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Community Connections
With Jo Cowan It’s all felt a bit serious recently! Our latest Highland Senior Citizens Network (HSCN) newsletter included a wee creative writing challenge to folk just to cheer us up and get our brains working again after the winter. Already people are putting pen to paper, or fi ngers to keyboard, and we’re really impressed by the responses. It occurs to us that this is something which people of any age can take part in – so, people of Lochaber…..Here is THE HSCN WRITING CHALLENGE.
We love an acrostic* at HSCN – so we’re throwing down this gauntlet to you:
Create a story using all the letters of the alphabet, in order, as the beginning of words to create a “tale for our times”. We’re being kind. Instead of a word beginning with x, at that point you can use any word with x in it! There are only so many xylophones and x-rays we can endure!
As an example, here’s my fi rst attempt. It’s called Spring TeaBreak in Lockdown.
A bird. Cuckoo? Delivering expectant fanfares. Gently humming insects jive. Kids, laughing, mark new openings, playing quietly round school. Tuneful, undulating voices, warmly expressing youthful zest.
Over to you. Twenty-six words only. You’re welcome to add punctuation wherever you need it. You can also add an appropriate title.
No prizes: it’s just a bit of fun. However, we will read some of the best ones out on Nevis Radio’s On Air Community Coff ee Morning between 11am and noon on Friday mornings.
Please share your creations with us by emailing to jo-hscn@ outlook.com or by sending them by post to Jo Cowan, c/o Nevis Radio, Unit 4a Ben Nevis Industrial Estate, Fort William, PH33 6PR. (*We’re cheating a wee bit: an acrostic is usually a poem in which the fi rst letter of each line spells out a word, a message or the alphabet. We just like the idea of stories – but poems are acceptable too!)
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