Wyndhm Physio Paediatric Physio in Hoppers Crossing
By Wyndham Physio
Ø We are now offering Treatment for Paediatrics/children.
Ø Physiotherapy for paediatrics offers a range of assessment, treatment and Programs to children aged from the newborn to the young adult. Ø From the initial assessment, the physiotherapist will advise the most appropriate management plan for the child’s needs.
v You should seek advice from the physiotherapist if you have concerns such as : Ø Your baby feels ‘floppy’ or ‘stiff’ with handling
Ø Your baby isn’t tolerating ‘tummy time’ well by 4 months of age
Ø Your baby has a flat spot on his / her head or prefers to look to one side only Ø Your baby was born prematurely (Before 34 Weeks Gestation)
Ø There is a difference between sides of the body
Ø A delay is present in achieving physical milestones Ø Not sitting by 9 months
Ø Not trying to stand up by 12 months Ø Not walking by 18 months
Ø Your child is bottom shuffling and you would like some further advice
Ø Your child has an unusual walk or foot posture
Ø Clumsiness with Running, Jumping or Ball Skills Ø Aches or pains with activity or rest
Ø To help with recovery after injury or surgery Ø Concerns regarding your child’s posture
v Conditions that we treat For babies Ø Plagiocephaly (flattening of the head, usually to one side) Ø Torticollis (stiffness of the neck) Ø Issues with hips or feet
Ø Delay in development such as slow to roll, crawl or walk and particularly if your child is not showing signs of walking between 9 – 15 months
Ø Conditions that we treat For Children Ø Delay in development
Ø Foot, knee, hip alignment issues such as
Ø In-toeing, Out-toeing, Knock knee or Bowed legs Ø Toe walking Ø Knee pain
Ø Knee pain
Ø Young athlete concerns
Ø Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)
v Diagnosed Conditions & Disabilities Ø Cerebal palsy
Ø Autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger’s Syndrome Ø Down’s syndrome
Ø Neuromuscular diseases
Ø Visual or hearing disorders
Contact Us Hoppers Super Clinic 599 Sayers Road, Hoppers crossing, Victoria, 3029 Ph- 03 97489652 03 83605100 Email: info@wyndhamphysio.com.au