Work Sample

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[A Round Table]

Integration of Systems in Architectural Practice

Spring 2024 |Thesis Project, UC Berkeley| Neyran Turan and Yasmin Vobis Individual Work

In both academia and profession, architects typically wield predominant influence over the design process, as the head of a long table. Consultants / specialists often become involved only in later phases, to solve problems created by an already established project.

All the phases, from schematic design to construction documents, due to their late arrival, gets increasingly complicated by those rounds of back and forth and alterations.

What if engineers and designers sit down at the round table on day one, participating in the overall design concept? What if there were a new construction phase, a phase of conceptual or abstract system design that integrates SD and DD, to disrupt the typical order of construction phases?

This design project is an experiment on integration, imagining a scenario in which all the parties of equal weight are involved at the very beginning. Instead of starting from the lens of designers or architects, it is started by integrated systems to question the conventional hierarchy and explore the possibilities when the traditional order is abolished, or, disrupted.

The structural system organizes spatial experience.

To satisfy the fundamental principle of structural balance in all directions, the direction of each layer of structural trunks is rotated by 90 degrees.

This shifting not only results in different experiences on each floor but also turns the overlapping sections into skylights of different shapes, or different kinds of chimneys to introduce natural ventilation and more sunlight to the deep plan.

Unlike the ductwork layout of traditional housing project, this design tries to eliminate the horizontal distribution of HVAC systems.

The pipes will penetrate through layers within the gap between two layers of bricks, which act as a large thermal mass in this project.

There is also cavity within one piece of the brick for radiant heating and air moving. The operable panels, also as decoration to the interior, make replacement and maintenance much more easily.

Selected Structure Design

Structure Design Using Karamba3D Spring 2022 | Introduction to Structures, UC Berkeley | Simon Schleicher Group work with Chrssie Chen, Isa de Metz, and Grace Liang

[Undergraduate Course Design]

Foundation and Steel Truss Design, Calculation and Hand-drawing

Fall 2020 | XAUAT

Individual Work

Pile Foundation Design
Truss Design for Steel Roofing

[Training Center Design]

Concrete Structure Design, including Lateral Stiffness Analysis Internal Force Analysis, and Seismic Design

Spring 2021 |Graduation Design Project, XAUAT| Zhongming Xiong Individual Work

[Replacable 」ointDesign]


[Acknowlegement]Thefollowingresearchandexperimentof 伽sprojectcomefromtheprojectofProfessorJinjieMen:RCS mixedframesystem replaceablecomponentsinsubframe, which participatedinmy」unioryear


[Pool House]

Pool House Design Using Climate Studio

Spring 2023 |Advanced Study of Energy and Environment, UC Berkeley| Luisa Caldas Group work with Cameron Yetta and Yicong Han

[Base Case]

[Design Performance of Base Case]

The orientation of building and aperture is determined based on Windrose Daigram with programs of a pool house settled inside the volume.


The mean daylight factor of the base case is around 17%. The glare testing result shows that there is disturbing and intolerable glare near the south where big area of glazing presents. Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA)'s results shows 95.4% we have 35.3% space have overlit problem, especially the outdoor pool and the south side of indoor area.

[Parametric Study of Base Case]

According to the sensitive analysis, it is obvious that the fluctuations of the following five highlighted parameters have a huge impact on the energy use intensity.

[Conclusion and Design Alternative of Base Case]

+ Operable louvers

+ Material change (insulation)

+ Window (properties + area)

+ Outdoor shading

[Design Performance of Improved Case]

Theoperablecurtainedwindowscan havedifferentfunctions,contributingto theindoorenvironmentqualities.

Everytwofioorsactlikeaunit, fheyhelowerlevelisforlabsandhaveadlrectaccesstothe greenhouses;andtheupperlevel jsforoffices,withsomeseminar 『omsanddesksforstudents hesetwolevelsareconnected byadoubleheightspace 釭;eenhouse.

hebottom4levels,aspodium, actmainlyasteachingarea,with lassrooms,auditorium,offices, andcafe.

..sconsiderationoftheground ondition,acreekisintroduced ithsiphoneffect. Rainandothersourcescollected bv thetowerwillalsoguided owardstheenvironment.

[Folding I Unfolding]

CommunityCenter Design

Fall2023 UC BerkeleyArch203 DanSpiegel I GroupworkwithChrisZhu

Due to the slope topography -the key feature in the area, surroundingbuildingshave formed a multilayered structure on their facades, resembling a sandwich configuration: the bottom level is of a trapezoidalform,withasquarevolumeabove.

In order to navigate such topography and connect with key features of adjacent context, the project itself adopts a sloping form vertically. Starting from the mirror operation of theslope, represented by a single line in the diagrams, the layerings of volumes areaccumulatedandfinallyenclose intovolumes.

The envelop strategy combines three glazing system: KapiLUX curtainwall,double-glazingclearglassandskylight.

Translucent KapiLUX curtain wall maximize natural light while supperiorthermalperformance. Coumbined with roller shade, lightwillbecontrolled.

Clear glazing facing the north and south allows people to have a look at the SF city as well as the mission district. The vertical opearble partsenhance the natural air ow and thus saving the energy.

Taking advantage of the trianglar opening created by our boxy space, skylights are introduce to bring charming light into the interiorspace.

[Penetrating Housing]

Collaborative Housing Design

Fall2022 UC BerkeleyArch201 Rudabeh Pakravan

This chunk model is developedbyboth diagram and collage. It acts as a prototype and generator for future development, investigating onpenetrating space.

The interior volumes generated by the east facadeare various, which is also reflected on the facadeitsef. The two elevations shown inthissectionalso respond d ifferently as they face to urban contexts of completely d ifferent circumstances.

Sectionsof processingchunkmodel: Penetratingspace

Penetratingalsomeansalotwhenit comestothe『elationshipbetweenbuilding andsite: Thebuilldingisshapedbyboth BroadwayandTelegraph, whicharetwomain avenuesinthatarea.

Theeastfacade, facingtothe Broadway, isthe「esultofpenetratingtheaxesof thesetwoavenues.Themeshingpartofthetwobecomesshared balconies. Thewestfacadeismorelikealaggingeffectoftheoperation.Facingtotheend ofTelegraph, privateinteriorvolumesarealongwiththisdirection.

Byaccessingthe balconyfromdifferentdirection, orhavingalookoutside fromdifferentangledwindows(,peoplecannotonlyexperiencethedynamic environmentfrommiddlepartof Broadway, but alsothestaticonefromtheendof Telegraph.





covers variousformsofmaterials, whichin uncertain status,just liketheQi that

TheQiisinitiated from themarginal stateof soiland water,aswellasthecollisionsbetween two time.

Thecollisiongeneratesenergy. During theprocess, scenesof transformationandalternation expansionandengulfment,ascendinganddescending, fiowand changearestagedhereina never-ending cycle, illustratingachaotic vitalityandatmosphere.

of Intangible

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