RESIDENTS OF FORT WILLIAM ASKED FOR VIEWS ON ALCOHOL AND YOUNG PEOPLE Residents of Fort William are being to take part in a survey, giving their views on the effect of alcohol on young people in the area and what could be done to help. One solution being suggested by a partnership of various local agencies to establish a Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) in the Fort William area. CAPs are made up of partnerships between local authorities, police, schools, retailers, neighbourhood groups and health providers, working together to tackle alcohol-related harm to young people and improve the quality of life for residents. The proposed CAP will work together to take a proactive approach to alcohol education, ensuring that young people are equipped to make the right decisions about issues including alcohol, anti-social
and criminal behaviour. The CAP will also look at providing activities for local young people through youth services and local charities. Sergeant Gavin Law, who is based at Fort William Police Station believes that a CAP will promote a health and wellbeing message to young people, allowing them to be better informed about the harm that alcohol can cause. If successful, CAP model will be extended to other areas in Lochaber. Sergeant Law said, “We are keen to work together to establish a CAP in the Fort William and as a first step we will be gathering some baseline information from young people and retailers in the area using surveys that will be carried out online and in person. We would also like to gather some information from residents of
Fort William about the impact the underage drinking has on them and again we will do this through a survey. I would encourage residents to complete the survey, which is completely anonymous, as its important we hear their views about what we should be doing” The residents’ survey can be found on this link or by scanning the QR code. Leaflets explaining the purpose of the survey and the need for gaining your views are all being distributed to shops and venues throughout the area. https://www.surveymonkey.
There are over 200 CAPs in England, Scotland, and Wales. They bring together a range of local stakeholders with a shared interest in preventing underage drinking and encouraging responsible drinking among young adults. More information about CAP can be found at
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