My Europe

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Lehenengo ebaluazioko gaia NIRE EUROPAren unidade didaktikoaren azalpenak ikusiko ditugu: “EUROPEAR ETA NAZIOARTEKO IKASKETAK” PROGRAMAZIOA

1. ebaluazioa: Nire Europa

2. ebaluazioa: Pentsatu Munduan, Ekin Lekuan

3. ebaluazioa: Garapen Iraunkorra

3 Sarrera:Europar 2 Sarrera: Nazioarteko Batasuneko oinarrizko arazoen Oinarriak. datuak mapak...


6 EB ko hizkuntza gutxituen aurkezpen digitalak egin eta aurkeztu

4 Munduko mapa eta grafikoak landu, berriak aztertu

6 GKE en gainean ikertzea eta aurkezpenak egitea

2 Mobilitatearen ariketak egin: Comenius Erasmus

2 Munduko arazoetaz debatea eta hausnarketa


Sarrera: Globalizazio a eta Garapen Iraunkorraren Oinarriak

Garapen Iraunkorraren eta GKEen Wikia

Europar Batasunaren 6 Blog bat prestatzea erronkak aurkezpen munduko arazo bat digitalak egin eta azalduz. aurkeztu 4 EBko berrien iruzkinak 5 Komiki eta errebista bat eta eztabaidak egitea bat egitea

4 Konputagailuz lanak prestatu

3 EBaren datuen estatistikak aztertu

4 Klasekideen aurrean ahozko azalpenak ematea

2 GKEen ahozko aurkezpen

8 Alemanera ikasi

8 Alemanera ikasi

8 Alemanera ikasi


4 Trukaketako ikasleekin bisitak eta lan egitea

METODOLOGIA  Metodologia, parte hartzearena da. Irakaslearen rola laguntzearena izango da; bidea erakutsi eta iritziak eman, ikas prozesua hobetzeko. Ikasleak bilatuko dute behar duten informazioa; interneten, liburuetan edo entziklopedietan.  Ikasleek bereganatutako ezaguerak bizitza errealean aplikatu behar dituzte. Taldeetan ariketak landuko dituzte. Ariketa horiekin, ikasleak bereganatutako ezaguera bakoitzari buruzko zentzu praktikoa bilatzeko.

ďƒą Egiten duen aurrerapenaz jabetu behar da bere egunerokoan. Horretarako, autoebaluazio mekanismoak behar dira. Egindako lanak talde osoaren aurrean azalduko dituzte, honela besteok egiten dutenarekin konparatu dezakete, espiritu kritikoa landuz. Era berean, irakasleak ere erabil ditzake aniztasunaren trataerarako. Funtsezko jarduerak: - Informazioa bilatu eta antolatu eta kontzeptuak definitu. - Arrazoi anitzeko erlazioak ezarri. Kausa-efektu erlazioak azaldu. - IKTko lanak egin eta aurkeztu. - Irakaslearen azalpenak. HELBURUAK -

Europar Batasunaren sorrera eta bilakaera ezagutzea. Batasunaren erakundeen funtzionamendua deskribatzea. EBren oinarrizko politiken eragina guregan ulertzea. Europar Batasunaren gaur egungo egoera eta erronkak ezagutzea. Ingelesa eta Alemanera, hizkuntz europarretan trebatzea.

EDUKIAK Kontzeptuzkoak - Europar Batasunako herrialdeen geografia ezagutu. - EBren erakundeak ulertu. - Gure kontinentean Batasuna sortzeko prozesua ikasi. - Europar Batasuneko erronka nagusiak ezagutu. Prozedurazkoak - Europako populazio, herrialdeetako biztanleko BPGak, hezkuntza eta lan grafikoak iruzkindu. - Europar Batasunaren mapa tematikoak aztertu. - Batasunaren erronken gainean bloga prestatu. - Europar Batasuneko bi hizkuntza ikasi. Jarrerazkoak - Europar elkartasun-politikak baloratu. - Europar herriekiko elkartasun-jarrera izan. - Europako dibertsitatea baloratu, hizkuntzetan oinarrituz. − Elkar-lanaren eta kideen lana onartu. −

ANIZTASUNAREN TRATAERA Zabaltze ariketak - EB sortu izanaren eta globalizazioaren arteko harremana ikertzea. - Europar Batasuneko orrialdean dauden ariketak egitea. Indartze ariketak - Europako mapan noiz sartu diren herrialdeak margoztea. - Europar Batasuneko oinarrizko ezaugarriak wikipedian irakurtzea.

EBALUAZIO IRIZPIDEAK - Autoebaluazio ariketak egitea. - Mapa batean, Europa Batasuneko kideak eta haren garapenaren aldiak identifikatzea. - Ondorengo erakundeen ezaugarriak azaltzea: Kontseilu Europarra, Ministro Kontseilua, Europako Parlamentua, Europako Batzordea, Justizia Auzitegia, Arartekoa, Nekazaritza Politika Bateratua... - Gure bizitzan Europar Batasunena izateak duen eragina azaltzea. - Gaur egun Batasunak dituen erronkak ulertzea. - Ingelesa eta Alemanieran trebetasuna erakustea. OINARRIZKO GAITASUNEN GARAPENA  Gizarte arloko gaitasuna - Europar batasunak duen garrantzia munduko harremanetan eta gaur egungo egoera berezia ulertzea. - Europako herrialdeen artean gertatzen ari diren aldaketak ulertzea. - Europak dituen arazoen gainean balorazio kritikoa egitea. - Europar Batasuneko lurraldearen alde fisikoak eta politikoak ezagutzea. - Batasunaren barnean, baliabideen banaketan dauden desorekak ezagutzea. - Geopolitika, ekonomia eta kulturan Europak duen rola baloratzea.  Kultur gaitasuna - Europako Kultur ondarea ezagutzea eta baloratzea. - Gure kontinenteko Kultura desberdinen adierazpenak gozatzeko sentsibilitatea garatzea.  IKT gaitasuna - Iturri desberdinak aztertzen ikastea: grafikoak, mapa tematikoak, eta iturri idatziak. − Informazioaren eta komunikazioaren teknologiek eskaintzen dituzten aukerak erabiltzen ikastea: aurkezpenak, blogak, wikiak.

 Hizkuntza komunikaziorako gaitasuna - Ingelesa eta Alemaniar hizkuntzetan erraztasunez (maila desberdinekin) komunikatzeko gai izatea. - Nork bere ideiak behar bezala adierazten jakitea, bai ahoz bai idatziz, kasuan kasuko terminologiarik egokiena erabiliz. - Elkarrizketa eta taldean hitz egitea arautzen duten arauak betzea.  Matematika gaitasuna - Tauletako, zerrendatuetako, grafikoetako informazioa ateratzea, aztertzea eta ulertzea.



 Ikasten ikasteko gaitasuna - Nork bera ikastearen eta taldean lan egitearen aldeko gustua garatzea. - Ariketak betetzeko estrategiarik egokienak planifikatzea. - Egindako lanen emaitzak argitasunez jakinarazten jakitea.  Norberaren autonomia gaitasuna - Ikerketa lana egiteko zereginen sekuentzia planifikatzea. - Ikasitako kontzeptuak logikaz eta koherentziaz argudiatzen jakitea. - Ikasitakoaren jarraipena egitea, ikasitakoaz kontzientzia hartzeko. EBALUAZIO IRIZPIDEAK - Europar batasunaren oinarrizko jakintza garatzea eta parte hartzearen aldeak kontutan hartzea. - Europar arazoei buruzko informazioa lortzea eta erabiltzea. Informazio iturri desberdinak erabiliz EBko erronkak ulertzea, informazioak lotzea eta bateratzea. - Arloko gaiari buruzko lan digitalak eta ahozko aurkezpenak taldean egitea, dagokion hiztegiaz eta formazko zuzenketa egokiez baliatuz. - Europako kultur aniztasuna aberastasun bat bezala baloratzea. - Aniztasuna errespetatu eta defendatzeko jarrerak sustatzea. - Elkar-lanaren eta laguntzearen aldeko jarrera positiboak erakuztea. Kalifikazio irizpideak - Konputagailuan egindako lanak. - Egindako lanak ahoz azaltzen jakitea. - Jarrera,interesa eta parte-hartzea. - Proba objektibo idatziak, ahozkoak, lanak, e.a. − Ikaslearen bilakaera.

Kalifikazio balio portzentajea - Kontzeptuak 2 puntu. - Lanak eta aurkezpenak 6 puntu. - Jarrerak 2 puntu. Berreskurapen sistema - Gutxiengo gaitasunak betetzea. - Ariketak berregitea.

BALIABIDEAK  Konputagailua  Mapa, grafiko eta taula estatistikoak.  Aurkezpenak, blogak, wikiak  Prentsa, aldizkariak, e.a.-etik jasotako berriak.  Internet eta Twinspace. −

 Egindako trukaketak. Adibide bat: −

 Helbide interesgarriak: - - - - - - -

GEHIGARRIAK 0. Dokumentoa: - A Questionnaire A warm up exercise. 1. Dokumentoa and Dokumentoa (bis): - Presentations; European Union information Two digital presentation about European Union: one about Governance and another one about Economic policies 1. 2. Dokumentua: - Europe Maps; Basic activity on geography. 3. Dokumentoa: - Facts and Figures; An exercise on graphic information about the EU 4. Dokumentoa: - Activity; European Languages An activity to learn about the language variety in Europe 5. Dokumentoa: - Activity; Minority Languages An activity to learn about the minority languages of Europe 6. Dokumentoa: - Exercise; To move or not to move An exercise to learn about possibilities in the european mobility 7. Dokumentoa: - Travelling in Europe; A blog on information about our favourite European City 8. Dokumentoa: - Comenius; What about your school? An exercise to learn about different school system in Europe 9. Dokumentua: - A peer assessment; A rubric to evaluate students oral presentations and to learn about peers errors.



- Activity; European Challenges An activity to reflect on the actual situation and problems we confront in the European Union nowadays. 11.


- Self assessment; Oral Presentation Self assessment rubric to asses students about what they need to have in mind while doing their oral presentation 12.


Europe and You;

An activity about everyday importance of the Union.



- Self assessment; A letter to a future student An activity to have a feed-back about “My Europe” unit 14.


- Test; European Union A test on the subject. 15.


- Questionnaire about ELOS; A final assessment activity.

0 Doc.

European What?

Description We will do an introduction exercise about the European Union. We will fill a questionnaire about the Union. And talk about their results and prejudices on the Union.

Objectives  To consider their knowledge about the subject  To reflect on what the EU mean to them

Resources  The Questionnaire

Preparation  As a warm up exercise we don't need preparation

Evaluation  Considering the answers  Asking them

What do I know about the European Union?

Answer the questions with the information you have  When was the European Community established?  Where does the European Parliament meet?  How many countries are there in the European Union?

 Name the capital cities of those Member States?

 Which are the official languages of the EU? Are there any more languages spoken?  When did Spain join the European Union?  Which are the largest and the smallest member states of the EU in terms of size? And in terms of population?

 Name five of the EU institutions?

 What are the symbols of the European Union?

 Which is the main European Union aim?

Organising a discussion on the subject.

2. Doc.

Phisical and Political Europe

Description We will fill a couple of blank maps of Europe. First we will fill a political map to name countries and capital cities, then we will do the same with a physical map of Europe; rivers, mountain ranges, islands, seas...

Objectives To learn European basic geographical facts

Resources  The Physical and Political maps

Preparation  As they learnt in other school subjects about it, preparation is not needed

Evaluation  Considering the correct answers  Asking them about the exercise

3. Doc.

Facts and Figures

Description Students will learn about statistics of EU. From population to health. It will be a starting point to discuss about different aspects of European Union countries. They will chose in couples one of the statistics, and explain it to the rest of the class. Then we can discuss the different aspects.

Objectives To learn concrete EU facts and figures To consider the numeric relation between countries in different aspects To reflect on what the EU achievements are

Resources  “Facts and Figures of the EU” EU document

Preparation  Understand the statistics

Evaluation  Asking about their impressions  Considering their answers

Key facts and figures about Europe and the Europeans The European Union needs no introduction. Over half a century, it has brought political stability and economic prosperity to its citizens. It has created a frontier-free single market and a single currency, the euro. It has reunited a fractured continent. The European Union is a major economic and commercial power and the world’s biggest donor of development aid to poorer countries. Its membership has grown from six to 27 nations, bringing the EU’s population to nearly half a billion. Not all European countries are, or wish to be, EU members — but the Union welcomes membership applications from any democratic European country. It maintains close and friendly relations with all its neighbours, both in Europe and around the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean. For statistical data you can go straight to Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office (

Living in the Eu

Gross domestic product (GDP) varies from country to country within the EU, as does education policy and population growth. Size and population The EU covers over 4 million km² and has 495 million inhabitants — the world’s third largest population after China and India. By surface area, France is the biggest EU country and Malta the smallest. Surface area in thousands of square kilometres Total population Europe’s population is increasing through a combination of natural growth ( more people are born each year than die) and net migration (more people settle EU than leave it). At the same time, the population of Europe is aging as life expectancy increases and fewer children are born. Quality of life Living standards can be compared by measuring the price of a range of goods and services in each country relative to income, using a common notional currency called the purchasing power standard (PPS). Comparing GDP per inhabitant in PPS provides an overview of living standards across the EU. GDP per capita in PPS The EU strives to improve living standards by protecting the environment, encouraging job creation, reducing regional disparities and connecting formerly isolated areas by developing cross-border infrastructure. Regional gross domestic product (PPS per inhabitant as a percentage of the EU-27) Education Education increases the skills of the workforce and puts them in a better position to cope with increasing international competition. The amount of money each country spends on education varies. Public spending on education The EU encourages people to spend time abroad as part of their education. The Erasmus programme for student exchanges has been particularly successful. Students from one EU country studying in another, by host country, EU-27 (2008-2009) Languages Language skills are becoming increasingly important, as globalisation leads to more and more contact with people from other countries. The EU actively encourages the acquisition of language skills from an early age. Percentage of pupils who are learning English, French or German (2007) Attitudes towards the EU Many people believe EU membership is a good thing for their country and that there have been tangible benefits from membership. However, there are large differences between countries, with some more enthusiastic than others. Support for EU membership, as a percentage of persons surveyed, EU-27 ( 2010) Has your country benefited from EU membership? Survey results 1996 to Autumn 2009

4. Doc.

I love, j'aime, Ich liebe, Yo amo...Europa

Description We will work all together to learn about the different languages spoken in the European Union, each one would concentrate in one of them and find a common word to share with the group, you would create a poster with the chosen word.

Objectives To work together in a big group To learn about the different European languages To have fun whilst learning to asses the variety in Europe


 Computers and on line translators  School material: paper, markers, scissors Preparation

 Understanding the importance of the variety of European languages  Learning to use on line translators Evaluation

 Asking students about their experience  Considering the final product of the activity

5. Doc.

European Day of Languages

Description For the European day of Languages we will ask students to make a digital presentation of a minority language spoken in the European Union, explaining a bit of its characteristics, history and nowadays situation. Once it is finished, they will present their work to the rest of the class to learn about their strong and weak points in the oral presentation. Later they will repeat their presentation in another school level.

Objectives To learn about the situation of a minority language To prepare an effective digital presentation To match a presentation to a speech To talk in public

Resources  Computers  Projector

Preparation  Getting information about the minority languages in the web.  Preparing an Speech on the chosen subject.  Making the digital Presentation to help their speech.

Evaluation  Student Self Assessment  Asking students about their experience

Result  The link to our Blog on Minority languages

6. Doc

To move or not to move

Description We will do an exercise about our intentions on going abroad in the future. We will fill a questionnaire about our interests in another European country.

Objectives To consider the possibilities to move within the EU To reflect on the subject

Resources  “Europe's Diary- 2011”  The paper and a pen

Preparation  Learning about the lifelong learning programmes in the EU  possibilities of mobility in the European Union

Evaluation  Considering the answers  Organising a discussion on the subject.

To Move or not to move

Would you move to another country?.............................................................. For which reason(s) would you move to another country? ...................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ................. How long would you like to stay abroad?......................................................................................... Which country would you like it to be?.............................................................................. Note below, the possible benefits of spending a year abroad: ............................................................................................................................................. ......... ............................................................................................................................................. ......... ............................................................................................................................................. .......... ............................................................................................................................................. .......... Note below, the possible difficulties of spending a year abroad: ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ... ..................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ........... Please note a key word associated with each benefit and difficulty, placing the words according to their amplitude (greatest benefits and difficulties on the edges, smallest in the middle of the chart).


Great difficulty ..

Write an essay about moving to another country.

(Exercise taken from “Europe's Diary 2011�)

Great benefit

7. Doc.

Travelling in Europe

Description We will do a relaxing activity, in a group of four people they will write a blog about a visit to an European city. They will look for information about prizes and means of transport, the same with the lodgements. They will prepare a programme of four days in the city, visiting main architectonic buildings , museums and attractions.

Objectives To search about prizes in Europe To consider the possibilities to travel within the EU To learn about European culture and heritage To get confident with Blogs

Resources The Net A blog account

Preparation  Learning about the Blog's operation way  General information about European cities

Evaluation  Considering the final products  Organising a contest among students to choose the most appealing trip

8. Doc.

What about your school?

Description We will learn about a different school system in the European Union. You will create a questionnaire to ask your fellow partners about their school rules, subjects, holidays, timetables, habits... Using the Social network you will recollect the information to write an assessment about differences between both educational systems.

Objectives To work together with the exchange partners To learn about another educational system

Resources Computers Twinspaces platform

Preparation  Understanding the Basque educational system  Learning to use the Twinspaces platform  Learning the suitable vocabulary

Evaluation  Asking students about their experience  Considering the final product for the activity

9. Doc.

Peer Assessment

Name of people doing the Talk................................................................... Task: Your fellow students are going to present the Blog about European Union Challenges, meanwhile you are going to be listening to decide how good he or she is doing it: Read first the following chart and consider the noted aspects. Then, write down the main ideas of their presentation while your partners are talking. After they have finished tick one statement from each line:

Does not look at us

Reads notes all the time

Only pays attention to □ the teacher

Constantly looks at fellows students

Seldom looks at notes □

Knows speech by heart

Deadpan expression

Average gesture

Very Expressive

No interest in the topic

Positive feeling about topic

Enthusiasm on the topic

Broken English

Correct English

Fluent English

Got stuck in their speech

Few pauses in their speech

Kept going confidently

Personal tips to help your classmates improve their oral presentation:

Your name..............................................................................................

10. Doc.

European Union Challenges

Description We will ask students to make a digital presentation of a Challenge for the European Union. We will do a Brainstorm to think on nowadays problems in the Union. We will agree on the subjects to deal with, in couples they will chose a challenge to present to rest of the class(We will be using a “Pecha Kucha” or a Wiki). Students will take notes of their peers explanations, this way they will learn about the EU problems.

Objectives To learn about the real situation in the European Union To prepare an effective digital presentation (Pecha Kucha or Wiki) To match a presentation to a speech To talk in public To summarize from a lecture

Resources Computers Projector

Preparation  Getting information about the EU challenges in the web.  Preparing a Speech on the chosen subject.  Making the digital Presentation (Pecha Kucha or Wiki) to help their speech.

Evaluation  Student Self Assessment  A test on the European Challenges

The result The link to our Wiki 

11. Doc. Criteria/Points

Eye Contact & Gesture





Does not look at fellow Constantly looks at Only focuses attention to students, reads notes fellows and tries to one particular part of the all the time, no gesture to get peoples class, deadpan expression gesticulation. interest.

Enthusiasm and interest

Shows absolutely no interest in the presented topic

Shows some negativity toward presented topic

Demonstrates a positive feeling about topic and manteins interest.

Grammar and Vocabulary

Uses a broken English and a limited vocabulary

Uses ac orrect English, even if repets vocabulary

Uses a proper English structures and a rich varied vocabulary

Time frame

Presentation is clearly less than minimum time

Presentation is more than maximum time

Visual Aid

Completeness of Content

Poor, distracts audience and is hard to read

Some points left out

Adds nothing to presentation

Presentation falls within required time frame

Visual aid enhances presentation, and keeps interest

Majority of points glossed Thoroughly explains all over points

12. Doc.

Europe and you

Description Students will learn about concrete actions the EU takes. It will be a starting point to discuss about what they have learn about the Union and their personal position about it.

Objectives To learn concrete EU policies To consider their improvement in their knowledge about the EU To reflect on what the EU mean to them

Resources Europe and you. A snapshot of EU achievements booklet.

Preparation  Read the papers

Evaluation  Asking about their impressions  Considering their answers

Europe and you A snapshot of EU achievements 2011 edition Have you ever wondered exactly what it is that the European Union does for you? If so, this paper provides the answer with a brief glimpse at a few of the tangible steps the EU has taken in 2010 to make life better and easier. Everything we do is for the citizens of Europe. The EU will continue to place people’s concerns on the political agenda. Mobile phone makers have responded to EU pressure and are switching to a universal standard for chargers Mobile phones are fine — until the battery goes flat and you don’t have your charger with you. No calls. No access to your data or your contacts. Cue a frantic search for a compatible charger. But that will soon be a problem of the past. The European Commission has persuaded mobile phone manufacturers to abandon the wasteful and inefficient system of different chargers for different phones. Thanks to pressure from the Commission, 13 of the leading phone makers agreed on a harmonised system for data-enabled phones sold in the EU. The result on paper is a new technical standard. The result in the shops — and in the pockets and handbags of EU citizens — is that all these phones can be charged with a simple micro-USB Europeans win the right to full translation services if they are involved in a court case anywhere in the EU It is always disconcerting to find yourself on the wrong side of the law — even for minor offences. But it is even more disconcerting when you are in a place where you don’t understand the language used by the police and judicial authorities. This is why the EU has acted to guarantee access to translation and interpretation in criminal proceedings. The new legislation will help people exercise their right to a fair trial anywhere in the EU when they cannot understand the language of the case. Member states are required to provide the service — and to provide it free of charge too. This type of protection is increasingly useful because more and more Europeans travel, study and work outside their home country. And even the most innocent mistake can sometimes lead to a brush with the authorities. The EU makes sure that nature doesn’t suffer from the televisions you no longer need Electronic and electrical equipment often contains materials that are harmful for health or the environment. To help cope with the growing problems presented by this type of waste, the EU strengthened its legislation to restrict the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment and to ban outright the use of the most dangerous ones like lead or mercury. The new rules reinforce requirements for sorting some of the most harmful substances into different waste streams. And parallel legislation in the final stages of negotiation will oblige companies making electronic or electrical goods to design and manufacture their products to make it easier to recycle their components and materials. Out-of-date televisions, video players or old computers don’t just block up your garage or take up useful warehouse space. The EU counters climate change even in the furniture shop It might be a nice-looking set of garden furniture, and a very good price — but is it legal? The EU has brought in tough new rules to make sure that only timber that has been felled legally can be sold in EU countries.

Much of the wood used in the EU is imported. It might be from tropical rain forests, and often from parts of the world where controls on the timber trade are not fully enforced. The risk is that the furniture and construction industries in Europe use wood that has been illegally cut so that it destroys forests. The new rules prevent this, through a system of compulsory certification. This is good for the legal timber trade — particularly in exporting countries where communities that are economically dependent on the forests face unfair competition from illegal operators. And it is good for the forests, many of which play a vital role in maintaining climate stability around the world. Their disappearance through illegal felling risks intensifying climate change. From earthquakes in Haiti to chemical spills in Hungary, the EU moves fast to respond to catastrophes. Some disasters can be prevented and some cannot — but when disaster strikes, the EU moves into action rapidly to help the victims. The EU played a prominent role in the international response to the earthquake in Haiti, supplying shelter, food, medical teams, helicopters to fly out the injured, ships that could land without needing a dockside because the docks had collapsed, and machinery that could move around an island whose roads had subsided. It provided satellite images that helped coordinate assistance on the ground, and backed up recovery with work on a long-term development strategy. Beyond Haiti, EU humanitarian aid has also been provided to millions of victims of natural and man-made disasters throughout the world. New EU rules shelter children from harm, both on the Internet and in the physical world Some 10 to 20 % of children in Europe fall victim to some form of sexual abuse during their childhood. At the same time, the number of websites devoted to child pornography is growing, with an estimated 200 new images put into circulation every day. The Commission proposed more severe punishment for child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and child pornography. The new rules also target ‘grooming’ (befriending children via web chats with the intention of sexually abusing them) and so-called ‘sex tourism’, even when this crime has taken place outside the EU. The Commission also wants more to be done to protect the victims and prevent these offences from happening at all, for instance by giving offenders tailor-made rehabilitation so that they do not abuse again.

13. Doc.

Letter to a future student

Description We will ask students to write a letter to a future student in the class, explaining what you have learned in “My Europe” unit and what you think about the different activities and exercises of the unit, considering their usefulness.

Objectives To consider the work done during the unit To learn about students opinion on the learning process To promote reflection on learning To self asses, through a critic to the unit itself.

Resources Paper and pen

Preparation  Understanding the objectives for the unit  Accomplishing the activities of “My Europe” unit

Evaluation  Student Self Assessment  Asking students about their experience

Letter to a future student Write a letter to a future student in the class, explaining him/her what you have learned this term and what do you think about the different activities and exercises we have done. (Think if any of your experiences might help students in the future, feel free to say what do you really think). ‌........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... 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........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................

14. Doc.

My Europe

Name .......................................................................................................... Colour the countries according to the year they joined the European Union.

Match A. European Commission

a) Represents the EU Member States. Can modify and co-adopt proposals for new laws.


European Parliament

b) Represents the common European interest. Can propose new laws.


European Council

c) Represents the people of the EU. Can modify and co- adopt proposals for new laws.


Council of the European Union

d) Provides political leadership to the EU.

Multiple Choice (encircle the answer) How many countries started the European Community? a. 6 b. 3 c. 4 Which country does not use Euros? a. Italy b. Ireland c. Great Britain What does the expression “Mountauins of Butter & Wine” mean? a. We live in aboundance b. Tipical European products c. Excess production How many countries are there in the European Union? a. 15 b. 27 c. 33 Which one is not a educational program? a. Erasmus b. Comenius c. Goethe True/False Write a “T” or an “F” 1. Members of the European Parliament are appointed by national governments. 2. The European Union was previously known as the European Economic Community. 3. If a national law and a European law conflict, the European Court of Justice has the final word. 4. The last enlargement of the European Union was in 2004. 5. All decisions in the EU are made by unanimous vote. What have you learn about the European challenges ?

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Doc. 15. Questionnaire about ELOS

Answer next questions for a self-assessment on the project Underline the chosen answer 1. Has your knowledge about the a European Union different cultures and problems increased? -None -Very little knowledge -To some extent -Yes a lot 2. Has the project improved your language skills in general? -Not at all -To some extent -Quite a bit -To a large extent 3. Do you feel more confident using English after participating in this project? - No, more insecure -There is no difference – Yes, definitely 4. Has taking part in the exchange had a positive effect on your oral English? - No

- Not Sure

- To some extent

-Yes clearly

5. And on a third language? - No

- Not Sure

- To some extent

-Yes clearly

6. Do you feel your social skills have improved as a result of the contact with other European schools? -Not really - Did not socialize much -Yes definitely 7. Did participating in this ELOS project make you more motivated for school work and language studies? No

- No apparent connection


8. Grade from 1 (not at all) to 4 (very much) how much you enjoyed‌ Project activities The group work The Exchange Staying with the families

1 1 1 1

2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4

9. What is your dearest memory from the visit to your exchange partner’s country?

10. What is your favourite memory from the project activities?

11. Sum up your experiences with this project. Would you recommend other students taking part in a ELOS Project? Would you like to participate in a new project.

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