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Freelance Journalist


By Caroline Whiteley

What was the module you liked the most?

The director of my masters was a woman called Connie St Louis, and she was a very inspiring educator and mentor to a lot of us on the course. She had a background in radio, and used to work at the BBC, so most modules were radio production ones. She was an amazing teacher across the whole course, but I think in radio particularly she was just so encouraging. Every two weeks we used to make a news radio show. We’d end up staying really late in the studio with Connie and another tutor called Toby Murcott, and you could just really feel the passion they both had for radio.

How would you describe the current media climate in regards to the trans community?

The state of the media when it comes to reporting on trans people is incredibly depressing, and contributing a lot of real world harm. Like many people in the trans community right now, I am in the process of grieving for Brianna Ghey, who was recently murdered. I think the media has played a role in hostile attitudes towards trans people across the UK. As someone who is both trans and in the media, it is a thorny and sometimes challenging position.

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