Farm focus summer 2015

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Summer Edition

FARM Focus

Offers end 30th June 2015

Welcome to our Summer Farm Focus! Another packed edition of the Farm Focus, with a special focus on forage, from thistle control to crop packaging products, we can offer the complete solution to ensure you maximise the potential of your forage this summer! As we head into the summer months attentions turn to fly control in livestock, take a look at page 14 and 15 for advice and treatments to keep nuisance flies at bay. Our Arable Event on 17th June near Weston Park is edging closer, all is set for this to be a fantastic event and we look forward to seeing you there!

Countryside Productivity Scheme Applications are now open for the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Grants 2015. The Countryside Productivity Scheme will be providing £5m of grants for farm businesses to implement a variety of projects to improve productivity or sustainability in farming, for a full list of what is applicable under the scheme visit: Two types of grant are available, large and small and they may cover up to 40 per cent of the total eligible costs of the project. Applications can be made until the 30th June 2015 and expected decision dates will be published on after this date once the overall demand for the scheme is known. Following this the RPA will confirm with the applicant whether they have been successful or not. For details on the products that may be eligible for the grant from Wynnstay please visit our website

Shows & Events If you are attending any of the following shows and events during the months ahead come along to the Wynnstay stand to meet our team.

RWAS Spring Festival NSA Welsh Sheep Arable Event Livestock Event Newport Show Royal Welsh Show Pembrokeshire County Show

16th - 17th May 2015 19th May 2015 17th June 2015 8th - 9th July 2015 11th July 20th - 23rd July 2015 18th - 20th August 2015

Open Garden Day - The Vineyard, Weston-under Redcastle, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 5JY. Sunday 31st May 2015, 11am - 5pm. Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door includes light refreshments. Tickets available from Kate Jones, R.A.B.I. Regional Manager 07876 492839 or RABI Golf Day - Friday 5th June at Henlle Park Golf Club, Gobowen, Oswestry- £165 per team. For more details: Linda Jones on 07557 363016 or e-mail or Kate Jones on 07876 492839 or e-mail Sunday 10th May - Zip Wire Challenge, Bethesda Sunday 10th May - Sunday Supper at The Eagles Inn, Llanuwchllyn Friday 19th June - Cothi Bridge Concert Saturday 20th June - Cothi Bridge Whist Drive For further information regarding these events, please contact Linda Jones, 01559 364850 or 07557 363016.

Remember, you can follow us on Twitter (@WynnstayGroup) or like us on Facebook for all the latest news and information. 2


• High profile speakers: Mark Berrisford Smith – Head of economics for HSBC Meurig Raymond – President • Extensive varietal plots which include winter and spring cereals, oilseed rape, catch crops, cover crops, peas, beans and hybrid rye. • Extensive input trials presented by Syngenta. • Moisture meter clinic - an opportunity for growers to check their moisture meters prior to harvest.

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• NRoSO + BASIS points available to attendees. • Trade stands from a range of agricultural businesses.

NRoSO Points ble Availa

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re Moistu meter g checkin service

REGISTER NOW at to get your



Main sponsors include:

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‘Arable Event’

All prices exclude VAT

Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015


Focus on


GET TOUGH WITH THISTLES Thistles come a close second to docks in the list of most troublesome perennial weeds in grassland. The most common thistle species in the UK are spear thistle and creeping thistle. Spear thistles are biennial and have sharp, spiny eaves. They only spread by seed that can disperse as far as 30m from the mother plant. Often unnoticed in the first year, in the second they can grow as wide as a dinner plate before flowering. It is vital to stop them seeding in July. Creeping thistles spread across the ground and once established, the root mass underground is greater than the amount of plant above ground, robbing the grass of moisture and nutrients. Where thistles grow, grass cannot grow – so in silage crops they take the place of valuable feed. Research shows a 10% infestation of thistles leads to 10% less grass for cutting. Silage containing a high proportion of thistles will also be rejected at the feed trough due to the nasty prickles. Thistles can also help spread infectious diseases such as orf, a highly contagious viral disease of sheep, causing scabby lesions around the mouth and nostrils of lambs and the teats of lactating ewes. Topping is wasted effort Chopping down thistles with a mower or topper gives instant satisfaction but offers only short-term control. The roots remain largely unaffected and vigorous re-growth soon appears. It is a maintenance operation at very best. Topping also leaves trash on the surface, which can smother any grass trying to grow underneath it. Eighty per cent of livestock farmers asked in a survey about the level of weed control achieved 12 months after topping, said it had not delivered good enough results to warrant the time, effort and cost of doing it. Spraying with an appropriate herbicide designed to tackle the specific weeds or situation offers a longerterm solution which, if done correctly will eradicate the problem.


Herbicide choice There are two main options when choosing a grassland herbicide - contact or systemic/translocated products. Contact herbicides based on phenoxy carboxylic acid chemistry like MCPA have been around for years, but only work on the areas of the weed they touch. This has a quick effect on the plant above ground – but the active ingredient fails to penetrate inside sufficiently to finish it off. In reality it is merely chemical topping. Some infestations may need spraying several times with this type of product to achieve the same effect as spraying just once with a more modern translocated one, with all the 4

associated costs of making successive applications. Modern translocated herbicides such as Thistlex from Dow AgroSciences are regarded as the most reliable solution for controlling perennial Photo: Creeping thistles have more root mass underground than leaf and stem above ground weeds in grassland. The way they work ensures the active ingredients get right inside the plant, travelling around the internal liquid transport system, reaching deep into the roots as well as the stems and leaves. Safe to grass An added advantage of Thistlex over MCPA is that it is much more selective – only working on broad-leaved plants and not affecting the grass in any way. In some situations, older products can hold back grass growth. At a time when farmers are seeking to grow and feed as much grass as possible to cut input costs – this is an important consideration when selecting which herbicide to use. “Thistles need controlling because they compete with grass for space, light, nutrients and water and are unpalatable to stock, so large infestations have to be treated,” explains Dow Agrosciences’ grassland specialist Andy Bailey. “The combination of clopyralid and triclopyr in Thistlex maximises the activity on thistles, giving more than 85% control 12 months after application. “Apply between 1 March and 31 October and use once per year at a rate of 1l/ha in a water volume of 200l/ha. Use higher water volumes up to 400l/ha, where thistle numbers are high or the grass sward is dense. “Thistlex can be used on silage and grazing fields. Remove stock during spraying and for seven days after. Where applied to silage land, spray at least three weeks before cutting to allow time for the active ingredients to work fully. “Spray when the weeds are at the rosette stage and up to 20cm across or high. If they are larger than this, it would be better to top them and spray the active regrowth two to three weeks later.” For more information on Thistlex please speak to your Wynnstay Representative or Store. *Terms & Conditions Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. For further information including warning phrases and symbols refer to label. For full product information please ask a member of staff in store or your Wynnstay Representative.

Focus on



DAVIES & WILLIAMS LTD Llansantffraid, Powys, Wales

Robert Williams of Davies & Williams Ltd is a third generation agricultural contractor based in Mid Wales offering a wide range of services year-round including hedge cutting, combining, ploughing, ground works and fabrication. Wrapping approximately 8-10,000 square bales each year (depending on the season), Rob is keen to maximise throughput and keep costs to a minimum for his farmer customers whilst maintaining quality which is why he uses 6 layers of green SilotitePro bale wrap. According to Rob: “The main benefit for us is the increased length of film per reel. The extra length means we don’t have to change the reels so often, therefore increasing throughput and allowing us to keep up with the balers better. Using SilotitePro means we save an average of 4 rolls of wrap per day. He continues: “SilotitePro performs as well as traditional 25 micron film and withstands the extreme demands the McHale square bale wrapper places on the film. We have tried cheaper films in the past and none of them have been able to cope with the speed and power of the wrapper.”



TOPWRAP • S uperior impermeability to air and water • S trong and durable with ideal tack levels

Helps you to reach more effeciency and economy in process of baling of straw and hay. Takes less time to wrap a bale and therefore you will be able to reduce production time. Juta netting helps you to make better and well shaped bales which are easier to move and store.


27134 31314


Silotite 1500m x 750mm Black 5 Layer 1500m x 750mm Green 5 Layer

• High resistance to weathering • High impact & tear resistant ADAS tested


Silotite Pro 1900m 50611

Silage protection without tyres •

Fully guaranteed for 10 years against fraying, unravelling, shredding or UV degradation

Customised sizes available on request.

All prices exclude VAT


• Available in green and black Silotite 5 layer technology • Can be used on any type of wrapping equipment • Optimum film adhesive strength • High resistance to tears and perforations • Good constant elasticity • High bale throughput • Optimal adhesive strength • Performs well in all weather conditions and provides UV protection Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015





Focus on


GETTING THE MEASURE OF GRASS Boost Productivity Measuring sward height is beneficial in set-stocking, strip grazing and semi-rotational systems. By working to grazing height targets, you can increase grass utilisation by around 10-15% and promote more high quality grass growth later in the season. When grass falls below target height, move stock on to new area, or tighten up the grazing area when height moves above target. Using a sward stick, take 20 to 40 random height measurements of the undisturbed grass leaves across the field. These should include the height of rejected patches around dung pats, but avoid seed heads, stems, weeds, gateways, drinking troughs, field margins and areas under trees. Do this regularly in the spring to track the direction of grazed grass height. Once you have worked out the average height you can decide what to do next. For the more technically-focused farmer, the sward stick measurement will also enable calculations on the amounts of dry matter in the grass, as well as the height. “It’s very important pastures recover before being grazed again, so regular applications of fertiliser with a balance of all nutrients is important, keeping track of pasture growth will tell you if the applications are right.

Llwyd. “Anything you can do to make more of the grass available to your livestock will bring dividends. “Some farmers adopt paddock grazing and use either a rising plate meter or a sward stick to measure grass. Graze a small area intensively for a day or two then move stock on. This is great for utilisation because the animals eat most of the grass.” Nitrogen & Sulphur to Optimise Grazing Performance Timing

April/ May

Continue to apply Nitrogen monthly at 60kg N/ha. Nitram® (34.5%N) at 175kg/ha will provide 60kg/N/ ha. Apply after each grazing on a rotational system; where set stocking is practiced either apply monthly to the whole area or weekly to 25% of the area. Alternatively, applying SingleTop at 225kg/ha will provide 60kgh/N/ha, along with 27kg/so3/ha.

June/July/ August

Extra grazing is normally introduced at this time after silage/hay; continue to apply 40-60kg N/ha monthly to the whole area until the target N level is reached; in very dry conditions nitrogen application should be discontinued; it is not necessary to apply nitrogen fertiliser after late August.

Target heights for grazing from turn-out until May are given in the table below:

Pre-graze (cm)

Post-graze or target for set-stocking (cm)

Ewes and Lambs



Cows and calves



Moderate to Intensive Grazing system

(adapted from EBLEX BRP Manual 8)

Profitable Grass Growth


Working out the true feed value of grass can be difficult, but with a little attention to detail farmers can significantly increase the proportion of feed grown on farm – reducing feed costs. While compound feeds conveniently display all the required information on the label, grass is not quite so straightforward. However, a few simple measurements can really improve productivity. “In almost all cases, the cheapest type of feed is grass grown on-farm,” says GrowHow Farm Adviser Hefin 6


Extensive Grazing System

April/ May

1 or 2 further applications of Nitram at 75-100kg/ha will suffice through the peak growing period.

June/July/ August

Extra grazing is normally introduced at this time after silage or hay. Nitrogen rates can be tailored to available grazing at this point. In very dry conditions nitrogen application should be discontinued. It is not necessary to apply nitrogen fertiliser after late August.

MAKE IT GROW! Don’t delay, maximise yields & order today!

QUALITY FERTILISERS TopCrop Also suppliers of: Calcifert Granular Lime Agricultural Lime ● Organic and organic based fertiliser ● Soil Analysis ● Complete on farm nutrient management service ● FACTS Registered Personnel ● ●

Contact your local Wynnstay Representative or call 01939

Focus on



MAXAMMON GRAIN Maxammon Grains are whole grains harvested above 16% moisture content and conserved in an alkaline state (pH 8.5-9.5) with the ammonia releasing process – ‘Maxammon’. • Treated grain can be stored whole or processed but grains must be rolled or cracked before being fed, to aid digestion. • Increases protein levels to 14% - 16% • Stable product- no feed waste or moulds • Finishing animals introduced faster onto full feed at housing without risk of acidosis

MAXAMMON WHOLECROP • Wholecrop wheat or barley harvested at 75-80% dry matter • Less material to apply, an even distribution and cheaper than competitors • Extremely healthy forage for high producing dairy cows – high pH, digestible fibre (no need to add chopped straw)


• Acts as rumen buffer (less reliance on purchased buffers), excellent rumen function

For more information please contact your Wynnstay Representative or Steve Brown, Ruminant Feeds Product Manager on 07774 855026. All prices exclude VAT

Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015


Focus on


“TREATING” YOUR SILAGE BETTER Bacteria exist naturally everywhere in the environment and will be the organisms that will determine the quality of your silage. If you don’t select an efficient bacteria you are in the hands of nature. Low natural levels of good bacteria and/or high numbers of undesirable bacteria can result in a poor fermentation with high DM losses. We can’t be sure what natural bacteria will be on the grass when we harvest it, so the only way to be sure of a good outcome is to treat the silage with a good quality additive that will supply high numbers of desirable bacteria. To ensure value for money, you need an additive not only to dominate the fermentation, but one shown to improve animal performance and reduce DM losses, resulting in more high quality silage to feed. Wynnstay Dominator was developed to achieve this goal; applying two million bacteria per gram of grass, outnumbering and outcompeting the natural bacteria along with increasing animal performance, to give an excellent payback on the additive cost. Trials at Wye College showed an extra 19l/ milk per tonne treated.


Aerobic losses (Heating & moulding) are caused by yeasts and moulds and are potentially harmful to livestock. Poor rolling of the clamp and dry silages are usually thought of as potential problems, but coarser grasses even when wet can be just as problematical. Adjusting silage making methods can help greatly to reduce these problems, but sometimes this is not enough. Wynnstay HiDri is designed with this in mind. Containing Alliin, a garlic extract that is a natural microbial inhibitor reducing yeasts and mould activity - giving the added benefit of keeping the silage cool and fresh for longer together with all the advantages of Wynnstay Dominator. Silage bales are often more susceptible


to moulding and can heat up if not cleared quickly. This is especially the case when feeding sheep and young stock, treating them will help to reduce this. For further information on improved ensiling methods and utilisation of your silage, please ask your Wynnstay Representative or local store for a copy of our Forage Management Guide

Focus on



Milking systems can be a breeding ground for bacteria that cause udder health problems. During milking the cluster is moved from cow to cow and can spread contagious bacteria which if unchecked can affect the whole herd. • • • • • • •

Fits all parlours Double safety system Compressed air shut-off valve Boost switch for tough cases No alteration to liners No welding required to claw No wiring required in milking system

a Receive en text wh w your co o starts t calve! Robust, effective solution based on analysis of the temperature of the animals in order to carry out remote monitoring of calving. Once the thermometer has been placed in the vaginal canal, the Vel’Phone informs you via SMS of the day-to-day changes in temperature, of the imminence of calving, and of the breaking of waters. Day and night and anywhere, you will remain free and have peace of mind because the Vel’Phone is monitoring your animals. For more information please call 0808 168 7998.



• • • • •

Plug and play milking machine system Stainless steel 30 litre bucket Large 350ml Greenoak claw and cluster Oil free vacuum pump Two rotating support arm positions giving all round access to the cow

For further information on the Wynnstay Premier Dairy Range please call 0808 168 7998 or contact your local Wynnstay Store or Wynnstay Representative.

£795 All prices exclude VAT

Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015




The Wynnstay Premier Dairy Wynnsan range is a comprehensive range of dairy hygiene products to enable an effective dairy hygiene programme. The range includes a range of products to ensure low levels of bactoscans and cell counts, resulting in a healthy milking herd. Our aim is to offer a dairy hygiene range that delivers the highest level of hygiene whilst reducing your cleaning costs and improving your margins.

Focus on


VENTILATION Proper ventilation has shown to help:

• Increase average milk yield • Increase margins • Increase lying times • Reduce cases of masitiis • Reduce bedding moisture content • Increased cow comfort

Milk production and lying times

Cyclone Fans 50” and 72”


One of a kind high efficiency variable speed drive fan

72” heavy duty aluminium 6 paddle blade produces in excess of 80,000 CFM of air movement

Only uses 2.2KW of power on high speed and 300 watts on low Innov ation which show s th poten e most tial fo impro r ving a gricult ure


VES 36” Direct Drive BLAST Fan •

Ideal for calf housing and low ceiling buildings

Creates a quiet and efficient air stream that introduces fresh air and blasts the stale, stagnant air away

Cools the animals to reduce heat stress, dry bedding an insect control

3 year warranty


Please call 0808 168 7998 for more details and expert advice on building and design layout.

HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM Provides you with the most useful “on-the-farm” based cattle health reporting tool in the industry. Temperature Bolus 3.0 This revolutionary bolus allows you to control the amount of temperature data you receive and how often it gets uploaded. Our new cloud services allow you to access your data from anywhere via smartphone, tablet or web browser! Temperature Software The BellaAg Temperature Software works along side the most popular herd management software packages. Collecting information via the reader, it will automatically identify and alert you to cattle that need attention. Automatic Temperature Alerts Our software analyses the temperature data collected from your cattle and generates a list of only the ones that have problems. Alert lists can be printed out at specific times and sent out via text message or email. For more information call

t: 0808 168 7998 or visit 10

Focus on


When looking to maximise you heifer performance choose high protein, high quality milk powders that are rich in dairy protein and have the perfect amino acid balance to get your heifers off to a flying start. The Nutreco ‘Lifestart’ programme milks are especially formulated for accelerated growth in your heifers leading to improved longevity and lifelong performance. 900g/day or more is the recommended feeding rate for accelerated feeding.



Several customers report “I haven’t used a needle since buying the igloos!” There is no doubt that improved warmth coupled with improved ventilation promotes good calf health. The unique design of the igloo allows plenty of air exchange at the same time as providing shelter from the elements. The addition of a veranda completes this accommodation allowing generous lying space and shade. Stress is reduced when calves can choose where to lie, and the beds are easily refreshed by pulling the veranda and igloo apart. Hygienic, comfortable and performance led accommodation. The igloo system adapts well for computerised feeding or Milk Taxi feeding systems.



Does your colostrum or whole milk go stale overnight? Would you drink it? MilkMate® is a soluble powder which helps to preserve milk products for 24 hours, allowing you to safely feed yesterday’s colostrum today. Cheap and effective at 1.3p/litre



MILKMATE® • • • • • • •

Maintain freshness for up to 24hrs Fortifies milk Protimax egg proteins Organic acids Amino acids Vitamins & Minerals Sweetener & Flavours


Gill Dickson m: 07971 296702

National Calf Specialist


Rebecca Richards

Calf Specialist


m: 07881 093633

All prices exclude VAT


For more information on the products featured please contact one of our dedicated Calf Specialists:

Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015


Focus on




• •

Cattle High-Mag provides a highly palatable form of magnesium readily consumed even by grazing cattle in spring Helps maintain normal blood magnesium levels to reduce the risk of hypomagnesaemia (staggers/ grass tetany)

MINPOT MINERAL 22.5KG For cattle & sheep Minpot Sweet Mag meets the extra magnesium requirements of cattle and BUY sheep during the critical spring and autumn periods when magnesium intakes are low and grass staggers can be a problem.



Wynnstay Pre-Calver is a highly palatable premium lick formulated to bridge the mineral and vitamin gap of pre-calving dairy and suckler cows Supports the immunity development of both the cow and her unborn calf Promotes placental expulsion Increases disease resistance, feed efficiency and animal performance Contributes to good quality colostrum

• • • •

MINPOT MAG 22.5KG For cattle Minpot Mag meets the extra magnesium BUY requirements of cattle during the critical spring and autumn periods when magnesium intakes are low and grass staggers can be a problem


The LambMaster™ range of compound feeds are available exclusively from Wynnstay, ensure your lambs get off to the best start possible and finish profitably





LAMBMASTER™ The market leader for lamb growing and finishing


• • •


Use where extra copper & magnesium is required. Ideal for youngstock or cows at bulling time (contains fish oil). Can be safely fed to stock already treated with minvit bolus or receiving multi-vitamin injection Should not be fed to sheep Balances grazing, forages & diets based on straights

Focus on

FEEDING ADVANCE CALF STARTER FEEDS Start n Wean® nuts The market leading, 18% protein, calf starter/creep nut, formulated for palatability & performance. Suitable for all calf rearing systems, where early intakes and high growth rates are required. For feeding from 3 days to 10/12 weeks of age. Contains Greenline™ - ‘mother-smell’ stimulant with specific sugars and a natural sweetener, sweeter than sugar is included ensuring early uptakes. Available in 25kg bags, 500kg tote bags and bulk. Also available with Deccox®

Super Krunch + AlfAlfa Extremely palatable 18% protein, coarse calf starter, suitable for all calf rearing systems, where early intakes and high growth rates are required. For feeding from 3 days to 12 weeks of age. AlfAlfa & NIS pellets provide digestible fibre to aid rapid rumen development, stimulates intake help counteract any acidity and help ensure trouble-free weaning Kibbled linseed flakes, micronized flaked beans and peas provide high levels of specific amino acids to meet the demands for high quality protein over the first few weeks of a calf’s life and high levels of digestible undegradable protein (DUP), ensuring rapid growth and efficient digestion.

BIOSPRINT YEAST Dairy Cows Not Milking? Beef Cattle Not Putting On The Weight Gain? Try Biosprint® Live Yeast - For Improved Rumen Function

Feed 50gms/Hd/Day to Dairy Cows, 30gms/Hd/Day to Beef Cattle Costs From 3p/Head/Day Available From Wynnstay Stores Or Delivered Direct To Farm

For more information and special prices, speak with your Wynnstay Representative, Local Wynnstay Store or call Steve Brown, Ruminant Feeds Product Manager on 07774 855026

WYNNMIN MINERALS PREMIER RANGE OF FREE ACCESS MINERALS for Dairy, Dry Cow Youngstock, Beef and Sheep PREMIER IN-FEED & ECO IN-FEED MINERALS - For mixing in feed wagons, home mixes or top dressing on forages

Available in 25kg bags and 500kg tote bags

GROW KRUNCH (non-GM) Palatable 18% protein, coarse calf starter, suitable for all calf rearing systems, where early intakes and high growth rates are required. For feeding from 3 days to 12 weeks of age.

WYNNMIN BESPOKE MINERALS Ask for a free forage mineral test and we will formulate a bespoke mineral for your herd or flock


Rolled barley and flaked maize for rapid, efficient growth particularly from weaning onwards. High digestible fibre sources to aid rapid rumen development, stimulate intake and help ensure trouble-free weaning. Kibbled linseed flakes, micronized flaked peas and beans, micronized flakes soya provide high levels of specific amino acids to meet the demands for high quality protein over the first few weeks of a calf’s life. A specialist supplement is included ensuring good healthy performance. Available in 25kg bags or 500kg tote bags All prices exclude VAT

Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015


Focus on


EARLY FLY CONTROL PARAMOUNT THIS YEAR The relatively mild winter has potentially failed to kill off over-wintering fly populations – so much so that as the weather warms up there could be an explosion in insects that both irritate ruminant livestock and transmit diseases. Climate change is also influencing the way entomologists and animal health experts think about fly control, and preempting the threat this year to your livestock can go some way to reducing potential insect-borne disease problems later in the summer. Early insecticide treatment of cattle can help reduce insect populations. Applying a proven insecticide early in the season will both reduce the first wave of attack from biting insects and cut next generation numbers. If you can kill flies early or even stop them feeding on your livestock, you will reduce their ability to breed. Seeing flies or midges on or around animals are usually the main triggers for applying insecticides, but significant insect populations can have built up by then. And left untreated, an insignificant early season insect population can become a huge one in just a few weeks. The main objective is to kill as many insects as possible when the first landing parties arrive on your livestock to feed.


As well as treating cattle early, it’s also important to keep on top of the insect problem as we move through the warmer months. A mixture of different fly and midge species threaten most farms with populations peaking at different times and waves of attackers hatch out to trouble herds all season long. However, regular applications of Butox SWISH onto cattle will reduce the insect threat. And an early first dose will also help control any biting and sucking lice that have built up on animals over the winter housed period. You also get 8-10 weeks fly and lice protection from a single insecticide application. In addition, aim to reduce potential insect breeding sites and consider housing livestock at dawn and dusk if insects are particularly active.

MINI POT FLY GUARD 22.5KG • Helps repel nuisance insects • Suitable for cattle and sheep • Offers essential vitamins and minerals plus garlic


PERBIO CHOC FLY SPRAY • Strong, ready to use fly control • Lasts up to three months • 0.64% permethrin and 0.63% tetramethrin • No diluting. Spray or brush onto walls and floors • Can also be ‘fogged’ for treatment against flies, mosquitoes and midges • Available in 1 litre and 5 litres

5L KNOCKDOWN FLYSPRAY An easy to use and simple fast acting spray to quickly knock down and control nuisance flies. The product is water based so it reduces slip hazards and is non-corrosive.

£10 14



£32.50 56704

Focus on


EFFECTIVE FLY CONTROL ENSURES CATTLE CAN KEEP THEIR NOSES ON THE GROUND. The season for cattle flies can start as early as April in some areas, which is important as flies can cause significant production losses for dairy and beef cattle. Flies are more than just a nuisance for both livestock and people causing irritation, stress and serious effects on productivity via reduced weight gain and reduction of milk yields. Flies are also responsible for the spread of significant cattle diseases such as summer mastitis, salmonella and New Forest Eye (Moraxella bovis).

you will reduce their ability to breed. Seeing flies or midges on or around animals are usually the main triggers for applying insecticides, but significant insect populations can have built up by then. And left untreated, an insignificant early season insect population can become a huge one in just a few weeks. The main objective is to kill as many insects as possible when the first landing parties arrive on your livestock to feed.

The most common species of flies that affect the productivity of cattle are: Non biting flies House Flies (eg Musca domestica) and Face Flies (eg Musca autumnalis) – these flies do not bite, but they breed easily in manure, quickly forming large numbers which can cause great irritation and transmit diseases. Animals that are distracted by flies will graze less and hence not perform as well. Treating animals and fly breeding sites will help to minimise any potential losses associated with nuisance flies. Biting flies

Horn Flies (eg Hydrotea irritans) – these blood sucking flies also look similar to house flies, are extremely irritating and can cause production losses. EARLY FLY CONTROL PARAMOUNT THIS YEAR The relatively mild winter has potentially failed to kill off over-wintering fly populations – so much so that as the weather warms up there could be an explosion in insects that both irritate ruminant livestock and transmit diseases. Climate change is also influencing the way entomologists and animal health experts think about fly control, and preempting the threat this year to your livestock can go some way to reducing potential insect-borne disease problems later in the summer. Early insecticide treatment of cattle can help reduce insect populations. Applying a proven insecticide early in the season will both reduce the first wave of attack from biting insects and cut next generation numbers. If you can kill flies early or even stop them feeding on your livestock, All prices exclude VAT

As well as treating cattle early, it’s also important to keep on top of the insect problem as we move through the warmer months. A mixture of different fly and midge species threaten most farms with populations peaking at different times and waves of attackers hatch out to trouble herds all season long. So in addition to applying insecticides, aim to reduce potential insect breeding sites and consider housing livestock at dawn and dusk if insects are particularly active. Did you know? •

It only takes 10-20 head flies to have a negative economic impact on farm.

The horn fly will feed on blood from cattle up to 40 times per day - this could lead to blood loss and constant irritation for the animal.

The risk of not treating flies and external parasites on cattle and sheep: •

Reduced milk yields of up to 20%1

Increased incidence of summer mastitis

Reduced calf weight gain

Downgraded wool quality

Reduced reproduction in sheep Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015



Horse Flies (eg Tabanus sp.) and Stable Flies (eg Stomoxys calcitrans) – unlike the similar looking house flies, Stable and Horse flies deliver extremely painful bites, with both males and females feeding on blood.

Focus on


Ideal for Drenching, Mouthing, Dagging, Ear Tagging, Selecting, Foot Treatment, etc. - All Handling Operations.




Prattley’s mobile sheep yards can be easily transported, assembled and operated, by one person. The mobile sheep yard is versatile and can be taken anywhere on the farm for on-the-spot drenching, crutching, mouthing, tagging, docking and fly strike and any general animal treatment. The system offers faster animal flow, reduced fuel and labour costs, less stress on the animal which all helps to make farm management easier and more cost effective.

SPECIFICATIONS: Aluminium - durable, versatile, lightweight, easy to use and cost effective. Assembled to meet the needs of the individual buyer. With the Alligator system, dosing sheep is a one-person job. Create a collecting pen and dosing race single-handedly and in less than 15 minutes, even at remote sites and on rough terrain.


RUTLAND ESB57/202 ENERGISERS 43269/44136



NOW £64.99 Best for strip grazing cattle and horses. Pulse indicator light and low battery indicator light. Crocodile clips with stainless steel jaws included. (Your energiser needs to be properly installed and earthed in


order to perform effectively.)

Power Specifications: Power Source: Stored Energy: Max Power Use: Open Volts:

ESB 57

ESB 202

12v 80Ah 0.25 Joules 25 mA 8,500v

12v 75Ah 1.7 Joules 130 mA 10,000v

Distance Rating Based on HT wire: No Vegetation: Moderate Vegetation: High Vegetation:

2.5 km 1 km 0.3 km

22 km 3.5 km 1.3 km

NOW £98.99 £147.06 16

F 10% hOt wFith any

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• • •


Focus on

• • •

Ideal for fertiliser & grain Stores!

Ideal for the storage of grain, fertiliser, aggregate, solid fuel and waste materials Easily portable with built in forklift recesses Optimum curved profile allows free flow of material to the bottom of silo Heights available 1.5m (5’), 2.4m (8’), 3.0m (10’) Standard width 1.2m (4’) Corner units available

Full Range of Concrete Products available, Water Troughs, Concrete Panels, Portable cubicles etc.



Large capacity trough for large herds in open areas Low drinking height so animals can comfortably reach the water Free standing water trough suitable for dairy cows Integrated service box and removable lid. Frost resistant to - 40ºC. Centre fill water trough Also available in 150GAL & 200GAL 53330/53329




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Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015



• •

Focus on


2015 is a particularly exciting year for autumn sown new varieties. They offer significant potential to improve margins through increased yield potential and improved grain quality. WHEAT Reflection. Rarely do we see new varieties come along that have the potential of the new feed wheat Reflection. It has the highest UK yield potential of any wheat variety, and if you look at the western region it has a yield of 109%, this is at least 4% more yield than all other feed wheats. Importantly Reflection also has an excellent specific weight and an early maturity. These characteristics will see it develop into a major player nationally, but particularly in the west where hard feed wheats currently dominate.

BARLEY KWS Infinity. This is that latest offering from the prolific breeding lines at KWS. It is the highest yielding 2 row barley available, has stiff straw and good resistance to Rhyncho. Bazooka (Hybrid). This new hybrid looks particularly exciting with a huge yield potential of 108% and excellent agronomics. It has long but stiff straw, very early maturity, a specific weight equivalent to the best 2 row barleys and a superb disease resistance.

KWS Lili. At a time when many growers will be looking to increase the value of their grain Lili looks to be the ideal variety. It has a yield potential of 105%, 3% ahead of market leading feed wheat JB Diego, yet also has Group 2 bread-making potential. Lili has a good resistance to Setoria Tritici. Costello. This new variety will appeal to those who like to grow good quality feed wheat. It has a yield potential of 104%, 2% more than JB Diego, coupled with the highest Specific Weight on the whole HGCA list, including all the bread-making varieties at 80.5 kg/ hl. It also has the best Hagberg rating which suggests that it is a very robust variety in the field.

OILSEED RAPE Campus. This was the top yielding conventional variety in 2014. Campus is recommended by HGCA in both the North and East/West region. It has the same yield as the popular hybrid Incentive, good Light Leaf Spot resistance, very stiff straw and the good early autumn and spring vigour, more commonly associated with the hybrids. To view all these varieties and more being growing locally please join us at our Arable Event on June 17th (see page 3) Richard Torr Seed Sales Manager


For more information on any of the above, or for a competitive offer on your autumn seed requirements please contact the seed office. Tel. 01939 210777 18


Focus on

R Morris & Son of Meifod made the decision to invest in a 150Kw Lindner & Sommerauer woodchip boiler through Geogen Technologies Ltd in November 2014. Generating over 197,000KWh of heat per year, the system is providing the full heating & hot water needs of his large farmhouse & parlour (milking an average of 110 cows per day). Mr Morris is already saving £500 per month on his electric and is estimated to earn £15,000 per year for 20 years from the Government Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme.


SOLAR R Morris & Son have also invested in a 15Kw Solar PV System installed at Pant Farm, Meifod by Geogen Technologies Ltd. Even though the installation is in a shaded valley it has generated over 9500KWh since April 2014 and is saving Mr Morris £300.00 per month on his electric bill by using over 75% of the electricity he is generating on site. He has also gained an income of over £1,150 from the feed in tariff scheme so far.



01691 670341 or visit 01691 670341 Part of Wynnstay Group Plc. GeoGen Technologies Limited, Unit 1 Links Hub, Mile Oak, Industrial Estate, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 8GA.

Wynnstay Farm Focus SUMMER 2015


CONTACT US Wynnstay Arable......... 01939 210555 Wynnstay Feeds.......... 01691 828512 Wynnstay Retail.......... 01691 662690

Wynnstay Stores

Tregaron, SY25 6HY..............01974 298107 Tywyn, LL36 9BG....................01654 710233 Welshpool, SY21 7AY..........01938 552591 Welshpool (Hardware),..........01938 554672 North Wales

Astley, SY4 4RT......................01939 210555 Craven Arms, SY7 9QQ........01588 672623 Newport, TF10 7BX...............01952 820104 Oswestry, SY10 8NH.............01691 659251 Pontesbury, SY5 0UB...........01743 791876 Whitchurch, SY13 1LT..........01948 662061

Gaerwen, LL60 6DP...............01248 421253 Llanfachraeth, LL65 4UP.....01407 741918 Llanrwst, LL26 0PQ...............01492 640397 Penygroes, LL54 6NW..........01286 880234 Rhosfawr, LL53 6NF. .............01766 810526 Ruthin, LL15 1NQ...................01824 704900 Sarn, LL53 8ER........................01758 730212 St Asaph, LL17 0LT................01745 582527

South Wales

Hereford & Worcester

L­ langadog, SA19 9LT............01550 776120 Tanygroes, SA43 2JS............01239 810101

Droitwich, WR9 7DZ.............01527 821485 Leominster, HR6 0QF...........01568 615666 Pontrilas, HR2 0EL.................01981 240051 Ross-on-Wye, HR9 5NB.......01989 768394


St. Clears, SA33 4DY............01994 230208 Llandeilo, SA19 6ST..............01558 822207 Pensarn, SA31 2NG...............01267 236794 Llandovery, SA20 0AW........01550 720347 Cardigan, SA43 3AL..............01239 810083 Haverfordwest, SA62 4BW.01437 761480 Crosshands, SA14 6RE.........01269 845445 Mid Wales Aberystwyth, SY23 3JQ.......01970 625368 Dolgellau, LL40 2YU.............01341 422253 Llanfair Caereinion, SY21 0SG.................... ............................................01938 810525 Llanidloes, SY18 6DF............01686 412696 Llansantffraid, SY22 6AQ....01691 827125 Newtown, SY16 1ET.............01686 626379

Gloucestershire Tetbury, GL8 8LD....................01666 502366 Lancashire, Cumbria, North Yorkshire Kendal, LA7 7FP.....................015395 66003 Lancaster, LA1 3JQ................01524 62480 Skipton, BD23 1UD................01756 709662 Staffordshire Uttoxeter, ST14 8AE..............01889 564844 Stafford, ST16 3SU................01785 250595 Oxfordshire and Warwickshire Banbury, CV47 2BB...............01295 770707

LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN AGRICULTURE? Wynnstay offer a diverse range of careers for those with a passion for agriculture. To find out more about the career opportunities available at Wynnstay visit or telephone us on t: 01691 827120.

Follow Us on Twitter @WynnstayGroup ­­All prices exclude VAT. Offers valid until 31st June 2015 unless otherwise stated and are subject to availability. Products may vary to illustration and only be available at larger Stores, please check before travelling. Wynnstay reserve the right to withdraw offers or change prices at any time. E & OE.


Wynnstay (Agricultural Supplies) Ltd • Eagle House • Llansantffraid • Powys • SY22 6AQ Registration No. 5009019 Part of Wynnstay Group Plc • Eagle House • Llansantffraid • Powys SY22 6AQ Registration No: 2704051 Telephone: 01691 828512 • Fax: 01691 828690 • Email: • Registered in Wales and England Vat Reg No. 168 7221 87

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