12 minute read
What is Frame? The Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution
WebRTC/H.264, which is well-suited to handling graphics-intensive workloads such as 3D CAD.
Frame is a browser-first, hybrid and multi-cloud, Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution.
Frame utilises its own proprietary remoting protocol, based on
With Frame, firms can deliver their Windows ‘office productivity’, videoconferencing, and high-performance 3D graphics applications to users on any device with just a web browser –no client or plug-in required.
The Frame protocol delivers audio and video streams from the VM, and keyboard / mouse events from the end user’s device. It supports up to 4K resolution, up to 60 Frames Per Second (FPS), and up to four monitors, as well as peripherals including the 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse, which is popular with CAD users.
Frame provides firms with flexibility as the platform supports deployments natively in AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP as well as on-premise on Nutanix hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI). Over 100 public cloud regions and 70 instance types are supported today, including a wide range of GPUaccelerated instances (Nvidia and AMD). Everything is handled through a single management console and, in true cloud fashion, it’s elastic, so firms can automatically provision and de-provision capacity on-demand.
■ https://fra.me
All RFO benchmarks are measured in seconds, so smaller is better.
Autodesk Inventor 2023: Inventor is one of the leading mechanical CAD (MCAD) applications. For testing, we used the InvMark for Inventor benchmark by Cadac Group and TFI (https://invmark.cadac. com), which comprises several different sub tests which are either single threaded, only use a few threads concurrently, or use lots of threads, but only in short bursts. Rendering is the only test that can make use of all CPU cores. The benchmark also summarises performance by collating all single-threaded tests into a single result and all multi-threaded test into a single result. All benchmarks are given a score, where bigger is better.
Ray-trace rendering
The tools for physically-based rendering, a process that simulates how light behaves in the real world to deliver photorealistic output, have changed a lot in recent years. The compute intensive process was traditionally carried out by CPUs, but there are now more and more tools that use GPUs instead. GPUs tend to be faster, and more modern GPUs feature dedicated processors for ray tracing and AI (for ‘denoising’) to accelerate renders even more. CPUs still have the edge in terms of being able to handle larger datasets and some CPU renderers also offer better quality output. For ray trace rendering, it’s all about the time it takes to render. Higher resolution renders use more memory. For GPU rendering, 8 GB should be an absolute minimum with 16 GB or more needed for larger datasets.
Chaos Group V-Ray: V-Ray is one of the most popular physically-based rendering tools, especially in architectural visualisation. We put the VMs through their paces using the V-Ray 5 benchmark (www.chaosgroup.com/vray/benchmark) using V-Ray GPU (Nvidia RTX) and V-Ray CPU. The software is not compatible with AMD GPUs. Bigger scores are better.
Luxion KeyShot: this CPU rendering stalwart, popular with product designers, is a relative newcomer to the world of GPU rendering. But it’s one of the slickest implementations we’ve seen, allowing users to switch between CPU and GPU rendering at the click of a button. Like V-Ray, it is currently only compatible with Nvidia GPUs and benefits from hardware ray tracing. For testing, we used the KeyShot 11 CPU and GPU benchmark, part of the free KeyShot Viewer (www.keyshot. com/viewer). Bigger scores are better.
Real-time visualisation
The role of real-time visualisation in design-centric workflows continues to grow, especially among architects where tools like Enscape, Twinmotion and Lumion are used alongside Revit, Archicad, SketchUp and others. The GPU requirements for real time visualisation are much higher than they are for CAD/BIM
Performance is typically measured in frames per second (FPS), where anything above 20 FPS is considered OK. Anything less and it can be hard to position models quickly and accurately on screen.
There’s a big benefit to working at higher resolutions. 4K reveals much more detail, but places much bigger demands on the GPU – not just in terms of graphics processing, but GPU memory as well. 8 GB should be an absolute minimum with 16 GB or more needed for larger datasets, especially at 4K resolution.
Real time visualisation relies on graphics APIs for rasterisation, a rendering method for 3D software that takes vector data and turns it into pixels (a raster image).
Some of the more modern APIs like Vulkan and DirectX 12 include real-time ray tracing. This isn’t necessarily at the same quality level as dedicated ray trace renderers like V-Ray and KeyShot, but it’s much faster. For our testing we used three relatively heavy datasets, but don’t take our FPS scores as gospel. Other datasets will be less or more demanding.
Enscape 3.1: Enscape is a real-time visualisation and VR tool for architects that uses the Vulkan graphics API and delivers very high-quality graphics in the viewport. It supports ray tracing on modern Nvidia and AMD GPUs. For our tests we focused on rasterisation only, measuring real-time performance in terms of FPS using the Enscape 3.1 sample project.
Autodesk VRED Professional 2023: VRED is an automotive-focused 3D visualisation and virtual prototyping tool. It uses OpenGL and delivers very highquality visuals in the viewport. It offers several levels of real-time anti-aliasing (AA), which is important for automotive styling, as it smooths the edges of body panels. However, AA calculations use a lot of GPU resources, both in terms of processing and memory. We tested our automotive model with AA set to ‘off’, ‘medium’, and ‘ultra-high’, recording FPS.
Unreal Engine 4.26: Over the past few years Unreal Engine has established itself as a very prominent tool for design viz, especially in architecture and automotive. It was one of the first applications to use GPU-accelerated real-time ray tracing, which it does through Microsoft DirectX Raytracing (DXR).
For benchmarking we used the Automotive Configurator from Epic Games, which features an Audi A5 convertible. The scene was tested with DXR enabled and disabled (DirectX 12 rasterisation).
Benchmark findings
For CAD and BIM Processor frequency (GHz) is very important for performance in CAD and BIM software. However, as mentioned earlier, you can’t directly compare different processor types by frequency alone.
For example, in Revit 2021 and Inventor 2023 the 2.45 GHz AMD EPYC 7V12 – Rome (Azure NV8as_ v4) performs better than the 2.6 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2690v3 – Haswell (Azure NV6_v3 & Azure NV6_v3) because it has a more modern CPU architecture and can execute more Instructions Per Clock (IPC).
The 3.2 GHz AMD EPYC 74F3 –Milan processor offers the best of both worlds – high frequency and high IPC thanks to AMD’s Zen 3 architecture. It makes the Azure NvadsA10 v5-series (NV6adsA10_v5 / Azure NV12adsA10_v5 / Azure NV36adsA10_v5) the fastest cloud workstations for CPU-centric CAD/BIM workflows, topping our table in all the single threaded or lightly threaded Revit and Inventor tests.
Taking a closer look at the results from the Azure NvadsA10 v5-series, the entrylevel NV6adsA10_v5 VM lagged a little behind the other two in some Revit and Inventor tests. This is not just down to having fewer vCPUs – 6 versus 12 (Azure NV12adsA10_v5) and 36 (NV36adsA10_ v5). It was also slower in some singlethreaded operations. We imagine there may be a little bit of competition between
Microsoft Azure

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Google Cloud Desktop workstations
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Google Cloud Desktop workstations
u continued from page WS33 the CAD software, Windows, and the graphics card driver (remember 6 vCPUs is not the same as 6 physical CPU cores, so there may not be enough vCPUs to run everything at the same time). There could also possibly be some contention from other VMs on the same server.
Despite this, the 6 vCPU Azure NV6adsA10_v5 instance with 55 GB of memory still looks like a good choice for some CAD and BIM workflows, especially considering its $0.82 per hour price tag.
We use the word ‘some’ here, as unfortunately it can be held back by its GPU. The Nvidia A10 4Q virtual GPU only has 4 GB of VRAM, which is less than most of the other VMs on test. This appears to limit the size of models or resolutions one can work with.
For example, while the Revit RFO v3 2021 benchmark ran fine at FHD resolution, it crashed at 4K, reporting a ‘video driver error’. We presume this crash was caused by the GPU running out of memory, as it ran fine on Azure NV12adsA10_v5, with the 8 GB Nvidia A10-8Q virtual GPU. Here, it used up to 7 GB at peak. This might seem a lot of GPU memory for a CAD/BIM application, and it certainly is. Even Revit’s Basic sample project and advanced sample project both use 3.5 GB at 4K resolution in Revit 2021. But this high GPU memory usage looks to have been addressed in more recent versions of the software. In Revit 2023, for example, the Basic sample project only uses 1.3 GB and the Advanced sample project only uses 1.2 GB.
Interestingly, this same ‘video driver error’ does not occur when running the Revit RFO v3 2021 benchmark on a desktop workstation with a 4 GB Nvidia T1000 GPU, or with Azure NV8as v4, which also has a 4 GB vGPU (1/4 of an AMD Radeon Instinct MI25). As a result, we guess it might be a specific issue with the Nvidia virtual GPU driver and how that handles shared memory for “overflow” frame buffer data when dedicated graphics memory runs out.
AWS G4ad.2xlarge looks to be another good option for CAD/BIM workflows, standing out for its price/performance. The VM’s AMD Radeon Pro V520 GPU delivers good performance at FHD resolution but slows down a little at 4K, more so in Revit, than in Inventor. It includes 8 GB of GPU memory which should be plenty to load up the most demanding CAD/BIM datasets.
However, with only 32 GB of system memory, those working with the largest Revit models may need more.
As CAD/BIM is largely single threaded, there is an argument for using a 4 vCPU VM for entry-level workflows. AWS G4ad.xlarge, for example, is very cost effective at $0.58 per hour and comes with a dedicated AMD Radeon Pro V520 GPU. However, with only 16 GB of RAM it will only handle smaller models and with only 4 vCPUs expect even more competition between the CAD software, Windows and graphics card driver.
It’s important to note that throwing more graphics power at CAD or BIM software won’t necessarily increase 3D performance. This can be especially true at FHD resolution when 3D performance is often bottlenecked by the frequency of the CPU. For example, AWS G4ad.2xlarge and AWS G5.2xl both feature the same AMD EPYC 7R32 – Rome processor and have 8 vCPU. However, AWS G4ad.2xlarge features AMD Radeon Pro many workflows that don’t need plenty of vCPU, those serious about design visualisation often need both.
It’s easy to rule out certain VMs for real-time visualisation. Some simply don’t have sufficient graphics power to deliver anywhere near the desired 20 FPS in our tests. Others may have enough performance for FHD resolution or for workflows where real-time ray tracing is not required.
For entry-level workflows at FHD resolution, consider the Azure NV12adsA10_v5. Its Nvidia A10 8Q GPU has 8 GB of frame buffer memory which should still be enough for small to medium sized datasets displayed at FHD resolution. The Azure NV6_v3 and Azure NV12_v3 (both Nvidia M60) should also perform OK in similar workflows, but these VMs will soon be end of life. None of these VMs are suitable for GPU ray tracing.
For resolutions approaching 4K, consider VMs with the 16 GB Nvidia T4 (Azure NC4asT4_v3, Azure NC8asT4_v3, Azure NC16asT4_v3, AWS G4dn.xlarge, AWS G4dn.2xlarge, AWS G4dn.4xlarge). All of these VMs can also be considered for entry-level GPU ray tracing.
V520 graphics while AWS G5.2xl has the much more powerful Nvidia A10G.
At FHD resolution, the Nvidia A10G is dramatically faster than the AMD Radeon Pro V520 in viz software (more than 3 times faster in Autodesk VRED Professional, for example) but there is very little difference between the two in Revit. However, at 4K resolution in Revit, the Nvidia A10G pulls away as more demands are being placed on the GPU, thus exposing some of the potential limitations of the AMD Radeon Pro V520.
Finally, Azure NC8asT4_v3 or AWS G4dn.2xlarge could be interesting options for workflows that involve using Revit alongside visualisation applications like Enscape, Lumion and Twinmotion. We found the Nvidia T4 GPU delivered good performance in those apps at FHD resolution, but not at 4K where things slow down. However, as they both have slower CPUs, general application performance will not be as good as it is with AWS G4ad.2xlarge or Azure NV6adsA10_v5.
Visualisation with GPUs
For real-time viz, a high-performance GPU is essential, and while there are
For top-end performance at 4K resolution consider VMs with the 24 GB Nvidia A10, including the AWS G5.xlarge, AWS G5.2xlarge, AWS G5.4xlarge, AWS G5.8xlarge and Azure NV36adsA10_v5. Interestingly, while all four VMs offer similar performance in V-Ray and KeyShot, the AWS instances are notably faster in real time workflows. We don’t know why this is.
The AWS.G4dn.12xlarge is also worth a mention as it is the only VM we tested that features multiple GPUs (4 x Nvidia T4). While this helps deliver more performance in GPU renderers (KeyShot and V-Ray GPU) it has no benefit for realtime viz, with VRED Professional, Unreal and Enscape only able to use one of the four GPUs.
Finally, it’s certainly worth checking out GCP’s new G2 VMs with ‘Ada Lovelace’ Nvidia L4 GPUs, which entered general availability on May 9 2023. While the Nvidia L4 is nowhere near as powerful as the Nvidia L40, it should still perform well in a range of GPU visualisation workflows, and with 24 GB of GPU memory it can handle large datasets. Frame will be testing this instance in the coming weeks.
As mentioned earlier, 3D performance for real time viz is heavily dependent on the size of your datasets. Those that work with smaller, less complex product / mechanical design assemblies or smaller / less realistic building models may find they do just fine with lower spec VMs. Conversely if you intend to visualise a city scale development or highly detailed aerospace assembly then it’s unlikely that any of the cloud workstation VMs will have enough power to cope. And this is one reason why some design and engineering firms that have invested in cloud workstations for CADcentric viz workflows prefer to keep highend desktops for their most demanding design viz users.
Visualisation with CPUs
The stand-out performers for CPU rendering are quite clear with the Azure NV36adsA10_v5 with 36 vCPU and AWS. G4dn.12xlarge with 48 vCPU delivering by far the best results in V-Ray, KeyShot and those renderers built into Revit and Inventor.
Interestingly, even though the AMD EPYC 74F3 – Milan processor in Azure NV36adsA10_v5 has 12 fewer vCPUs than the Intel Xeon 8259 - Cascade Lake in the AWS.G4dn.12xlarge it delivers better performance in some CPU rendering benchmarks due to its superior IPC. However, it also comes with a colossal 440 GB of system memory so you may be paying for resources you simply won’t use.
Of course, these high-end VMs are very expensive. Those with fewer vCPUs can also do a job but you’ll need to wait longer for renders. Alternatively, work at lower resolutions to prep a scene and offload production renders and animations to a cloud render farm.
Desktop workstation comparisons
It’s impossible to talk about cloud workstations without drawing comparisons with desktop workstations, so we’ve included results from a selection of machines we’ve reviewed over the last six months. Some of the results are quite revealing, though not that surprising (to us at least).
In short, desktop workstations can significantly outperform cloud workstations in all different workflows. This is for a few reasons.
1. Desktop workstations tend to have the latest CPU and GPU technologies. 13th Gen Intel Core processors, for example, have much a higher IPC than anything available in the cloud, and Nvidia’s new ‘Ada Lovelace’ GPUs are only now starting to make an appearance in the cloud. However, these are only single slot and not as powerful as the dual slot desktop Nvidia RTX 6000 Ada Generation.
2. Users of desktop workstations have access to a dedicated CPU, whereas users of cloud workstations are allocated part of a CPU, and those CPUs tend to have more cores, so they run at lower frequencies.
3. Desktop workstation CPUs have much higher ‘Turbo’ potential than cloud workstation CPUs. This can make a data resiliency, data centralisation, easier disaster recovery (DR) capability and the built in ability to work from anywhere, to name but a few. But this is the subject for a whole new article.
End user experience testing
While benchmarking helps us understand the relative performance of different VMs, it doesn’t consider what happens between the datacentre and the end user. Network conditions, such as bandwidth, latency and packet loss can have a massive impact on user experience, as can the remoting protocol, which adapts to network conditions to maintain a good user experience.