9 minute read
Thought for the month
The ‘Merry Month of May’ is traditionally celebrated in Europe as northern hemisphere countries welcome spring. Maypoles, bonfi res, fl owers and fertility rites date back many years, some to pagan times. In recent centuries, May holidays highlighted workers’ rights. An annual parade in Moscow celebrated overcoming the Nazis in ‘the Great Patriotic War’. On May 9 2021 there were 12,000 troops, followed by hosts of tanks, missile launchers and 76 jets and helicopters. We hope for ‘peace in our time’, and pray for it, but this May in Russia many lost fathers, brothers and sons will, sadly, be mourned. Certainly no merry May holiday for their neighbours in Ukraine and the thousands who have fl ed from there. Scripture Union Scotland has links with Ukraine. Workers here, with the help of volunteers, visit schools and run holidays. They share Bible knowledge and the love of Jesus. A similar organisation in Ukraine, whose title translates as Open Bible has exchanged personnel, so they are known in Scotland. The names of their workers, and an emailed photograph of them worshiping in their basement sheltering from explosions on the fi rst Sunday of hostilities, put fl esh on the bones of my fi rst prayers for that country. As I write, I do not know if they are still safe. It was heartening to see BBC’s Clive Myrie take a break from reporting in a Kyiv basement to visit an Orthodox Church and comment on the people’s sustaining ‘religious faith’. A brave young couple interviewed after their guestless wedding in a registry offi ce, close to the sound of shelling, said in limited English: ‘We are Christians. We pray to God for protection.’ They echoed Psalm 27v.3 ‘Even if a whole army surrounds me, I will not be afraid; even if enemies attack me I will still trust in God.’ There is nothing good about war, but as we pray for and support the victims of this one, we could also echo that Psalm: ‘Trust in the Lord, have faith, do not despair’.
A fun treasure hunt around a course in sunny Glen Nevis. Photograph: Iain Ferguson, The Write Image.
Iain Ferguson Most organisations, perhaps especially sports clubs, depend on the steady flow of young people coming up ‘through the ranks’ to ensure their survival and successful continuation into the future. Lochaber Rugby Club is an exceptional example of this in not only regularly fielding teams in a range of age groups, but also linking to potential players through schools’ contact from an early age. A demonstration of this comes on May 4 with the annual inter school tag/touch rugby competition for late primary and young high school age groups. Primary Schools – Tag Rugby Competition is for P4/5 and P6/7 girls and boys with teams of seven, with a maximum of 10 per squad. Secondary Schools – Touch Rugby Competition. is for S1-S3 girls and S1-S2 boys. For the first time the club is inviting high schools to enter both male and female teams as they feel girls may be more comfortable in an allfemale team. It is also hoped this will make for a more exciting and varied competition. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of adult coaches, the under 14, 16 and 18 teams are brimming with enthusiastic young talent all regularly attending training sessions and travelling often quite long distances to weekend matches. On the pitch too, they not only show talent and ability, but are also willing to listen to advice given by their coaches during breaks in the match, acting on this immediately when play resumes. Learning to play as a team and working with others is key to their game and the benefits of this can also set them in good stead for a future working life. It has taken a few years, but the club now has a settled strategy of progressing players through the age groups, keeping them interested, well trained and looking forward to the prospect of playing in the first team as adults - no mean feat in these days of indoor activities based around computer games. Its recently adopted motto is ‘A club like no other’ which is certainly deserved for its welcoming, all inclusive attitude and dedication to their sport. Information on how to take part can be found on Lochaber Rugby Club’s social media pages.
A small monument to a historical event just outside Fort William. Last month: Old croft house beside the A82 near Drumarbin.
Voluntary Board Members
Lochaber Housing Association are seeking Voluntary Board Members to assist in the running of the Association which provides aff ordable housing and related services throughout Lochaber. The Association also operates and provides services through two subsidiary companies, Lochaber Care & Repair Ltd and LHA Property Services CIC. We are looking for enthusiasts with a diverse range of backgrounds from all sections of the community and all parts of Lochaber with the necessary skills and experience in areas such as fi nance, customer care, asset management, performance management, human resources, risk management or community regeneration. Above all, we want open, fair-minded individuals who want to help others and value participation over reward. As a Board Member you will be responsible with others for providing the strategic leadership and direction of the Association, and be involved with the planning, governance, monitoring and control of the delivery of services to our tenants and service users. The Board works closely with the senior management team to achieve these aims. Attendance is required at approximately 8 evening meetings throughout the year and are traditionally held at the Association’s offi ces in Fort William. We are currently using virtual methods and are considering hybrid arrangements for meeting attendance in the future. These are voluntary roles, but we can off er out of pocket expenses, including travelling costs, to facilitate attendance at meetings. In line with our equal opportunities policy, we welcome applications from all sections of the community.
For more details about this signifi cant opportunity to contribute to the improvement of housing choice and services in Lochaber, please download an application form and further information from our website at: www.lochaberhousing.org.uk info@lochaberhousing.org.uk Jenny MacKay, Customer Services Manager on 01397 702530 For an informal discussion, telephone 01397 702530 and ask for our Chief Executive, Margaret Moynihan.
A Scottish Charity (No SCO 30951) Industrial and Provident Society No. 2289R (S) Scottish Housing Regulator Registered No. 151
Since its establishment in 1988 to address housing need in Lochaber, and in particular rural communities, Lochaber Housing Association has provided approximately 800 new housing opportunities for rent and low-cost home ownership. Following a suspension on new build development after the global fi nancial crash in 2008, the Association returned to the provision of new build aff ordable housing opportunities in 2014, partnering up with the Communities Housing Trust to develop around 30 new properties per year, throughout Lochaber. In early 2018, the LHA Board of Directors resolved to enhance its capacity to deliver more aff ordable housing in Lochaber by entering into a partnership with Link Housing Association to develop the Upper Achintore site in Fort William. The fi rst phase will deliver 81 new properties with a completion date targeted for April 2024. Following the retirement of Blair Allan in 2020, the LHA Board appointed Margaret Moynihan as Chief Executive. Margaret has worked for the Association for over twenty years, during which time she has held various management posts including Finance, Corporate Services and Housing Management and more recently the post of Deputy Chief Executive. Working with the Association’s Board of directors and staff , Margaret’s vision is “to ensure that the Association continues to thrive as it moves into the future, by prioritising the delivery of good quality aff ordable homes supported by excellent services within the communities of Lochaber. It is important that we continue to build on the high levels of investment in our rented stock – ensuring that we continue to meet our net zero carbon targets and that homes are energy effi cient for all of our tenants, particularly given the current rise in fuel costs. We need to fi nd solutions to address the lack of housing available to those seeking employment in Lochaber and for those already working here who cannot fi nd suitable accommodation. We want to create strong and sustainable communities which comprise of attractive, mixed tenure neighbourhoods and build communities where people want to live and where they have opportunities for education, housing, access to jobs and community facilities.” The Association is committed to ensuring that it is providing quality services to its tenants that will meet and exceed tenant expectations. To be able to achieve this the Association is working closely with its tenants and listening to their views. Recently the Association engaged with tenants through a telephone survey resulting in a response rate of around 55%. Whilst 92% of our tenants told us they were very satisfi ed with the services we provide; we have taken on board the comments received where tenants felt that we could do better. We are in the process of arranging focus groups with our tenants to ensure we improve on those areas identifi ed. Tenants can also contribute to the development of the Association through “Your Voice” – an informal partnership which brings together tenants and staff to review policies and services. “Your Voice” is an opportunity for tenants to say what improvements they would like to see and to shape services which can make a real diff erence. To fi nd out more and to become involved please contact your housing offi cer or visit the Association’s website, www. lochaberhousing.org.uk The Association is also keen to recruit new directors to the Board and to its subsidiary companies, Lochaber Housing Association Property Services and Lochaber Care & Repair and welcomes anyone who has an interest in housing and their communities to get in touch.
Margaret Moynihan CE