4 minute read
Wyoming students and teachers wrap-up another successful year of Trout in the Classroom
The Trout Tale Editor and Wyoming Council Coordinator
Despite some challenges early on in this year’s Trout In The Classroom (TIC) program, teachers and students at six Wyoming schools prevailed and all six programs finished the year with successful TIC programs.
The teachers and schools that participated this year included Jenna Krul at Torrington Middle School; Mick Novotny at St.Anthony Tri-Parish Catholic School in Casper; Lonna Schmick at SE Schools in Yoder; Roger Spears at Lingle-Ft. Laramie High School;Allison Baas at Whiting High School in Laramie and Lee Harper at Expedition Academy in Green River.
After receiving rainbow trout eggs from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) in early January, each class housed the eggs in a 55-gallon tank in their classroom which provided a great laboratory for a few months to observe the eggs as they developed into trout fry.
Each teacher was able to develop a locally-driven curriculum to teach their students about monitoring tank water quality, engaging in stream habitat studies, learning to appreciate water resources, fish identification and to begin to foster a conservation ethic and grow to understand ecosystems, to name a few.
Lonna Schmick at SE School in Yoder also conducted a coloring contest for her elementary students whose art displayed the various life cycles of a Rainbow trout.
As the school year progressed, Lee Harper’s students at the ExpeditionAcademy in Green River were excited to take measurements for the variety of water quality tests and using that water in their classroom greenhouse and aquaponic setup.
Wyoming Trout Unlimited (WYTU) wishes to thank the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the six teachers for their outstanding contributions to this program this past year.
Beginning this summer, the WGFD will be taking on a larger role with the TIC program by looking to expand the program to include more schools and opportunities in Wyoming with their program partners, including WYTU. To find out if your school might be eligible, contact William Poole, R3 Coordinator at the Wyoming Game and Fish Department by calling (307) 631-3062.
WHOPPERS continued from page 17
It raced upstream like a rocket and I could hear the line ripping off the click and pawl reel.”
“That was me!” Gerber applauded. “I knew you guys wouldn’t believe me. Now I have a credible witness.”
“Yeah, I saw the whole thing,” the rabbit sheriff said. “At the time, I wondered how your backcast got tangled up in that jumbo’s paddles.” “Uh-oh,” Gerber quietly mumbled, sensing the gavel was about to fall on his guilty.
A collective smile was beginning to form on the faces of the fishing friends surrounding the campfire.
“When you hooked him, he took off, dragging that 100 yards of line with him,” the warden explained. “That was probably one of the largest shiras moose I’ve seen in the valley this summer. He must be halfway to Cokeville by now.”
Randall Stalker was born in Cheyenne, graduated from Central High in 1971, enlisted in the Navy and served in Southeast Asia, and used the G.I Bill to attend the University of Wyoming and graduated with a journalism degree in 1978. He ran the Glenrock Independent newspaper for 26 years (a solo act). Suffering burnout, he retired from journalism and worked in a rifle and ammo plant for 10 years before finally retiring. He uses his time now to camp and fish as often as possible, and at 70 years old, he is struggling to learn the craft of shooting videos for youtube. He is also a member of the Casper Grey Reef Trout Unlimited Chapter.
Angling Destinations
Clark Smyth Sheridan, WY 82801 (307) 672-6894 clark@anglingdestinations.com www.anglingdestinations.com
Arrow Land and Water, LLC
Chad Espenscheid Big Piney, WY 83113 (307) 231-2389 chadespen@gmail.com
Dunoir Fishing Adventures, LLC
Jeramie Prine Lander, WY 82520 (307) 349-3331 jlprine@gmail.com www.dunoirfishing.com
Fish the Fly Guide Service & Travel
Jason Balogh Jackson, WY 83001 (307) 690-1139 jb@fishthefly.com www.fishthefly.com
Fly Shop of the Bighorns
Clark Smyth Sheridan, WY 82001 (307) 672-5866 clark@anglingdestinations.com www.sheridanflyfhishing.com
Frog Creek Partners
Brian Deurloo Casper, WY 82601 (307) 797-7720 brian@frogcreek.partners www.frogcreek.partners
Frontier Brewing Company & Tap Room
Shawn Houck Casper, WY 82601 (307) 337-1000 frontierbrewingcompany.com
Grand Teton Fly Fishing
Scott Smith and Mark Fuller Jackson, WY 83002 (307) 690-4347 ssflyfish@rocketmail.com markwfuller@gmail.com www.grandtetonflyfishing.com
Graylight Outfitters
David Collom Elsinore, UT 84724 (435) 720-7440 graylightoutfitters@gmail.com www.graylightoutfitters.com
Guild Outdoors
Adam Guild Afton, WY 83110 (307) 799-6409 guildadam@yahoo.com www.guildranchwyoming.com
Jackson Hole Fly Company
Greg Epstein Jackson, WY 83001 (800) 346-4339 support@jacksonholeflycompany.com www.jacksonholeflycompany.com
JD High Country Outfitters Jackson, Wyoming 83001 (307) 733-7210 scott@jdhcoutfitters.com www.highcountryflies.com
Live Water Properties
Macye Maher Jackson, WY 83002 (866) 734-6100 macye@livewaterproperties.com www.livewaterproperties.com
Maven Brendon Weaver Lander, WY 82501 (800) 307-1109 customerservice@mavenbuilt.com www.mavenbuilt.com
North Fork Anglers
Tim Wade Cody, WY 82414 (307) 527-7274 tw123r4w@yahoo.com www.northforkanglers.com
North Platte Lodge
Erik Aune Alcova, WY 82601 (307) 237-1182 info@northplattelodge.com www.northplattelodge.com
The Red Rock Ranch
Steven Stimmel Kelly, WY 83011 (307) 733-6288 info@theredrockranch.com www.theredrockranch.com
Rock Creek Anglers
Clark Smyth Sheridan, WY 82801 (307) 684-7304 (888) 945-3876 clark@anglingdestinations.com www.rockcreekanglers.com
Sunlight Sports
Wes and Melissa Allen Cody, WY 82414 (307) 587-9517 info@sunlightsports.com www.sunlightsports.com
Sweetwater Fishing Expeditions, LLC
George H. Hunker III Lander, WY 82520 (307) 332-3986 george@sweetwaterfishing.com www.sweetwaterfishing.com
Thin Air Angler
Bob Reece Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 256-2741 coach.bobreece@gmail.com www.thinairangler.com
TroutHut Net-Worx
Mike Jensen Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 421-3188 trouthut@gmail.com
Trout Unlimited Business members are TU ambassadors in protecting, restoring, reconnecting and sustaining North America’s coldwater fisheries.
L Guides Lodges
Turpin Meadow Ranch
Ron Stiffler Moran, WY 83013 (307) 543-2000 gm@turpinmeadowranch.com www.turpinmeadowranch.com
Two Rivers Fishing Company
Josh Hattan Pinedale, WY 82941 (307) 367-4131 info@tworiversfishing.com www.tworiversfishing.com
Ty Outdoors
Ty Hallock Casper, WY 82609 (307) 315-8287 ty@tyoutdoors.com www.tyoutdoors.com
West Laramie Fly Store
Brandon Specht Laramie, WY 82070 (307) 745-5425 flystore@flystore.net www.flystore.net