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Community Connections

Tell me your “Once Upon a Bicycle..” story!

Jo Cowan I was recently asked to participate in Kinlochleven Community Trust’s Think Health, Think Nature Cycle Day when they were launching their new e-bikes project. It was a great idea, attracting people of all ages – so, what could I do? I’m no great cyclist! A couple of phone calls later I had sourced, and was picking up, a 1987 Raleigh Triumph bicycle and was thanking Neil Parrish for both his bike and his inspiration!


I fi xed a sign to it saying:

“Once Upon a Bicycle....”

People of all ages have bicycle memories and stories.

Highland Senior Citizens Network is keen to hear yours!

Your fi rst bike; your favourite bike; your fi rst/best memories of cycling..

Come and share your bicycle story.

On Saturday 7th August, I set up my stall and enjoyed visits from people of all ages – with two families turning up with three generations together.

Here’s Deborah’s story of overstepping parental boundaries on her bicycle:

When I was nine or so, a friend and I went for a wee run out to Seagull Island. We decided to go a bit further, and then further again. When we arrived at Bishop’s Bay, we decided that we were going round the loch.

We were having a great time, stopping off for a shot on the swings at Glencoe, then a mad rush to get home before the hooter at quarter to fi ve! We were never missed – those were the days! All was well until someone mentioned to one of our parents that they had seen us in the Glencoe playpark... I recorded some lovely bicycle memories, and one about making great “bogies” with bicycle wheels. Some of the visitors weren’t too sure about the word “bogies”, mind you!

I even found myself promising to come back and try out the fantastic new e-bikes.

So, what’s your “Once

Upon a Bicycle” story? Please get in touch if you have a bicycle-related tale to share. E-mail jo-hscn@outlook.com or call me on 07933 653585

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