Dunoon Mòd 2018 Fringe Programme

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Friday 12th Dihaoine 12mh

Saturday 13th Disathairne 13mh

1845 Dunoon Stadium TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION Dunoon welcomes the Royal National Mòd with a torchlight procession through Dunoon’s Argyll Street, led by Dunoon Argyll Pipe Band. Free


1845 Stèideam Dhùn Omhain CAISMEACHD LÒCHRANACH Tha Dùn Omhain a’ cur fàilte air a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail le caismeachd sholais sìos Sràid Earra-Ghàidheal fo stiùir Còmhlan Pìoba EarrGhàidheal Dhùn Omhain. An-asgaidh 1930 Queen’s Hall OPENING CEREMONY The Opening Ceremony with music from the hugely talented bands, SIAN and Beinn Lee. Free but ticketed 1930 Talla na Banrighinn FOSGLADH OIFIGEIL A’ MHÒID An t-Seirbheis Fosglaidh le ceòl bho chòmhlain thàlantach SIAN & Beinn Lee. An-asgaidh ach le tiogaidean

Meeting point is in the FCS Corlarach Car Park. www. scotland.forestry.gov.uk/ forest-parks/argyll-forestpark/corlarach Scotland’s Natural Larder invites you to join foraging tutor Alasdair Taylor to learn about the edible plants, fungi and berries which can be found all around us. Event conducted bilingually. Free but pre-booking essential. www.scotlandsnaturallarder. eventbrite.co.uk 1030-1230 Gleann an Easbuig, Dùn Omhain. LORG SOLAR NÀDAIR: STÒRAS NÀDARRA NA H-ALBA A’ fàgail bho Phàirc Chàraichean FCS Corlarach www.scotland. forestry.gov.uk/forest-parks/

argyll-forest-park/corlarach Tha Stòras-bìdh Nàdarra na h-Alba a’ toirt cuireadh dhuibh tighinn còmhla ri Alasdair Mac an Tàilleir a lorg solar nàdair agus a dh’ ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn planntrais, fungasan agus dearcan a tha rim faotainn mun cuiart oirnn. Thèid a’ chuairt seo a chumail ann an Gàidhlig & Beurla. Anasgaidh ach clàradh ro-làimh deatamach. www.scotlandsnaturallarder. eventbrite.co.uk 1330-1530 Bishop’s Glen, Dunoon. GAELIC FORAGING WALK: SCOTLAND’S NATURAL LARDER Meeting point is in the FCS Corlarach Car Park. www. scotland.forestry.gov.uk/ forest-parks/argyll-forestpark/corlarach Scotland’s Natural Larder invite you to join foraging tutor Alasdair Taylor to learn about the edible plants, fungi and berries which can be found all around us. Event conducted bilingually. Free but pre-booking essential. www.storasbidhnadarra. eventbrite.co.uk 1330-1530 Gleann an Easbuig, Dùn Omhain. LORG SOLAR NÀDAIR: STÒRAS NÀDARRA NA H-ALBA

Dunoon Burgh Hall is proud to be part of the 2018 Mòd

In addition to the competitions being presented here we have a wonderful Mòd Fringe programme: •

Monday, 15 October – 8:00pm Special Mòd Dunoon Burgh Hall Acoustic Session Come and join in our immensely successful acoustic session. Bring an instrument, sing or just come and listen, bar until midnight. Tickets: £5, £3 Tuesday, 16 October – 8:00pm ‘Clyde’ Join us for a night of music inspired by the Clyde. Mary Ann Kennedy and special guests, including long-time musical friends and young people from the area, take us on a unique journey marking the changing face of one of Scotland’s most famous rivers. Tickets: £14, £7, £5

Wednesday, 17 October 7:30pm - Stòras - Exploring the riches of Argyllshire Bàrdachd Oban Gaelic Choir invite you to join them in an evening of music and song celebrating the riches of Argyllshire’s Bards. Tickets: £10, £8, £5

Thursday, 18 October 8:00pm - Ceilidh with Beinn Lee Join Beinn Lee for a Ceilidh with Bar until Midnight in Dunoon’s traditional Burgh Hall. Tickets: £12, £10

Friday, 19 October 7:00pm - Pre-Ceilidh Dunoon Burgh Hall Acoustic Cabaret Join Dunoon’s finest musicians for music, a restful drink and a sit down before dancing the night away at the Queens Hall Ceilidh. Tickets: £8

For booking and details go to dunoonburghhall.org.uk or call 01369 701776 | Visit us at 195 Argyll St, Dunoon PA23 7DD

A’ fàgail bho Phàirc Chàraichean FCS Corlarach www.scotland.forestry.gov. uk/forest-parks/argyll-forestpark/corlarach Tha Stòras-bìdh Nàdarra na h-Alba a’ toirt cuireadh dhuibh tighinn còmhla ri Alasdair Mac an Tàilleir a lorg solar nàdair agus a dh’ ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn planntrais, fungasan agus dearcan a tha rim faotainn mun cuiart oirnn. Thèid a’ chuairt seo a chumail ann an Gàidhlig & Beurla. Anasgaidh ach clàradh ro-làimh deatamach. www.scotlandsnaturallarder. eventbrite.co.uk 1000 The Football Cages PRIMARY SCHOOLS’ SHINTY TOURNAMENT Primary Schools battle it out in a Mòd Shinty Tournament. Celebrating 125 years of the Camanachd Association. Free 1000 The Football Cages FARPAIS CHAMANACHD NAM BUN-SGOILTEAN Bidh sgiobaidhean Bhun-sgoiltean a-strì an aghaidh a chèile ann am farpais Chamanachd. A’ comharrachadh 125 bliadhna bho chaidh Comunn na Camanachd a stèidheachadh. An-asgaidh 1200 The Black Park SENIOR WOMEN’S 6-A-SIDE SHINTY TOURNAMENT Come along and cheer on some of Shinty’s top women players as they compete in a 6-a-side tournament. Celebrating 125 years of the Camanachd Association. Free 1200 Pàircean Dubha FARPAIS CHAMANACHD 6-CLUICHEADAIR NAM MNATHAN Feuch gun tig sibh a’ coimhead air cuid de bhana-chluicheadairean na Camanachd as fheàrr ann am farpais 6-cluicheadair. A’ comharrachadh 125 bliadhna bho chaidh Comunn na Camanachd a stèidheachadh. An-asgaidh 1400 Dunoon Stadium MÒD SHINTY CUP Enjoy one of Scotland’s oldest indigenous games as two local teams Strachur v ColGlen compete for the Mòd Shinty Cup. Celebrating 125 years of the Camanachd Association. Free 1400 Stèideam Dhùn Omhain CUPA CAMANACHD A’ MHÒID Coimhead air a’ gheam dhùthchasach as sine ann an Alba agus dà sgioba ionadail Srath Chura v ColGlen a’ dol an aghaidh a chèile airson

Cupa Camanachd a’ Mhòid. An-asgaidh 1500 Dunoon Stadium Top Park MÒD FOOTBALL CUP Dunoon Amateurs v Glasgow Island. The hosts take on their nearby rivals to fight it out for the Mòd Football Cup. Free 1500 Dunoon Stadium Top Park CUPA BALL-COISE A’ MHÒID Dunoon Amatuers v Glasgow Island. Bidh sgioba sgìre Dhùn Omhain a’ cur fàilte air balaich Ghlaschu ‘s nan Eilean a’ farpais airson Cupa Ball-coise a’ Mhòid. An-asgaidh 1930 Queen’s Hall THE FIDDLER’S RALLY A spectacular evening of music including guest Gold Medallist Eilidh Cormack. Compered by Angela MacEachen and Allan MacDonald £14/£7 (members) 1930 Talla na Banrighinn CUIRM NAM FÌDHLEAR Oidhche shònraichte de cheòl le aoighean, nam measg Eilidh NicCaramaig, buannaiche Bonn Òir a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich. Air a stiùireadh le Angela NicEachainn &Ailean Dòmhnallach. £14/£7 (buill)

Sunday 14th Didòmhnaich 14mh

sia bliadhna deug. ‘S iad an aon chòisir anns an dùthaich a tha a’ seinn a-mhàin ann an Gàidhlig na h-Alba! An-asgaidh. 1900 Queen’s Hall MÒD WORSHIP A joyous Sunday musical celebration of praise with music and song including performances from children from Tighnabruaich, Kilmodan, Strachur, Lochgoilhead and Sandbank Primary Schools, the Lochgoilhead Fiddle Group, eXp House Band, eXp Percussion Group, Gordon and Susan Whyte and Paul Beautyman. Free 1900 Talla na Banrighinn ADHRADH A’ MHÒID Subhachas molaidh aibhneach Dhòmhnach le ceòl is òrain bho clann Bunsgoiltean Taigh na Bruaich, Cille Mhodain, Srath Chura, Ceann Loch Goill agus Taigh a’ Chladaich, Còmhlan Fìdhle Ceann Loch Goill, eXp House Band, eXp Percussion Group, Gordon & Susan Whyte agus Paul Beautyman. An-asgaidh

Monday 15th Diluain 15mh 1100-1530 Bishop’s Glen ORIENTEERING

1500 Our Lady and St Mun’s Church GAELIC SERVICE An Ecumenical service led by Father James MacNeil, Oban and Baptist Minister Susie Roberts. Free 1500 Eaglais Naomh Mhunna SEIRBHEIS GHÀIDHLIG Seirbheis eadar-eaglaiseil air a stiùireadh leis an Athair Urramach Seumas MacNèill, An t-Òban. An-asgaidh 1500 St Mun’s Hall CEÒLRAIDH-A’ CHÒISIR GHÀIDHLIG- EL CORO GAÉLICO Come along and enjoy music from fantastic musicians from Buenos Aires. Created in August 2002, the Argentine choir, Ceòlraidh, is the only choir in Latin America devoted exclusively to performing traditional Scottish songs in Gaelic. 1500 Talla Naomh Mhunna CEÒLRAIDH-A’ CHÒISIR GHÀIDHLIG- EL CORO GAÉLICO Thigibh a dh’ èisteachd ri ceòl à Buenos Aires! Chaidh Ceòlraidh, còisir à Argentina a stèidheachadh bho chionn

An enjoyable day out orienteering suitable for children. Register and more information at www.spors. scot Free 1100-1530 Gleann an Easbuig SLIGHEADAIREACHD Latha spòrsail de Sligheadaireachd freagarrach do chloinn. Clàraich agus. An-asgaidh 1215 & 1315 Library, Queen’s Hall GAELIC READING AND SINGING SESSIONS

Join us for fun-filled Gaelic reading sessions for families

FRIDAY 5 OCTOBER 2018 with stories, songs and puppets with Linda MacLeod, star of BBC Alba’s ‘Leugh le Linda’. The first session is aimed at children age 0-5 and their parents and the second is aimed at children age 5-7. Although primarily in Gaelic, they will be welcoming to parents who are learning the language or who are nonGaelic speakers. Free 1215 & 1315 An Leabharlann, Talla na Banrighinn LEUGH IS SEINN LE LINDA Thig còmhla rinn airson seiseanan-leughaidh spòrsail sa Ghàidhlig loma-làn sgeulachdan, òrain agus pupaidean còmhla ri Linda NicLeòid, rionnag Leugh le Linda air BBC Alba. Tha a’ chiad sheisean ag amas air pàistean aois 0-5 agus am pàrantan, agus tha an dàrna sheisean ag amas air clann aois 5-7. Ged as e seiseanan Gàidhlig a th’ annta, bidh iad fosgailte do phàrantan a tha ag ionnsachadh a’ chànain air neo aig nach eil Gàidhlig. An-asgaidh 1900 Assembly Hall, Dunoon Grammar School CHILDREN’S CÈILIDH Fun for the children with music, games and plenty of dancing. Supported by Comunn na Gàidhlig Free 1900 Talla Chruinneachaidh, Àrdsgoil Dhùn Omhain CÈILIDH NA CLOINNE Pailteas spòrs don chloinn, le ceòl, geamannan agus gu leòr dannsa. Le taic bho Chomunn na Gàidhlig. An-asgaidh 2000 (doors at 1930) Dunoon Burgh Hall SPECIAL MÒD DUNOON BURGH HALL ACOUSTIC SESSION Come and join in our immensely successful acoustic session, bring an instrument, sing or just come and listem, bar until midnight. £5 & £3 2000 (dorsanaig 1930) Talla Bhaile Dhùn Omhain SEASAIN-CIÙIL SÒNRAICHTE MÒD 2018 Nach tig sibh cuide rinn airson seisean ciùil, a th’ air a bhith a’ dol le mòran soirbheachais ann an Talla a’ Bhaile. Bheir leibh ionnstramaid, gabh òran, neo thigibh a dh’ èisteachd! Bàr ri fhaotainn gu meadhain oidhche.

Tuesday 16th Dimàirt 16mh Dunoon Grammar School MAPLAND


www.dunoon-observer.com concessions available). Booking essential: 01369 706261

Huge map challenges suitable for children. Register and more information at www.spors. scot Free Àrd-sgoil Dhùn Omhain DÙBHLAIN MÀPA MÒR Pailteas spòrs don chloinn, le ceòl, geamannan agus gu leòr dannsa. Le taic bho Chomunn na Gàidhlig. An-asgaidh 1215 & 1315 Library, Queen’s Hall GAELIC READING AND SINGING SESSIONS

Join us for fun-filled Gaelic reading sessions for families with stories, songs and puppets with Linda MacLeod, star of BBC Alba’s ‘Leugh le Linda’. The first session is aimed at children age 0-5 and their parents and the second is aimed at children age 5-7. Although primarily in Gaelic, they will be welcoming to parents who are learning the language or who are nonGaelic speakers. Free 1215 & 1315 An Leabharlann, Talla na Banrighinn LEUGH IS SEINN LE LINDA Thig còmhla rinn airson seiseanan-leughaidh spòrsail sa Ghàidhlig loma-làn sgeulachdan, òrain agus pupaidean còmhla ri Linda NicLeòid, rionnag Leugh le Linda air BBC Alba. Tha a’ chiad sheisean ag amas air pàistean aois 0-5 agus am pàrantan, agus tha an dàrna sheisean ag amas air clann aois 5-7. Ged as e seiseanan Gàidhlig a th’ annta, bidh iad fosgailte do phàrantan a tha ag ionnsachadh a’ chànain air neo aig nach eil Gàidhlig. An-asgaidh 1400 Benmore Botanic Garden TOUR OF BENMORE BOTANIC GARDEN Tour the seven miles of trails on board the Benmore explorer through Benmore Garden with its magnificent mountainside setting and world-famous collection of flowering trees and shrubs Garden entrance fee (£6.50

1400 Gàrradh Lusan na Beinne Mòire CUAIRT TRO GHÀRRADH LUSAN NA BEINNE MÒIRE Cuairt seachd mìle a dh’ fhaid air bòrd carbad sònraichte tro Ghàrradh Lusan na Beinne Mòire. Seallaidhean eireachdail le cruinneachadh a tha ainichte gu h-EadarNàiseanta de chraobhan is phlanntrais. Cosgais àbhaisteach (£6.50 do chlann agus seann dhaoine). Clàradh ro-làimhe deatamach: 01369 706261 1900 Assembly Hall, Dunoon Grammar School CHILDREN’S CÈILIDH Fun for the children with music, games and plenty of dancing. Supported by Comunn na Gàidhlig. Free 1900 Talla Chruinneachaidh, Àrdsgoil Dhùn Omhain CÈILIDH NA CLOINNE Pailteas spòrs don chloinn, le ceòl, geamannan agus gu leòr dannsa. Le taic bho Chomunn na Gàidhlig. An-asgaidh 2000 Dunoon Burgh Hall CLYDE - A RIVER RECOVERY

Join us for a night of music inspired by the Clyde. Mary Ann Kennedy and special guests, including long-time musical friends and young people from the area, take us on a unique journey marking the changing face of one of Scotland’s most famous rivers. From the cotton and tobacco trades to the legendary shipyards and modern-day businesses on her banks and shores, the Clyde’s development didn’t come without its impact on the natural environment. Scotland’s land, sea and shores are ever-changing, both naturally and in response to the way we use them. Little by little, the river is regenerating – the Clyde is recovering. Salmon, redshank, basking shark and porpoise are all an indication of this reawakening. Traditional song and music, native Gaelic from the area, technology and original words and music combine in this special night to celebrate the Clyde’s multifaceted environment. This event is sponsored by Scottish Natural Heritage. The Clyde is a living, lively

place for people and nature. Let’s celebrate her new lease of life! £14/£7 (members) & £5 (children). Buy tickets online at www. dunoonburghhall.org.uk 2000 Talla Bhaile Dhùn Omhain CLUAIDH - ÙRACHADH NA H-AIBHNE Thigibh cuide rinn gu cùirm ceòlmhor Chluaidh. Bidh Màiri Anna NicUalraig agus a còmhlan de shàr luchd-ciùil ’s òigridh na sgìre gar toirt air sgrìob iongantach a sheallas atharrachadh slighe-uisge cho iomraiteach ’s a th’ ann an Alba. Bho mhalairt a’ chotain ’s an tombaca gu na gàrraidhean-luingeis ainmeil agus na gnìomhachasan ùra a stèidhicheadh air a bruthaichean, cha b’ ann gun bhuaidh air an àrainneachd nàdarra a bha leasachadh Chluaidh. Bidh talamh, cladaichean agus muir na h-Alba ag atharrachadh, an dà chuid gu nàdarra agus mar thoradh air mar a bhios sinn gan cleachdadh. Mean air mhean, tha piseach às ùr air tighinn air a’ Chluaidh agus tha i a’ leigheas. Tha am bradan, am maor-cladaich, cearbanaich agus peileagan uile nan comharra air an

ath-bheothachadh seo. Agus eadar ceòl is òrain an dualchais, dualchainnt na sgìre, teicneòlas agus fuinn is briathran ùra, thathas a’ dèanamh luaidh orra seo is ioma nì eile anns an oidhche àraid seo. ’S e àite beò is beothail do dhaoine ’s nàdar a th’ anns a’ Chluaidh. Guma mealamaid an t-ùrachadh! Air a mhaoineachadh le Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba. £14/£7 (buill) & £5 clann Ceannaich tiogaidean aig www.dunoonburghhall.org.uk

Wednesday 17th Dicaidain 17mh GORGE SCRAMBLING

Suitable for children 9+ Register and more information at www.spors. scot Free CLAISEACHD Freagarrach do chloinn

9+ Clàraich agus tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig www.spors. scot. An-asgaidh 1000-1200 Dunoon Grammar School SRADAGAN AIG A’ MHÒD

Games, Crafts and Drama in Gaelic for P3-P7 (Gaelic Speakers). In association with Comunn na Gàidhlig. £5. Information or to book: shona@cnag.org. Tel: 07710707928 1000-1200 Àrd-sgoil Dhùn Omhain SRADAGAN AIG A’ MHÒD

Geamaichean, Ealain agus Dràma sa Ghàidhlig do chlas 3-7 (aig a bheil Gàidhlig). Ann an co-bhann le Comunn na Gàidhlig. £5. Fiosrachadh no clàradh shona@cnag.org. Fòn: 07710707928 1400 Benmore Botanic Garden TOUR OF BENMORE BOTANIC GARDEN

Mòd Dhùn Omhain FRESH FOOD




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Tour the seven miles of trails on board the Benmore explorer through Benmore Garden with its magnificent mountainside setting and world-famous collection of flowering trees and shrubs Garden entrance fee (£6.50 concessions available). Booking essential: 01369 706261 1400 Gàrradh Lusan na Beinne Mòire CUAIRT TRO GHÀRRADH LUSAN NA BEINNE MÒIRE Cuairt seachd mìle a dh’ fhaid air bòrd carbad sònraichte tro Ghàrradh Lusan na Beinne Mòire. Seallaidhean eireachdail le cruinneachadh a tha ainichte gu h-EadarNàiseanta de chraobhan is phlanntrais. Cosgais àbhaisteach (£6.50 do chlann agus seann dhaoine). Clàradh ro-làimhe deatamach: 01369 706261 1500 Library, Queen’s Hall BOOK LAUNCHCONSTABAL MURDO BOOK LAUNCH!

World premiere of Constabal Murdo, the first crime novel from renowned author

Angus Peter Campbell. Join him in conversation with popular radio presenter Derek ‘Pluto’ Murray, a Lewis man who knows a thing or two about crime, having spent six years as a police officer with Strathclyde Police. Set on Barra, Constable Murdo is an arresting read with philosophical grace notes. Expect an arresting conversation too! Free 1500 An Leabharlann, Talla na Banrighinn FOILLSEACHADH LEABHAR-CONSTABAL MURDO Leabhar ùr! ’S e Constabal Murdo a’ chiad nobhail ‘eucoir’ le Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul. Còmhla ris an Dùn Omhain, ga chur air bhog, bidh an sàr chraoladair Derek ‘Pluto’ Moireach – is e fhèin gu math eòlach air eucoirich agus ‘whodunnits’! Bha Pluto na phoileas fad sia bliadhna ann an Srath Chluaidh. Tha Constabal Murdo suidhichte am Barraigh, is Leòdhasach, Murdo, am measg an t-sluaigh! Stòiridh sgrìobhte ann an stoidhle shiùbhlach, shusbainteach, làn de gheurchainnt. Agus bidh susbaint gu leòr sa chòmhradh eadar Pluto agus Aonghas Pàdraig! An-asgaidh


Explore memories of Dunoon through film and images from the National Library of Scotland collections. From royal visits to having fun on the water, to pipe bands and steamers, remember how people enjoyed the attractions of Dunoon and the Cowall Peninsula in the not so distant past. You never know, you might spot yourself or someone you know! Free 1800 An Leabharlann, Talla na Banrighinn ÒRAID DHEALBHAICHTE AN-ASGAIDH LE FIOLM AGUS ÌOMHAIGHEAN. agus ìomhaighean bho stòras Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h-Alba. Bho thaladhan Rìoghail, gu spòrs air an uisge, gu còmhlain-pìoba agus bàtaichean, cuimhnich mar a fhuairear tlachd anns an sgìre anns na làithean a dh’ fhalbh. Cò aig a tha fios, dh’ fhaodadh gur e sibh fhèin, neo cuideigin a dh aithnicheas sibh a bhios anns na dealbhan! An-asgaidh


Oban Gaelic Choir invite you to join them in an evening of music and song celebrating the riches of Argyllshire Bards. Accompanied by some of Scotland’s finest musicians, Archie MacAllister (Fiddle), Angus MacColl (Pipes), Finlay Wells (Guitar) and Alastair Maclean (Pipes and Whistles), the choir, conducted by Sileas Sinclair will take you on a musical journey from Kintyre to Lorne travelling through Mid Argyll, giving new life to tales and adventures from our fascinating heritage. Tickets £10, £8 Conc, £5 Under 16. Buy tickets online at www. dunoonburghhall.org.uk 1930 Talla Bhaile Dhùn Omhain STÒRAS CÒISIR GHÀIDHLIG AN ÒBAIN Tha Còisir Ghàidhlig an Òbain a’ toirt cuireadh dhuibh gu oidhche de cheòl is òrain a’ comharrachadh beartas (nam) bàird (à) Earra Ghàidheal. Bidh cuid den luchd-ciùil is

athnichte nan cuideachd; nam measg am Fìdhlear Èardsaidh MacAllister, Aonghas MacColla air a’ Phìob, Fionnlagh Wells air an giotàr agus Alasdair MacIlleathain air an fhìdeag, ‘s a phìob. Fo stiùir Shìleas Sinclair, bithear a’ dol air sgrìob bho Cheann Tìre, gu Latharna agus tro mheadhain Earra Ghàidheal tro mheadhain sgeulachdan agus beul-aithris dualchas àraid na sgìre. Tiogaidean £10, £8 Conc, £5 Fo aois 16. Ceannaich tiogaidean air loidhne aig: www.dunoonburghhall.org.uk

Thursday 18th Diardaoin 18mh WALK

Suitable for adults and children with adults. Register and more information at www.spors.scot Free CUAIRT COISEACHD Fregarrach do dh’Inbhich agus cloinn le pàrant. Clàraich agus

tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig www.spors.scot. An-asgaidh 1000-1700 The Strone Inn GAELIC CLASS Two-day (day 1) beginners and intermediate Gaelic class. £35 (including lunch). Information: thestroneinn@ gmail.com 1000-1700 Taigh-òsta na Sròine CLAS GÀIDHLIG Dà là de chlasaichean Gàidhlig do dhaoine a tha aig fìor thoiseach tòiseachaidh a thaobh a’ chànan ionnsachadh; agus do dhaoine aig a bheil beagan Gàidhlig mur-thràth. £35 (le lòn). Fiosrachadh: thestroneinn@gmail.com 1000-1200 Dunoon Grammar School SRADAGAN AIG A’ MHÒD Games, Crafts and Drama in Gaelic for P3-P7 (Gaelic Speakers). In association with Comunn na Gàidhlig. £5 (Information or to book: shona@cnag.org. Tel: 07710707928 1000-1200 Àrd-sgoil Dhùn Omhain SRADAGAN AIG A’ MHÒD Geamaichean, Ealain agus Dràma sa Ghàidhlig do chlas 3-7 (aig a bheil Gàidhlig). Ann an co-bhann le Comunn na


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88-99 Montague Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, PA20 0HW

FRIDAY 5 OCTOBER 2018 Gàidhlig. £5 (Fiosrachadh no clàradh shona@cnag.org. Fòn: 07710707928 1400 Benmore Botanic Garden TOUR OF BENMORE BOTANIC GARDEN Tour the seven miles of trails on board the Benmore explorer through Benmore Garden with its magnificent mountainside setting and world-famous collection of flowering trees and shrubs Garden entrance fee (£6.50 concessions available). Booking essential: 01369 706261 1400 Gàrradh Lusan na Beinne Mòire CUAIRT TRO GHÀRRADH LUSAN NA BEINNE MÒIRE Cuairt seachd mìle a dh’ fhaid air bòrd carbad sònraichte tro Ghàrradh Lusan na Beinne Mòire. Seallaidhean eireachdail le cruinneachadh a tha ainichte gu h-EadarNàiseanta de chraobhan is phlanntrais. Cosgais àbhaisteach (£6.50 do chlann agus seann dhaoine). Clàradh ro-làimhe deatamach: 01369 706261 1700 Library, Queen’s Hall PLACE NAMES IN AND AROUND DUNOON


www.dunoon-observer.com Cothrom na brogan dannsaidh a chur gu feum, le ceòl is ceilidh air leth! £10 This talk will look at some wellknown and less well-known Gaelic names of hills, rivers, farms and other features in and around Dunoon and the Argyll area and their role in Gaelic culture. In association with with Ainmean-àite na h-Alba. Free 1700 Leabharlann, Talla na Banrighinn AINMEAN-ÀITE DHÙN OMHAIN San òraid seo, bheirear sùil air cuid de na h-ainmean Gàidhlig is ainthnichte agus neo-aithnichte air beanntan, aibhnichean, tuathanasan agus feartan eile mu Dhùn Omhain agus an sgìre mun cuairt, agusan dreuchd ann an cultar na Gàidhlg. Ann an co-bhann le Ainmean-àite na h-Alba. An-asgaidh


2000 (doors at 1930) Dunoon Burgh Hall CEILIDH WITH BEINN LEE Join Beinn Lee for a ceilidh with a bar until midnight in Dunoon’s traditional Burgh Hall. £12 and £10

1000-1700 The Strone Inn GAELIC CLASS Two-day (day 2) beginners and intermediate Gaelic class. £35 (including lunch). Information: thestroneinn@ gmail.com

2000 (doors at 1930) Talla Bhaile Dhùn Omhain CÈILIDH LE BEINN LEE Thigibh gu ceilidh an cuideachd còmhlan-ciùil ‘Beinn Lee’. Bidh bàr ri fhaotainn ann an Talla Tradiseanta a bhaile, gu meadhain oidhche. £12 & £10

1000-1700 Taigh-òsta na Sròine CLAS GÀIDHLIG Dà là de chlasaichean Gàidhlig do dhaoine a tha aig fìor thoiseach tòiseachaidh a thaobh a’ chànan ionnsachadh; agus do dhaoine aig a bheil beagan Gàidhlig mur-thràth.

Friday 19th Dihaoine 19mh MOUNTAIN BIKING

1930 Uig Hall INVERHOOLY CEILIDH BAND A chance to get your dancing shoes on and enjoy some great music! £10

1000 Dunoon Burgh Hall A’ MIRE RI MÒIR Music and chat with Morag MacDonald as her show is broadcast live from the Mòd. Free 1000 Talla Bhaile Dhùn Omhain A’ MIRE RI MÒIR Ceòl agus cabadaich le Mòrag Dhòmhnallach agus a pro`gram ga chraoladh beò bhon Mhòd. An-asgaidh

Dependent on demand. Register and more information at www.spors.scot. Free ROTHAIR-SLÈIBHE A-rèir iarrtas. Clàraich agus

Open from 12th October

At the Boathouse

tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig www.spors.scot. An-asgaidh

1900 (doors at 1830) Dunoon Burgh Hall PRE-CEILIDH DUNOON BURGH HALL ACOUSTIC CABARET Join Dunoon’s finest musicians

for music, a restful drink and a sit down before dancing the night away at the Queen’s Hall Ceilidh. £10 1900 (dorsan aig 1830) Talla Bhaile Dhùn Omhain PRE-CEILIDH DUNOON BURGH HALL ACOUSTIC CABARET Thigibh gu oidhche de shàrcheòl is dannsa, le cuid den luchd-ciùil as fheàrr a th’ ann an Dùn Omhain. Gabhaibh drama, èisitibh agus dannsaibh gu uairean beaga na maidne ann an Talla na Bàn Righ. £10 2230 (doors at 2130) Queen’s Hall MÒD CLOSING DANCE

A spectacular night of music to bring Mòd 2018 to a close. Popular Tiree bands Gunna Sound and Trail West will have you dancing until the small hours. Tickets on sale at the Queen’s Hall and also from the Mòd Shop. Over 18s only. £15 2230 (dorsan aig 2130) Talla Bhaile Dhùn Omhain DANNSA DÙNAIDH A’ MHÒID Oidhche mhìorbhaileach de cheòl a’ toirt Mòd 2018 gu crìch. Bidh na còmhlain Thirisdeach Gunna Sound & Trail West gur cumail dannsa

gu madainn! Tiogaidean rim faotainn bho Thalla na Banrighinn agus Bùth a’ Mhòid. £15

Saturday 20th Disathairne 20mh 1030 Dunoon Stadium MASSED CHOIRS Choirs march from Dunoon Stadium, down Argyll Street, culminating in an incredible massed choir performance at Argyll Gardens. The Mòd banner will be handed over to the Glasgow organising committee as they take over the reins for next year’s event. Free 1030 Stèideam Dhùn Omhain CAISMEACHD NAN CÒISIR Na còisirean a’ caismeachd bho Stèideam Dhùn Omhain, sìos Sràid Earra-Ghàidheal, a’ tighinn cruinn-còmhla aig Gàrraidhean Earra-Ghàidheal a’ seinn mar aon chòisir. Thèid bratch a’ Mhòid a thoirt seachad do Chomataidh Ionadail Mòd Ghlaschu agus iad a’ gabhail cùraim tachartas na h-ath bhliadhna. Anasgaidh

For more information visit: www.ancomunn.co.uk and www.moddhunomhain.com


Scottish Pantry – Breakfast Bistro Open 8am - 5pm Open 6 days a week – Closed Monday

Licensed Gin Bar

Telephone: 01369 706365 / 07984641490 www.wined-dined.com OPEN THROUGHOUT OCTOBER & NOVEMBER* Don’t miss our upcoming Events: 21st October ‘Lives & Legacy of the Music’ recital by Harpist, Meredith McCrindle 28th October ‘The Witchy Walk’ family Halloween event 1st & 9th November House to Hospital: Special Collection Talk & Tour 1st & 2nd December Christmas Fair

For further information or to book please email contactus@mountstuart.com or tel: 01700 503877 (*open Monday-Friday only throughout November, for full details of our opening hours & conditions of our Kids Go Free offer, see our website)

Tel: 0345 607 7117 www.fynehomes.org.uk


Kids go fr ee at Mount Stuart *




Main Sponsors KEY: Mod 2018 Venues Our Lady & St Mun’s Church Kirn Primary School Dunoon Grammar School Dunoon Stadium

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Dunoon – Gourock Passenger Ferries (Argyll Ferries)

Western Ferries Vehicular and Passenger Ferry (Clyde) Limited



The Holy Loch Inn


Steak Night - Thursday night

Mòd ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday 7th October

Inverhooly Ceilidh Band Thusday 8th October

Malleus Tel: 01369 706903 • Springfield Place, Sandbank PA23 8PJ

Leis Gach deagh dhùrachdan aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ann Dùn Omhainn 2018 Marco Pellicci – Property Consultant marco@dunoonproperty.com +44(0)136 970 8960 • +44(0)7801 711 361 Dunoon. PA23 7HA • dunoonproperty.com

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Tel: (01369) 702355 www.wrightsclothing.com

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The Queen’s Hall Dunoon Baptist Church Centre Dunoon Burgh Hall The High Kirk St John’s Church

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Mód WEEK ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday 17th October (2am License)


Thursday 18th October (2am License)


249 Argyll Street • Dunoon • 01369 701 777 • facebook.com/thelornedunoon




Mòd Dhùn Omhain 2018 - Pub Circuit Pub




MacClures Bar

Monday 15th Oct Tuesday 16th Oct Wednesday 17th Oct Thursday 18th Oct Friday 19th Oct

2130 2130 1500 & 2100 1500 & 2100 1500 & 2100

Live Music Live Music Gunna Sound & Friends Gunna Sound & Friends Gunna Sound & Friends

Ingrams Bar

The Braes Bar & Diner

Wednesday 17th Oct Thursday 18th Oct Friday 19th Oct Wednesday 17th Oct Wednesday 17th Oct Thursday 18th Oct Wednesday 17th Oct Thursday 18th Oct Wednesday 17th Oct

pm afternoon & evening afternoon & evening pm pm pm pm pm 1800

The 51st State Bar & Grill

Wednesday 17th Oct Friday 19th Oct

Evening 2200

Monach Isles Monach Isles Monach Isles Trail West Beinn Lee Trail West Inverhooley Ceilidh Band Malleus Ceòlraidh, A’ Chòsir Ghàidhlig-El Coro Gaélico (fantastic music from Buenos Aires performing traditional Scottish songs in Gaelic)

Saturday 13th Oct Sunday 14th Oct Thursday 18th Oct

2100 2100 1800

Puffer Bar Lorne Bar Holy Loch Inn

Oakbank Hotel Sandbank Dunoon Masonic Lodge

Inverhooley Ceilidh Band None the wiser Andy Chung Ceòlraidh, A’ Chòsir Ghàidhlig-El Coro Gaélico (fantastic music from Buenos Aires performing traditional Scottish songs in Gaelic)

SHAPED IN SCOTLAND Proud to operate in Argyll. Farming Scotland’s Fynest Salmon. SCOTLAND’S FINEST Quarry Point, Loch Fyne, Argyll

Sea Loch Fresh Salmon





Fàilte gu Dùn Omhain bho Mhìcheal Russell BPA For surgery appointments contact: Tel: 01369 702011 | Email: michael.russell.msp@parliament.scot Facebook: Michael Russell Argyll and Bute SNP | Twitter: @feorlean 81 Argyll Street, Dunoon, PA23 7DH

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