Spring 2009 MetaCreative Magazine

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Are You Emotionally Free? By: Judith Orloff, M.D.


Adapted from Dr. Judith Orloff’s new book “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life” (Harmony Books, 2009)

Our society is in the midst of an emotional meltdown. People are restless, volatile, our tempers about to blow. In the past year, Prozac was prescribed for over thirty million people. Domestic violence occurs in one out of six of households. Half of our marriages end in divorce. None of this is how we want life to be. Our pressure cooker society pushes us to our emotional limits. We deserve relief from getting crucified by daily stresses. This book empowers you to attain this high quality of life and to handle stress artfully. I’m excited to present practical new tools for mastering your emotions in our hyper-tense world. It’s lunacy to put up with being chronically anxious, fatigued, or depressed as so many of us have. I rebel against that cheerless status quo, and hope you will too. Emotional Freedom offers the answer to reclaiming your happiness and heart. What is emotional freedom? It means increasing your ability to love by cultivating positive emotions and compassionately witnessing and transforming negative ones. It means keeping your center without absorbing the negativity of others. These fundamental living skills liberate you from fear and let you navigate adversity without attacking, losing your cool, or being derailed by it. I wrote this book because, as an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA, I work in a mainstream medical system where the spiritual/intuitive aspects of emotions aren’t understood. During my UCLA psychiatric training, we treated depression and anxiety, as biochemical imbalances requiring medication. I’d meet with patients for fifteen minutes every few weeks, write a prescription, then send them home. Though I never saw medications as the whole solution, I saw many patients experience at least partial “symptom relief,” an undeniable relief of suffering. However, in the next two decades of medical practice, I’ve learned that emotional freedom involves much, much more. The intellect, stunning as it may be, has restricted vision when it comes to emotions. This is why bringing intuition to the feeling-realm is so liberating. Intuition is a potent wisdom not mediated by the linear mind--a practical, smart, decision-making aid. Intuition can be a hunch, a dream, a “knowing,” specific guidance, a gut feeling, or a “warning of danger.” Emotions also have an intuitive language that begs to be decoded in our bodies--“subtle energies” that move through us and can be sensed. These are what Chinese medicine calls “chi,” our vital life force. We feel emotions internally, while their energy expands beyond our bodies. Similarly, other people’s emotional energy impacts us. Today, I am a woman who travels many worlds. My approach to emotional freedom blends traditional and nontraditional realms. In this book, I’ll discuss the four major components of emotions that shape your health and mood: biology, subtle energy, psychology, and spirituality. We must appreciate that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It’s impossible to grasp how we tick emotionally without a cosmic perspective; everything about us, including our biology, is an expression of the divine. Seeing emotions as a training ground for the soul—a path to spiritual awakening--frames every victory over fear, anxiety, and resentment as a way to develop your spiritual muscles and love more. A first step towards achieving emotional freedom is to know where you currently stand. Here is a sample from “The Emotional Freedom Test” in my book. It’s a self-assessment tool covering a range of positive and negative emotions. It will help you identify ways you typically respond to a variety of emotionally charged situations in your life today, including the most mundane. It’ll highlight your strong points and those in need of loving attention.


Take The Emotional Freedom Test

(Take the complete test in Chapter 1 of Emotional Freedom) 1. If I’m angry with someone, I’ll breathe and center myself before I react. 2. When I’m filled with self-doubt or fear I treat myself lovingly. 3. When stuck in traffic or if something doesn’t happen on my timetable, I have patience.

Not True

Sometimes True


Mostly True












4. After a hard day, I focus on what I’m grateful for rather than beating myself up for what has gone wrong.




5. I have empathy for others but I don’t become their therapist or absorb their emotional pain.




How to Interpret the Test: A score of 10 suggests you are experiencing a considerable degree of emotional freedom in your life. A score of 5-9 suggests a moderate level A score of 4 or below suggests a beginning level A zero score (and it takes courage to admit that) indicates that emotional freedom has been elusive in your life but you can start finding it now! To be free you must go inside. A defining moment of emotional freedom is when you begin to become more conscious of who you are and your motivations. You’re awakening--that’s what counts. It sends a message to all things negative within that their days of usurping your serenity are numbered.

Judith Orloff MD is author of the new book “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Harmony Books, 2009)” Her other bestsellers are Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. For more information about Dr. Orloff’s national book tour schedule and inspiration visit: www.drjudithorloff.com


South Asian Myths - Bhavasindhu dasa

Shri Krishna Chaitanya


South Asian Myths - Bhavasindhu dasa... continued My name is Benjamin McClintic, though I am better known to my spiritual community as Bhavasindhu dasa. Bhavasindhu dasa means the servant of the ocean of divine emotions. Many of these images were created in the service of that ocean. As for my path, I grew up a Roman Catholic with orthodox parents, attended Catholic schools until my senior year of high school. After that, I traveled and explored America, discovering different paths to truth, and made many friends along the way. Around the time I turned 20, I found a path that suited me very well, Krishna-bhakti-yoga. I entered a monastery and took the vows of a celibate student, and for 5 years practiced intensive meditation.

Virat During the morning and evening classes, I would draw various images that reflected the histories we were studying. Art became another form of meditation for me, and helped me to understand the aesthetic dimension of the Vedic practice. After leaving the monastery, I returned to school where I continued to study art, and my skills and methods evolved further.


I studied Art Studio, but received my first BA in philosophy, and am now have the great fortune of working on a Masters degree in Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. I continue to develop my style and subject, and hope to eventually master the neoclassical methods of such great master artists as William Adolph Bouguereau, though my subject will remain South Asian myths.

Benjamin McClintic / Bhavasindhu dasa http://www.artbistro.com/member/bhavasindhu


Debunking the Myth of the Guru By: Julie Ann Storr

In this age of spiritual awakening, there's a lot of talk about gurus and spiritual teachers from different walks of life. These are the people we often wish to learn from and emulate, because they are considered enlightened and appear to have mastered their lives in a way that perhaps we haven't. Many of us invest a lot of time, energy and money into learning about a particular guru and their personal path to an aware and spiritual life – on our journey to awaken our personal greatness and begin living our own dreams. However, it can be easy to put these teachers on a pedestal, looking up to them as though are perfect, greater than us or even somehow believing what they've achieved is out of our reach. In doing that, not only do we place unrealistic expectations on them to be 'perfect', we're also effectively handing over our own power – and perhaps failing to recognize our own inner wisdom and magnificence. So how do we choose which teachers to listen to? How do we avoid pedestalising them? And how do we learn from a spiritual teacher while maintaining our own sense of self and personal greatness? The first thing to remember is that spirituality, enlightenment and growth is not a contest. There's no joy in racing to become a 'perfect' spiritually evolved human being. And who defines 'perfect' anyway? It's completely subjective, defined according to our individual personal values. True spirituality is about embracing our weaknesses as much as celebrating our strengths. The real joy in life is in using every experience we have here to grow and evolve, in our own way. That’s our purpose - to participate in and enjoy the journey. When we think there are other people out there who we perceive to be ‘better than’ ourselves, or beat up on ourselves for not being 'perfect', we're going astray on our own personal path to greatness. The truth is, you don’t need to aspire to be anyone or anything besides YOU. Really, we can only ever be a more awake and aware version of ourselves. So let's completely throw out the idea of 'gurus' altogether. It's an outdated concept that doesn’t work well any more, as it makes spirituality and growth seem elusive, complex and unattainable for the masses. Many people many not find it especially appealing to explore their spirituality, if they think it means having to give up their worldly possessions, meditate in a cave on a hilltop, live on beans and chant mantras. So instead, let's just be open to learning from others who may have experienced a different level of awareness and who are willing to share that. Today, people want to learn from teachers who are real and accessible, who can bring a fun and playfulness to life and spiritual teaching - while acknowledging the idea that there’s a great Universe of power and energy available to each and every one of us. The greatest teachers are humble and honest, unafraid to share their mistakes and human experiences with the world, they inspire us to realize that if they can find inner peace and achieve their dreams, so too can we. They're not perfect. They too, are growing and learning all the time and they share their knowledge with us through their teachings, books, audio programs and DVDs. Often their greatest messages come through in sharing the down-and-dirty hardships they've endured - the 'mucky' parts of their journey that have made them who they are today.


The greatest teachers truly walk their talk, they empower other people to see, embrace and recognize their own greatness and talents, and they give them the confidence to go for their own dreams – and express their own magnificence. We all have something magical within us, the same magic that these teachers have found within themselves – we might just not have realized, seen or embraced it yet.

All of the great spiritual teachings, enlightened leaders and teachers call us to recognize and acknowledge this Universal truth. Throughout my journey over the years, I’ve listened to many teachers with different messages, all which have been relevant to different aspects of my life. So while I can spend time with or learn from a particular teacher and resonate with them in profound ways – I don’t invest all my personal power into them or their work. Instead, I've learned to listen to and trust my own inner voice and wisdom. I keep an open mind and maintain a healthy questioning approach - I don’t just take their teachings at face value. I ‘check in with myself’ to determine if the information resonates with me, asking if their message is for my highest good and the highest good of others. For instance, I consider the teacher’s message and ask: Does it make sense? Is it applicable to my life? Does it feel good? How does it increase my understanding of my own power and sense of self? Does it match my core life values and belief system? How does my inner voice or intuition respond to it? Does this teacher encourage me to maintain connection with myself and my Source? If I have to make a choice about whether to take some information on board, I visualize an outcome, then pay attention to how my body and mind respond. If there’s a tightening in my gut or anywhere else in my body, I know it’s not right for me. If I feel a sense of peace, then I know I’m on the right track. I’m likely to want to learn more from that teacher, and see what works for me when applying their life lessons to myself. I examine everything in a spirit of curiosity and observation. Above all, I trust myself. If something doesn’t feel right, I won’t pursue it. And that’s okay too – this is a uniquely personal journey and it might be right for someone else. Try it for yourself. Learn to trust the process and have fun with it. You’ll probably find you're more inspired to apply learning to your own life, without fear of failure or constant criticism from yourself that you aren’t ‘perfect’ or ‘doing it right.’ There's no wrong way, just your way. In learning from these great teachers, I have created a personal system that works for me in a unique way that helps me unlock my own power, express my authentic self and create my own life to truly support my passion and my values. It’s important to understand that when we are on a spiritual journey, we’re often led to the teacher that will be right for us at the present moment. If we accept this without attachment to the teacher, we can learn precisely what we need to find out at that time. So don't become too attached to one particular teacher – that would be self-limiting. There may be some that who hold a special place in our lives, because they have awakened us to possibilities we didn’t see before. Just keep an open mind and awareness that you may come upon new teachers who have ideas you can apply in the future too. A final thought – remember that looking up to a teacher or putting someone up on a pedestal creates a fantasy - one where another cannot possibly meet your expectations. We’re all human – why should a teacher be any different? They’re not meant to be perfect either, and that’s a relief as it makes them real. They are simply one of us – albeit wonderful beings who share with us great hope and inspiration that there is light at the end of this tunnel and along the way. The Universe speaks to all of us – the question is... do you choose to listen to, trust and act from that inner wisdom? That’s where the fun begins. Enjoy the journey! Self employed for the past 7 years, Julie Ann Storr has a background in project management, writing, advertising and event management. She works with a team of independent businesses in marketing related industries to deliver quality products and services. To learn more about Julie and her work, visit her official website:



Celebrity Vector Art By: Dhioni

Beauty Among Nature (Jennifer Aniston)


Ziyi Zhang My name is Dhionata Marlon Schneider, I’m an 18 year old male from Southern Brazil who loves movies, music, television and design. Since I was a child, my passion has been drawing, and if I didn’t have a paper near me when the inspiration came, I’d draw on the walls of my house. When I was 15 years old, I started seeking out knowledge about design and image manipulation. I studied graphic software until I discovered vector art, and it was love at first sight. I’m currently preparing to enter my sophomore year at the Federal University of Paraná. http://dhioni.deviantart.com/


Exclusive Q and A with:

Lenora Claire Interview by: Mystikka Jade Photographs by: Austin Young

Lenora Claire is a true trailblazer who is turning heads all over the world with her unique beauty and wide spectrum of creative talents and projects. I discovered Lenora Claire a few years ago on a web show called ‘Ring My Bell (RuPaul was also a guest),’ where I saw her eating a glass light bulb! Right away, I knew I would always remember her. Since then I have seen her popping up all over the media, and as much as she’s accomplished, I’m sure it is only the beginning of much more to come from this diva-licious force of nature! 14

Lenora, you have explored and excelled in so many diverse creative mediums. You have curated art events in Los Angeles, including the critically acclaimed ‘Golden Gals Gone Wild’ show that featured erotic portraits of The Golden Girls. You are also a muse and model for well known artists and photographers such as Olivia De Berardinis, Glen Hanson and Austin Young. You’re a ‘Scream Queen’ film actress, a writer, celebrity interviewer and a glass-eater. Do you plan to continue to ‘do it all,’ or would you like to narrow your focus to anything specific in the near future? Of course I plan to continue doing all of those things as they are my passion, but I would say my aspirations have me working towards doing more television and large scale art shows that will travel the world. What new developments have 2009 brought to your career so far? I’ll be appearing in seven books, and launching my largest art show so far with Olivia and several other legendary artists. I really can’t say too much about it other than you are going to hear about it all over the media in late Spring. You recently posed for the legendary pinup artist Olivia De Berardinis. What has it been like working with her? Absolutely amazing. I never would have imagined at 15 years old when I had her work plastered on my bedroom walls that I would model for her and develop such a nice friendship. I have an intense amount of respect for her as well as her husband Joel who runs all of her business matters. They are as creative and charming as they are kind. I’m especially excited to get the opportunity to work on this semi-secret art show with her as well. There is so much potential. I walk around with a constant grin. Your work seems to be embraced especially in the gay community, and you have worked with a lot of openly gay or gay friendly artists. How did you begin to find yourself so closely knit with the LGTB culture? Well, I’ve always sort of gravitated to anyone who is open minded and artistic and without even realizing it one day I woke up and 90% of my friends just happened to be gay. The LGBT community has been so amazing and supportive of me. I worked as a writer for the oldest and largest LGBT publication in Los Angeles for four years, and have appeared on Sirius Out Q radio, as well as a regular on the Queer Edge the now defunct queer network. Oh and don’t let me forget about World of Wonder who were kind enough to take a chance on me. I know Golden Gals Gone Wild wouldn’t have been the success it was without all of their support.


I have noticed that The Golden Girls appeal to a large gay male audience, why do you think that is? Would I be cheating if I answered that it was because they have the best taste? People forget how progressive Golden Girls was for its time. Dorothy had a cross dressing brother, not to mention the fact that is was just about the first sitcom show to address HIV. Also, I’m not sure how many people are hip to it but Marc Cherry who created Desperate Housewives wrote many episodes of the Golden Girls and he is a big ‘ol Mo.

Please tell us a little bit about World Of Wonder and your experience with them?


Where do I begin? I was a fan of World of Wonder and their amazing films and television programs before I knew them socially. I would say James St. James was my first friend in the WOW world. I met James almost five years ago when he came to an art show I produced for my good friend Gidget Gein who recently passed away. Of course I had known all about James for years and absolutely LOVED his book Party Monster which was turned in to a film by World of Wonder. From there on I just kind of clicked with everyone at WOW. I can honestly say I haven’t met a person there I didn’t like. They’re all fabulous and creative in their own ways and share a similar sensibility.

So anyway, World of Wonder owns this beautiful historic building right on the Hollywood Blvd walk of fame. I had wanted to do my erotic Golden Girls show (which I later named Golden Gals Gone Wild), and had an unpleasant experience with another gallery. I was desperate to find a new home for the show. The lower level of the WOW building had formerly been a retail space but through a very lucky series of events WOW took a chance on me and allowed the show to take place in their building. Over 2,000 people attended opening night. Media ranging from NPR to the National Enquirer covered it. Now it’s by far the hippest gallery in LA. I love those guys.

I remember hearing an interview where you told the story of how you came up with the idea of Golden Gals Gone Wild. I enjoyed hearing about how you saw a topless painting of Bea Arthur on ebay, decided to buy it, and then got such a strong reaction from your friends, which led to the idea to put on the show. It’s always inspiring when someone has a great random idea and then follows it through successfully. Do you have any advice for other creative people who are looking to get inspired and manifest their own artistic goals? I suppose the best advice is that you have to follow your heart and not the trend. If something moves you enough to become an obsession run with it. People tend to ignore their gut when really the answers are right there in you.


You recently had dinner at The Playboy Mansion, any highlights of that adventure you care to share? Getting to feed the monkeys grapes with Olivia still puts a smile on my face. What is your day to day life like, aside from all your creative endeavors and accomplishments? I’m really focused on my goals right now so I would say I spend a portion of the day obsessing over my tv project, a portion of the day working and obsessing on my upcoming art show with Olivia, several hours keeping up with everything on social networking sites like myspace and facebook, an unhealthy amount of time negotiating on the phone, and quality time with my friends and dog Ellie. Where can MetaCreative readers find you and your work online? Well I’m constantly creating content so the easy answer would be to google me, but I’m about to relaunch my official website www.LenoraClaire.com I can also be found on: www.myspace.com/LenoraClaire http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/profile.php?id=731212083&ref=profile http://www.twitter.com/lenoraclaire

My writing appears in magazines like Frontiers, In, and AVN. I’m also doing a web series for WOW TV called doNUTS that should debut really soon. Have you ever been to a donut shop at 2am? Well, if you have you no doubt are aware they are filled with conspiracy theorists, paranoid schizophrenics, and other fun people. So my idea is to go to donut shops in the middle of the night and interview all the colorful characters who are there all hopped up on sugar and caffeine. So yeah, make sure to look for doNUTS coming soon on: www.wowtv.tv

*Photographs for this feature were taken by Austin Young. Visit his website: http://www.austinyoung.com/

About the interviewer: Mystikka Jade is a professional empathic psychic and the publisher / editor of MetaCreative Magazine. Learn more at: www.mystikka.com


Interview with Legendary Psychic and Author

Sylvia Browne

*By: Mystikka Jade 19

Sylvia Browne is the #1 New York Times best-selling author and world-famous psychic medium who appeared on The Montel Williams Show for years and Larry King Live, as well as making countless other media and public appearances. With her down-to-earth personality and great sense of humor, Sylvia thrills audiences on her lecture tours and still has time to write numerous immensely popular books. She has a master’s degree in English literature and plans to write as long as she can hold a pen. Sylvia is the president of the Sylvia Browne Corporation; and is the founder of her church, the Society of Novus Spiritus, located in Campbell, California. Mystikka Jade: First, I wanted to ask you about one of your latest books, ‘Mystical Traveler.’ What exactly is a mystical traveler? What is the difference between that and a mission-life entity, which you also speak about in the book? Sylvia Browne: Well, most of us are mission life entities. I mean, we come down here on a specific mission. There are certainly people that are more driven than others, who like to create something like Oprah has, or some bigger thing, like to work for animals. But a mystical traveler is someone who gives up his or her will totally to God. In other words, you don’t have any free will choice anymore. So you decide to take on all the keys; the fortitude, the mercy, honesty, loyalty and gratitude. But there are a lot of plusses with that. You get psychic and healing ability, more levity, infused knowledge and greater intelligence. But you really have to take the oath. I’ve talked to so many people before I wrote the book, and people would say to me, ‘There’s something more inside of me that I want to do to gain higher intelligence or higher spirituality.’ And that’s the person who is really a candidate for a mystical traveler. Mystikka: Wow! It sounds to me like, when you’re describing a mystical traveler, that it’s someone who has no ego. Do you feel that a mystical traveler is someone who has eliminated the ego, or do they still struggle with it? Sylvia: You know, all my life, I’ve heard this word ‘ego.’ And not because you asked me, but it makes me crazy. I am who I am. I am Sylvia. And, ‘ego’ taken from the Greek is ‘I am.’ If you know who you are, you’re happy with who you are, and you know you’re doing God’s work, you don’t have to worry about ego. Mystikka: I guess where I am coming from when I use the word ‘ego’ is more to describe the side of ourselves that is based in fear or the dark side… So concerned with image that we often will overlook the greater picture of things… Sylvia: Oh yeah but see, the more you get out with people the more you lose that. That’s too self- centered. It’s like, so many psychics are afraid to be wrong. And I say, well good Lord! Anyone who has any brain cells is going to be wrong. I even said to John Edwards, ‘Don’t get caught up in your own press releases!’ Mystikka: (Laughs) Right! That’s a good one. Sylvia: The bigger you are and the more you’re doing, the less time you have to think about yourself, or how you look, or what you’re doing or what you’re saying. I go out on stage and say ‘God, hit it!’ That’s all.


Mystikka: Or we have less time to be concerned about what other people are saying.

Sylvia: Who cares? Nobody’s winning a popularity contest here. Who in the hell is going to love everybody? Not everyone is going to love you, so who cares? I’ve been asked, ‘What do you do with skeptics?’ I said I don’t care about them. I don’t even think about them. Mystikka: That’s good. I know you have a son (Chris) that does readings. I was wondering, do you feel that psychic healing or mystical abilities are hereditary? Sylvia: I do believe that, there are over 300 years of us. Of course I had already done it, but a woman, God love her, in Seattle, actually did my genealogy and looked it up. My grandmother was (psychic), her mother was, her brother was, her mother’s mother was… God, we go back so many years. I am, my son is a wonderful psychic. My granddaughter is, so it seems like the beat goes on. Of course I believe it comes from God, but I do believe with all of my heart that we chose a genetic component part to this. Mystikka: Right, and then it can just be fined tuned I’m sure, with your influence on your son and on your granddaughter. Sylvia: Yes, my son, I can’t even believe this, is 42 now and he’s done Hay House Radio. And people are starting to call and say that he is just marvelous, and he really is marvelous. It certainly does not seem to diminish with age, it seems to get stronger the more you use it. The fear of being wrong, you know… oh to hell with that. Just open up your mouth and say it. Mystikka: Yes, well nobody is one hundred percent accurate anyway. Sylvia: And wouldn’t it be scary if you were? Mystikka: Mmm hmm! Sylvia: People ask me, ‘Can you read my mind?’ And I say, ‘If you could do that, you’d probably be walking around smacking everybody!’ Mystikka: (Laughs) Yeah. And nobody else would have any privacy either. Sylvia: No, there’s a privacy act. Even your spirit guide can’t get into your mind unless you give permission. Mystikka: And some clients don’t want to give you permission to get into their thoughts, or feelings, or into their lives. A lot of them will call with a closed mind and closed attitude and test you, and throw a lot of negativity at you. Sylvia: I don’t put up with that though. I say, ‘This is over now.’ It takes so much energy to get through all that negativity. Mystikka: To break down those walls… Sylvia: Oh, no. I say, ‘You’ve got a full refund, see ya.’ Mystikka: Thank you, you’re awesome. We love you. Sylvia: Thank you, and I love you all.


Sylvia Browne’s latest books: Available at: www.hayhouse.com

Mystical Traveler

Sylvia Browne takes us on another incredible journey . . . this time presenting information about the Mystical Traveler. She explains the difference between Mystical Travelers and Mission Life Entities (those who have a mission in life); and goes into great depth about who they are, what they do, and even how to become one! Combining factual research garnered in her trance mediumship with new insights from her spirit guide Francine, Sylvia guides us through the necessary steps to become more spiritual using the Eight Golden Keys and Seven Rays from God. She then takes us a step further and tells us how we can all choose to become either a Mystical Traveler or Mission Life Entity for God. This is a fascinating, in-depth study for anyone who wants to become more spiritual and join “God’s army”—that is, those who wish to spread positive energy rather than evil and negativity.

Psychic Healing Sylvia Browne now gives us a marvelous book on self-healing. Largely made up of actual research trance transcripts from her guides, this book is a must for those who have chronic physical problems but who cannot find relief from conventional medicine. It’s not meant to replace this type of treatment, though, but to augment it. Sylvia also discusses her innovative and proven methods of healing relating to cell memory and morphic resonance. Sylvia is one of the few deep-trance mediums in the world today, and the information that comes from her guides not only covers healing methods that give us the tools to heal ourselves and become more spiritual, but also gives us insights into preventive methods that ensure health and well-being so that we can live happier and healthier lives.


Farewell Tour:

Sylvia Wraps Up Decades of Lecturing with a Farewell Tour on her favorite topic— The Other Side and How Its Temples and Halls Can Enhance Your Life NOW! Farewell Tour extended to new cities in 2009. World-renowned psychic Sylvia Browne says that we can all follow the path of the Mystical Traveler. And she will show us how in her new 2009 Farewell Lecture Tour this Fall— Mystical Traveler: How to Advance to a Higher Level of Spirituality. PLUS: You May Even Be Chosen to Ask Sylvia a Personal Question! During each lecture, Sylvia will randomly select audience members who can ask her a question— it could be you!!! Some Upcoming Tour Dates: June 10th - Boston, MA June 12th - Philladelphia, PA June 14th - Hartford, CT June 17th - Providence, RI June 19th - NY, NY Visit: http://www.hayhouse.com/tour_details.php?tour_id=23 For more information on Sylvia Browne’s Farewell Tour! About the interviewer: Mystikka Jade has been a professional empathic psychic since the age of 18 in 1993. She is the author of the ebook, ‘The Love Crisis Survival Guide,’ as well as a celebrity interviewer, freelance digital artist, publisher and editor of MetaCreative Magazine. Learn more at: www.mystikka.com *Introduction, book, and tour information provided by Hay House (www.hayhouse.com) A special thanks to Carina and Jacqui at Hay House for making this interview happen!


Awaken Visions – Daniel B. Holeman

Star Wolf Artistic talent combined with life-long exploration of consciousness and devotion to self-realization has given Daniel B. Holeman an ability to depict uplifting and profound sacred imagery. Self-taught techniques include oil on canvas with airbrush touchup. The mandala works are pen and ink on paper, and then colored on computer. At a young age Daniel had a profound spiritual awakening and experienced the nature of pure consciousness from which the manifested world is created. Since then his life has been about deepening that awareness and sharing it with others through art, lifestyle and conversation (with a few detours along the way). In addition to the artwork, Awaken Visions is a haven for truth seekers, consciousness explorers and all who appreciate the beauty found in living from the Heart.


Daniel B. Holeman http://awakenvisions.com For more information visit http://www.awakentruth.org/ awakening.html

One Truth

Nori Dolphins


MetaCreative Magazine Presents: Metaphysical Book Reviews by: G.L. Giles

Review of The Seeress of Prevorst: Her Secret Language and Prophecies from the Spirit World by John DeSalvo, Ph.D.

(Destiny Books, ©2008 www.DestinyBooks.com) This book, in short, is about the incredible gifts of an early nineteenth century mystic and clairvoyant named Frederika Hauffe (a.k.a. the Seeress of Prevorst). As documented by the well-respected and well-known, in his day, Dr. Justinus Kerner, Frederika possessed the ability to communicate directly with spirits, was able to speak and write in what she called the language of the spirits, could diagnose and prescribe for people when in her clairvoyant state, utilized psychometry, had precognition, could levitate, etc. In addition, the history and possible existence of the Primal Language is presented. DeSalvo suggests that Frederika’s “language of the spirits” could possibly be her personally filtered version of the Primal Language. The Primal Language is of great importance, if it still exists/ever existed, because the “Egyptian priests believed that the words used in magic rituals, this Primal Language, had actual power and produced specific effects, both natural and supernatural. The ritual words could be spoken, chanted, or sung, but in a precise and specific manner” (The Seeress of Prevorst p. 9). DeSalvo has gone to great lengths in providing detailed tables, etc. of the Seeress’ inner language and numbers which could also be her interpretation of the Primal Language. I found it quite interesting that Frederika’s secret language was a base-7 system since, as DeSalvo points out, early languages were based on it, so it makes the argument for her language being the Primal Language more compelling. The Seeress was seemingly quite a giving, loving soul who frequently helped those who came to her with her gift of precognition, etc., yet I think it’s interesting to note that her, “practice of continually entering into the clairvoyant state depleted her energy and contributed to her weakened condition. To sustain herself, she drew energy from other people…” (The Seeress of Prevorst p. 50). This reminds me somewhat of positive psivamps, who are natural energy-workers, who use their gift both in a giving and receiving manner.


In closing, I highly recommend this book not only for insight into the life of the Seeress of Prevorst and the Primal Language, but also for those who have an interest in etymology, philology, hypnosis, mesmerism, second sight, etc. In fact, I was never quite sure of the difference between hypnosis and mesmerism until after reading about it on p. 36, but I’ll leave it for you to uncover, if you’re so inclined. If I gave ratings on books, then I’d give this one a 10 out of 10! The Seeress of Prevorst links: www.DestinyBooks.com www.myspace.com/drjohnde

Review of Mike Dooley’s Even More Notes from the Universe: Dancing Life’s Dance While watching the hit movie, The Secret, I was struck by Mike Dooley’s genuine presence in the DVD. He really stood out to me, so I soon did a little research and discovered his wonderful site at www.tut.com. It was there that I signed up (for free) to receive his “Notes from the Universe” five days a week. Like many subscribers, I was struck by how, somehow, many of the “Notes from the Universe” I received were exactly what I needed to read that day to elevate my vibration. Mr. Dooley explains this phenomenon on page xiii of Even More Notes from the Universe with: “The obvious answer is that while 250,000 people receive the exact same Note, they each interpret 250,000 different ways, filtered through their own thoughts and circumstances. The not-so-obvious answer is that in the jungles of time and space, things are not as they appear.” I tend to favor the latter explanation as I’ve personally seen the benefits of modern bibliomancy at work many times in my life. In fact, I’ve had fun employing this technique by asking a question and then receiving the answer by opening to seemingly random pages in his book. Of course, it’s my interpretation of the answer within the lines, but irregardless, it’s always an answer that makes me feel better than before. And this ties into the fact that I believe another reason that his Notes are so well-received is that they encourage you to value yourself, as your own self-worth is never questioned by the Universe. In addition, in this awakened spiritual age, when you might be overloaded with much of the same old rehashed advice, his Notes are original and thought-provokingly funny, while, at the same time, warm and inclusive. Mike Dooley’s books are perhaps the next step for many people who are dedicated to personal growth. For instance, I’d learned to replace I want with I desire to not subconsciously draw lack/wanting, but Mike Dooley takes it a step further by pointing out that, “Not desire but expectation unlocks wheels, parts seas, moves mountains, and changes everything” on the cover of Even More Notes from the Universe: Dancing Life’s Dance. So, I’m now saying I expect in conversations, etc. Furthermore, other books by Mike Dooley you might want to check out are: Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend and More Notes from the Universe: Life, Dreams and Happiness. Even More Notes from the Universe: Dancing Life’s Dance (Atria Books/Beyond Words [Release Date: November 4, 2008]) is available on: www.tut.com G.L. Giles © 2009 G.L. Giles is happy to announce that she’s being traditionally published this year by Alexandrian Archives ( www.alexandrianhouse.com/shop/ ). She’ll keep us posted about the release dates! Giles is a regular contributor here at MetaCreative Magazine, and she also contributes regularly to Psychic Times International and AEA. If interested in learning more about her previously published books, then go to http://www.xlibris.com/GLGiles.html


Psychedelic Visionary Art - By: Luke Brown

Fractal Feline Filligree Luke Brown is an intrepid psychonautical explorer, part of a new generation of visionaries reconstructing the templates of art as we know it. His creative output speaks of the spiritual mysteries in the human imagination. Mystical experiences, dreams, medicine journeys, and channeled lucid dialogues with the source of creativity itself, seem to guide and be guided by the colorful symmetries and living surfaces of his art. Much of his work emerges from a graceful synthesis of digital and painting mediums. Developing his work through mix and remix technologies, Luke is constantly redefining his style as a spiritual medium for growth.


Baphomet Charting a course through the multiverse, he is intent on mapping his hyperspatial experiences with utmost accuracy, with whichever medium seems best suited, as a form of multidimensional cartography. His art has been shown internationally with such visionary heavyweights such as Alex Grey, HR Giger, Robert Venosa and Ernst Fuchs. He is currently dividing his seasons between Bali and the lush Elfinstone rainforest in BC Canada, two of an infinite number of parallel universes and dimensions in which he resides within simultaneously.


Alpha Centauri Luke Brown Online: http://spectraleyes.com


Astrological Happenings Quarterly By: Suzanne Dronzek

APRIL reigns in puddles of opportunities, from outdoor activities, romantic adventures, and financial endeavors! Last month’s new moon in energetic Aries is still motivating us to make dreams happen! Transformational Pluto retrogrades on 4/4, which lasts for 5 months, and we begin second-guessing choices that we have made over the years. Old emotional scars and individuals from our past begin to reappear, giving us a second chance to either make things right, or to find closure. Sweet Venus turns direct on 04/17 and we’ll be the center of attraction, as well as attracting what we secretly been yearning for. Everything will seem to be falling into place! The Sun enters earthy Taurus on 4/19, and our efforts may be generously rewarded for the next few weeks, so make smart choices! Mars enters Aries on 4/22, and our courageous acts with willpower are determined to request a promotion, to start a new career, or win a heart of another. Your happiness is just footsteps away! MAY sprouts gentle seedlings, forcing us to turn inward to re-examine our motives. Mercury retrogrades this whole month, and fumbles with our communication tools. Voice messages and emails mysteriously disappear; misunderstandings and misinterpretations continue to grow. Hold off on major purchases, agreements, and serious talks until June. Turn attention toward problem solving with inner guidance. Saturn turns direct on 4/16, and where hard work on a project or relationship became limited, tension from previous setbacks is released, allowing us to relish in accomplishment! Sun enters Gemini on 05/20, and our confidence may now shine, along with our talents and social life! Go public, get exposed, and shine! Neptune retrogrades on 4/29 and we’ll be making more choices based on where our own thoughts and creativity takes us. We could also feel others withdrawing at this time. Emotional shutdowns are possible. Use this energy for self-realization. Mars enters Taurus on 05/31 and as our intentions become more actualized, our actions become more productive. These vibrations are terrific for personal development, financial growth, and work advancement. Words are not enough. Prove yourself and your abilities to the world! JUNE warms up nicely as charming Venus enters Taurus on 6/6. We begin to watch the manifestation of our thoughts and actions taking place. Mercury has turned direct, allowing clear communications with others. A Full Moon in expansive Sagittarius on 6/7 brings full light to our rewards and our losses, depending on what we have sown. While some reap successful advances, others forfeit. Tread lightly as mixed moods and tense vibrations form. Jupiter retrogrades on 6/15, and we relapse back to old habits that simply feel safe. By September, we set out for new goals. Sun enters sensitive Cancer on 06/21 and we feel overwhelmed, forcing our inner child to return to our own sacred space. Some of us may be accused of physically or emotionally hiding. Communicate fears, rather than jumping to conclusions with hurt feelings. Utilize these hyper-sensitive energies to recharge our batteries, to heal, and to get ready for tomorrow’s summer activities!

With over 20 years of experience in the mystical arts, Suzanne Dronzek blends intuitive insight, spiritual astrology, and intellectual tarot for inner guidance, energy healing, and self growth. Professional, nonjudgmental tele-consultations are available at: www.starcana.com


The Story of HEMEN HEMEN “The Most Remixed Song Of The World” By: Evrim Tuzun

Six years ago, it was a cold day with snow on the ground. I was alone, walking down the quiet street. Music was the only reason to live at that moment. Suddenly, like magic, I saw a big red heart image on the ground. It made me smile, maybe because I wasn’t expecting to see such a lovely thing on the snow. I took it and put it in my pocket. Then I changed my mind and put the heart image back where it belonged... on the snow... so someone else could see it and it would make him or her happy too.


Quickly, lyrics started coming to me along with a melody. Initially, I decided not to publish the song so that I could keep it for myself to remember that day. Four months ago, I was checking my mailbox and I saw a message titled “Red Heart.” I opened the mail, and all that was written was “Believe in your luck.” At that moment I remembered my song “Hemen Hemen” and decided to put it up on my website.

No one knew the song except me, until it was released on the net… Strangely, three days later, I saw 4 Hemen Hemen Remixes on the net. A week later, there were 20 remixes of the song online. The remixes kept on coming. “HEMEN HEMEN” became the first song ever, that achieved more than 170 remixes, which made it the Most Remixed Song of The World. Then I thought, “I should share my Hemen Hemen Philosophy with the world.” -------------------------------------------------------------PHILOSOPHY: HEMEN HEMEN We all must get rid of our egos & yes we can! Music is sharing - Music is love. We are the musicians don’t prefer to choose who is the best; the ones who will decide that are the listeners. You can download the tracks you choose, click on the DJ’s / Musician’s photo, check out his / her page, and then add him or her to your network if you like. The Hemen Hemen “heart” symbolizes our mission. Yes we will change this world together! With love... --------------------------------------------------------------DJ’s from all around the world get connected with “Hemen Hemen” and that is the real magic. I call it Hemen Hemen magic. I talked to some web designers and made a web site: www.hemenhemen.net and we put all the remixes there. Hemen Hemen shows that, even if we don’t speak the same language / have the same skin color / or whatever... Love is a Universal language. Love connects us... Now 170 Hemen Hemen remixes are being played by the DJs in the clubs all around the world… in the USA, Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia, Turkey.... nearly 50 countries, on the radio. I get hundreds of messages a day. I am planning to make Hemen Hemen Parties all around the world to share this magic with my fans.

Currently you can listen to all the versions of “Hemen Hemen” on my official websites: www.HemenHemen.net www.EvrimTuzun.com



Lauren Curtis, a freelance illustrator and fine artist, has been involved in the Wiccan/Pagan, and Gothic communities for many years. She obtained a BFA from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University (1988), and her work reflects her interests in mythology, especially Egyptian, Celtic, and Greco-Roman; spirituality, the Occult, and dark fantasy. Lauren works in many mediums, such as pen & ink, oils, acrylics, watercolors, and photography. She exhibits her work regularly, and has sold pieces across the US and abroad.


Children of the Forest, the artist’s own line of Wiccan greeting cards, can be purchased on: www.angelfire.com/art/forest.com Lauren, along with two long-time friends, also started a line of handmade, unique crafts and collectables called Talon (after Lauren’s 14 inch fingernails!), that can be seen on www.taloncraftedcurios.com Many pieces of her artwork and poetry have been featured in various Gothic, Pagan and alternative publications, as well as on-line magazines, and a variety of her work can be viewed on her artsite, www.LaurenCurtisArt.com Through all of her creations, Lauren wishes to promote the appreciation and understanding of the “alternative” mindset and spiritual beliefs.

www.angelfire.com/art/forest.com www.LaurenCurtisArt.com http://laurencurtisart.mosaicglobe.com www.Artscuttlebutt.com/LaurenCurtis



(A chapter from Imakhu’s new book, WATER: AFRICAN PATHWAYS TO UNIVERSAL PEACE) “May you drink from the middle of the river.” – Kemetic saying The coolest, freshest river water is at its center. This is Maat. The goddess Maat represents harmony, balance, divine order, justice, and selflessness. She is also the cooled intellect of the fiery Sekhmet. Within the core of Sekhmet’s fiery passion for righteousness lies the calm, rational clarity of Maat. My moral and spiritual consciences are guided by the Afrakan Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) 42 Principles of Maat. Kemetic daily living was shaped by the 42 Principles (also known as the 42 Laws, the 42 Oracles, and the Negative Confessions). Kemites set the tone for high civilization in the world through high vibratory living. Kemetic citizens successfully policed themselves for thousands of years, and believed that the adherence to these laws would guarantee a peaceful afterlife. Recited in the morning and before bedtime, the Maat Principles open the heart chakra. We see the interrelatedness of everyone and everything. This places us into the flow of spiritual abundance pouring out from the Divine Oneness. I remember when I started incorporating the 42 Principles into my daily life. To make it especially effective I faced a mirror with each recitation. Initially, as I sincerely stated each principle I felt torrents of pain come to the surface. This was all my “stuff” I needed to face and work on if I was serious about my spiritual progress. I never realized that as the former wife of two abusive marriages, I had learned to have a smart mouth as a form of self-defense. Yes, I come from a saucy-tongued family (not uncommon for Black families hailing from the South), but I had never learned how to defend myself against the painful words hurled at me until I got married. The physical abuse was painful enough, but bruises and breaks heal more quickly than negative words. I learned to deflect much of what was being said to me by having surprise comebacks. This method would sometimes work in preventing my getting physically beat up again. Now I was in a third serious relationship with a gentle, loving man. Sometimes he would say, “Why do you say mean things like that to me?” I had no idea what the heck he was talking about. Eventually I experienced a major, unexpected healing breakthrough.


“I will not act unjustly...I will not cause pain...I will not cause the shedding of tears...I will not sow seeds of regret...” As I spoke these words I felt a stabbing pain in my chest that did not emanate from the pain inflicted upon me. My heart chakra was opening and balancing. Unconditional love swept over me. I was feeling my fiance’s pain. Oh my. What had I done? I went to my mate weeping and apologizing. I didn’t realize. I truly didn’t intend to hurt him. I would be more mindful of what came out of my mouth. Needless to say, he was glad. Over the years, I have come to a greater understanding of Maat. Maat is universal compassion and fairness. It is impossible to hold hatred when working with Maat. Without internalizing the principles, living them to your best ability daily, you miss the true richness of Kemetic spirituality. What happened to the 42 Principles? Invaders settled into Kemet. Basic civility was a foreign concept. As mankind began to devolve, the 42 Principles dissolved into the simplified Ten Commandments to maintain civic order. However, Maat is also the pendulum swing. Humans have since been slowly moving back toward higher morality. In this present time of great change, we have come through another evolution portal, as evidenced by the election of United States President Barack Hussein Obama. As a Black woman born in 1960, bearing the countless stripes of racist attacks, I never thought an African American presidential candidate would be elected in my lifetime. We have truly shifted into a new era. But there is still much work to be done. Those of us claiming to be spiritually awakened should facilitate this change as living examples of beings with a balanced heart. This requires introspection. Through reclamation of Maat we can truly begin to see one another, be open to listening to each other’s dialogue, feel our heart stories, and know we are one. Let us work for universal change with our hands and our hearts. I now share with you the exclusive Sacred Shrine of Mwt Ast version of The 42 Principles of Maat. This exclusive, comprehensive version is based upon my comparative studies of the principles found in the Pert M Hru (Book of Awakening, misnamed the Book of the Dead) . They are grouped in correspondence to the seven aritu (charkas, or bodily energy spheres). Recite them in the morning. In the evening recite them saying, “I did not…”, using past tense. If by the day’s end you find you have blown some of the principles (we’re all human), meditate, forgive yourself. Promise yourself a better tomorrow. Embrace the divine order Maat brings to your life. In time, you will see how the cool, centered, assured energy of Maat is ideal for manifesting miracles.

May you drink from the middle of the river.


The 42 Principles of Maat I will not do wrong. I will not steal. I will not immerse myself in depression. I will not violate another being physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. I will not hoard, disrespect, abuse, or misuse the land. I will not waste precious food. I will not waste precious water. I will not jealously desire to obtain that which is not mine. I will not eavesdrop or pry into matters outside the dictate of NTR. I will not defile or debase my purity. I will not abuse my sexuality. I will not engage in infidelity with another man or woman’s mate. I will not engage in sexual fantasies or sexual acts with a child. I will not cause needless terror. I will not be arrogant and egoistic. I will not act with selfish, destructive aggression. I will not cultivate a quarrelsome nature. I will not take a life outside of Maat, nor disrespect the Life Force. I will not cause the shedding of tears. I will not sow seeds of regret. I will not mistreat children. I will not mistreat animals. I will not be vengeful and angry except for a just cause within Maat. I will not be easily incited to action or contention. I will not uphold an untruth on or against someone else’s behalf. I will not lie. I will not raise my voice unnecessarily. I will not speak maliciously against another being. I will not exaggerate. I will not talk too much. I will not act with sneaky manipulation. I will not be impatient or judge in haste. I will not entertain impure thoughts. I will not wish evil upon another being. I will not perform negative energy work. I will not turn my ears away from words of truth. I will not desecrate holy places. I will not desecrate holy traditions. I will not steal from or neglect giving to the temple offerings. I will not rob from the deceased. I will not blaspheme The Most High, NTR. I will not betray my Venerated Ancestors. *


(* Venerated Ancestors are our highest evolved ancestors who guide us to universal love and wisdom.)

DID YOU KNOW the ancient Kemites believed The 42 Laws were also used after death for judgment of the soul? The individual would repeat, “I have not...” for each law. The heart would be weighed against a feather on Maat’s scales of Justice. That’s why it is said one’s heart must be as light as a feather. - Imakhu

Imakhu is known worldwide as Water Woman and Renegade Wise Woman. A career performing/visual artist and spiritual lecturer, Imakhu is also a Kemetic/Metaphysical elder high priestess and co-founder of Sacred Shrine of Mwt Ast Ministries. She is also an initiated water priestess (nganga) in the South African Shona/Ndebele tradition. Her metaphysical podcast, NUBIA GODDESS RISING has a worldwide following. Imakhu is author of THE COWRIE BLESSINGS BOOK, and her new book, WATER: AFRICAN PATHWAYS TO UNIVERSAL PEACE. Her music CDs, including her acclaimed WATER WOMAN: ORGANIC FLOW, is available through her websites. Imakhu is committed to building bridges of peace through art, activism, and dialogue. http://www.imakhu.com http://www.truelivingwaters.org http://www.musicforte.com/member/mwtshekemet 646-713-8650


*Part Two: by Wildraw


Prussian Blues (The middle east conflict through maddened eyes)

Aquaessae III Digital Desktop Art

Visit Wildraw’s Store: http://www.zazzle.com/wildraw *Part One of Wildraw’s art was featured in the Winter / New Year 2009 issue of MetaCreative Magazine


Photomanipulations - Julia Dresch

Dead Memories Julia Dresch is a 22 year old self-taught photographer and digital artist from Austria. She discovered her love for dark and romantic photomanipulations in 2007 and since then, her unique style and technique has greatly evolved. Through her artworks she wants to tell stories that everyone can identify with, while leaving room for different interpretations. Mostly she works with female characters because they more precisely represent the emotions she strives to evoke.


Julia is part of many online art communities, including deviantART and flickr, because the feedback and inspiration of like-minded people is what keeps her going and growing.

Sweet Raptured Light

Julia Dresch Online: http://juliadresch.viewbook.com

Diva Lady


Healing Through Forgiveness By Dr. Matthew B. James

Many of us are looking to ancient or traditional teachings to guide us in today’s ever changing world. One topic that often comes up is that of forgiveness. On a Dr. Phil show I recently viewed while channel surfing, I saw a guest on the show telling Dr. Phil, "I'll forgive him, but I'll never forget." And as she said it, she was clearly hanging on to negative emotions. Does that sound like true forgiveness to you? Like all of us, I've experienced painful relationships or situations in my life that made me question whether I should forgive the other person or not. But one truth I learned from my lineage of Huna is that there is only one person that you hurt by holding onto feelings of unforgiveness -- and that is you. My kumu (teacher) explained to me that there were three types of "wrongs" in ancient times in Hawai`i. These three wrongs-- hala, hewa and ino --were a part of the code of forgiveness practiced in many parts of the islands. Hala is to miss the path, or err by omission. Haven't we all missed the path at some time or other? I have. Often it was crossing a boundary without understanding that I had done so, or neglecting to do something out of ignorance. The wrong called hewa is to go overboard or to do to in excess. I've certainly been guilty here as well, especially when I become passionate about a topic and express my enthusiasm without considering others. Ino, the third wrong, is to do harm intentionally to either self or others. Most of us would claim that we've never intentionally hurt another, but what about ourselves? Personally, I know that I've judged and criticized myself, saying cruel things to myself that I would never say to another. In all these wrongs, forgiveness was required in ancient Hawai'i. It was required because the Hawaiians knew that holding onto negativity causes harm to the one who won't forgive. This does not conflict with wise discernment, knowing when the one causing harm is not to be trusted. As another kumu says, "First time shame on you, second time shame on me." But my grandfather also used say, "When you point a finger at someone to blame them, there are always three fingers pointing back at you." In other words, you may have more to do with the problem than you know. So how do we balance our approach to forgiveness. How do we (1) forgive, (2) release the negativity, and (3) still learn from the event? The process I use and teach comes from ho`oponopono, which literally means to make something doubly pono. Though pono is a word that does not have a specific English translation, the closest word is right, but not as in "you are right and I am wrong." Pono is the feeling of congruency and calmness that we've all experienced at some point. That sense that everything feels "right," like feeling so at peace with a person or situation that nothing needs to be said. That is pono.


To take the first step in ho`oponopono, we need to rethink the process of forgiveness. In western thinking, when we do a wrong, whether hala, hewa, or ino, we tend to say "I'm sorry." However, an apology is only one-sided, a statement that asks for no response from the one harmed. Huna understands that it takes two to tango. So the first step is to ask for forgiveness then for the other to give forgiveness. For instance, I've had heated arguments with people that definitely required an apology at the end. But it's like a meal that doesn't last: Within a short time after all the apologies and making-up, either I or the other person brings it up again “This is just like the last time….” So even though we were sorry, we weren’t done and complete. Getting to pono is different. When you are pono with someone, nothing else needs to be said or done. You are right with one another. To become truly pono with someone, you first ask for and offer forgiveness for anything you may have done. Though I've had situations when I didn’t really think I'd done anything wrong, I still must say "please forgive me too" to complete the process. Saying, "I forgive you; please forgive me too" brings the other person into the picture and gets them actively involved. Rather than merely "being sorry," a two-way street of forgiveness is formed. Next, allow the space for you and the other person to say everything that needs to be said. Unburden yourself and say it all. Express what needs to be expressed without hiding or holding back. When you have both shared your thoughts and feelings, you should experience a sense of "I have said it all, and I am done." Once again, give and ask for forgiveness from one another. Receive it and give it. Finally, move forward. Huna says that we must learn from all of our experiences in life. So once you are pono, ask yourself: What do I need to learn from this event that will allow me to continue to be pono? Learning is positive, about the self and future based. Take this learning with you to help you change your behavior and thinking, make better decisions, and to create the relationships and situations you desire. And though other difficult times may occur again, once you are pono, you won't bring baggage from the past into new difficulties. You will begin new interactions from a place of being pono, and with the insight from the learning you received. To forgive and to never forget is to never forgive in the first place. Holding on to the negativity and even the memory of the negativity prevents true forgiveness and only hurts you. We owe it to ourselves to experience true forgiveness – to become pono. Matthew B. James, MA, DCH, international trainer, lecturer, and educator, is President of American Pacific University and the Empowerment Partnership. His work is dedicated to creating personal transformation by teaching the ancient science of consciousness and energy healing, Huna, with cutting edge therapeutic techniques. To reach Dr. James, please e-mail him at info@Huna.com.





Graphic Art by Pamela Kritner

Wynot Designs Prints and greeting cards of these and other designs are available at: www.wynotdesign.com


The MetaCreative Journey By: Mystikka Jade

My best friend Robert has always told me my life was like a circus, that I always have a ‘cast of characters’ around me. He has always found each of my friends to stand out in their own way, while remaining very different from each other. Even in high school I never belonged to a clique. I befriended members of the drama club, the cheerleading squad, the gangs, etc. I never understood the mindset of Goths disliking hippies, straights not liking gays, Christians opposing Pagans, etc. No matter how unique we are or how many differences we have with others, we can always find common ground with anyone if we pay attention. The MetaCreative journey honors both uniqueness and oneness by uncovering and discovering the essence of originality through artistic expansion, which comes as a result of tapping into the creative intelligence that ultimately connects us all. I believe that the creative intelligence is the energy at the source of all nature and true understanding. The exploration of this energy is just as metaphysical as it is artistic. The content that MetaCreative Magazine showcases may challenge what some perceive as metaphysical. In the same way the mass public’s view of the world is shaped partially by things like reality television shows and the news, the western new age culture has its own popular preconditioned ideas and consensus viewpoints that are affected by films like ‘The Secret,’ or whatever books have hit the bestseller lists. The more successful a metaphysical author is in the mainstream market, the more the media celebrates those authors and the messages they are here to teach. And the more we see certain speakers being honored on the radio, on television or on well promoted lecture circuits, the more we accept societies definitions about metaphysical culture. 48

Lightworkers, new agers, metaphysicans, or whatever you want to call them,

are no different than any other group of people who are seeking inner peace or spiritual answers. Leaders stand out among any group or religious affiliation, yet the majority of people are followers, ‘sheeple’ as I sometimes have heard them called. Many leaders have found benefits to being followers at one point in time in their lives, because sometimes when our own inner voice is not as clear as we wish it was, it is easier to look outside of ourselves and watch what other people we admire are doing. At that point, we follow along hoping to learn something, and then we arrive at a certain point in our journey where we have new ideas and potential directions beckoning at us. If we have become emotionally attached to our groups and affiliations, it is common to suppress the urges that go outside of the comfort zone of our community. Many people around us will scoff at what they don’t understand, or place judgment upon us for exploring new options. “Who does she think she is for not coming to our group/service/get togethers? She must think she is too good for us!” “Did you see the new friends she’s been hanging out with? They all seem like a bunch of weirdos to me!” The prior statements can be dressed up in many different eloquent ways so they don’t seem so base and critical. Regardless, many sheep don’t like it when one of their own starts to leave the flock. And because we live in a society where cliques are the norm and approval addictions are rampant, we often remain in the confines of a limiting group or situation and learn to ignore our own discontent, or cover it up with life’s activities and emotional distractions. The MetaCreative Journey is the experience of going beyond all of societies conditioning and structures so that you may experience the richness, color, vibrancy and divinity of your souls unique expression. It’s about challenging the norm and being proud to raise your flag no matter what colors and patterns it shows. It’s about appreciating the diversity in the world and the different forms metaphysics and art can take. MetaCreative Magazine is simply a catalyst for the journey.

Mystikka Jade has been a professional empathic psychic since the age of 18 in 1993. She has taught classes and facilitated groups on subjects ranging from meditation to psychic development. She continues to provide her services to an international clientele while maintaining a 5 star feedback rating. Mystikka is also the author of ‘The Love Crisis Survival Guide’ and a freelance digital artist who sells her work online. She is the publisher of MetaCreative Magazine which has been growing stronger over the two years is has been running so far. To learn more, visit: www.mystikka.com SUBSCRIBE to MetaCreative Magazine on: www.metacreativemagazine.com

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