2 minute read
What did you do in the summer?


Iain Ferguson When I was young, there was always a point in the summer holidays when the cry was ‘I’m bored, there’s nothing to do’.
While that may have been true back then, this issue features some of the many activities which have been on offer to youngsters in Lochaber this summer from a variety of organisations.
While it may not have have been particularly warm and sunny, or even dry, for much of the time - on more than one occasion virtually October weather in July - it did not dampen down any enthusiasm amongst the youngsters who played on enthusiastically.
Even though the shinty season continued throughout the summer, with regular training for team members, Fort William Shinty Club took into account the many primary school players and opened up its weekly ‘Street Shinty’ on Wednesday

evenings. With a regular attendance of around 80 children from primary one to primary seven age groups, coaches, officials, players from the club and qualified Camanachd Association referees volunteered their services to run the event, offering advice and encouragement to potential future stars of the sport.
Young footballers were also well catered for with numerous classes run by various football clubs and individual coaches as well as Highlife Highland and Lochyside Community Group.
They were well attended and a lot of fun, especially the ‘kickabout’ games, which in some cases went on until it was almost dark and even then some reluctant youngsters had to be encouraged to go home.
Throughout lockdown and other holiday periods, Lochaber Phoenix boxers have always worked hard on staying fit at home, but this year have also been able to use the specialist equipment in the gym with specially prepared exercise programmes laid out in advance by coaches.
Keen young rugby players have been kept entertained by the club with several trips to tour Murrayfield stadium and training grounds, showing them the possibilities which can await them.
In other exciting outdoor activities, in the Summer Fun Club, several ‘Into the woods’ sessions were held with amongst other things building old fashioned dens out of branches and turf alongside shinty and football, building up to a party at the end of the holidays.
So, despite the call of computer games and the internet, many young people have taken to other activities and for sportspeople of all ages there has been no reason to complain about having nothing to do in the summer holidays - although it was definitely true in my day.