1 minute read


e good news is there is no upper age limit on Graduate Apprenticeship. You can apply if 16 or over. But in some circumstances the health and safety requirements mean you must be 18 or over. Some people will go from a Modern Apprenticeship through to Graduate Apprenticeship; others will come into the apprenticeship system at this later stage. is exibility is one of the greatest assets of the entire scheme.

Applications can begin at apprenticeships.scot but for funding go to Student Awards Agency Scotland at saas.gov.uk


You apply annually for each year of your course for tuition fees, which are paid directly by SAAS to the university.

For young people who have experienced life in care it can often be tough making the transition into the world of work and making sure they get the best possible chances.

Skills Development Scotland is part of a group of 24 public bodies de ned as ‘corporate parents’ under The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, with a series of statutory duties aimed at supporting these youngsters. With its Corporate Parenting Plan SDS will focus, between now and 2024, on ensuring it continues to play its part in helping young people ful l their potential.

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