The 3 Most Important Principles of Success

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DEAR FRIEND... Welcome and congratulations! You’ve done something most people fail to do—take action . And why did you do that? Well, most likely because a friend or colleague told you about this popular FREE book and you wanted to see it for yourself. Or perhaps you have attended one of my 3-day “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” seminars across America. If that’s the case, hello again! I’ve been blessed to work for and counsel some of the biggest names in financial education and personal development, such as Anthony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki. And in this short, fast-moving book, I am going to give you the 3 power principles that I have consistently seen transform lives and produce massive success. To be sure, the word “success” means different things to different people. For some people success is increasing their sales 15% over last year’s performance. For others success might mean losing 10 pounds and taking better care of their body. Or maybe for you success might involve overcoming the fears that have robbed you of achieving peak performance in your life, career, and relationships. Or maybe success for you would mean buying the home of your dreams, taking a vacation to Australia, or retiring early so you can spend time volunteering and serving others. There are as many definitions of success as there are people on the planet. But here’s the exciting part: success can be as certain as taking your next breath, because the principles used to achieve it are universal. The reason I can’t wait to share with you 2

the 3 Most Important Principles of Success is because I can GUARANTEE that applying them will give you a quantum leap forward in achieving them. And that’s my hope and challenge to you: that you embrace the sparks of inspiration and ideas that ignite in your mind, heart, and soul as I uncover for you the 3 Most Important Principles of Success. Excited? Me too!

Have you ever wondered why so few people ever succeed in life? Think about it: if you asked most people you know whether they have accomplished their greatest goals and aspirations in life what would they tell you? Likely, most would say, “Well, no. Not exactly. I’ve had some triumphs here and there, but I have yet to really succeed at the level I long to.” And yet here’s the strangest part: no one ever sets out to be a failure—at least not consciously or intentionally. Everyone wants to climb higher… Everyone wants to achieve… Everyone wants to succeed… So why don’t they? The answer isn’t going to make you happy. In fact, it may even tick you off! And guess what? That’s a

GOOD thing! Why? Well, because the truth will set you free…but at first it will tick you off! Here’s what achievers understand: no one is ever going to make you face your fears and step through them. Until you get fed up with the level of results you are achieving, you will allow your own excuses or anyone else’s to keep you from facing your fears and stepping through them. And yet until you break through those fears, grabbing the golden ring of success in your life will be impossible. Until you take action your beliefs won’t change, and therefore you won’t tap into your true potential. The invisible chains holding you back are your fears. I’m not talking about your fear of spiders or heights (although those are probably a hindrance and are no fun either!). No, I’m talking about your inner self-doubts, insecurities, and self-defeating thoughts that place speed bumps on your highway to success. 3


Identifying the Goal or Outcome for Your Life Your MISSION Catalyzes Your Momentum

Let me put that another way for you: You’ve got to get SICK and TIRED of being SICK and TIRED! The reason so few people experience their full potential and achieve the life they deserve is because they are unwilling to channel their discontent and harness it to achieve change. Until you get fed up with your current level of performance, nothing will change. Success comes to those who reject their current condition and who seek out mentors and systems that will produce success. Even an act as simple as reading this book is evidence of your desire to unlock the quantum power within you. Reject excuses. Move forward. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. In fact, you and I are going to zoom you ahead of the rest of the pack right this very second. I’m about to have you do something that 90% of people never do and that, in my over two decades of coaching and mentoring leaders and entrepreneurs, I have seen yield jaw-dropping results. But right now we’re going to map out your MISSION in life. You already know there are no coincides in life. But here’s the surprising part: whether you realize it or not, you already know your mission You may be saying to yourself, “Uh, no I don’t, Stephen. I haven’t the slightest clue what my mission is. If I did, I wouldn’t be reading this book!” 4

And do you know what I say to that? You’ve got it exactly backwards. It’s BECAUSE you already know your MISSION inside yourself that it is struggling and fighting so hard to break free and come out. Your MISSION is in your DNA. DNA responds to your actions and inactions. When you feel passionate about a person or experience, that is actually your soul affirming that you are in alignment with your MISSION. This passion then, in turn, activates the ancient codes in your DNA that bring more energy and vitally and exuberance to your life force.

Every enterprise requires simple, clear, and unifying objectives. Its mission has to be clear enough and big enough to provide a common vision. The goals that embody it have to be clear, public, and often reaffirmed. We hear a great deal of talk these days about the “culture” of an organization. But what we really mean by this is the commitment throughout an enterprise to some common objectives and common values. Without such commitment there is no enterprise; there is only a mob. Management’s job is to think through, set, and exemplify those objectives, values, and goals.

--Peter F. Drucker

So how, then, do we unlock the gate behind which your MISSION resides? I’m glad you asked! Well, for some people, identifying one’s MISSION is simply a matter of reconnecting with the pangs of passion they’ve felt throughout their lives. Some

people are just born knowing their MISSION. Mozart comes to mind. For people like Mozart identifying their MISSION involves simply reactivating, reconnecting, and remembering the things in life that have made you most happy and passion-filled. But for most people, identifying and sharpening your MISSION first requires that we stop resisting change. Change is inevitable and constant. The more you resist change, the more paralyzed you will become. And that’s when your bullet train to success grinds to a halt. Even though you see all the opportunities right in front of you for the taking, your fear of change and of stepping through the portal of the unknown freezes you in place. It sort of reminds me of the story of the two mosquitoes who had mistakenly buzzed their way into a nudist colony. One mosquito is busy at work when he notices that the other one is just sitting there doing nothing. The busy mosquito asks, “Why aren’t you at work? Don’t you know what to do?” The other mosquito answers, “I know what to do, but there’s so much opportunity all around that I don’t know where to begin.” It’s a cute story but makes an important point: opportunity without a mission creates indecision and inaction. And that’s why our first principle is so important: identifying your MISSION catalyzes your momentum. The minute we identify your MISSION is the minute everything changes, because now we have a goal, a destination, an objective that we can focus on achieving. But if we fail to take action, everyone suffers. Take, for example, Dr. June A. Carroll. Do you know her name? Probably not. Most people don’t. But I can guarantee you that your life is better and safer because she took action and made it her mission in 1912 to help people. You see, Dr. June A. Carroll is credited with the invention of the white line down the center of the highway. Simple? You bet. Important? Absolutely!

One day back in 1912, Dr. Carroll of Indio, California, made it her mission to help uncertain travelers find their way along a one-mile stretch of treacherous California highway. So complete was her desire to save lives that she decided to paint the line herself. Could she have shrugged her shoulders and said, “Ah, forget this. It’s too much work”? Well, perhaps she could have. But the minute she made it her mission to help people it catalyzed action. Her MISSION propelled her forward. Shortly after Dr. Carroll painted the line, the California Highway Commission adopted the idea—and you know what happened from there. So here’s what you need to consider: what’s holding you back from establishing your MISSION in life? What’s stopping YOU? • • • • •

Fear? Laziness? Lack of energy and motivation? Money? Selfishness?

If you keep doing the same things you have been doing, what’s going to change? I’ll tell you. Everything will change except YOU. Change is constant. Our resistance to change and our ability to deny it is one of the greatest sources of pain in life. 5

Remember this:

Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone. The reason most people never find their MISSION is because they are afraid. Our goal, however, isn’t to eradicate fear. Fear is a powerful force. It’s also a neutral force—fear can be good and bad. Fear can be our jailer or our liberator. Fear can freak you out or free you up! So let’s get you free. Let’s craft your MISSION. Doing so will activate the energy within you in ways you never imagined and will unleash a jolt of momentum

that zooms you toward success. Right now. write out your MISSION. Make it as detailed and specific as possible. What is your ultimate objective? Remember, your MISSION is the concrete goal you wish to attain. Your MISSION must be a specific goal. Don’t worry about how to execute or achieve that goal. We’ll get to that in a minute. Right now, take serious time to write a detailed MISSION (or several) for your life.

TAKE ACTION! Finding your MISSION starts with understanding that your MISSION can and will be refined as you go, so don’t let a desire for perfection or permanence stop you. To get you in the right mindset, put on some of your favorite inspirational music. After all, that’s what inspirational means—“in spirit.” Then let your mind and spirit guide you to your MISSION.




Here’s Success Principle #2:

Your VISION Determines Your Victories & Velocity I’ve been blessed in my career to work alongside some of the most powerful and successful leaders in business. And one thing I’ve seen is that successful people develop a strong VISION for their lives. Many people say they will “believe it when they see it.” But when it comes to VISION, the truth is that successful people see it when they believe it. Athletes must SEE themselves doing their moves before they make them.

I’m serious. Most of us go faster than 15 miles per hour backing out of our garages and driveways!

Today’s captains of industry ENVISION the next trend before it happens.

Or how about this: in 1925, a French journal of surgery warned that blood transfusions would prove fatal. Thankfully, doctors and researchers wisely widened their vision beyond the limited mindset articulated in the article.

VISION produces victories.

You see, the point is this:

But perhaps the best way to explain the consequences that come when you lack foresight is to show you a few examples of people whose myopic visions now seem ludicrous.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” --Proverbs 29:18

For example, in 1896, an English journal predicted that the idea of the wireless transmission of the human voice would be forgotten by the end of the year. [Seriously, can you even IMAGINE what your life would be like without a cell phone?] Or how about this one: did you know that when the automobile appeared, a number of American physicians solemnly declared that the human body could never withstand velocities exceeding 15 miles per hour?

Kathleen Ligocki, CEO of GS Motors, once told a story that I think illustrates the essential nature of vision in achieving success. In 1952, Florence Chadwick became the first woman to ever swim the Catalina Channel. But it didn’t come easy. She tried to achieve her goal twice before she made it. The first time she quit after swimming 21.5 miles , which left her only a half-mile from shore. Why did she quit when she was so close to reaching her goal? It wasn’t the cold water, or the fear of sharks circling around her, or even her own fatigue. No, Florence Chadwick told reporters the reason she stopped when she was so close was because she couldn’t SEE (remember, vision is about 7

sight), the shore through the fog. She had literally lost sight of her goal (or MISSION). Thankfully, Florence Chadwick didn’t quit. Two months later, she swam the channel again, only this time she swam with a crystal clear mental picture of the shore that lay beyond the fog. And here’s the best part: not only did she become the first woman to swim the channel, Florence Chadwick beat the existing world’s record by two hours! A second story. Agostino d’Antonio, one of the best sculptors of his day, worked diligently on a large piece of marble. But nothing quite worked. He finally became so frustrated with his inability to produce masterpiece that he said, “I can do nothing with it.” Other leading sculptors of the age also tried their hand at this difficult piece of marble. But they came to the same conclusion that d’Antonio had—it was too hard to work with and unmanageable. Then Michelangelo visualized the possibilities in the stone. The result? One of the world’s greatest masterpieces—the statue of David, on display in Florence Italy. What I want you to understand is the consequences that come when we lack vision. We miss the chance to succeed, and all because we do not expand our minds and widen our dreams. If your MISSION is to grow wealth and financial security for you and your family so that you can enjoy the freedom you deserve, then your VISION should be the precise set of plans and actions you will take to achieve and expand your MISSION. Listen to the word—“vision.” It’s all about sight and seeing. It’s all about opening your eyes—and your mind’s eye—to the energy within you. Where most people go wrong with VISION is in believing that vision is all about dreaming. Sure, VISION involves dreaming, but it also focuses intently on the practical, immediate, future steps that must be followed to accomplish your MISSION.

“A vision without a task is but a dream, a task without a vision is drudgery, a vision and a task is the hope of the world.”

on the frontier who found himself, as night came on, in a wild region. Adding to his trouble was a terrible thunderstorm and driving rain. The traveler floundered along until his horse gave out, and then he had to dismount to lead him. The only clues to his tortuous path were occasional flashes of lighting. One bolt of lightning seemed to crush the earth beneath him and brought him to his knees. Although he was not a praying man, the traveler’s petition was short and to the point: “Oh, Lord,” he prayed, “if it’s all the same to you, give us a little more light and a little less noise.” I don’t know about you but I can sure relate to that feeling sometimes. But one of the best ways we can SEE where we’re going is to map out our path in advance—to literally look into the future.

I want you to begin each day envisioning what will happen. Like a racecar driver imagining in their mind each turn on the racetrack in front of them, I want you --Statement inscribed on a church to “map out” in your mind the specific steps of your in Sussex, England, c. 1730 day that will move you closer to the fulfillment of your mission. Abraham Lincoln liked to tell this story about a traveler 8

The legendary former CEO of General Electric Jack Welch put it well. He said, “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to its completion.” Right now I want you to list five specific detailed future actions that you envision happening over the next three months that hold the potential to bring you closer to achieving your MISSION. Remember, a blurry vision does us no good. So make it specific. Five detailed future actions that you will take in the next three months to bring get us closer to successfully completing your MISSION. Do it now.

TAKE ACTION! Manifestation Begins in the Imagination. You can be a master of manifestation by being the master of your imagination. Right now, write down five specific, detailed future actions that you envision happening over the next three months that hold the potential to bring you closer to achieving your MISSION. Remember: a blurry vision does you no good. So make it specific. Five detailed future actions that you will take in the next three months to bring you closer to successfully completing your MISSION. Do it now. “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” --Japanese proverb.



You Exist for a Reason. Find it. Here’s Success Principle #3:

Passion Produces Purpose You’ve identified your MISSION… You’ve created your VISION… Now it’s time to uncover your PURPOSE… Then and only then will you live the M-V-P (MISSIONVISION-PURPOSE) life you were meant to live. Do you ever wonder what your life is really all about? Guess what? You’re not alone. There are 6.7 billion people on the planet, and very few individuals have come up with an answer that gives them a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Most people think that life is about winning, being admired by other people, especially the opposite sex. Like we discussed at the outset, definitions of the “successful life” differ widely. But the truth is that the sooner you free yourself from these ideas, the sooner you will start to live your best, most meaningful life. “For the past 33 years I have looked in the mirror and asked myself, ‘If today were the last day of my life would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something, almost everything-all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure-these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way to avoid the trap that you have something to lose.” --Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer If you follow your MISSION, execute your VISION, and discover your PURPOSE, success and fulfillment will follow. Why? Well, because what you must realize 10

is that behind every thought there is an emotion. Thought and emotion combined generate a feeling, and that feeling is an electromagnetic field of energy that emanates from your heart sending a signal to the universe. The universe then responds to that signal and brings you more of whatever that signal is. “I slept and dreamed that life was all joy. I awoke and found that life was all service. I acted and behold; Service is joy.” --Rabindranath Tagore Now here’s the amazing part: the universe makes no judgment on what you are signaling, it just responds. So if you send out a fear signal, what do you think will come back to you? The very thing you fear. Likewise, the converse is equally true. If you fix your mind on joy, joy ricochets back to you. Finding your PURPOSE can only be experienced by breaking free of the dogmas, ideologies, and constraining beliefs that prevent you from experiencing the true PURPOSE for which you were created. Then, and only then, will you be truly free to succeed. TAKE ACTION! Your PURPOSE is inside you. It’s been there since the cells that form your body were put in place. It’s time to find your PURPOSE. What am I here to serve? What would you die for? What will you fight to achieve? What ignites your passion? What pulls you? Not pushes you, but pulls you—what does that? Answer that question and you’re on your path toward identifying and living your PURPOSE.

Ready for an M-V-P Life? So there they are…The 3 Most Important Principles of Success. My hope and challenge to you is that you live an “M-V-P” Life. Establish your MISSION. Execute your VISION. And discover and embrace your PURPOSE. Do these things and you are guaranteed to find the success you seek and the life you deserve. Let me leave you with some final advice from my grandfather. He used to tell me, “Stephen, there are three kinds of people in life: 1) Those who make it happen 2) Those who watch it happen and 3) Those who say, “What the $@#% just happened?!” I know you can make it happen. In fact, I’m certain of it. How? Because you’ve read this entire book and have made it to these words. That means your DNA is wired for success and seeking out the arena and opportunity to live your M-V-P life. So keep in touch. Shoot me a “friend” request on Facebook or follow me on Twitter and I’ll return the favor. Also, when I come speak in your area, be sure and

drop me an email before the event so I can put a name with a face when I come off the platform. Until then, be an example. Live and work with a velocity worthy of your values. But most of all… Live Passionately!

Be great! 11

STEPHEN EDWARDS A top national speaker for Anthony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Edwards has generated sales of over $31.5 million in the past three years alone and has spoken in front of over 500 audiences. Recognized as a leading expert on business, investing, sales, persuasion, and communication, Edwards’s past clients and audiences have included some of the world’s largest corporations, including: Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, Merrill Lynch, Prudential, Sprint, USA Today, Nordstrom, Sheraton, Century 21, Brinks Home Security, Remax, Primerica, Pitney Bowes, Coldwell Bankers, Calvin Klein, Minolta, Comp USA, United Way, Bank of America, and myriad others. The author of numerous articles on business, sales, and communication, Edwards’s forthcoming book, Quantum Wealth: The 7 Secrets to Achieving Peace and Prosperity, is slated for release May 2010. In 2007, Nightingale Conant released Stephen’s 8-disc audio series, “Your Miracle Life.” The program quickly became a top-seller. 12

Originally from England, Stephen Edwards used to dream of coming to live in America, pursuing his lifelong entrepreneurial vision, and marrying the woman of his dreams. He has achieved all of that. Now he faces his greatest challenge yet: convincing Americans that “football” is the appropriate name for the sport otherwise known as “soccer.” Today, Stephen lives with his wife, Jenn, in Bradenton, Florida.

For information about Stephen’s booking availability, visit:

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