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Welcome New Members
www.wyliechamber.org 307 N. Ballard Ave. Wylie, TX 75098 972-442-2804
Unity Spiritual Center Kim Andrews 972-495-6622 unitysachse.org La Flor Murphy Lupe Santibanez 972-881-1583 laflormexicangrill.com
Special Webs Co. Bobby Tillman 972-272-3555 www.specialwebs.com
Martin Heating and Air Steve Martin 214-403-8207 www.martinairandheat.com
Jutz Jazz Boutique Marisol Gutierrez 210-771-6274 juztjazboutique.com
Signalnet Broadband Connie Bailey 972-429-9306 www.signalnetbroadband.com
Foot and Ankle Medical Clinic Gloria Nelson 972-414-9800 footandanklemedical.com
Bargain Depot Andrea Dugan 469-661-9150 www.bargaindepottx.com La Flor Wylie Lupe Santibanez 972-661-9148
GLP & Associates, LLC 248-489-0101 www.glp403b.com
Dorsey Realty Group - eXp Realty Wes Dorsey 972-200-1414 www.dorseyrealtygroup.com
CoServ Donna Wood 940-321-7800 coserv.com
The Mad Mallow, LLC Madison (Maddie) Mayfield 505-506-3225 themadmallow.com
Veterans Center of North Texas Steve Ready 214-600-2966 www.veteranscenterofnorthtexas.org
Mark Helm - 24 Hour Realty Mark Helm 214-676-5231 www.collincountytexasrealestate.com
Studio M Madalyn Futrell Faith Millsap 469-222-8612 www.studiom.salon
Unity Spiritual Center Kim Andrews 972-495-6622 unitysachse.org
Landon Winery Kim DeFoe 972-442-0155 www.landonwinery.com
www.sachsechamber.com 5560 Hwy. 78 Sachse, TX 75048 972-496-1212
Foot and Ankle Medical Clinic Gloria Nelson 972-414-9800 www.footandanklemedical.com
Elevation Home Energy Solutions Jessica Bowman 866-634-5291 www.elevationsolar.com
www.murphychamber.org 120 E. FM 544, Ste. 72 PMB 157 Murphy, TX 75094 972-805-3749
Aflac Sammye Garner 214-228-2783 aflac.com
Murphy Historical Society Donna Jenkins 972-814-8928 murphyhistoricalsociety.org
Mosquito Joe of North Dallas & Richardson Michael Sites 469-998-0800 Coldwell Banker Apex, Realtors Brooke Vest 469-231-1298 BVest.cbapex.com
CoServ Donna Wood 940-321-7800 coserv.com
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