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2 | | September/October 2022 GOOD-BYE AND THANK YOU! Mike President/CEOAgnew Wylie Chamber of Commerce 6/2004 – 8/2022 future Dental Hygienist future Police Officer future Educator FIND YOUR FUTURE More than 100 academic & workforce degrees and certificates Explore the possibilities at collin.edu

www.wyliechamber.org | 3A Wylie Chamber of Commerce Publication CONTENTSSeptember/October 2022 • Volume 17 - Issue 5 Occasionally we make a mistake. Let us know if you find one so we can correct it. We love your feedback - send comments to info@wyliechamber.org. Story ideas are always welcome and appreciated. Thanks for “Connecting” with us! Wylie Chamber of Commerce 307 N. Ballard Ave. • Wylie, TX 75098 972-442-2804 • www.wyliechamber.orginfo@wyliechamber.org Just for fun, find the butterfly! Last issue it was hidden on page 9. Happy butterfly hunting!! NOTE: The first person to correctly locate the butterfly and send an email to magnew@wyliechamber.org wins a The CONNECTION Magazine t-shirt!(It'snot this one!) A Wylie Chamber of Commerce Publication 307 N. Ballard Ave. | Wylie, TX 75098 972-442-2804 | www.wyliechamber.orginfo@wyliechamber.org WYLIE CHAMBER PRESIDENT Mike Agnew ADVISORY BOARD Jan Arrant Ian Halperin Craig Kelly Heather Darrow Stacie Smith ADVERTISING SALES Melissa Irvin CREATIVE DIRECTOR Anne Hiney CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Judy Truesdell Donnita Fisher CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Judy Truesdell Jan Arrant Craig Kelly Ian Halperin Heather Darrow PHOTOGRAPHY Anne Hiney Nick Young For information about advertising in The CONNECTION Magazine please contact the Wylie Chamber at 972-442-2804 or adsales@wyliechamber.org. All are welcome to advertise, Chamber membership is not required. Share comments and story ideas with Anne Hiney at theconnection.anne@mac.com. Digital edition available online at www.wyliechamber.org The CONNECTION Magazine ©2022, Wylie Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. The CONNECTION is published bimonthly and mailed free of charge to over 25,000 households and businesses with an estimated readership of over 75,000 in the Wylie area. The PROFILE OF SUCCESS cover with feature article is a paid ad placement. Additional copies are distributed to our advertisers and high traffic local city offices. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for content of all advertisements. Information published in The CONNECTION is the opinion of the sourced authors. The Wylie Chamber of Commerce does not necessarily share the editorial opinions expressed in The CONNECTION Magazine. Personal decisions regarding health, finance and other matters should be made after consultation with the reader’s professional advisors. 4ON THE COVER: Methodist Richardson Medical Center Adults are obsolete children. ~ Dr. Seuss PROFILECONNECTIONOFSUCCESS 4 METHODIST RICHARDSON MEDICAL CENTER Growing Again to Better Serve Your Family FEATURECONNECTION 6 The Play's the Thing ... WAG COLUMNSCONNECTION 10 CITY OF WYLIE School Resource Officers 13 CALENDAR Local September/October Events 14 WYLIE CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO September 9 & 10 16 WYLIE ISD #stuckonWylieISD 18 COLLIN COLLEGE For the Love of Children 20 YOUR MONEY Buying I Bonds Direct from the Treasury

“Trauma is a leading cause of death in people ages 1-44,” says Methodist Richardson Trauma Director Stuart Johnston, MD, FACS. “Access to high-quality trauma care in our area can mean the difference between life and death.”
Local officials gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony Aug. 24 for the $45 million expansion. The project will add two new floors, totaling about 80,000 square feet, which will accommodate the hospital’s pharmacy and laboratory. Another 25,000 square feet will be remodeled to expand the existing Emergency Department. That space will include additional trauma treatment areas and 18 new ER beds.
“Over 50% of our admissions come through our Emergency Department, so it’s essentially the front door of our hospital,” says Methodist Richardson President Ken Hutchenrider, FACHE. “We are growing to allow our ED to more effectively serve our growing region.”
Requirements of Level III Trauma Centers include:
4 | | September/October 2022
• A comprehensive quality assessment program
• Back-up care for rural and community hospitals
Emergency departments across the nation are experiencing an overall increase in patient volume, and the ED at Methodist Richardson is certainly a part of that trend, averaging 55,000 visits per year. This year, the emergency room at the campus located at the intersection of President George Bush Turnpike and Renner Road has seen more than 150 patients daily. That’s a 12% increase over the previous year.
Methodist Richardson is unique because it serves such a large population. More than 1.1 million people live within the hospital’s service area. That makes Methodist Richardson a medical hub for northeastern Dallas County, Collin County, and parts of Rockwall County.
• 24-hour immediate coverage by emergency medicine physicians and the prompt availability of general surgeons and anesthesiologists
The Texas EMS Trauma & Acute Care Foundation (TETAF) recently designated Methodist Richardson as a Level III Trauma Center. What does that mean to you? It means the hospital has 24-hour immediate coverage by emergency medicine physicians and the prompt availability of general surgeons, specialists, and anesthesiologists. If you fall off a ladder while cleaning the leaves out of your home’s gutters, for example, you can rest assured paramedics will take you to a facility like Methodist Richardson where they know staff will be available and ready at any time – day or night – 365 days a year.
• Transfer agreements for patients requiring more comprehensive care at a Level I or Level II Trauma Center
• Continued education of the nursing and allied health staff and the trauma team
t’s not somewhere you plan to go. But when emergencies happen, you want to go somewhere close to home that you trust to return you and your loved ones to good health. That is why Methodist Richardson Medical Center is expanding its Emergency Department to better serve you.
State of the ER
Growing Again to Better Serve You and Your Family

The hospital is also striving to earn its certification to become a comprehensive stroke center. Certified comprehensive stroke centers meet standards to treat the most complex stroke cases. It’s the highest level of stroke care, which includes: stroke performance measures 24/7 neuro-intensive care unit 24/7 operating room imaging services capabilities personnel trained in vascular, neurological,
• Endovascular and
Earlier this year, Methodist ER trauma nurses helped instruct athletic student trainers at Wylie High School and Wylie East High School on how to handle injuries that involve severe bleeding. This hands-on training teaches rapid responses that could potentially save lives.“Methodist Richardson will eventually be a Level II Trauma Center,” Hutchenrider says. “That means the hospital would have the ability to care for nearly all emergency or trauma-type injuries.”
• Comprehensive
As part of its Level III status, Methodist Richardson provides educational opportunities in trauma care for the community including STOP THE BLEED® training.
• Advanced imaging
• Available
www.wyliechamber.org | 5A Wylie Chamber of Commerce Publication • Involvement with prevention efforts and active outreach program for its referring communities
neurosurgical, and endovascular procedures Planning for Growth
This most recent project is the third major expansion for the hospital since it opened eight years ago with 120 beds. In 2018, Methodist Richardson underwent an $85 million expansion project that included the 104,000-square-foot addition of floors 5 and 6, with 150 new, all-private acute care suites. The project also added the hospital’s ninth operating room and a sevenstory parking garage. The new facilities opened in late December 2019, just months ahead of the COVID-19 global“Thatpandemic.timing was fortunate, but growth is no accident,” Hutchenrider says. “It’s about preparing for the future with a strategic master plan that reacts to the evolving needs of our communities.”
Methodist Richardson offers personalized healthcare services for every stage of life and every state of health, from a level III neonatal intensive care unit to highly specialized cancer treatment and everything in between. It’s about advanced care that’s close to home. Care that you trust. To find your physician, call 214-646-3857 or go online to MethodistHealthSystem.org.
• Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System. MethodistHealthSystem.org

One of Tiffany’s jobs is to create the season lineup. She takes suggestions from the board of directors and considers plays that other directors are interested in producing. She thinks through the stage size, cast size, what WAG has produced previously, and what might appeal most to the audience. Comedies and musicals are usually the most popular, but Tiffany and the other decision makers like to offer a balance of dramas, comedies, and musicals.
Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed … from left, Travis Hill, Emily Shollack, Melody Jolliffe, Clayton Kimbrel in WAG’s 2022 production of “The Beverly Hillbillies.”
Anyone may audition for any play, and details about the roles and what to bring to the audition are posted on the website, WylieActingGroup.org. Everyone must sign up online to audition for cast or crew. No previous experience is required; many youngsters take the stage for the first time in a WAG production. Care is taken to include veterans as well as newcomers so the cast is balanced and the new kids on the block can learn from their mentors.
Savannah is in her freshman year at OSU, majoring in musical theater with the goal of working in the industry.
WAG’s creative director, remembers that production, the first one in which her daughter Savannah participated. (Savannah played a baby spider in “What a Tangled Web,” a play about telling the truth.) “When we first helped her to audition, we expected Savannah to have some fun and perhaps learn a thing or two about theater,” Tiffany said. “Well, we got way more than we ever could have imagined! WAG has impacted our entire family. We have not only seen Savannah grow as an actor, singer, and dancer, but each member of our family experienced the joy of theater and gained respect for all the work that goes into a production.”
Productions WAG’s schedule is ambitious, ranging from four to six productions per season – particularly impressive, considering everybody is doing something else during the day. Most seasons have a theme, such as “The Unknown” or “A Season of Imagination.”
Tiffany said she started off as “just a mom,” became a volunteer, and now serves as the creative director.
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“I have absolutely loved being part of making theater happen and helping to grow hundreds of kids, teens, and adults learn to trust their instincts, collaborate, use their imaginations, take risks in a really safe environment, and to understand the power of their own voice whether it be on stage, backstage, or in the audience.”

It’s not only participants who benefit from WAG; audience members report thoroughly enjoying their evening of theater as well. Lynn Fagerstrom, risk administrator for the City of Wylie Human Resources Department, said she and a group from Rotary and other pals met for lunch, then took in a production of “The Nutcracker; Clara’s Suite Story” last December. “It was really good,” Lynn said. “We had fun, and then I joined Friends of WAG!” Wylie Acting Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Visit WylieActingGroup.org for ways to contribute or participate.
In addition to Tiffany and Melissa, WAG’s board of directors includes Amanda Sturgeon, president; Michelle Smith, vice president; Amy Frigoli, treasurer; Sandy Shaw, secretary; Melissa Harbison, historian; and Emily Shallock and Jeff Delaney, general board members.Onstage … behind the scenes … in the audience … Wylie Acting Group provides personal growth, friends and family fellowship, and magical memories. • Photos courtesy of Wylie Acting Group.
www.wyliechamber.org | 9A Wylie Chamber of Commerce Publication Creating healthy smiles for the whole family! 456 Country Club Rd. Suite 104 Wylie, TX 972-442-913975098 General Dentistry for Adults and Children Parker Rd. Parker Rd. Park Blvd. W. Brown St. Hwy.78 McMillan Rd. FM 544 WYLIE Rd.McCreary Ave.Ballard N Rd.ClubCountry www.cantrellfamilydentistry.comJonathanCantrellDDS&SarahCantrellDDS www.executivetaxsolution.com PRACTICE AREAS • Family & Small Business Tax Returns • Payroll Tax • Tax Planning • Innocent Spouse • Fresh Start • Installment Agreements • Offers in Compromise • US Tax Court Preparation Need Tax Help? Call Allen Lenth (469)262-6525 Call Me If You’re Looking For A Realtor Who Puts Your Needs TinaSwindle@kw.com214-316-5874First!TinaSwindle.kw.com Next up in the WAG season is “A Christmas Story,” auditions for which will be held Oct. 1. This holiday comedy promises to have audiences laughing all the way. The cast calls for actors age 8 to 18, and performances will be Dec. 2 – 11.

Protector, Counselor, and Mentor by Craig Kelly
OF WYLIE 10 | | September/October 2022
The men and women of the Wylie Police Department put on their uniforms each day with the mission to impact Wylie’s quality of life by providing a professional level of service that will foster, support, and build relationships with those they serve.
Chief Anthony Henderson said the mission takes on special meaning when it comes to our youth, “When you build relationships with students they are more open to guidance and mentoring, establishing a comfort level that allows officers to be there when they are needed most.”
The focus of the program is to build student leaders in our schools by teaching and demonstrating servant leadership which in turn gives students the opportunity to make a difference and have a major role in shaping the atmosphere of their school campus.
P.O.L.I.C.E. Club
An acronym for Practice of Leadership, Integrity, and Character Education, the P.O.L.I.C.E. Club is made up of students from both Wylie East and Wylie High School. Started during the 2013-'14 school year by Wylie Police Officer and SRO Michael Stewart, the club provides high school students exposure to law enforcement as they investigate potential career paths, and provides training and experience as community contributors and servant leaders.
The WPD oversees several formal and informal youth programs throughout the year that focus on building those critical relationships with the 18,700 Wylie Independent School District students.
School Resource Officers
WPD School Resource Officers are an important link between the Wylie Police Department and the students, staff, and families of WISD. The dedicated SROs are experienced officers who are carefully selected, specially trained, and properly equipped for the school setting.
Sgt. Donald English said their job is more than “keeping the peace” and being ready to respond to any threat to school safety “The job is about having an open door and being approachable and accessible to the students.” He said they encourage the officers to walk the halls, eat lunch with the students, and keep an eye out for young people that may need encouragement or someone to talk to. SROs do not enforce school rules or administer student discipline.
Brian Kelly, WISD Director of Safety and Security said, “SROs are the backbone of our school safety plan and work closely with campus staff to deter criminal activities, investigate crime, educate students about law-related topics, and mentor students as informal advisers and role models.”
The P.O.L.I.C.E. Club is a great opportunity for students to learn about important issues that are affecting their lives today and the decisions they will make in the future. Stewart says it enables the students to form a positive relationship with their SROs, which in turn, makes for a better and safer school environment for both students and staff members.

The Wylie Junior Police Academy Cadets are WISD students entering eighth or ninth grade. The one-week summer program, with three different sessions, is geared toward students who are www.wyliechamber.o
interested in law enforcement or just have a general curiosity about the profession.
Cadets participate in a variety of team-building exercises that includes physical training every morning highlighted by a boot camp-style obstacle course that tests the cadets’ skills and pushes the limits of their endurance. Throughout the program, cadets get to experience a variety of real-life police academy-style exercises and scenarios like mock crime scene investigation, patrol tactics, active shooter scenarios, and traffic stop role play. There are K9, SWAT, and courtroom scenarios. Students get certified in CPR and also see firsthand the dangers of driving under the influence by operating a golf cart wearing Fatal Vision Goggles.
Wylie’s Youth Enrichment Program is a two-week summer program for kids aged 13-15 who have been identified by their School Resource Officers as being “at risk” or “needing a little more direction.” The program is designed to promote respect of self and others; tobacco, drug and alcohol awareness; teen pregnancy education; and community volunteerism.
Value of Partnerships
With the guidance of the Wylie Police Department, guest speakers and other community leaders encourage students to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes and provide them with a road map for success.
Junior Police Academy
Blue Plate Special
Wylie Youth Enrichment Program
One of the newest school programs is WISD’s Blue Plate Special that encourages officers to come into a school, visit with the kids, and enjoy a free lunch. This informal program not only brings added safety and security to the schools but introduces many kids to officers for the first time.
rg • 11
The City of Wylie, Wylie Police Department, and Wylie Independent School District value the strong partnership that helps to ensure a safe learning environment for our children.
For details on these and other youth programs, please visit WylieTexas.gov/Police.
The nine-hour days begin with an hour-long workout at the recreation center or at a school track, then include a combination of community service, education, fun, and teambuilding activities. Trips to a local juvenile detention center and municipal juvenile court, and a talk by a juvenile prosecutor provide a look at what could lie ahead, depending on their future decisions.
Cadets are expected to be on time daily and participate in all events. They are also expected to show respect to others at all times. The Junior Police Academy builds confidence in participants and gives them a small peek into what a law enforcement career is all about.
The P.O.L.I.C.E. Club began with 17 students and now has more than 120 active members in Wylie High and Wylie East High School. You will find members serving at Boo on Ballard, National Night Out, Wylie Championship Rodeo, Special Olympics, and other events. Stewart says the highlight of the year is the Christmas party for under-served Wylie kids and the two fund raisers for the event, a softball tournament and Parents’ Night Out.

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| 13A Wylie Chamber of Commerce Publication September/OctoberCALENDAR
Oct. 25 Spooky Night at the Library - Second Players Productions are putting on a family friendly Monster Mash Show, every half hour between 5 - 7 p.m. Costumes are encouraged.There will be trick or treat at each desk, Halloween crafts in the Storytime room, and a Halloween themed scavenger hunt. Requested minimum donation of $15 per family. Registration via eventbrite on our website: wylietexas. gov/library.
Welcome Center at the Brown House: Now open! Visit for a free tour, check out the mini-museum of Wylie’s early history, and browse the gift shop. Location: 301 N. Ballard Ave., Downtown Wylie. Hours: Tues. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
October Exhibit: Oh, Those Victorians: Their Elaborate Mourning Rituals. Why were the Victorians so obsessed with death and the afterlife? Stop in and learn more!
Oct. 22 Sachse Fall Fest: Over 100 arts and crafts, local businesses, and non-profit vendor booths, food vendors, live music from our entertainment stage, kids corner, Touch-a-Truck and more! 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Location: Heritage Park, Sachse. Info: www. sachsefallfest.com.
Oct. 27 BOO on Ballard: Trick or Treat for the kids! Go booth to booth picking up candy and goodies for your children. There will be fun events in the park next to downtown. Safe, convenient, community fun! Presented by the Wylie Downtown Merchants Association and the City of Wylie. 6 - 8 p.m. Location: Downtown Wylie & Olde City Park. Info: discoverwylie.com/events.boo-on-ballard/ juztjazboutique.com131N.Ballard Ave. Wylie, TX 214-210-202575098 20% CODE through Sept. 30, 2022.
Clothing & Accessories Blankets, Headbands & Bows, Hooded Towels & More!
PersonalizationCustomAvailableSizes:Newborn to 10/12
Oct. 4 National Night Out: Get together with your community for free food, giveaways, face painting, a helicopter landing, fireworks and more! 5:30 - 8 p.m. Location: Olde City Park, Downtown Wylie. Contact Community Relations Officer Alex Waters at 972-429-8019 or alexandra.waters@wylietexas.gov for more info.
Children’s Boutique
Smith Public Library: 300 Country Club Rd., #300, Wylie Oct. 7 & 8 Haunts and History - A Wylie Ghost Tour: 7 p.m. & 8 p.m. Explore the haunts and history of downtown Wylie with spooky Marshall Howery. Tickets $15 adult, $10 child (ages 12-17) Benefitting The Wylie Historical Society, Wylie Parks & Recreation and The Smith Public Library. Purchase tickets in advance at wylietexas.gov/library.
FALL Valid in store or online
Sept. 9 & 10 Wylie Championship Rodeo: Gates open at 6:30 p.m, Kids Arena Events (Calf and Boot Scramble) 7 p.m., Grand Entry 7:45 p.m., Rodeo Begins, 7:50 p.m. Pre-Sale tickets are available online at wyliechamber.org or available at the gate the night of the event. See page 14 for details.
Sept. 22-25 Plano Balloon Festival: Location: Red Tail Pavilion at Oak Point Park, Plano. Info: www.planoballoonfest.org
Sept. 24 Murphy Maize Days at Murphy Central (550 N. Murphy Rd., Murphy, TX 75094) from Noon - 9:45 p.m. There will be live music all day, great food, drinks, market vendors, kid zone and much more! Info: maizedays.com

TICKET PRICES: General Admission Adults: $15, Children (4-12)/Seniors (62+): Children 3 & Under: FREE Family Pack (2 Adults, 2 Children): $35 RESERVED SEATS: Adults/Seniors/Children (4 & over): $15+ Plus General Admission ticket purchase Group RATES: Adults: $10, Children/Seniors: $3 Purchase of 10 or more tickets in one transaction required. To purchase group tickets visit the Chamber office at 307 N. Ballard Ave., Wylie or call 972-442-2804. Annual29th Sponsorship Levels Available to Promote Your Business Visit www.wyliechamber.org for more information. ★ FAMILY FUN! ★ ★ Vendors ★ Includes Reserved Seat, Peanuts & Beverage Service Gates Open: 6:30pm ★ Kid’s Events: 7:00pm Grand Entry: 7:45pm ★ Rodeo Begins: 7:50pm CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR LATEST DETAILS! wyliechamber.org A two-night UPRA sanctioned Rodeo held at the Wylie ISD – F.O. Birmingham Agricultural Center in Wylie, that brings the sights, sounds, and the competition of western culture to the community. A family friendly event that has fun for all ages! Fri: 9/9 & Sat: 9/10HostedBy

www.wyliechamber.org | 15A Wylie Chamber of Commerce Publication ★ Custom Home Renovations ★ Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling ★ Framing & Trim Carpentry ★ Flooring & Staircase Renovation (945) giterdonedfw.com201-0516 Git Er Done Right, The First Time ETHAN EthanGoodPhotography.com972-922-2469PhotographyGOOD • Mowing, Edging, Line Trimming & Blowing • Flower Beds & Gardens - Mulch Installation • Tree & Shrub Trimming • Spring & Fall Clean-Ups • Locally Owned, Operated & Insured Call Herb or Marcus Whitaker at dubyalawncare.com972-670-9749FREEESTIMATES

Pick up your sticker at your school or the ESC Get spotted & collect your swag 3 Place your sticker on your vehicle. Be sure to place it correctly. The program is open to staff, students, parents, and community.the But be sure to place the Forcorrectly.stickertips,checkoutourvideo.
19DEGS #stuckonWylieISD
People who find this kind of connection feel just like the cowboys who “Ride for the Brand.” They work to protect the people and the things they hold so dear; they know that those people and those things are the root of what’s important. They know that, above all else, those people and those things are what really matter.
he Nike swoosh. The distinctive Coke lettering. The Apple apple. Each of these iconic logos instantly stirs up feelings that go beyond the product they represent. Wylie ISD wants its “W” logo to bring up the same positive feelings for students, staff, parents, and the community.
#stuckonWylieISD by Ian Halperin
This school year the district will be looking out for these stickers in their #stuckonWylieISD contest. The district’s community relations team will provide Wylie ISD-branded prizes to drivers when they see cars around town or parked on campuses sporting a campus or district brand sticker. we send and every personal encounter we experience on behalf of our district. From new hires to our youngest students, our brand is integrated into our daily interactions on behalf of the Wylie ISD.”
16 | | September/October 2022 WYLIE ISD
Students, staff, parents, and community members are all encouraged to take part. Stickers are available at campuses or at the Community Relations and Marketing office, located in Wylie Stadium. The district has produced a short video showing how to properly place a brand on your vehicle. •
Two years ago the district launched the “W” brand based on a literal brand like Texas cowboys and ranchers use. Each campus and department has the same design, signifying they are all part of the same “herd,” but each campus brand is in the school’s official color to preserve its identity. As part of the new branding campaign, the district produced car stickers for each campus to share with parents and their community. The Wylie ISD brand has been spotted at competitions and conferences and across DFW and around the state.
ONWYLIE andwincoolswag!Get
“Growing up in west Texas I learned that a brand means things like honor, commitment, and relationships,” said Dr. David Vinson, Wylie ISD superintendent. “If someone shared your brand it meant they had your back and you had theirs. Things that we consider part of the Wylie Way.”
“These brands make our community feel connected,” said Stacie Smith, Wylie ISD board president. “In Wylie ISD, we want everyone to have that feeling. When our parents and fans pull up to a road game, seeing a “W” brand means they know there are other Wylie fans there to support our kids.”

www.wyliechamber.org | 17A Wylie Chamber of Commerce Publication We Invite You to Join Us at St. Stephen’s Church Authentic Christian Faith ✝ Worship ✝ Practice If you are looking for community worship, we invite you to become a part of our caring family at St. Stephen’s. Our traditional services provide comfort in a time of uncertainty, in a place where you can reconnect with God. 11 Horseman Drive • Lucas, TX • ststephensacc.com 38 Years of Dedicated & Caring Service to Wylie and the Surrounding Area One mile north of Downtown Wylie (Next to the Water Tower) Parker Rd. Vet. Hosp. FM 544 Hwy78 1378FM Brown St. Parker Rd. St.Ballard ParkWaterBlvd.Tower N 707 Parker Rd • Wylie 972-442-6523 Dr. Kerin Dr. WallisDr. MyersDr. Abraham www.parkerroadvet.com FULL SERVICE MEDICAL & SURGICAL CARE 24 Hour Emergency Service Available for Our Clients SMALL ANIMALS & HORSES PARKER ROAD VETERINARY HOSPITAL • Detached Private Garages & Reserved Covered Parking* • Designer Kitchen Cabinets with Modern Stainless Steel Appliances • Resort-Style, Heated Swimming Pool with Heated Spa & ADA Lift • Elevator Access to Every Home • Planned Resident Activities • Easy, Convenient Access to Neighborhood Shopping & Dining * Some features are options in select residences. 1 & 2 Bedroom Luxury Rental(469)Apartments440-9120 300 McCreary Rd., Wylie, TX Wylie’swww.retreatatwylie.com75098Premier55+Active Adult Community

“We have iPads and laptops for our students to use in the classroom and to assist with research and lesson creations, a NewLine touch screen to help kinesthetic learners explore interactive whiteboard lessons, and RealCare Babies, the world’s most advanced infant simulators,” Butler said. “We can also help connect students to the Teacher Education and Compensation Helps Scholarship which pays for Child Development Associate credential fees and degrees in early childhood education.”
“I took all of my child development classes at Collin, and I loved it,” Karen said. “The professors were very engaging and allowed for discussion.”Barronearned an Associate of Applied Science degree in Child Development, summa cum laude, in May 2017 from Collin College. Today, as the director of the preschool, she is still in touch with her classmates and has hired two Collin alumni. She says the hands-on experience she received was invaluable.“Theadministration classes were beneficial to me as a director,” Karen said. “At Collin, you get practicum experience in your second year. Universities may not offer that until junior or senior year.”Karen says a career in child development is rewarding.
Haley Robertson & Karen Barron
Photos by Nick Young, Collin College photographer.
Earning an associate degree
Karen Barron worked at an area Mother’s Day Out program when her children were young and discovered she truly enjoyed teaching preschool children. When she decided to work for Apple Creek Preschool in Frisco, she learned that she needed to take classes to work for this NAEYC-accredited school.
“I have always loved kids and explaining things to them. When I turned 18, I called a preschool repeatedly until they gave me a chance to work there,” Haley said.
aley Robertson loves children. Her mother was a preschool teacher, and her childhood home was next door to a day care. Growing up, she assisted with Vacation Bible School and anything else that involved helping youngsters.
18 | | September/October 2022 COLLIN COLLEGE
Earning an OSA Years later when the owners of Summit Private School in Wylie asked Haley if she would be interested in taking Collin College child development classes, this single mother was excited about the opportunity. In May, she earned an Occupational Skills Award, and this fall she will be a pre-kindergarten teacher at the school. Robertson said she hopes to become a director one day. “As educators, we help children expand their minds,” Haley said. “I love when parents say, ‘My kid loves being in your class. They come home so excited every day.’ That’s the best gift I could to Professor Ann Butler, Collin College Childhood Education discipline lead, based at the Wylie Campus, the program has articulation agreements with four-year colleges and is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
In addition to early childhood education classes, the Wylie Campus also offers education classes such as Learning Framework, Introduction to the Teaching Profession, and Introduction to Special Populations. Students can also pursue bachelor’s and graduate degrees in education from the college’s university partners at the Collin Higher Education Center.
For more information about Collin College early childhood education and education classes, visit www. collin.edu/department/childdevelopment.Formoreinformationabouteducation classes at CHEC, visit www.collin.edu/chec. To register for classes at the Wylie Campus, visit www. collin.edu/campuses/wylie.
“Teachers can have such a positive impact. If you are a person who loves to nurture and help, education is the place to be,” she said.

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The Behavior Gap Explained. Coined by Richards, “the behavior gap” refers to the difference between a wise financial decision versus what we decide to do. Many people miss out on higher returns because of emotionally driven decisions, creating a behavior gap between their lower returns and what they could have earned.
Behavior Gap and Your Financial Health
Provided by Trace Dennis, CMT “
Short-Term Anxiety and Focus. As humans, viewing aspects of our lives through the lenses of current circumstances is normal. However, one emotional response to any event is letting the moment consume us. Many may find it difficult to think long-term and remember. However, making a rash decision can inhibit the long-term benefit of maintaining a balanced perspective without reactionary behavior.
20 | | September/October 2022
The market can go up or down at any given point, or it can remain the same. One thing we can control is how we handle our financial strategy. Remembering the likelihood of recovery over time — and the market’s nearly inevitable up-and-down movement — can provide a more logical angle to calm the nerves. If you’re experiencing financial anxiety in response to the markets, take a breath and remember the potential for long-term gains. Of course, you can and should always reach out to your financial professional for further clarification. • Trace Dennis may be reached at 972-429-0603 or tracedennis@jaldennis.com.
Excitement When Stocks Are High. Whether in a bull market or witnessing the hype from a product release, many investors may feel tempted to increase their risks or attempt to gain from emerging investments when stocks are high. This can lead to investors constantly readjusting their portfolios as the market experiences upswings.
YOUR It turns out my job was not to find great investments but to help create great investors,” writes Carl Richards, author of “The Behavior Gap.” From increasing our budget mindfulness to taking a steadier approach to investing, Richards has drawn attention to how our unexamined behaviors and emotions can be to our detriment when it comes to living a happy and financially sound life. In many cases, we make poor financial decisions when experiencing panic or anxiety due to personal or widespread events.
Fear When Stocks Are Low. In response to market volatility, investors may feel the need to choose more secure investments and avoid uncertain or seemingly unsafe investments. When stocks are low, a typical response may be to sell and effectively miss out on potential long-term gains.

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