Grass & Roots Guide 2023

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Grass & Roots 2023 1 2 t: 01939 210777 CONTENTS Key: IRG = Italian Ryegrass Int = Intermediate PRG = Perennial Ryegrass Med = Medium HRG = Hybrid Ryegrass RG = Ryegrass CONTENTS t: 01939 210777 Welcome 3 Grass Characteristics 6 Benefits of Reseeding 7 Grass Seed Story 8 Customer Testimonials 10 Nutrient Management Planning 14 Soil Biology 15 Grass Seed Mixture Selector 16 Short-Term Mixtures Fast Grass 18 Tower 19 Rapid Green 20 Medium-Term Mixtures Squire 21 Fortress 22 Shield 23 Centenary 24 Sovereign 25 Stronghold 26 Long-Term Mixtures Imperial 28 Crusader 29 Herald 30 Kingdom 31 Majestic 32 Royal 33 Multi Species Ley (Grazing) 35 Multi Species Ley (Cutting) 38 Multi Species Ley (Finishing Mix) 38 Overseeding Mixtures 39 Organic Seed 41 Equine Mixtures 43 Grassland Management 48 Festulolium 52 Chicory 53 Lucerne 54 White Clover 56 Red Clover 57 Plantain 58 Grass Management Solutions 59 Root Seed Root Seed 60 Weed Control In Root Crops 61 Root Seed Selector 62 Beet 64 Kale 67 Swede 68 Stubble Turnips 69 Forage Rape 70 Maincrop Turnips 71 Catch Crop Mixtures 72 Poultry Mixtures 73 Environmental Schemes 74 Gamecover 76 Wholecrop 77 Amenity Grass 78 Landscape Grass 79 Sport Grass Mixes 80 Wildflower Mixes 81


Home-grown forage, especially good quality grass, is the most cost-effective livestock feed available, and at Wynnstay, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of grass seed mixtures to help producers maximise forage potential.

As a completely independent company, we can be confident in offering the very best varieties carefully selected from the Grass and Clover Recommended List, to produce highquality forage mixtures, and what’s more, we’re in control of the whole process from start to finish. From seed production with our growers to seed cleaning in our purposebuilt seed plant, right through to formulating, mixing and delivering our mixtures.

Every farm system is different, so we’re big believers that getting farm-specific advice is essential. We endeavour to help with every aspect, and our Wynnstay Specialists are available on-farm and in-store to offer advice on mixture choice, crop nutrition, crop

protection and grassland management, to ensure you get optimum performance from your forage crops.

New grass leys are high yielding, have high palatability and high D values along with better disease resistance compared to a typical eight-year-old ley – where yield and quality can be as much as halved. Our focus is to work with you to produce quality forage output on-farm, through our first-class grass seed mixture range.



Tested using a standardised system

Tests undertaken on a regular basis

Grass & Roots 2023 3
we select from the Recommended List...
We’re big believers that getting farmspecific advice is essential.
for many characteristics such as yield, D value, disease and persistency
able to perform consistently in terms of yield and quality Independently tested Tested
Tailored to the English and Welsh climatic conditions


The Grass & Roots Team

Toby Reich Head of Seed 07885 877209

Katie Deery Assistant Product Manager 07810 444894

Colin Jones Grass and Root Seed Product Manager 07771 517715

Joe Wood Seed Sales Manager 07469 854794

Amy Watts Environmental Seeds Product Manager 07974 446856

GrainLink 4 t: 01939 210777 Seed (West) t: 01939 210777 Toby Reich Head of Seeds m: 07885 877209 Jo Heath Seed Co-ordination Manager m: 01939 210777 Danny Richardson Combinable Seed Product Specialist m: 07990 578551 Colin Jones Grass & Root Seed Product Manager m: 07771 517715 Katie Deery Grass & Root Assistant Product Manager t: 01939 210777 Amy Watts Environmental Seed Product Manager m: 07974 446856 Jim Dorricott Seed Production Manager m: 07983 710127 Joe Wood Seed Sales Manager m: 07469 854794 Linda Lee Seed Administration Assistant t: 01939 210777 Seed (East) t: 01757 617000 Nigel Britland Regional Seeds Manager m: 07984 248473 Michelle Bateman Senior Seed Sales Co-ordinator m: 01757 403603 Ian Hackney Seed Production Manager m: 07515 576138 Alison Wilding Logistics Seed East m: 07876 824315 Fertiliser t: 01939 211266 David Mitchell Fertiliser Manager m: 07990 578543 Kate Ruggles Assistant Product Manager t: 01939 211266 Rachel Clifton Fertiliser Technical Sales Co-ordinator m: 07788 310253 Hollie Godwin Senior Fertiliser Administrator t: 01939 211266 Richard Woods Fertiliser Commercial Support t: 01939 211266 Polly Gillett Arable & Forage Specialist – Midlands m: 07810 444933 Louise Woolacott Arable & Forage Specialist – South West m: 07879 841672 Crop Protection t: 01939 211251 Dr Simon Pope Crop Protection Manager m: 07990 578545 Shannon Marshall Crop Protection Sales Co-ordinator m: 07876 824313 Ellie Edwards Agronomist m: 07436 142593 Arable Traders Nigel Britland Commercial Manager East m: 07984 248473 Paul Crump Arable Trading Manager m: 07469 859673 Steve Atha Senior Trader, East m: 07570 806091 George Armstrong North East m: 07587 433625 Haddon Smith Lincolnshire & Northamptonshire m: 07795 576579 Harry Newbould North Yorkshire & Durham m: 07801 501420 Henry Gale East Midlands m: 07570 925128 Jenny Oglesby South & East Yorkshire m: 07587 431657 Kate Millington North & South Yorkshire m: 07803 623000 Lewis White East & North Yorkshire m: 07494 690456 Robert Clubley East Yorkshire & North Humberside m: 07799 138367
Shrewsbury t: 01939 210500 Grantham t: 01476 833500

North Wales


Sales Teams

Mid Wales

South Wales

North England

Grass & Roots 2023 5
Meurig Huws Sales Manager m: 07747 625762 Caitlin Jones m: 07810 444946 Gareth Jones m: 07747 033517 Iwan Lloyd Davies m: 07780 683043 Merfyn Owen m: 07771 620297 Mervyn Jones m: 07771 922977 Sion Jones m: 07736 343621
Rob Williams Sales Manager m: 07736 343627 Adrian Thomas m: 07771 518880 Charlie Cooper-Harding m: 07551 324002 Crystal Brick m: 07384 817362 Holly Page m: 07990 584750 Wil Worthington m: 07787 426498 Gareth Evans m: 07966 544095
Chris Thomas, Sales Manager m: 07879 841671 Aled Thomas m: 07788 314692 Cefin Evans m: 07879 841673 Chris Davies m: 07908 441022 Gareth Bryan m: 07793 073185 Harri Millin m: 07384 117655 Huw Reed m: 07971 234083 Huw Walters m: 07769 907637 Lawrence Couzens m: 07766 404571 Lewis Williams m: 07736 343626 Martin Jones m: 07817 651159 Phil Pugh m: 07977 766238 Rob Davies m: 07791 863130 Towyn Evans m: 07831 867546
Nicola Worsley m: 07894 751499 Nigel Hogarth m: 07778 578075 Ruth Hatton m: 07767 275215 Midlands Peter Collier Key Account Manager m: 07733 328382 Steve Jarrett, Key Account Manager m: 07721 390852 Andrew Pigott m: 07733 328381 Jess Edwards m: 07788 310254 Luke Derrett m: 07747 615889 Mark Matthews m: 07796 172522 Michael Gomme m: 07801 088812 Mike Spiers m: 07775 924452 Richard Taylor m: 07977 216764 Rich Wild m: 07788 314967 Rob Williams m: 07736 343627 Tony Morris m: 07866 125680
Will Whittington Regional Business Manager- South m: 07500 115641 Aimee Popham m: 07974 446238 Arthur Stanbury m: 07771 544684 Chris Hook m: 07885 556707 Emma Church m: 07795 370701 Graham Moger m: 07712 478308 Gregg Allen m: 07885 273484 Izzy Greenaway m: 07717 290749 Julie Sully m: 07860 268525 Kevin Cannell m: 07974 448564 Mike Hawken m: 07870 875018 Nigel Clements m: 07860 268442 Patrick Brock m: 07483 114902 Tony Heather m: 07775 806360 Will Marffy m: 07484 533998
South England



Perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne (PRG)

This is the most persistent type of grass and is the most widely sown species. It is the main grass used in any medium-long term mix. It yields around 13-15T DM/ha, which is lower yielding than Italian ryegrass but perennials last longer than Italian ryegrass and westerwolds at around five to seven years (depending on heading date). It is a versatile species as it can be cut or grazed. Different varieties of perennials are subdivided into diploids and tetraploids and then divided further into early, intermediate or late – meaning that they provide grass growth at different times of the growing season.

Italian ryegrass, lolium multiflorum (IRG)

This is one of the highest yielding grass species available in the UK and can provide around 18T DM/ha/year in the correct conditions. It is a short-lived grass, lasting for two years. It has a very open growth habit, with fewer tillers than other grasses and is best suited to cutting rather than grazing regimes. It will start to grow when the soil temperatures reach 3˚C, therefore growing earliest in the spring and latest in the autumn compared to other agricultural grasses.


Hybrid ryegrass is a cross between Italians and perennials, inheriting characteristics of both species. Most varieties have more Italian genes within the plant, making it a useful species for intensive farmers, due to the high conservation yields. Hybrids also have more tillers than straight Italian ryegrasses due to the perennial gene within the plant, which increases ground cover. This also makes hybrids suitable for grazing.

Timothy, phleum pratense

This is a winter hardy species, which thrives in difficult conditions such as on heavy or wet land. Timothy also copes well with drought or on lighter soils, due to its deep rooting system. It is a very common species found in pasture throughout the UK. This is mainly due to its ability to provide good mid-summer growth and maintain its palatability when other grasses may be losing their D value. Timothy is suited to both cutting and grazing, and grows when ryegrass growth slows down in the summer, filling the mid-season gap.

Westerwold ryegrass, lolium multiflorum westerwoldicum

These are annual grasses which are very fast to establish but are relatively short lived. It is the only grass to produce a stem and seed head from a spring sowing, making it suitable for the production of hay for horses. It is a very good N lifter and seeks out and mops up nitrate in soil. 6 t: 01939 210777
ryegrass, lolium multiflorum x lolium boucheanum (HRG) GRASS


Reseeding an existing ley can lead to a significant return on investment. Within several years ‘weed grasses’ will ingress into a sward – particularly if the field has experienced poaching or after a hard winter. These ‘weed grasses’ have poor quality characteristics compared to ryegrass varieties from the Recommended List. These include poor digestibility and a poorer response to fertiliser, as well as not converting to meat and milk as efficiently as ryegrass.

Top benefits of reseeding:

Improved yields

Higher DM intakes

Enhanced disease resistance

Earlier turnout of stock

Increased stocking rate

Increased palatability and digestibility

Improved grazing and silage quality

Higher response to nitrogen (N) fertiliser

With the increase in volatility of fertiliser prices, it is important that a grassland nutrient programme is cost-effective.

It is essential that the sward comprises of grass species which respond to fertiliser to maximise on-farm profitability. After all, there is little point applying fertiliser to a sward, which mainly comprises of weed grasses. This is both a waste of money and resource.

The graph (please see left) clearly shows the variance between perennials’ efficiency and the efficiency of common weed grasses when nitrogen fertiliser is applied.

Grass & Roots 2023 7
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Weed Grass Ingression % 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 1 82 Sown Sp. 18 Weed Sp. 2 76 24 3 68 32 4 62 38 8 49 51 20+ 12 88 0% Response to Nitrogen* 100 42 17 33 100 80 60 40 20 0 PRG Yorkshire Fog Rough Stalked Meadowgrass Bent Grass BENEFITS OF REESEEDING *These losses in response occur when N is increased from 50-150 units/ac %
Source: Grassland Research Institute - Hurley
Katie Deery, Assistant Product Manager

Step 1


Full control from start to finish

Selecting the correct grass varieties

We carefully study all trials information from the Recommended Grass and Clover List for England and Wales and regularly visit breeder trials. This enables us to pick and choose the best varieties to grow on contract, to produce seed for our mixture range.

Step 8

Delivering our own grass mixtures

Step 4

Analysis of our own grass seed

Our grass seed is sent to an independent laboratory for rigorous testing to ensure that we have the highest purity and germination results, ensuring all seed meets HVS (Higher Voluntary Standard).

When required, we will deliver all standard mixtures and small seeds the next working day*

*Subject to stock availability. For special mixtures and requirements, we aim for delivery within two working days. Orders must be placed by 12 noon. UK mainland only – excludes Highlands of Scotland. Additional charges apply for orders with a value below £70

Our dedicated sales force has the experience and knowledge to advise you on what mixture would suit your farm enterprise, so that you get the most out of your grass ley. 8 t: 01939 210777

Step 2

Growing our own grass seed

In order to ensure quality and value, we grow a large proportion of our grass seed on contract with local farms, primarily on the high grade, fertile soils of Herefordshire.

Step 3

Cleaning our own grass seed

Step 5

Formulating our own grass mixtures

We select the best varieties from the recommended List to ensure optimum mixture performance.

Step 6

Mixing our own grass mixtures

Step 7

Selling our own grass mixtures


Whether it is a mixture from our standard range or a bespoke mixture, our on-site mixing facilities mean that we have the flexibility to mix what we need, when we need it. This ensures prompt delivery onto farm.

Grass & Roots 2023 9
This seed is cleaned at our modern, purpose built seed plant at Astley, Shrewsbury. Recently a new cleaning line was installed guaranteeing even higher purity standards are achieved.



Stephen Jones

• Sheep, Beef and Arable

• Buckinghamshire

• Tower

“We started using Tower five or six years ago. We were looking for a short-term ley to fit into our arable rotation. After initially trying it on a small area, we gradually switched to using it everywhere, sowing 30 to 40 hectares each year. The mix fits well with what we do - the first cut silage is fed to cattle, and the second cut is used to make high quality hay which we sell to Newmarket Racecourse. We recently won a prize at an Aylesbury Vale District competition with the hay. The mix establishes well even when drilled late in the season, which is a real plus when the weather delays sowing.”

Chris Davies

• Beef

• Shropshire

• Fortress

“Our business is based on finishing homebred and purchased store cattle on a total mixed ration. The farm has more than 400 acres of pasture and we do some re-seeding every year. We have used Fortress for more than ten years and chose it for its five-star rating, early spring growth, good bulk and ability to produce more than 19% protein for both pit and bale silage, if regularly cut. We have tried other mixes, but for us, on our heavy clay soils, it is our first choice. It also performs well if grazed. This year, we’re looking to introduce red clover into the mix to reduce our nitrogen use. I would recommend Fortress to anyone who wants early growth, highquality, high-protein and high-sugar silage.”

Edward Wozencraft

• Suckler Beef and Sheep

• Pen-yr-ochr Farm, Llangurig, Powys

• Squire

“We re-seed 15-20 acres of our lowland ground each year and have been using Squire – a three-year red clover grass mix – for some time now. It suits our farm, which can be very wet (we receive about 70 inches of rainfall annually). It is a good, multi-purpose ley – we use it to precision graze fat lambs and typically take one to two cuts of silage, which we feed to growing cattle during the winter. We mostly plough and then put the seed on with a fertiliser spinner and roll it twice. It is tremendous quality (10.5ME) and it is a bulky crop, which grows back quickly. It has great staying power and can stick our wetter winters.” 10 t: 01939 210777


Lewis Family

• Sheep and Suckler Beef

• Sarnau Fawr, Ceredigion

• Sovereign

“We would definitely recommend Sovereign. It’s been a fantastic mixture for us. We used it for the first time in 2022 on the advice of our local Wynnstay rep, who believed it would work well for us because of its vigour. Every year we re-seed around 15 acres, using a mixture of long-term and short-term grass leys. We reseeded on the 15th May and took a silage cut on the 17th July. This analysed exceptionally well at 11.5 metabolisable energy, 18.9% protein, 95% digestibility and 43.3% dry matter. Since cutting, it has been used for fattening lambs and shown excellent re-growth between grazings, despite a very dry autumn. We had lambs on it until the middle of December.”

Richard Jordan

• Mixed Arable and Sheep

• Worcestershire

• Organic Squire


“We chose ORG Squire in the spring of 2021 because we had started organic conversion and the mix seemed an ideal choice with its red clover content. The farm is mixed arable and sheep, and the seed went in after a wheat crop. In 2022, the grass was grazed by sheep until the end of March. Then we had a cut of silage, a cut of hay and then another cut of silage. It performed well in the drought and on that basis, I would recommend it to other farmers as a versatile and resilient mix.”

Rob Edwards - RJ Edwards A’i Fab


• Agricultural Contractors and Hay and Straw Merchants

• Ceredigion

• Stronghold

“I used Stronghold for the first time this year, sowing it in August 2021. I had 31 acres of dry land to re-seed and chose the mix because I wanted a deep-rooting grass with good yield potential. It went in after wholecrop and was grazed over the winter by tack sheep which were taken out mid- April. The fields were cut twice in 2022 for hay, producing a total of 327 square bales. RJ Edwards A’i Fab sell hay so it is essential that we produce a top-quality product. I’m very pleased with Stronghold; we carry out re-seeding and soil analysis for other farms and as part of that service, I have recommended the mix to clients looking to re-seed south facing banks and dry fields.”

For more information on the range of grass and root seeds available, please call our Seed Department on 01939 210777 or visit

Grass & Roots 2023 11


• Dairy and Sheep

• North Wales

• Sovereign

“We’ve used the Sovereign mix for the past seven years, reseeding about 30 acres each year to make silage for our 90-cow dairy herd, plus grazing for our 400 ewes over winter. We take three cuts each year, and we’ve found it grows well in spring, giving a good early cut. The silage has been good quality – we had 72% D value, 11.5 ME and 13.3 protein from last season’s cuts. To cut down on our carbon footprint from machinery we’ve started direct drilling it and found it establishes well.”

• Dairy

• Carmarthenshire

• Majestic

“I’ve used Majestic for five years. We re-seed 10% of the farm every autumn and choose Majestic because it offers a long-term ley that supports grazing and silage. Majestic includes clover and gets going early in the spring which allows us to graze before taking four cuts of silage. Our cows milk like mad on it and it supports lambs earlier in the year. The lambs do well on it and we use them to take out any chickweed. We don’t want to be ploughing fields every couple of years; we want a ley that lasts and keeps performing well. Majestic gives us that, which is why we keep coming back to it.”

• Dairy

• Derbyshire

• Special


“I’ve used a Bespoke mix for four years and it now accounts for all of the temporary grassland grown in our crop rotation. The farm supports 230 high-yielding Holsteins and I chose a Bespoke mix because I wanted a ley that could produce consistent yields and quality across the four to five cuts of silage we aim to take each year. The Bespoke mix has performed well and delivered consistent results with 11.5 metabolisable energy (ME) and 72% D- value for the first cut which was taken on the 1st May 2022. Two months later, third cut yielded 12 ME and 75% D- value, showing its consistency. We’ve found that other shorter- term leys produce bulk early in the season but struggle later on. I would recommend the Bespoke mix to other farmers as it performs well throughout the year and seems to cope well with the weather challenges we are increasingly facing. Our aim is to produce more milk from forage and reduce bought in feed – the quality of the crop grown from the Bespoke mix is helping us achieve that.” 12 t: 01939 210777
Rob Goodwin - H Goodwin & Sons


Emyr Bowen

• Dairy

• Lan House, Carmarthenshire

• Imperial

“I milk a herd of pedigree Holsteins in partnership with my father, with a goal of maximising milk from forage. Imperial is the only seed mix that we use and we’ve used it for as long as I can remember. We use it because we want a mix that is late heading and optimises quality for silage and grazing. In 2022, we took five cuts of silage, three of them analysed at more than 12 metabolisable energy (ME) and the other two over 11.5 ME. First cut was 20% Imperial and next year it will be 25%. We get good results with the mix and other farmers have asked what we use after seeing our silage quality. It’s ideal for anyone looking for a late heading, high sugar, long term ley.”

Endaf Jenkins

• Beef and Sheep

• Ynysforgan, Ceredigion

• Crusader


“We rear beef and sheep on an upland farm in Mid Ceredigion and have used Wynnstay seeds for 10 years. Our decision to use Crusader was made following a conversation with our Wynnstay rep, who suggested it based on our soil type and climate. We re-seed around 15 acres each year. The ley is used for grazing and silage, so we need something that stands up to multiple uses and still grows well on an upland farm. I would strongly recommend the seed mix to other farmers who are looking for a robust ley that performs well.”

For more information on the range of grass and root seeds available, please call our Seed Department on 01939 210777 or visit

Grass & Roots 2023 13


Nutrient Management Plans offer the opportunity to target nutrient applications in the most effective way possible, ensuring fertiliser can be used efficiently and ensuring compliance. Nutrient Management Plans ensure good practice, meeting both legal and industry requirements.

Wynnstay’s FACTS qualified specialists have produced fully compliant Nutrient Management Plans for our customers for more than 20 years. For those within Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) we can provide the advice and guidance that you need to become compliant.

For compliance with The Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021, which first came into force in Wales on 1 April 2021, it is important to comply with the full list of requirements, which extends further than a basic Nutrient Management Plan. We offer a package that is fully compliant with these regulations introduced in Wales.

Our package looks at the following areas;

• Current soil nutrition through soil sampling

• The nutrient requirements of different crops to achieve target yields

• Which nutrients are already available on the farm such as slurry and farmyard manure.

• Risk mapping

• Controlling the spread of Nitrogen fertiliser

• Guidance on the storage of organic manure

• Nitrogen limits

• Import/ export of manure

• Nutrient Management Plans

Once the full plan has been produced, we will provide you with a pack containing the following items;

• Comprehensive cropping plan

• Testing and analysis

• Fertiliser recommendations

• Lime recommendations

• Detailed risk maps

This service is immediately available to farmers throughout our trading area.

07990 578543 14 t: 01939 210777


Beneficial soil microbes play a critical role in the acquisition, ‘renaturing’ and transfer of soil nutrients into plants. Biofertilisers (microbial biostimulants) comprise living micro-organisms which, unlike traditional fertilisers multiply as they enter the ground, act to increase Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) of plants.

In a world where input costs are rising and soil health is rightly being championed, building soil biology is a very practical way to reduce fertigation and improve soil structure and carbon capacity.

Two key microbes are used for commercially available biofertilisers, Mycorrhizal Fungi (MF) and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR).

Mycorrhizal fungi underpin much of the nutrient flow in farming soils. These remarkable fungi act as a secondary root system for plants and can develop up to 20m of fungal ’roots’ in 1cm3 of soil, increasing the active root area by over 700-fold. Mycorrhizal fungi are host specific; although many crops including cereals, legumes, grass and maize, are good partners, plants such as OSR, sugar beet are not.

How can I increase MF in my soils?

Reintroducing mycorrhizal fungi into farming soils by treating catch, cover, or herbal leys is an ideal way of improving NUE. Used just once in a rotation this treatment will build the underlying biology in your soils.

Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) act to solubilise phosphorous and potassium in soils and make them plant available. Many of these free ‘living bacteria’ also capture nitrogen from the air adding to the nitrogen pool. These microbes also produce plant growth hormones that naturally stimulate top and root development.

PGPR consortia need to be selected for specific crop types and are spray applied annually in the spring when soil temperatures rise above 100.

SMART ROTATIONS is a range of biofertilisers, researched and trialled extensively across different soil types and crop varieties in the UK.

SR2 Mycorrhizal granules can easily be mixed with a legume-based cover crop blend to ‘vector’ the biology into soils. Used once in a rotation, SR2 will not only support the establishment and growth of the cover crop but also build the soil’s biology.

SR3 plant growth promoting rhizobacteria is a range of liquid suspension sprays applied in spring to significantly increase nutrient uptake by treated crops.

For further information, please contact:

Natallia Gulbis BSc (Hons), MSc, Technical Manager

T: 01795 411527 M: 07990 042473


Grass & Roots 2023 15
Making sure that your applied fertilisers become plant available SOIL
Why is soil biology so important to farmers?



Seed Rate kg/Acre Grazing Silage Hay Average Heading Date* Short-Term Fast Grass One Year 13 H HHHHH HHH 19th May Tower One to Two Years 14 H HHHHH HHHHH 20th May Rapid Green One Year 10 H HHHHH HHHMedium-Term Squire Three Years 13 HHH HHHHH HH 21st May Fortress Three to Four Years 14 HHH HHHHH HHH 23rd May Shield Four Years 13 HHHH HH HHH 23rd May Centenary Three Years 14 HHH HHHHH HH 28th May Sovereign Four to Six Years 14 HHHH HHHH HHHH 29th May Stronghold Four to Six Years 15 HHHH HHHH HHHH 25th May Limited Data Long-Term Imperial Seven Years Plus 14 HHHH HHHH HH 5th June Crusader Six Years Plus 14 HHHHH HHH HH 4th June Herald Six Years Plus 15 HHHH HHHH HH 1st June Kingdom Six Years Plus 15 HHHH HHH HHH 1st June Majestic Six Years Plus 17 HHHH HHH HH 1st June Royal Six Years Plus 15 HH HHHHH HH 30th May
Additional Mixtures Grazing Multi Species Ley Four to Five Years 14 - 15 Read more p35 Cutting Multi Species Ley Three to Four Years 20 Read more p38 Multi Species Finisher Mix Four Years 6.5 Read more p38 Oveseeding Mixtures Short Medium Long 10 Read more p39 Organic Mixtures Medium Long 13 - 14.5 Read more p41 Equine Mixtures Medium Long 14 Read more p43

















Grass & Roots 2023 17
No Clover Version Clover Chicory Plantain Festulolium Read More
Available with Clover Available with Chicory Available with Festulolium Available with Plantain
No Clover Version


One year quick growing Grazing Silage Hay

Fast Grass is a silage mixture, with very fast establishment and even quicker growth due to the westerwold content. This mix can produce silage crops within 10-12 weeks from drilling. It provides exceptional yields and quality cuts. Fast Grass can be sown later in the autumn, as it establishes at lower temperatures.




Heading Date: 19th May


6.50kg Westerwold Ryegrass

3.25kg Alamo Diploid IRG

3.25kg Hunter Tetraploid IRG


Joint highest yielding year one first cut • Joint highest first and second cut ME yield

• Good winter hardiness score

Joint highest first harvest year ground cover

• High first and second cut ME yield

• Highest monthly cuts yield 18 t: 01939 210777
Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)
All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Best selling short-term mix!

One to two year bulky silage production

Grazing Silage Hay

Tower is a productive cutting mixture, with rapid establishment. It can provide up to four cuts of high quality grass silage a year. Tower is made up of 100% Italian ryegrasses, enabling growth at the lowest temperatures. This means that it will provide growth earliest in the spring and latest in the autumn.




Heading Date: 20th May

Heading Date: 19th May


3.50kg Fox Diploid IRG

3.50kg Alamo Diploid IRG

3.50kg Kigezi Tetraploid IRG

3.50kg Hunter Tetraploid IRG


Consistent high yielding variety • Joint highest yielding in second year • Excellent crown rust resistance.


Joint highest yielding year one first cut • Joint highest first and second cut ME yield

• Good winter hardiness score


Joint highest year of sowing yield • Good early spring growth • Good crown rust resistance


Joint highest first harvest year ground cover • High first and second cut ME yield

• Highest monthly cuts yield

Grass & Roots 2023 19
All Recommended List Grass Varieties SHORT-TERM Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy


One year Westerwold blend mix

Grazing Silage Hay

Westerwolds have the ability to germinate at lower temperatures than conventional leys, and after a maize harvest can be sown safely throughout October (as long as weather conditions allow). Westerwold ryegrass can produce a grass sward and catch crop for soil stability and help to mop up nutrients making them an ideal cover crop for arable rotations. These can also help to improve soil health, structure, fertility and organic matter, resulting in improved yields and financial savings as well as providing other benefits.

Cover crops can bring agronomic and environmental benefits with their active growth, deep rooting ground cover and habitat provision, providing benefits in rotations over a bare fallow and helping to reduce nutrient losses via run-off, leaching and soil erosion. An overwintering feed source for livestock or with the possibility of an early silage crop the following spring.

Rapid Green is a 10kg per acre Westerwold blend of at least two varieties packed in 20kg bags. 20 t: 01939 210777 SHORT-TERM


Three year high protein, high energy red clover mix

Grazing Silage Hay

Squire is a high protein, high-energy grass mixture. The high protein content from the red clover makes Squire ideal for two to three silage cuts, with quality aftermath grazing which finishes lambs very well. The red clover content can also help fix up to 100-150kg/N/ ha/year presenting opportunities to reduce nitrogen application. The hybrids included are high yielding and quick to establish –ideal for quick regrowth. The high red clover and tetraploid content results in consistent performance, even in dry years.

Chicory available Plantain available


Festulolium available

Highest year of sowing yield



Heading Date: 21st May


4.00kg Aston Crusader Tetraploid HRG

3.00kg Kirial Tetraploid HRG

3.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG

1.50kg Global Red Clover

1.50kg Rozeta Red Clover


• Joint second highest 3rd harvest year yield

• Good solid variety with terrific disease resistance

Consistent high yielding variety

• High early spring growth yield

• Second highest Brown rust resistance score


Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one

• Joint second highest total mean cutting yield

• Joint second highest winter hardiness score

Grass & Roots 2023 21 MEDIUM-TERM
Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)
All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Three to four year heavy production, with early growth Grazing Silage Hay

Fortress is a three to four year, heavy production silage mixture. It provides good early spring growth for an early cut or graze. The mix is quick growing and produces high yields, which means it is ideally suited for silage, with some aftermath grazing potential. The high tetraploid content increases water soluble carbohydrate levels which will aid silage fermentation.

Clover available Festulolium available Chicory available Plantain available


Consistent high yielding variety




Heading Date: 23rd May


3.50kg Aston Crusader Tetraploid HRG

3.50kg Kirial Tetraploid HRG

3.50kg Galgorm Int Diploid PRG

3.50kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG


• High early spring growth yield

• Joint second highest Brown rust resistance score

Highest year of sowing yield

• Joint second highest 3rd harvest year yield

• Good solid variety with terrific disease resistance

Highest grazing yield

• Highest grazing ME yield

• Highest cutting yield

• Highest spring and late summer grazing yields


Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one

• Joint second highest total mean cutting yield

• Joint second highest winter hardiness score

Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group) 22 t: 01939
All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Four year quality grazer, with silage potential

Grazing Silage Hay

Shield is a medium-term mixture, ideally suited to grazing. It produces huge grazing yields and D values, as well as providing excellent ground cover. The hybrid ryegrass content provides quick re-growth for rotational grazing. The mix offers some silage potential, producing a quality first cut mid-late May.


Consistent high yielding variety


Heading Date: 23rd May


3.00kg Aston Crusader Tetraploid HRG

2.50kg AberGreen Int Diploid PRG

3.00kg Galgorm Int Diploid PRG

1.50kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

3.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG


• High early spring growth yield

• Joint second highest Brown rust resistance score


Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one


• Joint second highest total mean cutting yield

• Joint second highest winter hardiness score

Highest grazing yield

• Highest grazing ME yield

• Highest cutting yield

• Highest spring and late summer grazing yields


Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield


• Joint highest winter hardiness score

• High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production

Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield

• Good winter hardiness score.

Grass & Roots 2023 23 MEDIUM-TERM
Comparative data
from the Recommended Grass &
England &
2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)
Clover available Festulolium available Chicory available Plantain available
All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Five year red and white clover mix

Grazing Silage Hay

The Centenary mix is a 4 to 5 year red and white clover ley which contains the 5 year red clover AberClaret. This high protein, high energy grass mixture is ideal for two to three cuts followed by quality aftermath grazing which will finish lambs very well. The red and white clover content can also help fix up to 100-150kg/N/ha/year presenting opportunities to reduce nitrogen application.

Chicory available Plantain available


Highest grazing yield

Festulolium available



Heading Date: 28th May

4.00kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

2.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg AstonVision Int Tetraploid PRG

3.00kg AberGreen Late Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg AberClaret Red Clover

0.50kg Rozetta Red Clover

0.50kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large Leaf)


• Highest grazing D-value

• Highest ME yield

• Highest early, spring and autumn grazing yields

• High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production


Good winter hardiness score • Higher than average grazing D value


Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield


Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one

• Second highest early grazing yield

• Good winter hardiness score.

• Joint second highest total mean cutting yield

• Joint second highest winter hardiness score 24 t: 01939 210777
Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group) All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Best selling medium-term mix!

Four to six year intensive dual purpose

Grazing Silage Hay

Sovereign is designed for intensive management – alternating between cutting and grazing. This means the mix is versatile enough to suit a range of management regimes. It consistently produces high yields and excellent forage and can provide two to three cuts, followed by quality aftermath grazing. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap and thrives on wetter soil types.

No Clover available

Chicory available Plantain available


Good winter hardiness score


Festulolium available


Heading Date: 29th May


3.25kg Galgorm Int Diploid PRG

2.00kg AberGreen Int Diploid PRG

3.00kg AstonVision Int Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg AberAvon Late Diploid PRG

0.75kg Winnetou Timothy

1.00kg White Clover Blend


• Higher than average grazing D value

• Second highest early grazing yield

Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield

• Joint highest winter hardiness score

• High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production


Very high grazing D-value and early grazing yield



Highest grazing yield

• High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk

• Good winter hardiness score

• Highest grazing ME yield

• Highest cutting yield

• Highest spring and late summer grazing yields


Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one

• Joint second highest total mean cutting yield

• Joint second highest winter hardiness score

Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)

Grass & Roots 2023 25 MEDIUM-TERM
All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Four to six year, drought resistant mix

Grazing Silage Hay

Stronghold has been specifically designed to thrive and persist in drought prone areas whilst still producing high DM yields. The mix can provide one to two cuts, followed by quality aftermath grazing. Stronghold will produce more forage on light, drier soil types than ryegrass only mixes. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap.


Heading Date: 25th May

MIXTURE 26 t: 01939 210777
4.00kg AberNiche Festulolium 4.00kg Cocksfoot
2.50kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG
2.00kg Meadow Fescue
1.50kg Comer Timothy
1.00kg White Clover Blend 15kg/Acre No Clover available Chicory available Plantain available
Limited Data Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass &
List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by
ploidy group)

Grassland Agronomy Solutions

Forage Friendly weed control, ideal for silage & hay fields, grazing fields, horse pasture and Clover Kind options too

New Sown Grass (less than 1 year old)

Sward for Destruction No Clover

Non productive grass species with Docks, Thistles, Nettles

Seedling Fat Hen, Docks, Thistles, Nettles, Chickweed

Established Grass (over 1 year old)

Clover* No Clover

Seedling Fat Hen, Docks, Nettles, Chickweed, Redshank

Docks Thistles Nettles Chickweed Buttercup Cow Parsley

Clover* Under-sown cereals

Docks (Broad leaved & Curled species)

Fat Hen, Chickweed, seedling Docks in undersown grass

40 g/ha

Plough and reseed grass after 7 days or clover after 14 days. Direct drill after 1 month

Apply April to 31stAugust in new sown leys from 3 leaf stage of grass

Apply Feb to 30thJune for rotational grass and to 15thOct when resowing permanent grass (>5 years old)

Eagle contains 75% w/w amidosulfuron

Apply April to Sept. to actively growing weeds at leafy rosette stage

Apply Feb to 30thJune for rotational grass and to 15thOct in permanent grass (>5 years old)

*Squire Ultra is safe to white clover only

Kyleocontains 240g/l glyphosate + 160g/l 2,4-D

Polo contains 360g/l 2,4-D + 315g/l MCPA

Squire Ultra contains 75% w/w amidosulfuron

Thrust contains 344g/l 2,4-D + 120g/l dicamba

Kyleo, Polo and Thrust are registered trademarks of Nufarm

“fluroxypyr” contains 200g/l fluroxypyr

Eagle and Squire Ultra are registered trademarks of Bayer

Apply in spring (from 1stFeb) when grass is at least 3 leaf stage

Livestock should be excluded from treated areas until any Ragwort has completely recovered or died and there is no visible sign of the dead weed. Use plant protection products safely Always read the label and product information before use For label and safety information, refer to the Nufarm website www nufarm com/uk

NufarmUK Ltd, Wyke Lane, Wyke, Bradford, BD12 9EJ

Grass & Roots 2023 27 Eagle
Kyleo 0.75
L/ha 5.0 L/ha
2.5 L/ha + fluroxypyr
Ultra* 40 g/ha Thrust 2.5 L/ha + fluroxypyr 1.0 L/ha Squire Ultra 60 g/ha

Long-term cutting and grazing

Grazing Silage Hay

Imperial is a long-term dual purpose mix. It will produce excellent first cut quality silage along with quality grazing. The mix contains all late perennial ryegrass and so is less likely to produce stemmy seed heads in the summer, maintaining a lush leafy sward throughout the growing season. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap and thrives on wetter soil types.


Heading Date: 5th June 28 t: 01939 210777
Very high grazing D-value and early grazing yield • High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production • Good winter hardiness score
Highest grazing D value • Highest 1st cut D value • Good winter hardiness score • High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production
Highest grazing yield • Highest grazing D-value • Highest ME yield • Highest early, spring and autumn grazing yields • High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production BIJOU Highest Crown rust score • Solid disease resistance • 2nd highest year one 1st cut yield • Good all-round variety
selling long-term mix!
3.00kg AberAvon Late Diploid PRG 3.00kg AberLee Late Diploid PRG 2.50kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG 3.75kg Bijou Late Tetraploid PRG 0.75kg Winnetou Timothy 1.00kg White Clover Blend 14kg/Acre Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group) All Recommended List Grass Varieties No Clover available Chicory available Plantain available

Long-term sheep grazing, with early bite

Grazing Silage Hay

Crusader is long-term grazing mixture, with the capability of taking cuts of silage. The high diploid content produces a dense sward for persistency under intensive grazing. The intermediate ryegrasses will provide early spring growth, allowing for an early turnout. A blend of small and medium leaf white clover enables tight grazing with both sheep and cattle. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap and thrives on

soil types.

Heading Date: 4th June

Grass & Roots 2023 29 LONG-TERM
grazing D-value and early grazing yield •
ABERAVON Very high
High Sugar Grass- more efficient
Good winter
grazing D value • Highest 1st cut D value •
winter hardiness score
• High Sugar Grass- more efficient
early and late summer growth • Good grazing and ME
rust resistance score
Highest Crown rust score • Solid disease resistance • 2nd highest year one 1st cut yield • Good all-round variety Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)
NIFTY Very high grazing yields, grazing
Good winter hardiness score. DELIKA High
Highest Crown
MIXTURE 2.75kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG 2.25kg AberAvon Late Diploid PRG 2.25kg AberLee Late Diploid PRG 2.00kg Delika Late Diploid PRG 1.50kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG 1.50kg Bijou Late Tetraploid PRG 0.75kg Winnetou Timothy 1.00kg White Clover Blend 14kg/Acre All Recommended List Grass Varieties No Clover available Chicory available Plantain available


Heading Date: 1st June

Grazing Silage Hay

Herald is a versatile mix for both cutting and grazing. Its higher seed rate ensures quick establishment and high yields. A wide range of heading dates are used to provide excellent grass production throughout the growing season and offers a slightly earlier cutting or grazing option. The dense base means that it is persistent when grazed. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap and thrives on wetter soil types.



Int Diploid PRG 1.75kg

Int Diploid PRG

Int Tetraploid PRG

Late Diploid PRG

Late Diploid PRG

Late Diploid

Very high grazing D-value and early grazing yield

• High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production




• Good winter hardiness score

Highest grazing D value • Highest 1st cut D value • Good winter hardiness score

• High Sugar Grass - more efficient meat and milk production

Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield • Joint highest winter hardiness score

• High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production

Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one • Joint second highest total mean cutting yield



• Joint second highest winter hardiness score

Highest Crown rust score • Solid disease resistance

• All Recommended List Grass Varieties No Clover available Chicory available Plantain available

2nd highest year one 1st cut yield

• Good all-round variety

Good winter hardiness score. 30 t: 01939 210777 LONG-TERM
3.00kg Fintona
2.00kg AberAvon
2.00kg AberLee
3.00kg Bijou
PRG 0.75kg Winnetou
Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield 1.00kg White Clover blend 15kg/Acre Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)
Medium/long term dual purpose


Long-term dual purpose – high rainfall areas

Grazing Silage Hay

Kingdom is a dual purpose mix, which offers great flexibility for both cutting and grazing in high rainfall areas. The mix is specifically designed to provide quality forage value and high yields when sown on heavy land, prone to waterlogging. The Meadow Fescue within the mix will also create a dense base and is very stress tolerant, which helps it thrive on wetter soil types. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap and thrives on wetter soil types.




Heading Date: 1st June


2.00kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

3.50kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg AstonKing Late Diploid PRG

2.00kg Delika Late Diploid PRG

2.00kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg Winnetou Timothy

0.20kg Rivendel White Clover (Small Leaf)

0.60kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large Leaf)

0.70kg Meadow Fescue


Grass & Roots 2023 31 LONG-TERM
NIFTY Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield • Good winter hardiness score
taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)
Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one • Joint second highest total mean cutting yield • Joint second highest winter hardiness score
Good early seasonal spring growth • Good winter hardiness • Good all-round variety
High early and late summer growth • Good grazing and ME yields
Highest Crown rust resistance score
Highest grazing yield • Highest grazing D-value • Highest ME yield • Highest early, spring and autumn grazing yields • High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production All Recommended List Grass Varieties No Clover available Chicory available Plantain available

MAJESTIC Long-term dairy pasture Grazing Silage Hay

Majestic is designed for rotational dairy grazing, rather than set stocking, for maximum performance. The tetraploid content increases cattle grazing potential due to its upright growth habit. The mix provides quality feed, with high sugar content – helping to increase milk production. Majestic’s seed rate is higher to allow for the larger size of tetraploid seed.



Heading Date: 1st June


3.00kg Fintona Int Diploid PRG

3.00kg Delika Late Diploid PRG

5.00kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG

5.00kg Bijou Late Tetraploid PRG

1.00kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large Leaf) 17kg/Acre


Highest Crown rust score

2nd highest year one 1st cut yield • Good all-round variety

DELIKA High early and late summer growth


Good grazing and ME yields

• Highest Crown rust resistance score

Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one

Joint second highest total mean cutting yield • Joint second highest winter hardiness score 32 t: 01939 210777 LONG-TERM
All Recommended List Grass Varieties No
Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)
Highest grazing yield • Highest grazing D-value • Highest ME yield • Highest early, spring and autumn grazing yields • High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production
• Solid disease resistance

ROYAL Long-term cutting Grazing Silage Hay

Royal is an excellent long-term cutting mix, with the potential for aftermath grazing. The mix produces three to four cuts of quality silage a year and is suitable for sowing in areas which are not in close proximity to the farm. If grazed once a year, the ground cover of the mix will increase.

Clover available



Heading Date: 30th May


3.00kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

4.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg Delika Late Diploid PRG

2.00kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG

4.00kg Bijou Late Tetraploid PRG


Very high grazing yields, grazing D-value and ME yield


Highest 3rd cut seasonal growth in year one



• Good winter hardiness score.

• Joint second highest total mean cutting yield

• Joint second highest winter hardiness score

High early and late summer growth

• Good grazing and ME yields

• Highest Crown rust resistance score

Highest Crown rust score

• Solid disease resistance

• 2nd highest year one 1st cut yield

• Good all-round variety


Highest grazing yield

• Highest grazing D-value

• Highest ME yield

• Highest early, spring and autumn grazing yields

• High Sugar Grass- more efficient meat and milk production

Comparative data taken from the Recommended Grass & Clover List for England & Wales 2022/23 (by species & ploidy group)

Grass & Roots 2023 33 LONG-TERM
All Recommended List Grass Varieties 34 t: 01939 210777 New sown ley. Don’t delay the spray. Chickweed Mayweeds Seedling Docks Seedling Thistles Dingo ® is a broad spectrum herbicide designed for new sown leys. Give your leys the start they need by removing unwanted, competitive broad-leaved weeds. Dingo® is very safe to your grass and will give you the confidence that your new sown investment will deliver to its full potential. Don’t delay, talk to your advisor or find out more at or via the Forage App. Dandelions Keep in the know @CortevaForage USE PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS SAFELY. Always read the label and product information before use. For further information including warning phrases and symbols refer to label. Corteva Agriscience UK Limited, CPC2 Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XE . Tel: 01462 457272. ®, ™ Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. © 2023 Corteva. Dingo® contains fluroxypyr, clopyralid and florasulam. Discover more at Technical Hotline: 0800 689 8899 E-mail: Free and easy to use, the Corteva Forage App is packed with information and tools to help you maximise your grass and maize crops. Forage knowledge on the go. Download the Forage App now. Simply scan the QR code.


(Not compliant with Countryside Stewardship GS4 / OP4: Multi Species Ley)

This Multi Species Ley has all the attributes of a standard grass seed mix with the added benefit of creating a legume and herb rich sward. The different species within the mix will be high in protein, fix nitrogen, have deep tap roots which utilise soil nutrients. The herbs within the mix will also mine minerals from the soil and make them available to the livestock via the forage.


(not compliant with Countryside Stewardship GS4 / OP4: Multi Species Ley)

This mix has all the attributes of the 4 – 5 year Grazing Multi Species Ley however this mix does not contain red clover which can cause bloat in cattle and affect the fertility in breeding ewes.

Grass & Roots 2023 35 MULTI SPECIES LEYS
MIXTURE MIXTURE 3.85kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG 3.50kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG 2.00kg AberAvon Late Diploid PRG 1.00kg Winnetou Timothy 1.25kg Global Red Clover 0.25kg Rivendel White Clover (Small Leaf) 0.75kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large Leaf) 0.60kg Puna II / Endure Chicory 0.80kg Tonic Plantain 14kg/Acre 4.50kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG 4.10kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG 2.00kg AberAvon Late Diploid PRG 1.00kg Winnetou Timothy 0.25kg Rivendel White Clover (Small Leaf) 0.75kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large Leaf) 0.60kg Puna II / Endure Chicory 0.80kg Tonic Plantain 14kg/Acre
All Recommended List Grass Varieties All Recommended List Grass Varieties


(not compliant with Countryside Stewardship GS4 / OP4: Multi Species Ley)

This mix has all the attributes of the 4 – 5 year Grazing Multi Species Ley and has extra herbs which help to provide season long forage and will increase the mineral and vitamin content of the sward. This mix is more suited for light parkland grazing rather than intensive sheep or cattle grazing as the extra herbs may not survive.


4.50kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

2.85kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg AberAvon Late Diploid PRG

1.00kg Winnetou Timothy

1.25kg Global Red Clover

0.25kg Rivendel White Clover (Small Leaf)

0.75kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large)

0.90kg Puna II / Endure Chicory

0.90kg Tonic Plantain

0.60kg Mixed Herbs

15kg/Acre 36 t: 01939 210777 MULTI SPECIES LEYS
All Recommended List Grass Varieties



(not compliant with Countryside Stewardship GS4 / OP4: Multi Species Ley)

This mix has all the attributes of the 4 – 5 year Grazing Multi Species Ley PLUS however this mix does not contain red clover which can cause bloat in cattle and affect the fertility in breeding ewes.


4.50kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

4.10kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG

2.00kg AberAvon Late Diploid PRG

1.00kg Winnetou Timothy

0.25kg Rivendel White Clover (Small Leaf)

0.75kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large Leaf)

0.90kg Tonic Plantain

0.90kg Puna II / Endure Chicory

0.60kg Mixed Herbs


Grass & Roots 2023 37
MULTI SPECIES LEYS PLUS All Recommended List Grass Varieties


This Multi Species Cutting Ley has all the attributes of our standard cutting leys with the added boost in DM yields in the first year from the inclusion of Crimson clover and Vetch.

4.00kg Aston Crusader Tetraploid HRG

3.00kg Aston Vision Int Tetraploid PRG

3.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG

1.00kg Comer Timothy

2.00kg Global Red Clover

1.00kg Dublin White Clover

1.00kg Crimson Clover

5.00kg Vetch



This mix will contain palatable forage species which are highly digestible and is ideal for finishing stock due to the high protein content.


2.00kg AberGreen Int Diploid PRG

1.00kg Puna II / Endure Chicory

1.25kg Tonic Plantain

1.00kg AberSheep White Clover Blend

1.25kg Global Red Clover

6.5kg/Acre 38 t: 01939 210777
MULTI SPECIES LEYS All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Overseeding is a simple but effective way to rejuvenate old or damaged grass leys, without the cost implications associated with a complete reseed. Overseeding can also be more efficient and reduces the amount of time that home-grown grass forage is out of production.

Timing is imperative with overseeding and the main aim is to minimise competition from the existing sward.

The best time to overseed is March, April, July or September as the grasses are not growing as vigorously as they are in May and June.

In addition to this, careful consideration needs to be given when choosing where to overseed, an open sward is needed, as a thick old “feggy” sward will be very hard to open out to allow the seeds to reach the soil.

Benefits of overseeding:

• Improves DM yields

• Increases overall D value

• Improves crude protein, ME and sugar contents

• Improves disease resistance

• Improves ground cover


Average Heading Date: 20th May

This mix is perfect for rejuvenating existing leys which may be lacking in yield and quality – for a further two years.


5.00kg Hunter Tetraploid IRG

5.00kg Kigezi 1 Tetraploid IRG 10kg/Acre


Average Heading Date: 21st May

This mix will rejuvenate an existing ley for a further 3-4 years. The hybrid content will quickly improve cutting and grazing yields, as well as forage quality.


2.00kg Kirial Tetraploid HRG

4.00kg Aston Crusader Tetraploid HRG

4.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG 10kg/Acre

Grass & Roots 2023 39
All Recommended List Grass Varieties All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Average Heading Date: 21st May

This mix will rejuvenate an existing ley for a further three to four years. The hybrid content will quickly improve cutting and grazing yields, as well as forage quality. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels.


Average Heading Date: 29th May

This mix will help to improve the yield and quality of an existing ley for a further five years plus. Once established the new perennials will increase productivity and forage quality by improving the overall D value.


This mix will help to improve the yield and quality of an existing ley for a further five years plus. Once established the new perennials will increase productivity and forage quality by improving the overall D value. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. 40 t: 01939 210777 OVERSEEDING MIXTURES
MIXTURE 2.00kg Kirial Tetraploid HRG 4.00kg Aston Crusader Tetraploid HRG 3.00kg Fintona Int Tetraploid PRG 0.25kg Rivendel White Clover (Small Leaf) 0.75kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large Leaf) 10kg/Acre
MIXTURE 3.00kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG 6.00kg Bijou Late Tetraploid PRG 0.25kg Rivendel White Clover (Small Leaf) 0.75kg Dublin White Clover (Med/Large Clover) 10kg/Acre
4.00kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG 6.00kg Bijou Late Tetraploid PRG 10kg/Acre All Recommended List Grass Varieties All Recommended List Grass Varieties All Recommended List Grass Varieties


Wynnstay are fully licensed with Organic Farmers and Growers and have representation on the grass seed working group committee. The organic seed inclusion level for organic forage mixtures for 2023 remains at 70%. Wynnstay are more than willing to put forward any comments from our customers at these meetings. As well as organic grass mixes we can also offer organic root seed options.


Three year high protein, high energy red clover mix

A high protein, high-energy grass mixture. The protein content from the red clover makes this mix ideal for two to three silage cuts, with the potential for aftermath grazing. The red clover content can also help fix up to 100-150kg/N/ ha/year and is ideal for finishing lambs as red clover produces as much DM as the grasses in the mix. The hybrids included are high yielding and quick to establish – ideal for quick regrowth. The high red clover and tetraploid content results in consistent performance, even in dry years.


5.10kg Organic Tetragraze Hybrid Tetraploid Ryegrass

3.00kg Organic AberClyde Int Tetraploid PRG

1.00kg Organic Red Clover

1.90kg Kirial Tetraploid HRG

2.00kg Global Red Clover


Grass & Roots 2023 41


Four to six year intensive dual purpose

This four to six year dual purpose mix is designed for intensive management alternating between cutting and grazing. This means the mix is versatile enough to suit a range of management regimes. It consistently produces high yields and excellent forage and can provide two to three cuts, followed by quality aftermath grazing. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap and thrives on wetter soil types.


Long-term cutting and grazing

This mixture is a long term dual purpose mix. It will produce excellent first cut quality silage along with quality grazing. The mix contains all late perennials and so is less likely to produce stemmy seed heads in the summer, maintaining a lush leafy sward throughout the growing season. A clover blend is included to suit a wide range of grassland systems and provides the benefit of soil N fixation. This blend will also help to increase protein levels. Timothy is used as it is a palatable grass, which helps fill the summer gap and thrives on wetter soil types.

Organic seed availability

Organic grass seed

Organic Italian Ryegrass

Organic Hybrid Ryegrass

Organic Intermediate Diploid Ryegrass

All subject to availability at the time of enquiry



Organic Intermediate Tetraploid Ryegrass

Organic Late Tetraploid Ryegrass

Organic Red Clover 42 t: 01939 210777
4.15kg Organic AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG 3.00kg Organic AberLee Late Diploid PRG 3.00kg Organic Toddington Late Diploid PRG 1.85kg AberGain Late Tetraploid PRG 1.00kg Winnetou 1.50kg White Clover Blend 14.50kg/Acre
Organic AberWolf Int Diploid PRG
Organic AberClyde Int Tetraploid PRG
Organic Toddington Late Diploid PRG 1.85kg AberGreen Int Diploid PRG
Winnetou 1.50kg White Clover Blend 14.50kg/Acre



Horse & Pony is a long-term paddock mix which can be grazed all-year round. It produces palatable forage for intensive grazing. The mix can also be shut up to produce a sweet smelling, high quality hay if this is the preferred option. The dense base also provides persistency under tight grazing and means that the mix copes well with hoof damage.


This mix has all the attributes of the standard horse and pony mix with the added benefit of herbs which can mine minerals from the soil, pulling them up from depth and making them available to the horses via the forage. The herbs will help to provide essential minerals and trace elements to the diet.


4.00kg Strong Creeping Red fescue

4.50kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

2.00kg Oakpark Late Diploid PRG

2.00kg Cancan Late Diploid PRG

1.50kg Timothy 14kg/Acre


4.00kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue

4.00kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

2.00kg Oakpark Late Diploid PRG 1.50kg Cancan Late Diploid PRG


Grass & Roots 2023 43
Ribwort Plantain 0.40kg Chicory 0.15kg Sheeps Burnet 0.15kg Sheeps Parsley 0.10kg Sainfoin 14kg/Acre EQUINE



It is suggested that perennial ryegrass can increase the chance of laminitis in horses. This mix contains traditional grasses with no perennial ryegrass. The mix will create a dense ley for grazing and is also suitable for hay without being high in sugar compared to ryegrass mixes. The mix is also suitable for a range of soil types.


3.00kg Timothy

3.50kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue

3.50kg Meadow Fescue

2.25kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

1.75kg Hard Fescue



This mix has all the attributes of the standard no ryegrass horse and pony mix with the added benefit of herbs which can mine minerals from the soil, pulling them up from


3.00kg Timothy

3.00kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue

3.00kg Meadow Fescue

2.25kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 44 t: 01939 210777



This mix is designed to produce a resilient dense turf which is high yielding yet low in sugar. The inclusion of the smooth stalked meadow grass and meadow fescue means that the mix can also tolerate light soil types whilst still producing forage for grazing and hay.



This mix has all the attributes of the standard stud mix with the added benefit of herbs which can mine minerals from the soil, pulling them up from depth and making them available to the horses via the forage. The Herbs will help to provide essential minerals and trace elements to the diet.


Grass & Roots 2023 45 EQUINE MIXTURES
Intermediate Diploid PRG
Diploid PRG
Meadow Fescue
2.75kg Nifty
2.75kg Cancan Late
1.00kg Timothy 2.50kg
2.50kg Dwarf
Grass 14kg/Acre
2.50kg Smooth Stalked Meadow
PRG 1.00kg Timothy 2.50kg Meadow Fescue 2.25kg Dwarf PRG 2.25kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 0.10kg Yarrow 0.10kg Ribwort Plantain 0.40kg Chicory 0.15kg Sheeps Burnet 0.15kg Sheeps Parsley 0.10kg Sainfoin Esparsette 14kg/Acre
2.50kg Nifty Intermediate Diploid PRG 2.50kg Cancan Late Diploid



A medium/long-term over-seeding mixture for general improvement of your horse paddocks. For maximum success, make sure you open up the existing sward by grazing hard and harrowing which will provide access to the soil and space for the newly sown plants to establish. This mix can then be either broadcast or shallow drilled before rolling, which will ensure maximum seed to soil contact.


This mix has all the attributes of the standard horse and pony over seeding mix with the added benefit of herbs which can mine minerals from the soil, pulling them up from depth and making them available to the horses via the forage. The Herbs will help to provide essential minerals and trace elements to the diet.


5.00kg Cancan Late Diploid PRG

5.00kg Oakpark Late Diploid PRG 10kg/Acre


4.00kg Cancan Late Diploid PRG

4.00kg Oakpark Late Diploid PRG

0.20kg Yarrow

0.20kg Ribwort Plantain

0.80kg Chicory

0.30kg Sheeps Burnet

0.30kg Sheeps Parsley

0.20kg Sainfoin Esparsette



Mixed herbs can mine minerals from the soil, pulling them up from depth and making them available to the horses via the forage. The mixed herbs will help provide essential minerals and trace elements to the diet. Mixed herbs can be added to any of our horse mixtures or sown as a straight mixed herb strip along a hedgerow.


0.10kg Yarrow

0.10kg Ribwort Plantain

0.40kg Chicory

0.15kg Sheeps Burnet

0.15kg Sheeps Parsley

0.10kg Sainfoin- Esparsette

1.00kg 46 t: 01939 210777 EQUINE MIXTURES



This short-term mix is ideal for good quality hay production for up to two years. It is very high yielding and will produce excellent quality hay or haylage.


3.50kg Fox Diploid IRG

3.50kg Alamo Diploid IRG

3.50kg Kigezi Tetraploid IRG

3.50kg Hunter Tetraploid IRG



This mix produces high yields for hay or haylage, with the potential for aftermath grazing. It will last up to five or six years and only contains diploids, which will mean an even conditioning of the hay sward.


3.00kg Genesis Early Diploid PRG

4.00kg Galgorm Int Diploid PRG

2.50kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

2.50kg Cancan Late Diploid PRG

2.00kg Comer Timothy 14kg/Acre


Gateway mix is designed to patch-up areas which have been heavily damaged, such as around gateways and feeding troughs. The mix is quick to establish even in difficult conditions.


4.00kg Nifty Int Diploid PRG

6.00kg Bijou Late Tetraploid PRG


Grass & Roots 2023 47 EQUINE MIXTURES


Grassland nutrition

Modern grass varieties have the potential to deliver superior yields and excellent feed values if managed correctly, with soil nutrition and pH being prioritised and maintained throughout the year. Before drilling a new ley, you need to understand the nutritional picture of the field and ensure there is the right balance of nutrients to allow the crop to get off to the best possible start. Ideally the pH should be in the region of 5.0 to 5.5 for peaty soils, and 6.0 to 6.5 for mineral based soils. Lime applications should also be factored into a wider nutrient management plan. Depending on your soil pH, an application of Calcium Lime should be applied to address acidity, if a problem is detected. A more reactive granular product may be beneficial if you are looking to drill in the next few months, following application.

Once established, maintenance of on-going nutrition should remain a priority. I always advise farmers to consider treating their grassland like any arable crop, with the inputs scrutinised. Fantastic yields and good quality can only be achieved year-on-year if the base soil nutrition delivers and meets the crop requirements.

To understand what you’re working with, soil sampling should be common place on-farm to ensure pH, N, P and K levels aren’t hampering plant growth and development. An ideal testing rotation is ensuring every field is sampled at least every three to four years. One of our specialists can manage soil sampling on-farm for you, or they can analyse samples you take into a Wynnstay store. We can then work with you to create a bespoke fertiliser plan, which fits in with your system and forage needs.

For grassland establishment in the spring, an ideal product to use is a compound NPK, which provides equal measures of N, P2O5 (Phosphate), and K2O (Potash)/ha. Nitrogen will promote rapid growth while phosphate will help the grass seedlings to establish quickly by promoting root development and the potash is essential for all round plant health and assists with the uptake of the nitrogen. Autumn sown or grass/clover swards do not need nitrogen, so autumn grade products such as 0–24– 24, or even straights such as TSP and MOP can be used.

8th addition (updated May 2017)

Another factor to be wary of is sulphur deficiency as symptoms can be confused with a lack of N. Grass leaf analysis is the best way to monitor sulphur, and again, we can do this analysis for you and build the results into your fertiliser plan. Investing in a quality ley and allowing grassland to reach its potential, will pay dividends from a forage quality and quantity point of view. 48 t: 01939 210777
P or K Index 0 1 2 3 4 and higher kg/ha Phosphate 120 80 50 30 0 Potash 120 80 60 (2-) / 40 (2+) 0 0 Data source;
Phosphate and potash
for grass reseeding
07990 578543


Grassland weed control

Grassland management is often overlooked for new leys, but by prioritising weed control early during establishment, you will achieve cost-effective, long-lasting control, resulting in higher yields of grass.

The key is to get weeds under control while they’re just seedlings, to give the new ley a clean start and remove weed competition which can result in gappy swards. Generally, the most effective time to apply herbicide treatments is when the weeds are at the two to fourleaf stage and once the grass (and clover if present) is large enough to be sprayed. By applying an early herbicide treatment, an extremely high level of dock control can be achieved, better than at any other later timing during the life of the ley. For established swards, the focus is on perennial weeds such as docks or thistles, and on invasive annual weeds such as chickweed. When targeting perennial weeds, it’s important to remember the fundamental principles of weed control

1. To kill the weed, we must get a lethal dose into the root

2. The weed must have sufficient healthy, green leaf area to take up the chemical applied

3. The plant must be in active growth to move the chemical from the leaf down into the root

Correct product choice, an appropriate rate and timely application are crucial. ‘Clover-safe’ herbicides can be usefully employed, but the number of suitable products is reducing. When there is a particularly challenging weed problem, it may be advisable to forget about saving the clover and use more effective ‘non clover-safe’ products. It is a straightforward process to re-establish clover at a later date. Early treatment not only allows you to get on top of weeds, but also allows the new sward to get a good, clean start without weed competition, so sown species persist for longer. The approach needs to be field specific and product choice is important, so talk to one of the Wynnstay agronomists, who can advise on the best plan of attack.

Grass & Roots 2023 49 GRASSLAND MANAGEMENT
By prioritising weed control early during establishment, you will achieve cost-effective, long-lasting control


The silage additives supplied by Wynnstay are centred on two complementary product ranges.

The Ecosyl range of silage additives has been developed over a period of 30 years and is based on the high performance Lactobacillus plantarum strain MTD/1.

Wynnstay’s own range is designed specifically for modern silage making techniques, it has been thoroughly researched and independently tested and contains products for clamp, big bale, maize and wholecrop.

Why use an additive?

Although the silage making process can be explained very simply, it is actually very complex and dependant on many factors, such as the natural microbial population, harvesting conditions and the sugar content of the grass. Consequently, silage quality can be very variable. However, the fermentation process can be effectively controlled by using an appropriate additive. When fed, well fermented, well preserved silage improves animal performance, giving more litres of milk and better liveweight gain. This in turn can reduce the cost of production and so improve margins.

Contains natural microbial inhibitor for high DM and big bale grass silage

For 20-30% DM silage wilted for 12 hours or more

A traditional inoculant for clamp silage

For maize and wholecrop cereal silage

For more information, please visit: 50 t: 01939 210777 GRASSLAND MANAGEMENT
Wynnstay Clamp Wynnstay Dominator Wynnstay Hi-Dri Wynnstay Corn
For more information visit Grow more milk Trust Ecosyl to make your silage more productive Copyright © 2021 Volac International Ltd. All rights reserved.


A festulolium is a cross between meadow fescues or tall fescues (Festucas) and Italian ryegrasses or perennials (Lolium). This creates a combination of the best characteristics from each type of grass species. For example, fescue grasses are valued for their improved stress tolerance but their yields and quality are well below ryegrass.

• Growth at lower temperatures – early and late in the year extending the growing season

• Improved drought tolerance

• High quality

• Good winter hardiness and persistency

• High stress tolerance

• Responds well to N

Aberniche (meadow fescue x italian-type ryegrass)

AberNiche is the first festulolium to be added to the Grass and Clover Recommended List (it is listed in the hybrid ryegrass section). AberNiche demonstrates that the transfer of the more stress resistant fescue genes into ryegrass can be achieved without negatively affecting the yield or quality characteristics of the grass.

The improved stress tolerance means that it is ideal for drought prone areas. Recent trials have shown that its winter hardiness is like other Italian ryegrass and the same, if not better, than some hybrid ryegrass varieties.

AberNiche is suited to short to medium-term silage mixtures. The mixes that AberNiche would most suit are Squire and Fortress.


Lofa is known to perform particularly well when conditions are sub-optimal due to different stress factors. This “wide” resistance is exactly what breeders and users are aiming for to secure forage production and quality.

Lofa has good agronomics and excellent resistance to crown rust. The early spring growth allows a very large “spring window” with superb forage quality. The mixtures that Lofa would most suit are Shield and Sovereign.

Look out for this symbol if you would like to add Festulolium to your grass seed mix 52 t: 01939 210777


Chicory is an excellent source of home-grown protein and is full of essential minerals. It is a very palatable grazing option for livestock, especially sheep, and shows excellent results in terms of animal daily liveweight gains –making it an ideal forage crop for finishing lambs.

Chicory also provides rapid regrowth, with the productivity benefits potentially paying for extra seed costs in a single year. Chicory lasts for up to four years.


• Deep, free draining soil

• Soil pH of 6


• Drought resistant due to its deep tap root

• Produces very high levels of crude protein (up to 25%)

• Excellent feed quality (ME=0.4 %, DM content =8%, D Value=66.1%)

• Very persistent under grazing

• Benefits animal health

• High palatability

• Sow during the spring (usually April onwards-no later than the end of August)

• Must be well established by the autumn before going dormant

• Seed rate as part of a grass seed mix: 0.75-1kg/acre

• Pure sward seed rate 2kg/acre

• Do not sow any deeper than 1cm

• Broad leaf weed control will kill chicory


• After the establishment phase, chicory can be grazed from around eight weeks

• Graze the crop hard in the spring to prevent flowering (will rarely flower in first year)

• Strip or rotationally graze to prevent wastage

• Introduce lambs when 25-30cm tall – stock at a rate to take the crop to 5cm quickly

• Graze accumulated regrowth before winter

• Mature crops above 30cm are less palatable and poorer quality

• Do not graze in the winter as this will damage the crown and reduce persistency

• Can deliver lamb growth rates of 300-400g/day Look

Grass & Roots 2023 53 CHICORY
out for this symbol if you would like to add Chicory to your grass seed mix


A high yielding drought tolerant crop that provides an excellent source of home-produced protein. Lucerne has a deep tap root so it is able to mine minerals from the soil, pulling them up from depth and making them available to livestock via the forage. It is grown primarily for cutting with three to four cuts per year, followed by end of season grazing potential. With the correct management, Lucerne should persist for up to five years.

In order to grow Lucerne successfully, it is essential that the correct site is selected. Fertile soil, which is weed-free and free-draining is ideal for growing Lucerne and will allow for yield and quality to be maximised.

Yield, winter hardiness (dormancy rating) and disease characteristics are very important when deciding on which variety to grow.

• One of the highest yielding legumes (up to 12T DM/ha)

• High protein content (18%-24%)

• Low input – no N required as fixes N in the soil

• Helps improve soil structure

• Drought resistant

• Palatable forage crop

• High fibre content

• Rich in provitamin A, which aids fertility 54 t: 01939 210777



• Deep, free draining soils

• Soil pH range of 6.5-7

• Correct pH status allows for N fixation

• Adequate pH ensures activity of N fixing Rhizobium bacteria within root nodules


• Sow between April and mid-August (must be a warm seedbed)

• Choose a variety with a dormancy rating of 4-5

• Seed rate: 9 million seeds/ha

• Loamy soils: sow at a depth of 5-12mm

• Sandy soils: sow at a depth of 12-25mm

• Must be inoculated with a culture of live Rhizobia Meliloti bacteria – ensures N fixing

• Timothy / meadow fescue can be sown as a nurse crop to out-compete weeds



• Four cuts/year to be taken May-Mid Oct

• Mid-late bud is best timing indicator for cutting

• Must build root reserves before re-harvesting (allow 4-5 weeks between cuts)

• Do not cut too early – reduces the persistency of the crop

• Avoid cutting too late (first flowering stage) – reduces the quality of the crop/increases indigestible cellulose content

• Allow plants to flower once a year. This ensures storage of nutrients in the tap root to improve winter hardiness and boost spring growth


• Grazing can reduce persistency – a minimum sward height of 6-7cm is advised to prevent damage to the crown

• Graze rotationally at 5-6 week intervals

• Once crop has stopped growing in the winter, graze lightly to minimise crop damage

• Stock should be controlled by an electric fence to limit access and to prevent back-grazing of regrowth – as this will increase bloat dramatically

Grass & Roots 2023 55 LUCERNE


White Clover is used in medium and longterm mixtures. It will move through the sward as it grows by stolons (long root-like stems that creep over the soil surface). Small leaf clovers are suitable for tight sheep grazing. Larger leaf varieties are suited to cutting but would be grazed out very quickly by intensive sheep grazing. It is vital that the correct clover is incorporated in any grass mixture.

• Produces high DM yields (4T DM/ha/year)

• Excellent source of home-grown protein

• Can fix up to 150kg/N/ha/year

• Grows under environmental stresses

• Growth habit produces a dense base for excellent persistency

• Provides valuable grazing during summer/ autumn months when grass growth is slower


• Can be grown on a range of soil types

• Avoid fields prone to waterlogging


• Sow at a shallow depth: 1cm when soil temperature reaches 8˚C plus

• Pure sward seed rate: 4kg/acre

• Seed rate as part of a grass mix: 1-1.5kg/acre


• Select the correct leaf size for your grassland management regime

• Very versatile crop so can be cut or grazed

• Small leaf varieties are most suited to intensive sheep grazing

• Medium leaf varieties are suited to non-intensive sheep grazing, cattle grazing and cutting

• Large leaf varieties are most suited to cutting and cattle grazing 56 t: 01939 210777 WHITE CLOVER


Red clover has a yield four times that of white clover and is one of the best forages for finishing lambs. Its ability to improve soil structure and increase fertility out-weigh the management issues associated with this species. Red clover tillers from a crown. It is damage to this crown that reduces the longevity of red clover, typically lasting three years, although new varieties can now last five years. Red clover is high in protein but low in sugar, therefore it needs special attention when making silage. It can affect the fertility of ewes, due to oestrogen production if grazed six weeks before and after tupping. It can also cause potential bloat problems.

• Extremely high DM yields (14T DM/ha/year)

• Excellent source of home-grown protein

• Can fix up to 150kg/N/ha/year

• Improves soil structure and fertility

• Provides growth under environmental stresses

• Produces consistent yields, even in dry years


• Can be grown on a range of soil types

• Avoid fields prone to waterlogging or cold, clay soils


• Sow at a shallow depth: 1cm when soil temperature reaches 8˚C plus

• Pure sward seed rate: 5-6kg/acre

• Seed rate as part of a grass mix: 3kg/acre

• Crop should be sown by end of August


• Cut 2-3 times/year

• Avoid turning hungry stock out onto red clover leys to prevent bloat issues

• Only lightly graze red clover in the autumn and do not graze in the winter to avoid permanent damage to the crown

• Ideal for finishing lambs during the summer period

Grass & Roots 2023 57


Plantain is a palatable forage herb for sheep and cattle which can last up to four to five years. It is an excellent feed source during the summer period and provides essential minerals, including calcium.

• Extremely persistent under grazing

• Excellent source of forage during the summer period

• Very responsive to N

• Particularly drought resistant due to its deep tap root


• Best suited to deep, free draining soils

• Avoid fields prone to waterlogging


• Sow when soil temperature reaches around 10˚C

• Pure sward seed rate: 4kg/acre

• Seed rate as part of a grass mix: 0.5-1kg/acre

• Seed rate with clover: 2-3kg/acre


• Start grazing when the crop has a fully developed root system and there are at least six leaves established – when the plant is approx. 20-30cm tall

• Rotationally graze to increase speed of regrowth

• Can be mixed with red or white clover for finishing lambs 58 t: 01939 210777 PLANTAIN
Look out for this symbol if you would like to add Plantain to your grass seed mix



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Grass & Roots 2023 59


• Very palatable to ruminant stock

• High yielding and high energy crop


• High crude protein content

• Quality out-wintering forage crop


• High energy content

• Can be grazed or lifted


• Low input crop

• Fast growing catch crop


• High protein content

• Wide sowing window and utilisation period


• Low input crop

• High energy content



• Roots provide excellent feed quality

• Can be grazed in situ or lifted and clamped


• High yielding forage crop for livestock

• Extended utilisation period


• Only truly winter hardy feed

• Quality out-wintering forage crop for livestock


• Helps to reduce winter feed costs

• Quick to establish and ideal for finishing lambs


• Low input crop - ideal for fattening lambs

• Quick growing crop – ready for use 10-12 weeks after sowing


• Palatable grazing crop for livestock in the autumn and winter

• Excellent fresh weight yields


• Well balanced forage mixtures

• High energy and protein levels

• Extended utilisation period

• Improved winter hardiness 60 t: 01939 210777


For cost effective weed control in root crops the emphasis must be placed on pre-emergence application of herbicides. Every year we receive a large number of calls from concerned growers who have applied no herbicide at all and who are concerned that their root crop is disappearing under a sea of weeds. By this point it is usually too late to save the crop!

By planning ahead and making weed control decisions when the seed is ordered, it is possible to avoid many of the pitfalls and ensure the crop gets a good, clean start and establishes vigorously.

Residual herbicides cannot be applied to broadcast crops. For reasons of crop safety, the seed must be drilled and covered completely by settled soil. Pre-emergence applications should be made before the crop seed chits, which may occur within 48 hours of drilling, so it is important to have everything ready beforehand.

The table below summarises the products available for pre-emergence application to root crops.

All of these products are applied under the terms of an Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use (EAMU) and the requirements of the EAMU must be followed along with information on the product label.

For more information about products, rates and timing, please speak to your Wynnstay Agronomist or call Dr Simon Pope, Crop Protection Manager on 01939 210555

Grass & Roots 2023 61
PRODUCT TIMING STUBBLE TURNIPS SWEDE KALE FODDER RAPE RATE PACK SIZE Sultan 50 Sc Pre-Emergence No No Yes No 1.5L/Ha 5L Gamit 36 Cs Pre-Emergence No Yes Yes No 0.25L/Ha 1L Springbok Pre-Emergence Yes Yes Yes No 1.5L/Ha 10L Dual Gold Pre-Emergence Do Not Apply After 31st May Yes Yes No No 1.4L/Ha 5L Dual Gold Pre-Emergence Do Not Apply After 31st May Yes No 0.7L/Ha 5L

ROOT SEED SELECTOR 62 t: 01939 210777 Species Seed Rate kg/Acre Drill Date Utilisation Period Avg DM Yield (T/ha) Fodder Beet 50,000 seeds Late MarchLate April Oct - March 15 - 17 Kale Drill = 1 - 1.5kg Broadcast = 2kg April - Early July Late Aug - March 8 - 10 Swedes Precision Drill = 150g - 350g Drill = 1kg Broadcast = 1-2kg April - June Sept - March 7 - 10 Stubble Turnips Drill = 1.5kg Broadcast = 2kg Mid April - Early Sept June - Dec 3.5 - 5 Forage Rape Drill = 2kg Broadcast = 2kg May - Early Sept July - Dec 3.5 - 4 Maincrop Turnips Drill = 1 - 1.5kg Broadcast = 2kg May - July Sept - Feb 5.5 - 6 Catch Crop Mixtures (Limited data) Energy Booster = 2kg Protein Booster = 2kg Forage Provider = 7kg May - August Aug - Jan 4 ROOT
Grass & Roots 2023 63 Avg Fresh Yield (T/ha) Dry Matter % Crude Protein % Digestibility Value % Metabolisable Energy (MJ/kg DM) Read More 80 - 90 15 - 22 12 - 13 78 12.5 - 13.5 p64 60 - 70 14 - 16 16 - 17 70 - 75 10 - 11 p67 70 - 90 10 - 13 10 - 11 82 12.8 - 13.1 p68 38 - 45 8 - 9 17 - 18 68 - 70 11 p69 24 - 35 11 - 12 19 - 20 65 10 - 11 p70 60 - 70 8 - 10 15 - 17 80 10 - 11 p71 30 - 40 10 - 14 17- 20 60 - 70 10 - 11 p72 ROOT SEED SELECTOR


The tops of the fodder beet can be utilised if required to boost the total fodder output further. The roots tend to be lifted and stored. Some farmers have strip grazed low-medium DM types with sheep and cattle successfully.



Fosyma (red/pink skin) is Limagrains highest yielding fodder beet in trials last year, along with the lowest Bolting Score out of all the fodder beets. High DM type 22.1% with 65% of root in the ground.


Blizzard (white skin) produces a very palatable feed and has particularly high DM content at 22.2%. It sits deeper in the soil, with 72.3% of the root in the ground. It is best fed to dairy or beef stock. AD potential. Best suited for lifting.


Brick (white skin) is a high DM type at 22.9% DM content. It is a true fodder beet and therefore produces cleaner roots which sit 76.3% in the ground. It is best fed to dairy or beef stock and also has AD potential. Best suited for lifting.


Magnum (white/yellow skin) produces excellent yields of quality feed and has a high DM content (20.6%). A high proportion of the root sits in the ground (65.1%), therefore it is hardier than traditional beets. Best suited for lifting.


Robbos (yellow skin) is a medium DM type, with 19.9% DM content. It has 60% of its root in the ground and has very clean roots. Robbos is ideal for sheep, beef and dairy production as it produces high quality feed. Can be grazed in situ or lifted.


Jamon (orange skin) is a medium DM type with 17.9% DM content and sits with 57% of its roots in the ground. It has good resistance to leaf disease and bolting. Jamon is highly palatable and can be fed to livestock whole or chopped. Can be grazed in situ or lifted. 64 t: 01939 210777


Blaze (Red Skin) , 96% DM yield, Medium DM Type 18.7%, 57.1% in the ground can be grazed or lifted.


Feldherr (orange skin) is a low DM type, with 15.8% DM content and sits with 49.6% of its roots in the ground – which makes it very suitable for livestock grazing. Feldherr will not withstand severe frosts.

Data source: Limagrain UK trials 1998-2021

Other varieties available


Maruscha KWS The consistent performer

MARUSCHA KWS has shown excellent tolerance to BMYV in UK trials over the last three years and can offer growers a new tool as part of an integrated approach to managing Virus Yellows. In addition, MARUSCHA KWS also shows a competitive response to Beet Yellowing Virus (BYV).

Alisha KWS

For great yields and good disease resistance

Alisha KWS offers excellent dry matter yields to deliver high gas yield per hectare. Delivering its best performance from mid- March drilling onwards and with good performance against rust and powdery mildew, Alisha KWS will tick many boxes for UK energy beet growers.

Eloquenta KWS

The next generation

Eloquenta KWS is the next step from KWS breeding programme designed to bring high dry matter yields which in turn bring high gas yields per ha. Where the biogas operator wants high DM content, high yields and low dirt tare then Eloquenta KWS can offer it all.

For a bespoke beet fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist.

Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266

Grass & Roots 2023 65



FosymaNEW! FodderBeet

High dry matter yields from every hectare, with roots that are ideally suited for dairy or beef production.


Quadri M100J80


Strip graze behind an electric fence which should be moved daily. Monitor wastage levels to determine when you move the fence. A grass run back area is recommended. Zero grazing by cutting the crop with a forage harvester will secure the maximum use of green feed with little waste. Kale can be fed from a forage box or behind a barrier. Care must be taken to avoid soil contamination. Only 30-35% DM intake for dairy cows/day is to come from kale.

Caledonian is a taller marrow stem type ideal for cattle. It is clubroot resistant, which now enables growers to continually grow kale on infected sites. Caledonian’s huge yields, good lodging resistance and winter hardiness, make it ideal for utilisation by dairy and beef cattle.

Caledonian Bombardier

Bombardier is a variety that produces high DM yields ideal for dairy, beef or lamb production. Its quality has been enhanced to help produce nutritional feed. Bombardier is also clubroot tolerant.

M aris Kestrel Keeper

A short leafy type ideal for fattening lambs. It is highly digestible with good protein and D value. An ideal choice for out wintering with good winter hardiness and high leaf to stem ratio.

Keeper is a winter hardy variety and has good lodging resistance. It is a medium/short type –ideal for fattening lambs and providing quality winter feed. Keeper has high DM content and good winter hardiness.

Other varieties available

For a bespoke kale fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist. Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266

Grass & Roots 2023 67



Most swedes are grazed in situ. It is advisable to use an electric fence to help reduce waste. You should introduce feeding any Brassica slowly over two weeks. It is best to have a grass or stubble run back.


A high yielding and high DM variety, with uniform purple skinned roots. It has both clubroot and powdery mildew resistance. Due to its winter hardiness, it is ideal for post-Christmas utilisation and can be used to help extend grazing periods. It also has a large leaf for extra grazing potential.

A swede that has been bred by PGG Wrightsons. Triumph is a high yielding, medium DM variety which also produces a good leaf yield. It has yellow flesh and a uniform bronze/purple skinned bulb. Triumph has good dry rot and mildew tolerance and good resistance to clubroot. It is ideal for pre and post-Christmas utilisation.


Lomond can be used before or after Christmas. It has high fresh weight and DM yields, making it perfect for finishing lambs. Lomond also has clubroot and powdery mildew resistance.

Marian is a purple top variety. It has a good uniform shape and some resistance to clubroot and mildew. A second early variety for use from October through to January. Marian can also be used as a culinary swede.

Triumph Marian Gowrie

Gowrie is a purple skinned variety with uniform roots that can be utilised pre or post-Christmas. It can produce high DM and fresh weight yields and exhibits good resistance to both clubroot and powdery mildew.

Other varieties available

For a bespoke swedes fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist. Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266 68 t: 01939 210777



Both cows and sheep should be introduced to the crop gradually. A dairy cow will eat approx. 22kg of fresh weight per two to three hour grazing period. A ewe will eat about 12kg fresh weight/day. An average crop of 15T/Acre will provide one day’s grazing for 500 cows or 1,000 ewes (allowing for some wastage). Watch out for stubble turnips tainting milk. Feed directly after milking and remove two to three hours before milking.


Vollenda’s fast establishment, large bulb and excellent palatability, make it the number one choice. It has a high resistance to bolting and has good resistance to clubroot and alternaria. Its early vigour makes it an ideal variety to sow in May (for August utilisation) and August (for winter utilisation). It has good winter hardiness, which will keep it palatable until just after the Christmas period.


Samson is a tetraploid variety, that produces a huge purple tankard shape bulb. It is highly digestible so it is ideal for fattening lambs or flushing ewes, providing excellent quality forage. Its large tankard roots will grow out of the ground. Yields are very similar to Vollenda.


Skyfall is a new Hybrid brassica, bred to provide a palatable leafy feed which can be fed either in the summer, when grass growth might be limited, or sown later, to enable the crop to be grazed in the autumn or winter months.


Tyfon is generally sown in the spring and can be utilised in the summer months by cattle and sheep, when grass growth is declining. Its rapid growth habit means that it can be utilised in only 60 days and, once grazed, there is potential for re-growth. Tyfon has a very small bulb with a large leaf, which will produce a palatable summer feed. After the plant is 12 weeks old, it is very susceptible to mildew and alternaria. Tyfon is susceptible to bolting so do not sow too early.

Other varieties available

For a bespoke stubble turnips fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist.

Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266

Grass & Roots 2023 69 STUBBLE TURNIPS



It is best to have a grass or stubble run back. Start feeding two weeks before the crop is fully mature so livestock are accustomed to forage rape when the crop is at full potential. Increase yields, protein, energy content and palatability by mixing stubble turnips and forage rape together. The better winter hardiness from the forage rape will help shield the stubble turnips from extreme frost, keeping them fresher for longer.


Interval is a forage rape/kale cross. This can increase the grazing period into January due to its winter hardiness. Interval has exceptional yield potential, combined with good disease resistance. It is quick to establish and is perfect for fattening lambs or flushing ewes. In our in-house trials, Interval was preferentially grazed over other varieties, which suggests it is more palatable.

Rampart is a new generation of forage rape that has been bred with feed quality enhancements. It has high yields and good winter hardiness and is suitable for dairy, beef and lamb production. It can be ready to feed 12-14 weeks after sowing.


Swift is a forage rape/kale cross, which gives it extra vigour and winter hardiness. It is ideal for sowing late and suitable for multi-grazing. It can be used for gamecover but is prone to bolt if sown too early (before May). Swift can re-grow after one graze, if it is put down in the summer.

Rampart Avon

Avon is a high-yielding forage rape ideally suited to finishing lambs as summer or autumn grazing. Feed from June to December ideal Autumn/winter brassica. High leaf-to-stem ratio and high stem digestibility. Excellent disease resistance including mildew.


Hobson is highly palatable and digestible, making it an ideal variety for finishing lambs. It has excellent resistance to powdery mildew, a disease which can make some crops unpalatable leading to a high wastage factor. Hobson is best utilised early September to December.


Gorilla is a dark purple green, re-growing forage rape. Gorilla shows a moderately good resistance to powdery mildew and is quite resistant to club root. When sown early (for example in May) Gorilla can produce a first crop in August to cover a shortage of summer grass, then has good regrowth to achieve a second crop in November/December. Alternatively Gorilla can be strip grazed as required, with good regrowth potential. 70 t: 01939 210777



Most maincrop turnips are grazed in situ. Stock should have access to a grass runback or hay/silage during feeding. It is advisable to use an electric fence to control intake and reduce waste. White fleshed, autumn varieties can be ready for grazing after 12-15 weeks. The yellow fleshed winter types take 16-20 weeks. Yellow fleshed maincrop turnips can be lifted and stored in a clamp. Always make sure the roots carry as little soil as possible and reject any damaged roots as they may introduce fungal diseases.

Green Globe

Green Globe turnips are ideal for livestock grazing, offering high DM yields. It produces large white bulbs. Green Globe is a winter hardy variety and is ideal for utilisation between October and January.


Massif produces huge yields due to its large roots. It is a yellow fleshed variety, which is 14% higher yielding than Green Globe. It has excellent winter hardiness, which makes it an ideal forage crop during the winter.

For a bespoke turnip fertiliser programme, speak to your Wynnstay Specialist. Or call the Fertiliser Team on 01939 211266

Grass & Roots 2023 71


Catch crop mixtures are perfect for providing a cost-effective and balanced feed for livestock. In terms of resource, mixtures like the below, are fairly low input – with minimal growing costs. However, they can produce a vital feed when forage is in short supply. Whether your focus is energy content, protein or rapid establishment, the Wynnstay range of Catch Crop mixtures includes top quality varieties, guaranteed to perform in terms of both yield and quality.

Catch Crops can also benefit soil health by utilising the available nutrients in the soil after the previous crop and then depositing them back onto the soil as manure increasing organic matter and improving the soil structure.


This high yielding catch crop is fast to establish and extremely palatable with a slightly higher energy content than the other catch crop mixtures. It will produce huge yields and the kale will help with its winter hardiness.


1.30kg Vollenda Stubble Turnips

0.50kg Interval Forage Rape

0.20kg Maris Kestrel Kale

2kg/Acre (Packed in 5kg bags)


This mix has a higher protein content than normal due to the high inclusion of forage rape and kale. Its winter hardiness is excellent due to the inclusion of kale and maincrop turnips which will extend the grazing period.


1.25kg Interval Forage Rape

0.40kg Vollenda Stubble Turnips

0.10kg Maris Kestrel Kale

0.25kg Green Globe Maincrop Turnips

2kg/Acre (Packed in 5kg bags)


The Italian ryegrass will improve the thickness of the crop whilst helping to keep the animals clean and will also provide grazing through to the following spring. The inclusion of both Vollenda and Interval will make this mix more palatable and will add protein and energy to the diet.


1.50kg Interval Forage Rape

0.50kg Vollenda Stubble Turnips

5.00kg Italian Tetraploid Ryegrass

7kg/Acre (Packed in 7kg bags) 72 t: 01939 210777



This hardwearing mixture is quick to establish whilst also producing a dense and robust turf for hens. It has a higher seed rate than other agricultural grass mixtures which is important to help maintain its longevity and durability under constant wear and grazing.


8.00kg Dwarf PRG

6.50kg Late Diploid PRG

4.00kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue

3.00kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

1.50kg Chewings Fescue



This diverse poultry mix, establishes quickly and produces a dense turf for chickens. The diverse range of legumes within the mix will produce a flower, which will help attract insects to keep the hens occupied. Like the Poultry Mix, it has a higher seed rate than most other agricultural grass mixtures which is important to help maintain its longevity and durability under constant wear and grazing.


8.00kg Dwarf PRG

5.80kg Late Diploid PRG

4.00kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue

3.00kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

1.50kg Chewings Fescue

0.20kg White Clover (Small Leaf)

0.20kg Red Clover

0.20kg Altraswede Red Clover

0.10kg Birdsfoot Trefoil


Grass & Roots 2023 73 POULTRY MIXTURES


In light of the UK’s exit from the EU and the subsequent phase out of BPS, we now focus our attention away from EU based rules, through the agricultural transition, towards those of each individual nation, and their approach to environmental stewardship. Farmers and land owners will be rewarded for protecting and enhancing the environment and its biodiversity whilst maintaining sustainable agricultural production.

In Wales, Glastir will remain in place with contracts extended until the end 2023. We will then see the transition to the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS), which is expected to launch in 2025. Over the next 3 years funding is in place to support farmers and landowners continue to focus on sustainable food production, whilst helping to improve environmental biodiversity, alongside encouraging greater resilience of farming businesses during the transition between policies. This will be delivered through schemes, such as Growing For The Environment.

The Growing for the Environment grant is open to all eligible farmers in Wales and comprises of 9 eligible crop groups with grant values ranging from £85 to £302 per hectare. If you have been accepted onto the scheme, we can support you in selecting the right mix for your needs. Within our grass seed range, we have mixtures available which are compliant with all scheme requirements, from herbal leys, pea and barley mixes, red clover leys, root seeds and mixtures for under sowing maize.

For more information on the schemes, please call the Seed Team or visit 74 t: 01939 210777 COUNTRYSIDE STEWARDSHIP


In England, the Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS) will continue through to 2024 for new applicants before being replaced with the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) with the aim of ensuring food production is resilient whilst contributing to the UK’s environmental goals. The first part of ELMS, the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) is currently being offered to aid the transition between Countryside Stewardship and ELMS. Three SFI standards are currently underway with another six to be added later this year. Alongside the SFI, the second part of ELMS, is now likely to develop and evolve countryside stewardship rather than be a whole new scheme itself. ELMS’ final part, Landscape Recovery, aims to enhance the natural environment through bespoke larger-scale, longer term projects. Further details on the above scheme options are due to be released later this year.

We encourage those that do not hold an existing stewardship agreement to apply for an environmental scheme, which will act as a stepping stone for the future agreements that will be implemented over the coming years. Certain schemes could prove to be a worthwhile option for farmers, allowing sustainable production and environmental protection simultaneously, delivering benefits on both a local and national scale.

*Please note: the above information is given in good faith and is not a substitute for grant or scheme information provided by governing bodies.

Grass & Roots 2023 75

Wynnstay has a wide range of gamecover crops suitable for all situations whether it’s for feeding, cover or both.

Please call our Seed Team for your free copy of our Gamecover Brochure. The brochure is full of tips and practical hints on establishing the right crop successfully.

We have our own mixing facilities at our Shrewsbury based seed plant, therefore we can create a bespoke gamecover mix to suit your needs if required. 76 t: 01939 210777 GAMECOVER
To download or request a brochure visit: Seed Team 01939 210777 Oswestry Gunroom 01691 668729 Feed Team 01691 828512 GAMECOVER Environmental Crops & Game Cover Guide 2023 Conservation& Gamecover Crops A Practical Guide to Environmental, Cover Crop, Game Cover and Forage Seeds 2023 Supplies) Ltd SY22 6AQ 7221 87 Registration No. 5009019 Registration No. 2704051


Wholecrop mixes are high yielding and an excellent source of home-grown forage as they produce a palatable and nutritious feed – with the potential for high starch and protein levels. Undersowing wholecrop mixes with grass can increase the DM yield of the crop, whilst establishing a new ley at the same time. This helps to maximise the overall output of forage, as less fields are out of production at critical times of year.



50% Protein Pea

50% Spring Barley (Single Purpose Treated)



80% Protein Pea

20% Spring Barley (Single Purpose Treated)



49% Spring Triticale

51% White Lupin



65% Protein Pea 35% Spring Barley (Single Purpose Treated)



20% Protein Pea 10% English Vetch

35% Spring Barley (Single Purpose Treated)

35% Oat Seed (Single Purpose Treated)

A popular mix for those looking to improve protein content.

This mixture is ideal for those looking to maximise the protein content of the forage.

This mixture produces huge yields, with minimal growing costs.

This mixture boosts protein content, whilst still achieving satisfactory DMs.

A popular mixture for those looking for a traditional wholecrop, with a range of species.

Grass & Roots 2023 77



Sowing rate: 35g-50g/m²

This mix is resilient and tough enough for all your family activities. Whether it’s a family game of football or an area for the pets to run around, this hardwearing mix is designed to cope! The mix provides a quality lawn all year round, but its dense base means that it is perfect for general purpose use.

Pack sizes: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg


Sowing rate: 35g-50g/m²

Wynnstay’s Fine Lawn Seed is a blend of fine leaved quality fescues which will produce a lush, dense turf. If you want to show your ornamental garden off – with a high quality look and good, all year round colour, then our fine lawn seed is ideal for you.

Pack sizes: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg


Sowing rate: 35g-50g/m²

If your garden is shaded this mix is the one for you! Wynnstay’s Shady Mix is designed to produce high quality turf growing under sheltered or overshadowed conditions. The grasses included in the mixture ensure lush green growth combined with a tolerance of shade. Do not mow this mix too closely – around 25mm is the most suitable mowing height.

Pack sizes: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg


Sowing rate: 35g-50g/m²

If pets, children and even bigger kids are causing patching or wear and tear on your lawn, this mix is the answer! It is fast growing and quick to repair – leaving your lawn looking luscious and thick all year round.

Pack sizes: 500g


0.50 kg Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

0.25 kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue

0.20 kg Chewings Fescue

0.05 kg Browntop Bent



0.50 kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue

0.25 kg Chewings Fescue

0.20 kg Slender Creeping Red Fescue

0.05 kg Browntop Bent



0.10kg Hard Fescue

0.30kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

0.30kg Chewings Fescue

0.25kg Slender Creeping Red Fescue

0.05 kg Browntop Bent



0.35kg Dwarf Perennial Tetraploid Ryegrass

0.15kg Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass 500g 78 t: 01939 210777 AMENITY


Sowing rate: 35g-50g/m²

This mix is designed to be a low maintenance mixture where fast establishment is vital. It will suit many landscaping projects and is ideal for commercial usage, as it will create a tough and durable surface. If cut often then it will smarten up the appearance, making this an attractive mix in all landscaping areas.

Pack sizes: 10kg, 25kg


Sowing rate: 10g-20g/m²

This mix meets the standards and specifications set by the Department of Transport. The mix is used for road verges and will tolerate poorer quality and light soil types. The grasses will establish and knit together quickly which will stabilise loose soils on banks. These grasses are tolerant to road spray and exhaust fumes. The mix will need to be cut twice a year or as necessary.

Pack sizes: 25kg


0.25 kg Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

0.25 kg Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

0.35 kg Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

0.15 kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue



0.25 kg Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

0.20 kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue

0.30 kg Hard Fescue

0.10 kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass

0.10 kg Browntop Bent

0.05 kg Small Leaf White Clover




Bespoke Cricket Pitch And Golf Course Mixes Available


Sowing rate: 35g-50g/m²

This quality pitch mix will create a hardwearing top quality playing surface. It will be fast in establishment and will have excellent regenerative attributes. Rugby = approximately 100 x 69 metres plus 22m beyond both posts. Football = between 90m and 120m and the width not less than 45m and not more than 90m.

Pack sizes: 10kg, 25kg


Sowing rate: 35g-50g/m²

This Traditional Bowling Green Mix will provide a superb fine surface for either a bowling or putting green. Its establishment will be rapid and it will keep a superb colour throughout the year. A bowling green area is usually 38m x 38m and 50kg will cover the whole area if sowing at 35g/m2.

Pack sizes: 10kg, 25kg


0.40 kg Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

0.35 kg Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass

0.25 kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue



0.20 kg Browntop Bent

0.40 kg Chewings Fescue

0.40 kg Slender Creeping Red Fescue

1.00kg 80 t: 01939 210777 AMENITY SEED



Sowing rate: 5g/m² MIXTURE

This popular perennial mixture is easy to establish and contains species often found in a diverse range of soil types. It will produce a wide range of attractive bright colours which will flower for many months of the year. A suitable mix to create a country meadow or to brighten up areas in your garden.

Pack sizes: 250g, 500g, 1kg

Larger seed packs available

Flower Colours


80% Grasses including:

Red Fescue, Crested Dogstail, Chewings Fescue, Slender Red Fescue

20% Wildflowers including:

Salad Burnet, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Oxeye

Daisy, Cornflower, Sainfoin, Ribgrass, Red Clover, Sorrel, Knapweed, Yarrow, Buttercup, Selfheal, Poppy, Yellow Trefoil

Sowing rate: 5g/m² MIXTURE

This Shade/ Hedgerow mix is made up of grasses and perennial flowers that will tolerate growing where there is not a lot of sunlight. The mix will produce a wide range of attractive bright colours.

Pack sizes: 250g, 500g, 1kg

Larger seed packs available

Flower Colours


80% Low Maintenance Grasses including:

Meadow Foxtail, Red Fescue, Crested Dogstail, Smooth Stalked Meadowgrass, Chewings Fescue, Slender Fescue, Small Leaved Timothy, Meadow Fescue

20% Wildflowers including:

Hedge Woundwort, Hairy St. John’s Wort, Hedge Bedstraw, Red Campion, Meadowsweet, Yarrow, Wood Sage, Knapweed, Great Mullein, Meadow Buttercup, Oxeye Daisy, Field Scabious, Selfheal, Wood Avens, Foxglove, White Campion, Hedge Garlic, Nettle Leaved Bellflower

Sowing rate: 5g/m² MIXTURE

The Economy mix is a cost-effective mix due to the lower inclusion of wildflowers. This mix will brighten up any area and will suit most soil types.

Pack sizes: 250g, 500g, 1kg

Larger seed packs available

Flower Colours

90% Grasses including:

Red Fescue, Chewings Fescue, Crested Dogstail, Slender Creeping Red Fescue

10% Wildflowers including:

Oxeye Daisy, Ribgrass, Knapweed, Buttercup, Poppy, Salad Burnet, Cornflower, Red Clover, Yarrow, Selfheal, Yellow Trefoil, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Sainfoin, Sorrel

Grass & Roots 2023 81 WILDFLOWER SEEDS
Great Pollen Provider
Great Pollen Provider



Sowing rate: 5g/m² MIXTURE

The Cornfield Annual Mix is easy to grow and creates a fantastic array of brightly coloured flowers that stand out in any situation. The mix will only flower in the year of sowing unless the seeds are allowed to shed and self-seed.

80% Grasses including:

Red Fescue, Chewings Fescue, Crested Dogstail, Slender Fescue

20% Wildflowers including: Corn Flower, Corn Marigold, Corn Cockle, Corn Poppy Pack sizes: 250g, 500g, 1kg

Larger seed packs available

Flower Colours


Sowing rate: 5g/m² MIXTURE

The Heavy Shade/ Woodland Mix is a mixture that creates a natural habitat for wildlife. The mix contains native plants which would be found growing naturally in wild woodland areas.

Pack sizes: 250g, 500g, 1kg

Larger seed packs available

Flower Colours

80% Grasses including:

Crested Dogstail, Sheeps Fescue, Chewings Fescue, Yellow Oatgrass Meadow Foxtail, Smooth Stalked Meadowgrass, Slender Fescue, Red Fescue, Small Leaved Timothy, Meadow Fescue, Sweet Vernal Grass

20% Wildflowers including: Bluebell, Common Agrimony, Hedge

Bedstraw, Hedge Garlic, Hedge

Woundwort, Herb Bennet, Nettle Leaved Bell Flower, Ragged Robin, Red Campion, Selfheal, Square St Johns Wort Sweet Cicely, Upright Hedge Parsley, Welsh Poppy, Wild Angelica, Wild Foxglove, Woodsage 82 t: 01939 210777
Great Pollen Provider
Great Pollen Provider



Sowing rate: 5g/m² MIXTURE

The Wetland Mix creates a beautiful wildlife habitat next to ponds and streams. The mix produces flowers and grasses of varying heights and colours that will tolerate flood water

Pack sizes: 250g, 500g, 1kg

Larger seed packs available

Flower Colours

80% Low Maintenance Grasses including:

Red Fescue, Smooth Stalked Meadowgrass, Crested Dogstail, Chewings Fescue, Slender Fescue, Yorkshire Fog, Small Leaved Timothy, Meadow Fescue, Meadow Foxtail

20% Wildflowers including: Agrimony, Yarrow, Ragged Robin, Yellow Rattle, Oxeye Daisy, Purple Loosestrife, Water Avens, St. Johns Wort, Red Campion, Yellow Flag Iris, Selfheal, Meadowsweet, Meadow Buttercup, Wild Carrot, Devils Bit Scabious

Grass & Roots 2023 83 WILDFLOWER SEEDS
Great Pollen Provider 84 t: 01939 210777 CONTACT For a quote or to contact your Wynnstay Specialist or Store, visit Wynnstay (Agricultural Supplies) Ltd • Eagle House • Llansantffraid • Powys SY22 6AQ • Part of Wynnstay Group Plc, Eagle House, Llansantffraid, Powys, SY22 6AQ Telephone: 01691 828512 • Email: • Registered in England and Wales Vat Reg No. 168 7221 87 Registration No: 5009019 Registration No. 2704051 Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the details supplied in this booklet are correct, Wynnstay cannot be held responsible for any misleading or inaccurate information. Current legislation must be checked before entering into schemes. Wynnstay reserve the right to change varieties within the mixtures as required. WN3179 @WynnstayGroup If undelivered please return to: Wynnstay Retail Department, Glovers Meadow, Maesbury Rd Industrial Estate, Oswestry, SY10 8NH If you do not want to receive information of this nature please call 01691 662690 or write to Wynnstay Marketing Department, Unit 4 Glovers Meadow, Maesbury Road Industrial Estate, Oswestry, SY10 8NH SEED TEAM Shrewsbury - 01939 210777 York -
01757 617000
01691 828512 Carmarthen
01267 231341

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