2 minute read
community connection
With Jo Cowan November’s Lochaber Life featured the On-Air Community Coff ee Morning which hit the airwaves on Nevis Radio on November 6 2020. It has been broadcast every Friday morning from 11am till noon since then – apart from Christmas Day.
Our main aim is to provide onair ‘community time’ for those missing their usual clubs and activities – especially those who aren’t online. We also want to give clubs and organisations an opportunity to share information and greetings with their communities. Another essential ingredient is for you to suggest cheery tunes!
Highland Hellos and Lochaber Hellos: Each week organisations or services let you know they are there, what they are doing and the support they off er just now.
What’s Not Ons: Activity and social groups unable to meet just now let you know what they would usually be doing and send a message out to those they usually meet up with. Anyone can pass on a ‘shout out’ or a ‘hello’ via the show.
The on-air format is as near as we can come to the get-togethers Highland Senior Citizens Network and Age Scotland usually hold across Highland, where organisers and members of older people’s groups meet with each other and with those providing services and support. When restrictions permit, Karin McKay, Highland Council Tenant Participation Offi cer, joins me on air to connect with the Lochaber tenants and tenant groups her service would usually be able to meet up with.
We’ve had pre-recorded ‘virtual drop-ins’ from guests ranging from resilience groups to social groups like Lochaber and District Lunch Club, Nether Lochaber Afternoon Club and Friends Together, to services like Home Energy Scotland, Advocacy Highland, Lochaber Women’s Aid, Care Lochaber and NHS Highland Technology Enabled Care.
Jo and Karin in Nevis Radio Studio when restrictions permitted.
To ‘virtually drop in’ to the on-air coff ee morning, you can reach us in various ways:
Telephone the studio on 01397 706100.
Text ‘nevis’ and your message to 82228. Texts cost your normal network charge.
Email: studio@nevisradio.co.uk
Contact us via Nevis Radio Facebook and Twitter.
To contact Jo or Karin outwith the time of the show: jo-hscn@outlook.com 07933 653585 karin.mckay@highland.gov. uk 07785 477696, or write to Community Coff ee Morning,
Nevis Radio, Unit 4a Ben Nevis Industrial Estate, Fort William, PH33 6PR.

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