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The Weekly News Source for Ranchers, Farmers and the Agribusiness Community • www.wylr.net
Mountain States Legal Foundation discusses property rights
The Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF) hosted a monthly series called “So a Neighbor Asked,” which focused on answering questions regarding how secure individuals rights to property are, if property is safe from the government and what individuals can do to protect their property.
The presentation hosted Wyoming Stock Growers Association (WSGA) Executive Vice President Jim
Magagna, MSLF Senior Attorney Joe Bingham and MSLF Attorney David McDonald.
Defining property
“Essentially, property is a landowner’s right to things exclusively,” begins McDon- ald. “It’s what separates my property from another’s.”
Property can be thought of physical things – land, homes and other posessions, but when it comes to defining property, McDonald noted
Please see MSLF on page 9