Table of contents 01
Marketing Collateral
Book Design
Website Design
App Design
Extra// Children Illustration
01 Marketing Collateral.
Marketin g
Co l l ate ral
Poster Design for Victoria University Elaborative poster that is designed to provide information to Victoria University’s teachers about the launching of the ‘Connected Learning’ team who will help teachers in the process of teaching and building their curriculum. The design was based on the Victoria University Brand Identity in 2019.
Marketin g
Co l l ateral Card Promotional Design for Victoria University Card sized brochure that is designed for the purpose of providing information to Victoria University’s teachers about the ‘Connected Learning’ teams launch who will assist them in the process of teaching and building their curriculum. The design was based on the Victoria University Brand Identity in 2019.
M a rke t in g
Colla te ra l
Email Communication for Kantar TNS Email communication channels were used very often at Kantar TNS when I was working as the designer there. Email visualisation was an effective way in catching the readers the attention while giving valuable information to the employees and clients. Therefore, these are some of my email designs for Kantar TNS which proved to be very effective in maintaining their brand identity.
M a rke t in g
Colla te ra l
Infographic Design for Kantar TNS Delivering the data in the form of infographics assists Kantar TNS business partners in having a better understanding and interpreting of the data provided.
Presentation Design for Kantar TNS A well-designed presentation will be able to tell a story, influence people and make information easier to digest and remember. Hence, a well thought out and developed presentation deck is essentials to Kantar TNS and getting their message across to their clients effectively.
M a rke t in g Colla te ra l
Website Design.
Website Design
VU Collaborate Student Help Website Design Website designed for optimal delivery of information for VU Collaborate Help (Victoria University enhance learning portal). VU students benefited from the ease and usability of the website design to better understand how to operate the VU online portal.
Website Design
Save The Sumatran Tiger Website Design Save The Sumatran Tiger is a campaign that is targeted the Indonesian people to raise their awareness of the extinction of the Sumatran Tiger. This website was built to bring focus to this cause.
03 Social Media Design
Social Media
Pricebook Social Media Timeline Pricebook is a product price matching company in Indonesia and Instagram has proven to be a major Digital Marketing success of theirs. Maintaining the company’s visual identity on their Instagram account was my responsibility as a Senior Graphic Designer at Pricebook. The timeline was designed with Pricebook’s social media target audience as a focus. (Male, 14 y.o - 23 y.o)
S oc i al Medi a
De s i gn
04 App Design.
A pp Desi gn
‘Save the Food’ App Design Save the Food is a mobile cooking application that can generate an extemely large amount of recipes. The purpose of this app is to utilise our leftover ingredients that we usually have in our fridge instead of throwing it out. The app was designed not only to be very aesthetic to the eyes but to also based on incorporate User Experience principles for ease of use and access.
App De s i gn
Ext ras //
Chi l dren i l l us t ra t i o n
Children Vector Illustration The importance of early childhood education has inspired me to be part of designing a children’s story book. As children are attracted to vibrant colours, vector illustration is one of the most effective approach in creating an excitement experience for children to enjoy the book. Additionally, the illustration style was inspired from the ‘Japanese Chibi’ character that is frequently appears in children’s cartoons in Japan.
Thank you.