Richard Bandler special edition

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Life Without Limits




RICHARD BANDLER Richard Bandler is an international figure in the Personal Development world. Yet, Richard says, when he was a kid he was interested in keeping a low profile. So how did he come to challenge so many of the beliefs of psychotherapy and help so many to be great at what they do? MAIN PICTURE Richard Bandler is to Co-Creator of NLP, and resposible for its catchy name

BELOW Richard doesn’t believe in tradional therapy

the general population. And Richard’s former student, Paul McKenna, has consistently demonstrated on TV how to make changes in others using the techniques Richard developed. These days, Richard is the epitome of confidence. He is a man who has been involved in coaching top athletes, businessmen and even worked with the military. He has numerous bestselling books under his belt, CDs, DVDs and much more. One could call him a picture of success, but things were not always so for Richard.



onsidering Richard Bandler as he sits down for interview, I think of the many different images I have seen of him. From the cool young man in the mid 1970s who was developing an entirely new way of dealing with psychiatric problems, through to the gently humorous and extremely confident thirty-something who mystified

counsellors by curing their long-term clients in a matter of minutes through to the silver-haired besuited man now before me who spearheads the worldwide phenomenon that is Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP. There’s no doubt that NLP, described by its proponents as an amazingly powerful mindtool for personal change, has lodged itself in the minds of



Somewhere in junior high school I discovered I had a real knack for math.The more they threw at me, the more I could take. Once I understood that I was good at it, I always applied myself

Born in Teaneck, New Jersey, Richard recalls that he lived on the Hackensack River for the first five years of his life. “In that time in the United States they didn’t believe you could pollute things and where I lived was a demonstration of the fact that wasn’t true,” he says of the world he grew up in. When he was young, his parents moved to California where life was characterised by moving from school to school because his parents couldn’t decide where they wanted to live. The tensions that grew between his parents led their eventual separation. “They didn’t do it in an instant, they did it slowly. They stayed apart and got together and stayed apart and got together. It was a little tumultuous. My mother is a very good-humoured person and my father was pretty cranky. Finally they got sick of each other and rightfully so I would imagine. My mother’s now 84 and still complains about it from time to time.” Richard was seven years old at the time and he went with his mother to various homes in and around San Francisco. He adds with a twinkle in his eye: “I

was always the new kid in town so I was used to change – and it seems like I’ve gotten quite good at it over the years!” Perhaps understandably, with all the uprooting, his school years were not the most inspiring for him, though there were deeply inspirational teachers. “When you’re constantly going into a new school, you have a lot of adjusting to do. In those days education wasn’t quite as uniform as it is now but I think like most people, I had a few teachers that were just outstanding and motivated me to learn. Typically they were the ones that were fun. Most of the time it was tedious, boring. You felt a little bit like you were in jail during the day, staring at the clock, waiting to go out and have a life. It’s a shame that a lot of school is like that. Most people don’t associate learning with fun. “We had a new Japanese teacher at the school and it turned out he was an airplane engineer at Lockheed who had retired and decided to become a teacher. He taught us everything. Like, when he taught us math, he taught us the equations to design

ABOVE Paul McKenna with his esteemed mentor

BELOW Richard in action with an attendee at a recent seminar

airplanes and we designed little jets. He taught us how to compute distance and time. Everything he did, he turned into something dramatic and fun. Instead of just reading some boring book, he would have us act it out. Always one thing after another. He always stuck in my mind as being a great teacher. I could barely tell you the names of most of my teachers in school but his name was Mr Lang, I’ve never forgotten it. He really taught me a lesson that when people are enjoying themselves, they’ll really put out and learn. Then the next year I had a teacher who demonstrated to me that if a teacher’s boring enough, you can’t even remember their name or anything else about them.” At school he remembers he was “pretty quiet” and “not terribly social”, simply avoiding getting beaten up. “Most Californian schools were like war zones”, he says. But Richard also began to find his strengths. “Somewhere in junior high school I discovered I had a real knack for math.The more they threw at me, the more I could take. Once I understood that I was good at it, I always applied myself. I just was good with numbers and equations. They made sense to me.”


Richard also discovered his love of music. Mopping floors in a burger bar as a 10-year-old, he was inspired by the music coming from the jukebox as worked. His response shows the amazing imagination and cando attitude that characterises him today. “I didn’t have a keyboard. I actually painted one on a two by four and went down to the music store and listened to the notes and went home and imagined them.” Richard learned to play a few instruments, although his schoolteachers insisted he had no musical ability. His later work in creating music, especially his neurosonics CDs, which combines sound waves to affect the brain in specific ways while also producing great music put the lie to that. Things changed for Richard when he went to college to study computer programming. Here his imagination and curiosity were given free reign. Staying in the house of a psychiatrist, Richard began to read books by psychotherapists such as Fritz Perls and began to realise that counsellors and psychotherapists actually had very little idea of how to make a change. In fact, their approach seemed bizarre to him. “When I read the book by Fritz Perls, I thought it was one of the funniest things I had ever read in my life. He had people identifying with dreams and going, ‘I dreamed I went into a diner with my mother and she drank a strawberry milkshake and I drank a chocolate milkshake’ and he’d go, ‘Ok, you are the chocolate milkshake.’

RIGHT Richard Bandler believes in therapy with a sense of humour

Richard Bandler is a genius in the true sense of the word. He changed my life completely by releasing me of my intense spider phobia, within minutes. -Tanya Franks

BELOW Watch Richard Bandler talk to Bernardo Moya in The Best You video interview


People would act these things out and I’m not sure what this was actually supposed to do but I just found it hysterical to the point where I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.” By now, Richard’s curiosity was fired up and he began to study more about what the few successful therapists did. These included Virginia Satir whom he got to know well and, at the suggestion of Professor Gregory Bateson, the hypnotist and doctor Milton Erickson. As a student with an interest in symbolic logic, linguistics and calculus, Richard began to realise that there was something in what successful therapists were doing that was in some way the same. With the help of his Transformational Grammar Professor, John Grinder, he began to replicate the successes which they were arriving at intuitively. This was the foundation of NLP, which was not only a means of helping people to

change in a psychiatric context, but a way of understanding how people are good at what they do and helping others optimise their behaviour. Of his study of, for example, Milton Erickson’s hypnotherapy, Bandler says: “By representing the way he used syntax, the way in which he used intonation and tempo that was different from other people and how he manipulated altered states with those things. I could predict what he was going to do. Just like you can predict that a bridge will last as opposed to fall down.” As for the name NLP, itself, Richard is charmingly funny about how he arrived at it. “Well actually, that was just because I got pulled over by a highway patrolman and I had a whole lot of books on the floor of my car and he looked at me and said ‘What do you do for a living?’ I took the beginning of three different books. One was



An evening with Richard Bandler 4th October 2013

LICENSED PRACTITIONER OF NLP 7th – 13th October 2013


PRACTITIONER OF NLP 5th – 13th October 2013

Book today on +44(0)207 927 6500

The Ultimate Introduction to NLP Richard Bandler collaborates with Alessio Roberti and Owen Fitzpatrick to reveal how to unleash your true potential in this new book

Licensed Practitioner of NLP Seminar Master your own emotions and run your own mind with NLP. Gain instant confidence and motivation in a wide variety of situations. Remove phobias.

a neurology book, one was John Grinder’s linguistic book and the other was a programming manual for a PDP1134A and I went, ‘I’m a Neuro-Linguistic Programmer.’ When I looked back at him he was totally impressed. He went, ‘God, that sounds really sophisticated.’ I looked at him and went, ‘Yeah, yeah.’ I got out of a ticket.” Richard found the title useful because it differentiated him from therapists, whose methods Richard found wanting. He is critical of “therapies” that simply require people to sit and listen and make no contribution, or indeed of the “archaeological dig” through a client’s past to try to gain insight into their current behaviour, which is the Freudian approach. Insight, after all, is not change.

Personal Enhancement This NLP based CD set is designed to hypnotically teach you how to change your beliefs, create wealth, add passion to your life and get motivated to do it.

The years that followed saw Richard’s curiosity in so many different areas lead him to be involved in working with sports people, artists, business leaders, with US military and in countless other areas. Starting out as a young man with a very different view of the way the brain works to the therapists around him, he worked from an office “with a bare light bulb”, all the while improving his techniques and learning from his clients. There came a point when therapists would bring him their clients because they didn’t know how to change, and he continued to improve his techniques and discover new things all the while. It was when he began to train others that NLP began

RICHARD BANDLER AT A GLANCE  Studied computing at Santa Monica University  Met influential figures Buckminster Fuller, Gregory Bateson, Virginia Satyr and John Grinder  Become fascinated by psychology and how to help others  Created the name Neuro-Linguistic Programming  Uses humour rather than sympathy to help clients overcome problems  Develops the fast phobia cure  Influences many thinkers and motivational speakers including Tony Robbins  Mentors TV hypnotist Paul McKenna  Develops NLP further so it becomes a global phenomenon used in many walks of life

The Secrets of Being Happy This book will tell you all the things and all the benefits of being happy and the big secret of how to do it easily by changing the way you think.

TOP Richard Bandler has an array or products designed to help you

ABOVE Richard Bandler with his wife, Glenda

The Secrets of Success Limited Edition DVD Box Set Richard Bandler models four immensely successful people whom you will learn from, be inspired by - and whose skills you will be able to use in your own life.

to spread like wildfire, with superstars in the Personal Development world such as Anthony Robbins starting out in NLP and spreading the word of Self-Help using a distinctively NLP-like approach across the world. Then in the 1990s, Richard met with a bespectacled young Englishman who made a living from stage hypnosis. Paul McKenna and Richard Bandler formed a firm friendship, and Richard mentored Paul in his techniques. Paul took the message of NLP to new markets by popularising Richard’s ideas in TV shows, books, DVDs and CDs. NLP is now a global phenomenon that is far beyond the control of the man who invented the name. Richard is philosophical about


its spread – and how he started out intending to be a computer programmer and becoming a leading figure in the personal development world. “Sometimes things are kismet... You’re in the right place at the right time. I found with a lot of the people that I’ve met in my life that it’s odd how they got into the fields they did. Buckminster Fuller didn’t set out to be an architect. John Grinder didn’t set out to be a linguist. It was just the only place left in the college that they had an opening and it turned out he was a great linguist. He’s a great syntactician. Gregory Bateson didn’t set out to found the field of heuristics or to study schizophrenics. He got into it because during World War II, they asked him to study the communication on Nazi propaganda films and when he started listening to what people

were doing that mesmerised people and got them to engage in behaviours, he started thinking ‘I wonder if people make their kids crazy doing the same thing?’ Had I not met the psychiatrist, had I not met Virginia, had I not had the interest in math, had I not had a logic professor in college... it all has to fall in the right order and you have to be open to it. I was as passionate about symbolic logic at the time as I am about what I teach now.” As for the future and what his legacy will be, Richard answers with humour and modesty. “I want to make sure that a lot of good training goes down so that a lot of what I’ve done doesn’t get lost. I’ve written a lot of books and over the years and made loads of tapes. I’m sure people will look back at it 100 years from now they’ll look at this the same way I look back


I want to make sure that a lot of good training goes down so that what I’ve done doesn’t get lost.

at what Freud did. They’ll go, ‘God, he didn’t know anything’ - and that will be a good thing! But in the meanwhile, there’s going to be a lot of businesses, a lot of schools, a lot of people that do better than they would’ve and I think that’s what my legacy is. And I don’t think I could stop it if I wanted to.” BELOW Richard Bandler talks about why NLP has gotten so popular


ABOVE Present Richard gives younger Richard some advice


In Life you are given a bag of moments. You don’t know how many of those moments you have. Learning NLP is about maximizing those moments.” - Richard Bandler

When you want new results, it requires new thinking - Richard Bandler

The greatest personal limitation is to be found not in the things you want to do and can’t, but in the things you’ve never considered doing” - Richard Bandler WWW.THEBESTYOUMAGAZINE.CO | 7


with RICHARD BANDLER Co-Creator of NLP



8th May 2014


An evening with Richard Bandler 9th May 2014



PRACTITIONER OF NLP 11th – 19th October 2014

Book today on +44(0)207 927 6500 14 | WWW.THEBESTYOUMAGAZINE.CO



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