Self-build for the way we we live now
We live in interesting times, as that supposedly Chinese curse says; but actually we
do and what role will your new home play?
How the first pandemic to hit the human race in 100 years, during which time
technology and society changed beyond all recognition, is going to be studied
in centuries to come; changes in lifestyle, culture, architecture, behavior and much more as
humans do what they have always done - adapt to circumstances.
Is the home you are designing right now going to be labelled ‘early 21st century, post
pandemic school’ by architecture students 250 years from now?
Has working from home while the children slowly turn feral made you realise the house
needs more rooms, bathrooms, a garden room, loft above the garage, a bigger garden?
The change has already begun, with ‘broken plan’, not open plan, the new buzz words in
kitchen design. Yesterday’s one big space can be turned into smaller zones for multiple needs
like work, conference calls or.....