strengthened while they attempt to navigate the jungle and escape. SCREENINGS: Jun: 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22.
TRANSFORMERS:THE LAST KNIGHT (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Michael Bay Mark Wahlberg, Gemma Chan, Anthony Hopkins With Humans and Transformers at war, Optimus Prime has returned to his home planet, Cybertron, now a dead planet. When he finds a way to bring Cybertron back to life, he must return to Earth to find an artefact he needs. The key to saving both races futures lies buried in the secrets of the past, in the hidden history of Transformers on Earth. 2D SCREENINGS: Jun: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Jul: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 3D SCREENINGS: Jun: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.
THE MUMMY (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Alex Kurtzman Tom Cruise, Sofia Boutella, Russell Crowe Thought safely entombed deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient princess whose destiny was unjustly taken from her is awakened, bringing with her a malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension. From the sweeping sands of the Middle East through hidden labyrinths under modern-day London, The Mummy brings a balance of wonder and thrills in an imaginative new take that ushers in a new world of gods and monsters. SCREENINGS: Jun: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
DESPICABLE ME 3 (TBC) Time tbc | USA | Dir. Pierre Coffin, Kyle Balda Jenny Slate, Kristen Wiig, Steve Carell
SCREENINGS: Jun: 30. Jul: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
CHURCHILL (TBC) Time tbc | UK | Dir. Jonathan Teplitzky Brian Cox, Miranda Richardson, John Slattery
SCREENINGS: Jun: 30. Jul: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
June 1944. Allied Forces stand ready to re-take Nazi-occupied Europe. One man stands in their way: Winston Churchill. Exhausted by years of war and plagued by depression, Churchill is a shadow of the hero who has resisted Hitler’s Blitzkrieg. Fearful of repeating the terrible slaughter of the Gallipoli beaches in 1915, he is terrified he’ll be remembered as an architect of carnage. Only the support of Churchill’s brilliant, yet exasperated wife Clementine can halt his physical and mental collapse. Set in the 24 hours before D-Day, this is an intimate and personal portrait of the wartime leader and his relationship with “Clemmie” - his backbone and the love that inspired him to greatness.
Gru and the Minions return in their latest adventure. As Gru and Lucy, both now agents for the Anti-Villain League, attempt to stop – along with the help of the minions and the girls of course – Balthazar Bratt, a former child star who’s grown up to become obsessed with the character he played in the 80’s, ‘Gru finds himself face to face with his long lost brother Dru.
GALLERY OPENING TIMES Tue & Wed: 12.30pm till 9pm
PAINTINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS BY SEAN MILNE From Tuesday April 4th – Thursday June 1st
Thu - Sun: 2pm till 9pm
Here is a welcome opportunity to revisit Sean Milne’s work. Having made his home in Abergwesyn in 1979 he pursued his career spanning four decades as a wildlife and medical illustrator for many major publishers.
Closed Monday
This exhibition includes the opportunity to see some of the original artwork for field guides to a variety of natural history subjects which have enjoyed lasting popularity, as well as his more recent work.
Viewings can be organised outside these times by prior appointment. Please call 01982 553668, or email boxoffice@ wyeside.co.uk Interested in exhibiting in our gallery? Please contact Jill Mustafa for further details on 01982 553668, or email generalmanager@ wyeside.co.uk
Sean now focuses on creating his beautifully detailed watercolour paintings inspired by the natural world around him. The driving force throughout Sean’s working life is his deep interest in nature in all its forms, and his powers of observation and keen eye for detail shine through in all his work. www.seanmilne.net/sean@seanmilne.net www.facebook.com/seanmilneart
COMMUNITY GROUPS | CLASSES | EVENTS Did you know Wyeside also offers a range of regular community classes and workshops? Find out more information by contacting the co-ordinators directly.
HAVE-A-GO SHAKESPEARE! Have-a-go Shakespeare meet in the Wyeside Gallery on alternate Friday mornings during term time from 10.30am till 1pm, to explore Shakespeare text in reading and performance. Please come along and join in, or if you’d like to speak to someone first call Phil Bowen or Sue Best at Shakespeare Link, Willow Globe Theatre, on 01597 811487. £5 per workshop.
DRAMA GROUPS Youth drama groups for children aged 8 to 13 take place at Wyeside every Tuesday (during term time) from 4.30pm till 6pm. For further details please contact MPYT’s Artistic Director Ralph Bolland on 07810350994, or email mpyt@mail.com
WINDOW ON THE WYE This artists’ space is here for you to enjoy, share and use. Come and draw, paint and photograph this spectacular and ever changing vista. Artwork produced will have the opportunity to be displayed in our Gallery! Bookings are individually tailored to suit the needs of every group, this includes extras such as tea/ coffee, lunch, and purchase of art materials. Absolutely everyone is welcome! From groups to individuals, primary schools to professionals. We can accommodate group bookings of up to 6 people in our Window on the Wye space, we invite larger groups to use our Gallery or Market Theatre. Please contact Jill Mustafa for further details on 01982 553668, or email generalmanager@wyeside. co.uk Pricing Guide (use of drawing boards and easels included) 1. School Bookings: 2 hours £10 (included free set-up time)
3. Group Bookings: Up to 6 people and 1½ hours. £15
2. Individuals/Small Groups: 1 to 4 adults £5 per hour
4. Group Bookings: Up to 6 people and 4 hours. £30
Concessions may be available
WRITING DETECTIVE AND THRILLER FICTION Tutor: Lara Clough. £100, £80 concession. Course Code: HF303W A 9 week writing course starting April 27th. Sessions run from 10.30am till 12.45 every Thursday during term time.
Detective and thriller fiction is enormously popular and draws on special skills, from an intricate plot to sound research and enduring characters which can span a series of books. From beginnings with Edgar Allan Poe and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle this course will look at the historical context, the enormous range within the genre from Cozy crime to literary, visceral and the rise of Nordic crime, and explore the skills needed for successful detective and thriller fiction.
Book your place by contacting Aberystwyth University: 01970 621580, learning@aber.ac.uk, www.aber.ac.uk/en/sell
MID WALES WRITERS GROUP An informal writers’ group for wordsmiths of all kind Writing can be a lonely and consuming vocation. Share it. The 2nd Wednesday of each month, from 7.30pm. £2.50
Wyeside is an independent not-for-profit charity - so every penny we make goes straight back into our programme. We couldn’t manage without our funders - and the fantastic help and support we get from our incredibly loyal band of Friends and Volunteers. THANK YOU ALL!
FRIENDS OF WYESIDE The Friends’ subscriptions provide additional funding for special projects. In the past these have included match funding for recent major improvements to the arts centre building and facilities, including the refurbishment of the Market Theatre and Gallery, the installation of digital projection equipment, the new artists’ space, Window on the Wye, and repairs and renovations to the stonework of the historic building. Donate from £5 per month (£60 per year), or whatever you would like to give! WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Apart from playing a vital role in our future, Friends organise special events, receive quarterly newsletters from Wyeside, are entered into a monthly draw for free tickets, and will receive the brochure hot off the press! HOW DO I JOIN? If you would like to become a Friend of Wyeside either pop in and pick up a form from the box office, download one from our website, or request one from Miriam Hall by calling 01982 553668, or by emailing marketing@wyeside.co.uk.
VOLUNTEERS Wyeside’s volunteers play a vital role in our continuing success. They help us in myriad ways - stewarding for live events and films, working on our bars, or helping our publicity efforts. We give training to develop your skills and CV. You get to see live events and films free, and the chance to work with Wyeside’s friendly team as we present 1000+ shows every year. If you are 16 or over and want to get involved, please call our volunteer coordinator Owen Lawrence on 01982 553668, or email him at owen@wyeside.co.uk. Or pick up an application form at the box office, or download one from our website. Please remember to include full contact details - your address, telephone number and e-mail address - and tell us about any particular skills or expertise you can offer to help keep Wyeside growing!
Wyeside’s cinema, theatre and gallery spaces are ideal for events of all kinds - from large presentations to small boardroom meetings. It’s a combination of our flexible facilities, central location, beautiful riverside setting and friendly, efficient service – along with highly competitive rates of hire – that make us such a popular venue for a wide range of conferences, business meetings and private functions. THE MARKET THEATRE, which will accommodate up to 158 in full concert-style seating (plus stage area), up to 200 (standing) with a flat floor, or 100 (seated) with a flat floor. Due to the flexibility of this auditorium, it makes an excellent venue for presentations, performances, group work or even fairs.
THE CASTLE CINEMA, which will seat up to 183 in tiered seating (plus stage area), has wonderful sound and projecting equipment which makes it an ideal lecture room. THE GALLERY is an ideal space for smaller meetings of up to 20 people. It can also be used as a break-out room in conjunction with our other auditoriums. It has exhibition lighting and projection facilities. Professional equipment, sound, lighting, as well as technical support can be arranged. We stress that this list is far from exhaustive, and will be able to advise on the exact solution for your own individual requirements. Please contact Jill Mustafa for further details: 01982 553668 / generalmanager@wyeside.co.uk
a Wyeside Gift Voucher - the ideal present for any occasion! Your voucher can be used to buy tickets for any of our live, satellite live!, or cinema events. Buy your voucher in person from our box office, or call us on 01982 552555 (we can even arrange postage!). Vouchers can not yet be purchased or redeemed online.
Our bar offers a wide range of soft and alcoholic drinks, plus all the ice-cream, popcorn & sweets you can eat! Customers are welcome to take their purchases into the auditorium with them - a rare luxury these days! We feel that there is nothing quite like watching your favourite performer while drinking a glass of locally brewed beer, or cwtching up to a good film with a steaming hot mug of fairtrade coffee.
01982 552555 www.wyeside.co.uk
GIFT VOUCHERS Struggling to find the perfect gift? Why not buy
TUE 11
SUN 16
FRI 21
THU 27
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 2pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm M
Fences 5pm M
The Boss Baby 3D: 2:45pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Sing 2D: 2:45pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 4:30pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 5pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm M
Viceroy’s House 5:15pm M
Viceroy’s House 8:15pm M
ROH - Jewels 7:15pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
Fences 7:45pm C
Viceroy’s House 7:45pm C
Ghost In The Shell 2D: 8:15pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm M
WED 12
MON 17
SAT 22
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 2:30pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm M
Viceroy’s House 7:45pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Sing 3D: 3pm C
Moonlight 8pm M
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:15pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
The Boss Baby 3D: 5:30pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm M
MET - Eugene Onegin 5:55pm M
Moonlight 7:45pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 7:45pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
DIARY APRIL FRI 7 Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:15pm M The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm C
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 2:30pm M The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm C Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:15pm M The Boss Baby 3D: 5:30pm C Viceroy’s House 7:45pm C
Viceroy’s House 8pm M THU 13 Beauty And The Beast 2D: 2:30pm M The Boss Baby 3D: 2:45pm C Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:15pm M
Moonlight 8pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm C
Moonlight 7:45pm C
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 2:30pm M The Boss Baby 3D: 2:45pm C Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:15pm M The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm C
Viceroy’s House 8pm M FRI 14 Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
Viceroy’s House 7:45pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm M
Moonlight 8pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
MON 10
Ghost In The Shell 2D: 8:15pm M
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 2:30pm M
SAT 15
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm C Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:15pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
Ghost In The Shell 3D: 8pm C
FRI 28 Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5:15pm C Power Rangers 5:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm C Table 19: 8:15pm M SAT 29
SUN 23
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 2:30pm C
TUE 18
Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm C
Peppa Pig 2:45pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm C
Sing 2D: 3pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:15pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 5.15pm C
Power Rangers 5:30pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
Viceroy’s House 5:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 8pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm M
Fences 8pm C
Table 19: 8:15pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm M
SUN 30
MON 24
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 2:30pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
Peppa Pig 2:45pm M
Ghost In The Shell 2D: 8:15pm M WED 19 Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm M Fast & Furious 8: 7:45pm M Ghost In The Shell 3D: 8pm C THU 20
Fences 5:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5:15pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
Power Rangers 5:30pm M
Viceroy’s House 8:15pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm C
TUE 25
Table 19: 8:15pm M
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
NT - Twelfth Night 7:30pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 2:30pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 4:30pm M
WED 26
Peppa Pig 2:45pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C
Viceroy’s House 1:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:15pm C Power Rangers 5:30pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:15pm M Fast & Furious 8: 2:30pm C
The Boss Baby 3D: 5:30pm C
The Boss Baby 2D: 5:30pm M
Viceroy’s House 7:45pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 7:45pm M
NT - Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead 7pm M
Fast & Furious 8: 5:15pm C RSC - Julius Caesar 7pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 8pm C
Moonlight 8pm M
Ghost In The Shell 3D: 8pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 8pm C
Table 19: 8:15pm M
(A WIRELESS DEVICE FOR THE HEARING & VISUALLY IMPAIRED) We’re VERY excited to announce that we have installed a brand new - top of the range - Fidelio Audio System into both of our auditoriums! Our new system is able to deliver descriptive narration for the visually impaired and amplified sound for the hearing impaired for film screenings, satellite broadcasts, and select live events. All you have to do is collect a compact audio receiver from our Box Office and plug in a set of headphones. We do have a number of headphone sets available, but feel free to bring in your own if you prefer – the audio devices accept a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. This new installation was kindly financed through a grant from Powys County Council, which was generously match-funded by the Friends of Wyeside. Thank you very much to all of our friends, whose monthly donations help to secure Wyeside for generations to come.
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C
Table 19: 7:30pm M
EOS - American Impressionism 7:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C WED 3 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm M Power Rangers 5:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm M Table 19: 8:15pm C THU 4
We don’t think it’s fair to penalise people for buying online, so from the 7th of April we are scrapping the 50p booking charge that is currently applied to online orders.
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm M Power Rangers 5:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm M Table 19: 8:15pm C FRI 5 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:15pm C
Also, for the duration of this brochure, we are offering 5% OFF ALL FILM TICKETS which are bought online. Between this discount and no 50p booking fee, you could save up to £1 on your online film ticket! When you book online you get to choose your favourite seat. You also get to skip the Box Office queue as you can show a copy of your eTicket to the usher at the auditorium door. (eTickets can be printed at home, or can be shown on a mobile device)
VISIT OUR WEBSITE NOW! www.wyeside.co.uk
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 8pm C Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M SAT 6 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 2:30pm M Smurfs 2D: 2:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5:15pm C Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm C Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C WED 10 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Alice in Wonderland 7:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 7:45pm C THU 11 Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C NT - Obsession 7pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C FRI 12 Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G A Quiet Passion 5pm C Keith James (Leonard Cohen) 7:30pm M Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C SAT 13 The Boss Baby 2D: 2:30pm M Smurfs 3D: 2:45pm C A Quiet Passion 5pm C MET - Der Rosenkavalier 5:30pm M Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C SUN 14 The Boss Baby 3D: 2:45pm C Smurfs 2D: 2:30pm M
A Quiet Passion 5pm C
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 2:30pm M
Going In Style 5:15pm M
Smurfs 3D: 2:45pm C
Fences 7:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:15pm C
Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M
MON 15
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 8pm C
Lady Macbeth 5:15pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M
A Quiet Passion 7:30pm C
TUE 16 Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M Lady Macbeth 5:30pm C A Quiet Passion 7:30pm M Going In Style 7:45pm C
TUE 23
TUE 30
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Their Finest 7:30pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M
WED 17 Going in Style 1.30pm M Lady Macbeth 5:45pm C Going In Style 6pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C Viceroy’s House 8:15pm M
WED 24
THU 25
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M
THUR 18 Lady Macbeth 5:45pm C NT – Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 7pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C
King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:30pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C Life 8:15pm M
Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:15pm C
FRI 26
Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:15pm M
FRI 19 King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Life 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Their Finest 8:15pm C SAT 20 Peppa Pig 1pm M King Arthur 3D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Their Finest 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Life 8:15pm C
King Arthur 2D: 5pm C RSC - Antony and Cleopatra 7pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C
Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C SAT 27 King Arthur 2D: 2pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C
Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:15pm C King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:15pm M WED 31
King Arthur 2D: 5pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C
JUN THU 1 King Arthur 2D: 1:15pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 4:15pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C FRI 2 Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C Smurfs 2D: 2:45pm M
SUN 21 Peppa Pig 1pm M King Arthur 2D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Their Finest 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Life 8:15pm C
SUN 28
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C
Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C
MON 22 King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Life 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Their Finest 8:15pm C
MON 29
Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C SAT 3 Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C Lady Maisery and Jack Harris 7:30pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C
SUN 4 Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C TUE 6 Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5pm C The Zookeepers Wife 7:30pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8pm C
TUE 13
TUE 20
MON 26
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
King Arthur 2D: 5.15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm M
I Am Not Your Negro 5:30pm C
Snatched 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Despicable Me 3: 2:45pm C
EOS - Michelangelo 7:30pm M
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5pm C
Alien Covenant 7:45pm C
Wonder Woman 8pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
WED 14
WED 21
TUE 27
Their Finest 1:30pm M
The Zookeepers Wife 5:30pm C
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Their Finest 5:30pm M
Snatched 5:45pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
I Am Not Your Negro 5:45pm C
Baywatch 8pm C
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Miss Sloane 8pm C
Wonder Woman 8:15pm M
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
WED 7 Pirates Of The... 2D: 5pm C ROH - The Dream... 7:15pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8pm C
Alien Covenant 8:15pm M
THU 22
Churchill 8pm C
WED 28
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
THU 15
Snatched 5:30pm C
The Mummy 4:30pm M
NT - Salomé 7pm M
Their Finest 5:45pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Lisa Knapp 7:30pm M
Wonder Woman 8pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
THU 8 Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C The Zookeepers Wife 5:45pm M A Quiet Passion 8:15pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C
ROH - Otello 7:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Alien Covenant 7:45pm C
FRI 23
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
Churchill 8pm C
FRI 16
Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G
THU 29
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
Their Finest: 5pm M
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M
Wonder Woman 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
Baywatch 8pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 8:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Snatched 8:15pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
The Mummy 8:30pm C
Churchill 8pm C
SAT 17
SAT 24
FRI 30
A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Wonder Woman 5pm C
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
I Am Not Your Negro 5:15pm M
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Snatched 7:45pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
SUN 18
SUN 25
A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Despicable Me 3: 2:45pm C
Wonder Woman 5pm C
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5pm C
I Am Not Your Negro 5:15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Churchill 7:30pm C
Snatched 7:45pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
FRI 9 Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm C Their Finest 5:45pm M Miss Sloane 8:15pm M Alien Covenant 8:30pm C SAT 10 NT - Peter Pan 2pm M A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:30pm M Alien Covenant 7:45pm C Miss Sloane 8pm M SUN 11 A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:15pm M Alien Covenant 7:45pm C Miss Sloane 8pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C Churchill 8pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Churchill 7:30pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M MON 3 Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M THU 6 Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C Churchill 8pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
(A WIRELESS DEVICE FOR THE HEARING & VISUALLY IMPAIRED) We’re VERY excited to announce that we have installed a brand new - top of the range - Fidelio Audio System into both of our auditoriums! Our new system is able to deliver descriptive narration for the visually impaired and amplified sound for the hearing impaired for film screenings, satellite broadcasts, and select live events. All you have to do is collect a compact audio receiver from our Box Office and plug in a set of headphones. We do have a number of headphone sets available, but feel free to bring in your own if you prefer – the audio devices accept a standard 3.5mm headphone jack. This new installation was kindly financed through a grant from Powys County Council, which was generously match-funded by the Friends of Wyeside. Thank you very much to all of our friends, whose monthly donations help to secure Wyeside for generations to come.
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C
Table 19: 7:30pm M
EOS - American Impressionism 7:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C WED 3 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm M Power Rangers 5:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm M Table 19: 8:15pm C THU 4
We don’t think it’s fair to penalise people for buying online, so from the 7th of April we are scrapping the 50p booking charge that is currently applied to online orders.
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm M Power Rangers 5:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm M Table 19: 8:15pm C FRI 5 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:15pm C
Also, for the duration of this brochure, we are offering 5% OFF ALL FILM TICKETS which are bought online. Between this discount and no 50p booking fee, you could save up to £1 on your online film ticket! When you book online you get to choose your favourite seat. You also get to skip the Box Office queue as you can show a copy of your eTicket to the usher at the auditorium door. (eTickets can be printed at home, or can be shown on a mobile device)
VISIT OUR WEBSITE NOW! www.wyeside.co.uk
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 8pm C Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M SAT 6 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 2:30pm M Smurfs 2D: 2:45pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5:15pm C Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 8pm C Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C WED 10 Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Alice in Wonderland 7:30pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 7:45pm C THU 11 Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 5pm C NT - Obsession 7pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 7:45pm C FRI 12 Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G A Quiet Passion 5pm C Keith James (Leonard Cohen) 7:30pm M Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C SAT 13 The Boss Baby 2D: 2:30pm M Smurfs 3D: 2:45pm C A Quiet Passion 5pm C MET - Der Rosenkavalier 5:30pm M Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C SUN 14 The Boss Baby 3D: 2:45pm C Smurfs 2D: 2:30pm M
A Quiet Passion 5pm C
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 2:30pm M
Going In Style 5:15pm M
Smurfs 3D: 2:45pm C
Fences 7:30pm M
Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:15pm C
Lady Macbeth 7:45pm C
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5:30pm M
MON 15
Guardians Vol. 2: 3D: 8pm C
Lady Macbeth 5:15pm C
Fast & Furious 8: 8:15pm M
A Quiet Passion 7:30pm C
TUE 16 Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M Lady Macbeth 5:30pm C A Quiet Passion 7:30pm M Going In Style 7:45pm C
TUE 23
TUE 30
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Their Finest 7:30pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M
WED 17 Going in Style 1.30pm M Lady Macbeth 5:45pm C Going In Style 6pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C Viceroy’s House 8:15pm M
WED 24
THU 25
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M
THUR 18 Lady Macbeth 5:45pm C NT – Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 7pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C
King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:30pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C Life 8:15pm M
Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:15pm C
FRI 26
Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:15pm M
FRI 19 King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Life 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Their Finest 8:15pm C SAT 20 Peppa Pig 1pm M King Arthur 3D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Their Finest 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Life 8:15pm C
King Arthur 2D: 5pm C RSC - Antony and Cleopatra 7pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C
Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C SAT 27 King Arthur 2D: 2pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C
Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:15pm C King Arthur 3D: 5pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M King Arthur 2D: 8pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:15pm M WED 31
King Arthur 2D: 5pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M King Arthur 3D: 8pm C
JUN THU 1 King Arthur 2D: 1:15pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 4:15pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C FRI 2 Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C Smurfs 2D: 2:45pm M
SUN 21 Peppa Pig 1pm M King Arthur 2D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Their Finest 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Life 8:15pm C
SUN 28
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M
King Arthur 2D: 2pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8:30pm C
Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C
MON 22 King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M Life 5:30pm C King Arthur 2D: 8pm M Their Finest 8:15pm C
MON 29
Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C SAT 3 Pirates Of The... 3D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C Lady Maisery and Jack Harris 7:30pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C
SUN 4 Pirates Of The... 2D: 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M Beauty And The Beast 2D: 5pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C Pirates Of The... 2D: 7:45pm M The Zookeepers Wife 8:30pm C TUE 6 Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 5pm C The Zookeepers Wife 7:30pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8pm C
TUE 13
TUE 20
MON 26
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
King Arthur 2D: 5.15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm M
I Am Not Your Negro 5:30pm C
Snatched 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Despicable Me 3: 2:45pm C
EOS - Michelangelo 7:30pm M
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5pm C
Alien Covenant 7:45pm C
Wonder Woman 8pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
WED 14
WED 21
TUE 27
Their Finest 1:30pm M
The Zookeepers Wife 5:30pm C
Youth Drama Classes: 4:30pm M
Their Finest 5:30pm M
Snatched 5:45pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
I Am Not Your Negro 5:45pm C
Baywatch 8pm C
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Miss Sloane 8pm C
Wonder Woman 8:15pm M
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
WED 7 Pirates Of The... 2D: 5pm C ROH - The Dream... 7:15pm M Pirates Of The... 3D: 8pm C
Alien Covenant 8:15pm M
THU 22
Churchill 8pm C
WED 28
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
THU 15
Snatched 5:30pm C
The Mummy 4:30pm M
NT - Salomé 7pm M
Their Finest 5:45pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Lisa Knapp 7:30pm M
Wonder Woman 8pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
THU 8 Pirates Of The... 3D: 5:30pm C The Zookeepers Wife 5:45pm M A Quiet Passion 8:15pm M Pirates Of The... 2D: 8:30pm C
ROH - Otello 7:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Alien Covenant 7:45pm C
FRI 23
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
Churchill 8pm C
FRI 16
Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G
THU 29
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
Their Finest: 5pm M
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
King Arthur 2D: 5:15pm M
Wonder Woman 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
Baywatch 8pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 8:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Snatched 8:15pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
The Mummy 8:30pm C
Churchill 8pm C
SAT 17
SAT 24
FRI 30
A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Wonder Woman 5pm C
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
I Am Not Your Negro 5:15pm M
Transformers 5 3D: 5:30pm C
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Snatched 7:45pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm C
SUN 18
SUN 25
A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 2:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 2:30pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
The Boss Baby 2D: 2:45pm M
Despicable Me 3: 2:45pm C
Wonder Woman 5pm C
Pirates Of The... 2D: 5:15pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5pm C
I Am Not Your Negro 5:15pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M
Baywatch 7:30pm M
The Mummy 8:15pm M
Churchill 7:30pm C
Snatched 7:45pm C
Transformers 5 3D: 8:30pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
FRI 9 Have-a-go Shakespeare! 10:30am G Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5:30pm C Their Finest 5:45pm M Miss Sloane 8:15pm M Alien Covenant 8:30pm C SAT 10 NT - Peter Pan 2pm M A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:30pm M Alien Covenant 7:45pm C Miss Sloane 8pm M SUN 11 A Dog’s Purpose 2:30pm C The Boss Baby 2:45pm M Guardians Vol. 2: 2D: 5pm C Their Finest 5:15pm M Alien Covenant 7:45pm C Miss Sloane 8pm M
Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C Churchill 8pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Churchill 7:30pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M MON 3 Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C
Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M THU 6 Transformers 5 2D: 5:30pm M Despicable Me 3: 5:45pm C Churchill 8pm C Transformers 5 2D: 8:30pm M
TO A470 & A483
BOX OFFICE: 01982 552555 www.wyeside.co.uk
We are grateful to the following for their continued support: Eve Best, Phil Bowen, Tom Bullough, Wendy Evans, Julian GibsonWatt, The Lord Lipsey, Cllr. David Price, John Walker.
Wyeside Arts Centre Castle Street, Builth Wells Powys, LD2 3BN
If you’ve bought tickets for a Wyeside event but find you can’t make it, they can be exchanged up to 5 days before the date, or the ticket value refunded via a credit note - less a £2 admin fee.
Wyeside Arts Centre Ltd. Registered Charity No. 505656 Brochure Design: www.savageandgray.co.uk 6701/17
picture: Peter Pan
Guide dogs are welcome.
Wyeside stands prominently on the end of Builth Wells’ famous Wye river bridge, opposite the Llewellyn mural. The centre is only 100 metres walk from the Groe public car park, which is free from 6pm. When you leave the car park, turn left, walk past the Builth bull statue and Wyeside is facing you at the top of the rise.
But - especially if you’re making a long journey - we advise you to check (with our Box Office, or on our website).
Satellite Live! & Live shows: We offer concession prices to under 18s, over 65s, students, disabled and unwaged customers. Film screenings: We can now only offer concessions to under-16s. Proof of age/status may be required. Support workers accompanying disabled customers can attend all Wyeside events free.
If you’ve bought tickets in advance, we will make every effort to let you know if any details change using the contact details you gave us when you booked.
Times/prices are correct at the time of going to press, but are sometimes subject to changes beyond our control.
Reserved disabled parking is available on our forecourt, and wheelchair spaces are available in both auditoriums. All disabled seating is allocated on a first-come first-serve basis as these facilities are limited due to the restricted nature of our Grade 2 listed building. To guarantee admittance we strongly recommend booking in advance via our Box Office on 01982 552555. Unfortunately wheelchair spaces are not bookable online at this time.
ONLINE 24/7 at www.wyeside.co.uk BY PHONE on 01982 552555 IN PERSON at the Box Office We accept all major credit/debit cards - there is a 50p charge per transaction. Sorry - we can no longer accept reservations. All ticket orders must be paid for when you book. Latecomers may be asked to wait for a suitable point in the performance.
Wyeside offers lift access to all areas, as well as an accessible toilet.
Wyeside Arts Centre Castle Street, Builth Wells Powys, LD2 3BN
We offer tailored rates for parties from schools and other organisations for selected shows only - please contact the Box Office on 01982 552555 beforehand.
01982 552555 www.wyeside.co.uk
Our answerphone service is available when the Box Office is closed or busy. Tuesday to Friday: 12.30pm – 9pm Saturday & Sunday: 2pm – 9pm
TO A470 & A483
BOX OFFICE: 01982 552555 www.wyeside.co.uk
We are grateful to the following for their continued support: Eve Best, Phil Bowen, Tom Bullough, Wendy Evans, Julian GibsonWatt, The Lord Lipsey, Cllr. David Price, John Walker.
Wyeside Arts Centre Castle Street, Builth Wells Powys, LD2 3BN
If you’ve bought tickets for a Wyeside event but find you can’t make it, they can be exchanged up to 5 days before the date, or the ticket value refunded via a credit note - less a £2 admin fee.
Wyeside Arts Centre Ltd. Registered Charity No. 505656 Brochure Design: www.savageandgray.co.uk 6701/17
picture: Peter Pan
Guide dogs are welcome.
Wyeside stands prominently on the end of Builth Wells’ famous Wye river bridge, opposite the Llewellyn mural. The centre is only 100 metres walk from the Groe public car park, which is free from 6pm. When you leave the car park, turn left, walk past the Builth bull statue and Wyeside is facing you at the top of the rise.
But - especially if you’re making a long journey - we advise you to check (with our Box Office, or on our website).
Satellite Live! & Live shows: We offer concession prices to under 18s, over 65s, students, disabled and unwaged customers. Film screenings: We can now only offer concessions to under-16s. Proof of age/status may be required. Support workers accompanying disabled customers can attend all Wyeside events free.
If you’ve bought tickets in advance, we will make every effort to let you know if any details change using the contact details you gave us when you booked.
Times/prices are correct at the time of going to press, but are sometimes subject to changes beyond our control.
Reserved disabled parking is available on our forecourt, and wheelchair spaces are available in both auditoriums. All disabled seating is allocated on a first-come first-serve basis as these facilities are limited due to the restricted nature of our Grade 2 listed building. To guarantee admittance we strongly recommend booking in advance via our Box Office on 01982 552555. Unfortunately wheelchair spaces are not bookable online at this time.
ONLINE 24/7 at www.wyeside.co.uk BY PHONE on 01982 552555 IN PERSON at the Box Office We accept all major credit/debit cards - there is a 50p charge per transaction. Sorry - we can no longer accept reservations. All ticket orders must be paid for when you book. Latecomers may be asked to wait for a suitable point in the performance.
Wyeside offers lift access to all areas, as well as an accessible toilet.
Wyeside Arts Centre Castle Street, Builth Wells Powys, LD2 3BN
We offer tailored rates for parties from schools and other organisations for selected shows only - please contact the Box Office on 01982 552555 beforehand.
01982 552555 www.wyeside.co.uk
Our answerphone service is available when the Box Office is closed or busy. Tuesday to Friday: 12.30pm – 9pm Saturday & Sunday: 2pm – 9pm