Same day appointments Evening appointments available Female physiotherapist on request Weekend appointments available No referral required
At Wyndham Physio, we are dedicated to providing you with the best quality of care at an affordable price.
The philosophy here at Wyndham Physio is different than most other physiotherapy clinics. We believe that people want to get better in the shortest period of time. Our physiotherapist will work with you to establish a time-frame that will get you better in the shortest possible time.
Physiotherapy Women’s Health. Diabetes Management. Exercise Physiology. Dry Needling.
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Physiotherapy helps in restoring and maintaining a level of physical function by carefully treating your painful joints and muscles, educating you in managing your condition, advising you ways to prevent its recurrence, and by tailoring a suitable exercise program. Our Physiotherapists are trained to assess, diagnose and treat wide range of physical conditions that limits your physical independence.
Who can Benefit from Physiotherapy ? ď ˝
Everyone can benefit from Physiotherapy - whether you are living with a chronic illness, recovering from a work injury or suffering after that weekend hockey game. Physiotherapy benefits include decreasing pain, improving joint mobility, increasing strength and maximizing the functional independence.
Physiotherapists at our clinic treat a wide range of conditions including :
Arthritis and Painful Joints. Neck Pain and Back Pain. Tendenopathy and Muscle Pain. Sciatica. Sports Injuries. Workplace Injuries. Scoliosis and other postural related problems. Pregnancy related problems. Headache. Stroke. Shoulder Tear Exercises.
Continence and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Incontinence is a term that describes any accidental or involuntary loss of urine from the bladder (Urinary Incontinence) or bowel motion, faeces or wind from the bowel (Faecal or Bowel Incontinence).
Incontinence is a widespread condition which can range from small leak to complete leak. In fact, over 4.8 million Australians have bladder or bowel control problems for a variety of reasons.
Our Physiotherapist can assess your pelvic floor function and tailor an exercise program to meet your specific needs.
Your body experiences number of changes during Pregnancy. It is important to stay active and do regular exercise during pregnancy. Also it is important to seek professional advice on your exercise requirement especially if have been previously inactive, to ensure safe exercise plan.
Pelvic Joint Pain, Back Pain, Swollen Ankles and Leg Cramps are common complaints during pregnancy.
Consult our female Physiotherapist who can assist you with hands-on treatments, exercises or postural advices to improve or manage the problems you experience.
What happens in Type 2 Diabetes
With Type2 Diabetes, your body either doesn’t make enough Insulin (a hormone which regulates your blood sugar level) or the Insulin it produces doesn’t work properly, because your body cells are resistant to it.
Did you know though your family history and ethnic background can increase your chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes, it is the lifestyle issues that are responsible for developing it in number of cases. So lifestyle changes that includes diet, exercise and weight management that helps the body use Insulin more effectively.
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EP are professionals who specialize and believe in the benefits of exercise to help patients get fitter for all around good health, or to treat patients with a medical condition through exercise. You can seek our Exercise Physiologist consultation for weight loss suggestion, planning an exercise routine and many more.
“Dry Needling” involves inserting an acupuncture needle into a trigger point and is typically used to treat the pain associated with injuries. A trigger point is a tender spot in a tight band of muscle which causes pain when pressed or squeezed. Our Physiotherapists are trained in prong dry needling to help clients get relief from their pain.
Pilates. Diabetes Prevention. Prenatal / Postnatal Classes & Mums And Bubs Pilates.
It focuses on strengthening the core muscles using a combination of spinal awareness, proper breathing, strength and flexibility. Thus provide support to the spine, promotes good posture and alignment. This very popular exercise technique is simple, safe and suitable for all ages and fitness levels including new mums. Pilates exercises are progressed through stages, initially focusing on simple stabilizing exercises and progressing through movement and load to improve the efficiency. At Wyndham Physio, Clinical Pilates is offered as 6 weeks group exercise program. Each session lasts for 60 minutes in duration and they are low to moderate in intensity. It is fully supervised by our qualified Physiotherapist.
Group Exercise Session for Type 2 Diabetes ď ˝
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At Wyndham Physio, our Exercise Physiologist offers group exercise for patients with Type2 Diabetes. This service is BULK billed under Medicare for 8 sessions if you bring a Medicare referral from your GP. This program has a mix of exercises that are ideal for controlling your blood sugar. Our program is suitable for both, people who are recently diagnosed with Type2 Diabetes and also suitable for people who are diagnosed with Type2 diabetes long back and rely on medication to control the blood sugar since long time.
Prenatal and Postnatal Classes
Prenatal and Postnatal classes are run by our female Physiotherapist. Prenatal classes cover pelvic floor, abdominal exercises along with general exercises safe during pregnancy. Postnatal classes cover checking of DRAM, pelvic instability, pelvic floor, abdominal exercises, back care, when to return to exercises, sports, baby massage, tummy time.
Mums And Bubs Pilates
Our Mums & Bubs classes are designed specifically for the needs of the new mother and her young child. Mums can enjoy a safe, rewarding and fun environment that can help them regain fitness and strength while also interacting with other mothers and their babies. Under the guidance of a Professional Physiotherapist our exercises are individually tailored and safe.
Phone- 03 9748 9652 Email-
Locate Us Wyndham Physio 381 , Sayers Rd, Tarneit Ph- 03 9748 9652
Wyndham Physio 286-288, Derrimut Rd, Hoppers Crossing Ph-03 8754 2828
Wyndham Physio 54 Boardwalk Blvd, Point Cook VIC 3030 Ph- 03 9395 8173
Wyndham Physio 84/86 Mickleham Road, Tullamarine VIC 3043 Ph- 03 9336 8100