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AMERICAN GOLDFINCH (Spinus tristi s)
WHI TE P INE (Pin us str obu AME sL RIC .) AN ELM (Ul mu sa me ric an a)
Designing the Rail Corridor to improve human and environmental health
Technical Report
A report by Dr N JEREMIJENKO & Doctors Without Disciplinary Borders
NEWair · NEWair: can we design urban infrastructure to improve air quality, human and envioronmental health? Can Public Display of High Resolution Air Circulation Promote Intelligent Participatory Engagement to address Public Health and improve enviro? · What is No Regrets GEOENGINEERING? And how does it building soil and co-generating CLEAN ENERGY from urban waste?
High Medium Low · Who how where why to engineer natural systems? · Why not just preserve and protect nature? · Why is mutualistic systems design an important paradigm, and who benefits? · Design for defense vs generative design: t beyond the preservation? · What is the natural systems situation and what are the most powerful possibilities? · Leaf Area Index: why it matters and how has Singapore Greenwasher · Ground area comparison of urban parks internationally · Why is Singapore the most greewashed nation in the world and what metrics really matter? · CLOUDxTREE: how can we couple LEAF area index to data storage to make the new AI? · HIGHxTECH: Can we upgrade ELEVATORS and couple vertical transport to air circulation? · Can the Macroscope towers filled with intensified high-rise epiphytes and understory organisms create an actually biodiverCITY? · What is the LEAF Area required to process urban air? · How much energy can we generate with xELEVATORS and integrated plasma arc pyrolysis (iPAP)? · Why do we need primer on distributed local power? · MEDIUMxTECH: how can we define and create the most productive urban ecosystem in the world? · LOWxTECH: why are wetlands the hydrological controls to driver above ground storage? How do we use these as both biodiversity hotspots, and effective industrial contaminant digestion? · Can we use the Global and Regional Circulation to drive NEWair?
Powered by Pollinators · Powered by Pollinators · Can we face beetles, insects and the Global Pollinator Crisis now? · Why are pollinators the lever arm of global biodiversity? · What is the Math of Mutualism and how is this different from Malthusian Population Dynamics? · What is the software for socio-ecological algorithms and runtime environmental transformations? · How is MOTHxCINEMA a cultural venue for new composition and what is a cross-species stereo? · BUTTERFLYxBRIDGE and the Cross Speciea xTable, urban transportation infrastructure for pollinator and food systems design. · The eyes,: how to make a caterpillar face? How to raise from eggs? What about the social and anti-social bees? · Mutualistic Systems: crossspecies marriage and the cogenerating plants for crosspolliontin · Plan Bee and The Great Particptoay Pollinator Projects · What are the New Aesops Fables?
xCLINIC, Doctors without Disciplinary Borders and me · xCLINIC, Doctors without Disciplinary Borders, and me · What is Benefit Benefit analysis and how do I benefit from this? · How do I nominate someone for the Doctors without Disciplinary Borders? · What does the social diffusion matrix mean in the Doctors without Disciplinary Borders logo and why do I need to understand network dynamics? · How do I earn an honorary doctorate? · How is the science of citizen so different to the citizen science? · Can I become a FLORISTA? · Who are the Local Nominees?
NEWair applies the best available technology to improve urban air quality and address the predominant human health risk impacting the cardiovascular health of every Singaporean: ultra fine particulate pollution from port, vehicle and other regional sources.
NEWair initiates a geoengineering mega infrastructure for the wet tropics using Afforestation and BioChar (xABC) and the Great Participatory Pollinator Project to enhance the extraordinary productivity of these natural systems and develop urban infrastructure that increases biodiversity, improves water and air quality and generates CLEAN energy. In contrast and powerful compliment to the regulatory approaches included REDD+ and Clean Development Mechanisms NEWair develops a participatory facility and public asset in its own right, demonstrating leadership in mutualistic systems design, innovations to develop public health and powerful use local assets to address international climate concerns.
Ultrafine particles in cities, Prashant Kumar, Lidia Morawska, Wolfram Birmili, Pauli Paasonen, Min Hu, Markku Kulmala, Roy M. Harrison, Leslie Norford, Rex Britter. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS), University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom; Environmental Flow (EnFlo) Research Centre, FEPS, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom; International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George Street, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia; Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, PermoserstraĂ&#x;e 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany; Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, 00014 Helsinki, Finland; nternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria; State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; Division of Environmental Health & Risk Management, School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom; Department of Environmental Sciences / Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia; Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA 02139, USA; Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2015. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ article/pii/S016041201400018X?np=y
NEWair telltale ribbon display appropriates blank urban surfaces to create a widespread realtime monitoring of air circulation and boundary layer structure. Signaling the dynamic processes in situ at high resolution invites public attention, and intelligent responses to improve our relationship to natural systems and our health.
A recent Oxford University report3 compares available negative emission technology (NETs) and argues that the most effective form of geo-engineering and atmospheric manipulation is the combination of reafforestation and soil building with BioChar (xABC).
Singapore is in of the most productive ecosystem in the world and can be designed to showcase, celebrate and enhance this productivity in the new paradigm designing natural systems. Tropical rainforests account for one-third of the total metabolic activity of the Earth’s land surface1 and over 50% of all carbon dioxide absorbed annually, yet are rapidly changing under global climate destabilization2, even as they play an increasingly critical role in addressing climate change.
Technology is greatly enhanced in the wet tropics because of the tremendous productivity—more than any other ecosystem, and because the main limit to growth are soil nutrients. Counter-intuitively urban forests or those closely with urban systems can easily and immediately be enriched by coupling to the urban waste stream facilitating a rapidly response to the climate challenges. Nowhere is more geographically suitable than the dense urban conditions of Singapore. The SRC provide Singapore a critical opportunity for global leadership in the developing a forest-based urban venue that demonstrates that natural systems can be designed effectively to create high value urban infrastructure and improve human and environmental health. Unlike other proposed responses to climate change, such as spraying sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere or fertilizing the ocean to counter acidification, building soil and forest health is relatively inexpensive and a science driven “noregrets approach”(NR NETs) that produces tremendous co-benefits including clean energy production, building and increasing biodiversity, air quality improvements and human and non human health improvements.
The productivity, metabolism and carbon cycle of tropical forest vegetation Yadvinder Malhi* School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK 1
2014 Recent changes in tropical forest biomass and dynamics OLIVER L. PHILLIPS and SIMON L. LEWIS University of Leeds and University College London http://www.rainfor.org/upload/publication-store/2014/Phillips/Phillips_Lewis_2014_Tropical_Forest_Biomass_Dynamics_CoomesBurslemSimonson_BES_ Ch.%204.pdf focuses on “the changes occurring within remaining tropical forests. Most forest vegetation carbon stocks lie within the tropics. Tropical forests store 460 billion tonnes of carbon in their biomass and soil (Pan et al. 2011), equivalent to more than half the total atmospheric stock, and annually process 40 billion tonnes (Beer et al. 2010). They have other planetary influences via the hydrological cycle, and emit aerosols and trace gases, and they are also characterised by their exceptional variety and diversity of life. Changes to tropical forests therefore matter for several key reasons. First, the critical role that tropical forests play in the global carbon and hydrological cycles affects the rate and nature of climate change. Second, as tropical forests Forests and Global Change, ed. David A. Coomes, David F. R. P. Burslem and William D. Simonson. Published by Cambridge University Press. © British Ecological Society 2014. are home to at least half of all Earth’s species, changes to these forests have an impact on global biodiversity and the cultures, societies and economies that are bound to this diversity (Groombridge & Jenkins 2003). Finally, as different plant species vary in their ability to store and process carbon, climate and biodiversity changes are linked by feedback mechanisms (e.g. Lewis 2006). The identities of the ‘winner’ species under environmental changes might enhance, or perhaps mitigate, human-driven climate change. 2
http://www.smithschool.ox.ac.uk/research-programmes/stranded-assets/Stranded%20Carbon%20Assets%20and%20NETs%20-%2006.02.15.pdf First, ‘no-regrets’ NETs (NR NETs), which are characterised by low upfront capital costs, co-benefits (such as enhanced soil fertility), no CCS dependence, economic and environmental co-benefits, and fewer uncertainties, include afforestation, soil carbon improvements, and biochar. Even considering the potential for limited release of stored carbon in the future, they are the most promising NETs between now and 2050. To the extent that NR NETs create additional carbon budget, this should be reserved for the residual emissions (emissions after feasible mitigation actions) from important, but ‘stubborn’ nonpoint source emitters like agriculture and aviation. It is possible that NR NETs will have a niche role by 2050 offsetting these difficult to mitigate emissions sources. Policymakers and the owners and operators of assets in the relevant sectors should work together to maximise NR NETs deployment, minimise residual emissions from stubborn sectors, and develop plausible deployment pathways. 3
NEWair uses Afforestation and BioCHAR (xABC) and other waste2energy processes to MAXIMIZE LEAF AREA, BUILD SOIL and GENERATE CLEAN ENERGY Afforestation by manual planting is slow, expensive, and ineffective in developing the networked community structures and dense mutualism that characterize resilient and productive natural systems. Afforestation by manual planting is slow, expensive, and does not create the complex communities that characterize resilient and productive natural systems.
By coupling the rapid reproduction of pollinators and the insect dependence of lowland dipterocarp forests for plant reproduction to the wide public commitment to address the global pollinator crisis, the amphibian species extinction crisis, repopulate birds and charismatic organisms we create an effective socio-ecological algorithm: THE GREAT PARTICIPATORY POLLINATOR PROJECT
Cooling Effect of Shade Trees with Different Characteristics in a Subtropical Urban Park, Bau-Show Lin and Yann-Jou Lin, Department of Horticulture, National Taiwan University, No. 138, Sec. 4, Keelung Road, Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan, 2010, http://hortsci.ashspublications.org/content/45/1/83. full. Leaf thickness also affects the cooling effect of trees . When the leaf thickness was classified into two categories (thick or thin), thick-leafed “trees” had a greater cooling effect in one regression analysis (data not shown). When the leaf thickness was measured in millimeters, a significant regression was also obtained. Foliage density of the canopy as measured by LAI ranked second in importance of tree characteristics for the cooling effect of a “tree”. LAI has been reported to affect the cooling properties of plants (Kumar and Kaushik, 2005; Takakura et al., 2000; Tanaka and Hashimoto, 2006). Larger LAI also had greater evaporation (Rey, 1999) as well as greater transpiration of leaves of the plant canopy (Granier, 1996; Rey, 1999). Both evaporation and transpiration dissipate heat.Shashua-Bar and Hoffman (2000) found that a partial shaded area (PSA) under the tree canopy was a major factor to determine cooling effect of the tree; and they used PSA in estimating the effect of trees on the contribution of direct solar radiation to air temperature variances (Shashua-Bar and Hoffman, 2002). LAI represents foliage density, which includes not only PSA, but also leaf area taking into account multilayers of leaves forming the canopy. Evaluation od four methodsfor estimating leaf area of insolated trees, Paula J.Peper and Gregory McPherson, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Davis, USA, 2003. http://www.fs.fed.us/psw/programs/uesd/uep/products/cufr_414_leaf-area.pdf Rising CO2 levels are changing how fast forests cycle water Ben Poulter, David Frank, 2015. http://theconversation.com/rising-co2-levels-are-changing-how-fast-forests-cycle-water-40746 jdjdjdbooks?hl=en&lr=&id=CYEfCgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA298&dq=distributed+local+energy+production+small+scale+pyrolytic+gasification+biochar&ots=Vpzy6Zz8U7&sig=R6aJVEYUwbevu6S0iMM52dMMjxA#v=onepage&q&f=false
to improve human and environmental health to increase biodiversity to address climate crisis with productive design not carbon budgets
Integrating living systems into HIGH MEDIUM LOW of urban infrastructure; exploiting and creating urban airflow; xABC and other clean local energy generation (elevators) and The Great Participatory Pollinator Project manum, et; hostrace te poentilictu stabempl.
see xCLINIC & Doctors without Disciplinary Borders: Chapter 4: Mutualistic Systems Design Methodology
The geospecif ic productivity of Wet Tropics; · urban proximity and soil augmenting technology --the byproducts of what could become profitable waste-to-energy enterprises; · insect-dependent pollination and; · complex canopy structure and extreme air filtering performance capacity can be quickly adapted to initiate an effective NEWair facility that redefines the value of forest ecosystems, initiates natural systems engineering for mutualistic benefits and demonstrates a productive response to the Anthropocene. Table 1: Natural reservoir hosts and susceptible hosts involved in transmission of a selection of emerging zoonotic viral disease, From Studying immunity to zoonotic diseases in the natural host — keeping it real. Andrew G. D. Bean, Michelle L. Baker, Cameron R. Stewart, Christopher Cowled, Celine Deffrasnes, Lin-Fa Wang & John W. Lowenthal. Nature Reviews Immunology 13. 2013 http://www.nature.com/nri/journal/v13/n12/fig_tab/nri3551_T1.html Influence of vertical and mechanical transmission on the dynamics of dengue disease, Lourdes Esteva, Cristobal Vargas. Volume 167, Issue 1, September 2000, Pages 51–64. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025556400000249 Spatial Patterns and Socioecological Drivers of Dengue Fever Transmission in Queensland, Australia, Wenbiao Hu, Archie Clements, Gail Williams, Shilu Tong, Kerrie Mengersen. 2011. http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/1003270/ Ecosystem approaches to human health, http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-311X2001000700015 Abstract The promotion of human health must be embedded in the wider pursuit of ecosystem health. Interventions will be impaired if ecosystem-linked determinants of health are not taken into account. In the extreme case, if ecosystems lose their capacity for renewal, society will lose life support services. Essential features of ecosystem health are the capacity to maintain integrity and to achieve reasonable and sustainable human goals. An ecosystem approach to research and management must be transdisciplinary and assure participation of stakeholders. These requisites provide a means for science to better deal with the complexity of ecosystems, and for policy-makers and managers to establish and achieve reasonable societal goals. The ecosystem approach can determine links between human health and activities or events which disturb ecosystem state and function. Examples are: landscape disturbance in agriculture, mining, forestry, urbanization, and natural disasters. An understanding of these links can provide guidance for management interventions and policy options that promote human health. An ecosystem approach to management must be adaptive because of irreducible uncertainty in ecosystem function. Key words Ecosystem; Public Health; Health Emerging zoonotic viral diseases L.-F. Wang, G. Crameri. Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Geelong, Duke–National University of Singapore Graduate Medical Schoo. 2014 http://www.oie.int/doc/ged/D14089.PDF Bats and Viruses: Friend or Foe? James W. Wynne, Lin-Fa Wang. 2013. http://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1003651 One Health and paradigms of public biobanking, Dr Benjamin Capps, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine 2013 http://jme.bmj.com/content/41/3/258.short
Tropical Forests are not The specific characteristics of the Rail Corridor’s natural systems define the global and local importance are as follows:
the turbo productivity of the wet tropics Tropical Forests are not limited by solar or precipitation resources, like most other ecosystems. The limit to growth in these ecosystems is soil. Soil nutrients area leached and depleted by the constant precipitation. Of the factors limiting growth, soil building and soil microbial diversity is relatively easily addressed with biochar and anaerobic digest--both also waste to energy processes. The Habitat is proximal to urban center where plentiful organic and cellulosic materials are available to cycle into the forest ecosystem, Therefore, by focusing on adding soil nutrients it is possible to create the most productive forest ecosystem in the world in terms of biomass production, carbon sequestration and measurable biodiversity. insect dependent plant reproduction cycles
insect dependent plant reproduction cycles
Complex canopy structure
Disease emergence in tropics
The plant reproduction cycle of wet tropics is critically dependent on pollinators, Wind pollination dominates in temperate forests which doesn’t work because of the humidity and density of foliage in tropical context. However, the insect dependency can be the basis of a process to achieve significant repopulation and regeneration leveraging pollinator reproduction. This strategy builds on the complex phenological associations and may be uniquely effective in the Wet Tropics exactly because of this insect-dependence over wind-based. Given the rapid lifecycle and r-strategy reproductive power of pollinators we predict that within a single season, by focusing on pollinators, we can increase and augment amphibian, small mammals and fledgling survival in addition to increasing plant reproduction and diversity.
The tremendous diversity of plant species in this system the leaf area index (LAI) is high. LAI captures the complexity of the canopy in a simple ratio of the total leaf surface area over one square meter--temperate forests LAI is approx. 6-12; tropical rain forest LAI range from 22-49. Any and all air quality improvements, carbon sequestering and oxygen production are directly related to this LAI and the photosynthesis and particulate capture that occur on the leaf membrane. Given that the number ONE risk to human health is air pollution—prematurely killing more people than Aids, Malaria and other infectious diseases combined; implicated in diabetes, obesity and breast cancer epidemics—NEWair—in a regional system represents potentially the most powerful air filter in the word. The local and distal benefits are enjoyed by all species, humans included..
Geographically Singapore is situated in the hotbed of new disease emergence. The last 30 years have seen a rise in emerging infectious diseases in humans and over 70% of these are zoonotic. Most infections disease experts agree that the source of the next human pandemic is likely to be zoonotic. One Health approaches at the human-animal-ecosystem interface is increasingly critical for disease investigation, prevention and control. While fragmented degraded ecosystems are associated with disease emergence, a healthy, biodiverse and productive habitat is the best technology to prevent pathogenicity and zoonotic disease emergence. The unusual productivity and diversity of the wet tropics we can be exploited to quickly address this risk.
1-6 10-22 Temperate Forests Urban parks and Woodlands Green Streets Current SRC sections 10-22 1-6
22-49 Wet Tropics Dipterocarp Forests 22-49
Mapping of forest leaf area index (LAI) using airborne LiDAR data in an urban park, Shinjyuku Gyoen, Tokyo Hiroshi P. Sato, Nihon University. 2008. http:// www.researchgate.net/publication/271395962_Mapping_of_forest_leaf_area_index_(LAI)_using_airborne_LiDAR_data_in_an_urban_park_Shinjyuku_Gyoen_ Tokyo The urban heat island effect has become a concern. Toward measures against this phenomenon, it is important to quantify the heat energy exchanged between green areas and urbanized areas. LAI is used to estimate the quantity of heat energy exchanged between vegetation and the air, and it is onsite-measured directly by leaf sampling or indirectly by fish-eye image, which makes it difficult to perform in wide areas. Light detection and ranging (LiDAR), a laser-based remote sensing tool, is the most convenient way of measuring the horizontal and vertical distribution of leaf volume. The authors used LiDAR to map forest LAI in Shinjyuku Gyoen Park (0.8 km2), Tokyo, on a 5-m grid. Before mapping, the penetration efficiencies (percent of laser beams reflected by the ground) were determined from LiDAR data. From the calculated penetration efficiencies, a correlation equation (R2=0.75) was obtained between indirectly measured LAI (LAI=0.2-2.9 in forest) and the penetration efficiency for the park. Next, using the correlation equation, the penetration efficiency for the park was converted to LAI, and finally forest LAI was mapped. If forest LAI can be mapped for multiple areas in Tokyo, the currently available models can be used with greater accuracy for estimating the quantity of heat energy exchange of green areas. Tropical Urban Heat Islands: Climate, Buildings and Greenery, Nyuk Hien Wong, Yu Chen 2008. https://books.google.com/books?id=U1J_AgAAQBAJ&dq=leaf+area+index+urban+parks+LAI&source=gbs_navlinks_s
Leaf Area Index (LAI) is a dimensionless ratio of the surface area of leaves over one square meter of earth. Leaf Area Index (LAI)
“... the most complex ecosystem on earth ... the tropical rain forest is one thousand times more biologically complex than the tropical reef system, the second most complex system on earth, with one million times greater biodiversity than our own ecosystem here.� Mike Robinson, Director of National Zoo and Doctor without Disciplinary Borders
24km 8km 2
DESIGNING THE MOST PRODUCTIVE URBAN ECOSYSTEM IN THE WORLD INTERGRATING LIVING SYSTEMS, CLEAN ENERGY PRODUCTION AND MUTUALISM INTO THE HIGH MEDIUM LOW INFRASTRUCUTRE Air is our fundamental environmental commons and shared resource. The current built environment and urban infrastructure degrades our air to distribute food transport people, goods, and waste. This is a not inevitable. We can use the opportunity of smart city technology to transform elevators into energy generate, reverse the urban heat island effect and incorporate vegetation to change the thermal performance and air quality of densely inhabited cities. Density increases productivity of many organisms if coupled into mutualistic systems. That is, the very definition of mutualisms are organisms that do better (higher growth, reproduction or survival) in the presence of their associated mutualistic organisms. Mutualism predominates natural systems and can be designed in urban biodiversity, or BiodiverCITY.
Since Alfred Russell Wallace pondered the megabiodiversity of Singaporean beetles, evolutionary theory has focussed on speciation more than complex dynamic associations. Most educated people understand evolution through predator prey relationships or parasitism competition for resources as selective forces, and can‘t account for the over 95% of the worlds biomass that is constituted of mutualists. For example all forests, coral reefs, flower-insect pollination assemblages are mutualists and selection works on the basis of these relationships. Hence common design goals: reduce food miles, prevent pollution or decrease petrochemical dependence, are necessary but insuffi cient. We can design urban infrastructure to INCREASE biodiversity, improve air quality and human and environmental health.
City Forest
Central Park
· Elevator Pitch
· A DESIGNED INTENSIFIED URBAN FOREST (aka the most productive ecosystem in the world) using Bukit Timah Spillover Ultrasonic MOTHxCINEMA
· Every-Drop Local Cycle Dynamics
· High Resolution Vector Fields · Macroscope Vertical Tours of Wet Tropical Systems
· Great Participatory Pollinator Projects
· Understory Vegetation
· xABDistributed Local
· Lower 5 of 7 layers in Dipterocarp Forests
· Waste 2 Energy: BioCHAR Anerobic Digestion
· Fungus-Orchid-Wasp Assemblages
· Bioaugmentation of wetland microbial systems · Intensified innovative wetland agriculture
Dist geneributed ener rates n Plasma gy fr o-e A om p missi rc Pyro aper on cl lysis was ean te
incr air q easing uali the ty im LEA prov F AR eme EA a nd nt
Why is a NEWair ribbon installation on BARREN URBAN SURFACES a critical and mesmerizing PUBLIC EXPERIMENT to display the wondrous and complex dynamics of shared urban air? Public experiments: why seizing public attention to the number one human health risk works better than didactic awareness campaigns: collective convivial learning informed by high standards of evidence (implementing the dewey view of education and political participation, using the best descriptive science to indoor the design challenges)
Supervised: Drawings:
es for portation
Natalie Jeremijenko Fran Gallardo
Elevators Electric Vehicles for Vertical Transportation Chimney
HIGHxVEGETATION megadiverse understory vegetation characterisitic of wet tropics had high shade tolerance, low nutrient demand. Therefore incorporation into
Ti >> To
The worst air quality is most often at “stroller height”.
Summer nights
Ti >> To
30% higher
THE HIGH ELEVATOR PITCH: elevators define urban skyline and now smart sensors can dramatically improve environmental performance. Controlleable smart vents can isolate a shaft in the event of fire but facilitate air circulation the bulk of the time. We no longer have to isolate the central shafts of buildings to prevent the propagation of flames or smoke. The reverse. In addition to improving building performance and HVAC design these xELEVATORS can radically change the vertical air exchange in urban environments
urban structures does not require significant soil mass and the dense leaf and shade without the structural load of conventional buildings. Upgrading elevators takes the Gen2 machineroomless elevators which are already 75% more efficient and in extends their shaft and travel above the building 15-30% higher than the building itself. This produces the view and realizes and extends the fundamental asset of realestate: city views. However, this also tips the balance so that the additional free-fall increases the energy captured from regenerative braking in the vertical electric vehicles and transforms the elevator into a power plant for the building. These extended elevators through fire code engineering can now exploit thermal differential passively created by
built environment and capture energy more efficiently. We reclaim the shaft effect--the fundamental technology of architecture. Mainly because of the greenhouse effect--a glass box on building--it heats up and that pulls the air through. So that’s where we get the approximately proportion of the elevator head. To produces clean energy in the form of syngas we integrate building cycles diverting urban waste into building energy. Energy generation in the city is only possible if it is emissionless, clean and high density, hence the plasma arc pyrolysis at building a block scale can cycle the cellists waste without distribution and very low handling costs. No emissions. Clean waste 2 energy will become an essential intergrated infrastructure.
Microwave plasma gasification of oil palm biochar, Alex Yong Kwang Tan, Nyuk Hien Wong, This article belongs to the Special Issue Energy Efficient Buildings and Green Buildings, 2012, http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/6/1/145
of y t i lex the p m y co ergy in p o an n en c use d a n n e a a l um ea ces c r h a t ita eaf produ b l a e h ize tem imizforest: x m i a ax osys d m land m n ; a e il p low st rse ec o a s w d buil terocaryngas urban gadive dip m of s cycle of me for rt and ctivity dive produ and
powered by the great participatory pollinator project
ever proc y-drop cycl esses for lo and es by d ; damp cal bio eph evapot esigni en the geoche growemeral ranspi ng sub wet-d mical in ab th res marsh ration base, ry dige ove gr ponse syste in vern seepag with st indu ound ws and mms to i al and e n ana stri erob al co ater stoaximize crease ic pr ntam rage hab it oce inan sses ts; dynam at build ics; soil
NEWair inputs and outputs: lignocellulosic waste (paper, magazines etc) for distributed small scale plume pyrolysis to produce biochar for soil building and clean energy in the form of syngas : high density energy particularly good for cooking food waste for anaerobic digestion to produce anaerobic digest for soil building (less volume and no CO2 emissions cf composting) food waste (mussel, oyster and other shellfish waste) for chitin derivatives to exploit the distributed water treatment in natural systems; immobilize heavy metals
distributed wetlands design to make “every drop” available for local biogeochemical processes, dampen the wet-dry cycles to increase growth responses;
Sustainable Technologies for Small-Scale Biochar Production—A Review Hussein Kisiki Nsamba1,2,3*, Sarah E. Hale4, Gerard Cornelissen4, Robert Thomas Bachmann1 1 Malaysian Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering Technology (MICET), Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2 Section of Industrial Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda 3 Invention Plus Limited, Kampala, Uganda 4 Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo, Norway Email: * hnsamba@cns.mak.ac.ug Received 11 February 2015; accepted 1 March 2015; published 5 March 2015 Charcoal has found enormous application in both agriculture (AKA biochar) and other sectors. Despite its potential benefits, small scale technologies relevant for its production remain a challenge. Technologies striking a balance between user friendliness, energy efficiency, ease of adaptation and limited emissions could easily be integrated into the local community for the sustainable production of biochar answering both technical and socio-economic aspects. These technologies can be customized to recover the produced heat alongside biochar and the producer gas. The purpose of this work is to review the state of the art in small scale technologies, their associated risks and challenges as well as research gaps for future work. Factors affecting biochar production have been discussed and temperature is known to heavily influence the biomass to biochar conversion process. Based on the reviewed work, there is a need to develop and promote sustainable and efficient technologies that can be integrated into biochar production systems. There is also further need to develop portable, economically viable technologies that could be integrated into the biochar production process without compromising the quality of produced biochar. Such technologies at midscale level can be channeled into conventional small scale farmer use in order that the farmers can process their own biochar. Microwave plasma gasification of oil palm biochar, N. Ismail, G. S. Ho, N. A. S. Amin, F. N. Ani, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Why is distributed local power production perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT CONCEPT IN URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE? Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia; January 2015, http://www.jurnalteknologi.utm.my/index.php/ jurnalteknologi/article/view/4827. Conventional pressurized gasification operates at higher pressure than atmospheric pressure and requires heat up time during startup. In this study, microwave plasma gasification was used to compensate this problem. The objectives of this paper is to investigate the CO2 microwave gasification of EFB and OPS biochar, and optimizing the char reaction rate through the addition of activated carbon as the microwave absorber. A microwave plasma gasification test rig was designed to produce syngas from oil palm biochar. From the study, it was found that EFB char performed better than OPS char as gasification fuel due to its high porosity and surface area that increased the char reactivity towards CO2. The temperature increment promoted by the addition of MW absorber using activated carbon (AC) has increased the CO composition. The optimum condition for microwave plasma char gasification of EFB was 3 lpm with 25 wt% AC that produced syngas with 1.23 vol% CH4, 20.88 vol% CO2, 43.83 vol% CO, 34.06 vol% H2 and 9.40 MJ/kg gas CV. For OPS is at 2 lpm with 1.12 vol% CH4, 35.11 vol% CO2, 35.42 vol% CO, 28.35 vol% H2 and 7.32 MJ/kg gas CV. As EFB char has larger BET surface areas and larger pores than OPS char, the ability to react with the gasifying gas is better than the OPS. Thus, resulting in higher carbon conversion. The best gasification efficiency was 72.34% at 3 lpm, 10% AC for EFB biochar plasma gasification with 12% unreacted carbon. For OPS biochar plasma gasification, the best gasification efficiency was 69.09% at 2 lpm, 10% AC with 18% unreacted carbon. Gasification biochar as a valuable by-product for carbon sequestration and soil amendment, Veronika Hansena, Dorette Müller-Stövera, Jesper Ahrenfeldta, Jens Kai Holmb, Ulrik Birk Henriksena, Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsenc, January 2015, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ pii/S0961953414004693 •Biomass gasification can combine efficient bioenergy production with valuable biochar residuals for soil improvements. •The two investigated gasification biochars are recalcitrant indicating soil carbon sequestration potential. •Gasification biochars are potential soil improvers due to high specific surface area, liming effect and low PAH content. Thermal gasification of various biomass residues is a promising technology for combining bioenergy production with soil fertility management through the application of the resulting biochar as soil amendment …. Results from scanning electron microscopy and BET analyses showed high porosity and specific surface area of both GBs, indicating a high potential to increase important soil quality parameters such as soil structure, nutrient and water retention, especially for WGB. These results seem promising regarding the possibility to combine an efficient bioenergy production with various soil aspects such as carbon sequestration and soil quality improvements.
Patterns in hydraulic architecture from roots to branches in six tropical tree species from cacao agroforestry and their relation to wood density and stem growth. Kotowska MM, Hertel D, Rajab YA, Barus H, Schuldt B Plant Ecology and Ecosystems Research, Albrecht von Haller Institute for Plant Sciences, University of Göttingen, Göttingen Germany. Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulaku University, Palu Indonesia. 2015 For decades it has been assumed that the largest vessels are generally found in roots and that vessel size and corresponding sapwood area-specific hydraulic conductivity are acropetally decreasing toward the distal twigs. However, recent studies from the perhumid tropics revealed a hump-shaped vessel size distribution. Worldwide tropical perhumid forests are extensively replaced by agroforestry systems often using introduced species of various biogeographical and climatic origins. Nonetheless, it is unknown so far what kind of hydraulic architectural patterns are developed in those agroforestry tree species and which impact this exerts regarding important tree functional traits, such as stem growth, hydraulic efficiency and wood density (WD). We investigated wood anatomical and hydraulic properties of the root, stem and branch wood in Theobroma cacao and five common shade tree species in agroforestry systems on Sulawesi (Indonesia); three of these were strictly perhumid tree species, and the other three tree species are tolerating seasonal drought. The overall goal of our study was to relate these properties to stem growth and other tree functional traits such as foliar nitrogen content and sapwood to leaf area ratio. Our results confirmed a hump-shaped vessel size distribution in nearly all species. Drought-adapted species showed divergent patterns of hydraulic conductivity, vessel density, and relative vessel lumen area between root, stem and branch wood compared to wet forest species. Confirming findings from natural old-growth forests in the same region, WD showed no relationship to specific conductivity. Overall, aboveground growth performance was better predicted by specific hydraulic conductivity than by foliar traits and WD. Our study results suggest that future research on conceptual trade-offs of tree hydraulic architecture should consider biogeographical patterns underlining the importance of anatomical adaptation mechanisms to environment.. Functional Traits and Water Transport Strategies in Lowland Tropical Rainforest Trees. Apgaua DM, Ishida FY, Tng DY, Laidlaw MJ, Santos RM, Rumman R, Eamus D, Holtum JA, Laurance SG. Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil; Centre for Tropical, Environmental, and Sustainability Sciences, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Centre for Tropical, Environmental, and Sustainability Sciences, College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts,Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil. School of the Environment, University of Technology, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Understanding how tropical rainforest trees may respond to the precipitation extremes predicted in future climate change scenarios is paramount for their conservation and management. Tree species clearly differ in drought susceptibility, suggesting that variable water transport strategies exist. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we examined the hydraulic variability in trees in a lowland tropical rainforest in north-eastern Australia. We studied eight tree species representing broad plant functional groups (one palm and seven eudicot mature-phase, and early-successional trees). We characterised the species’ hydraulic system through maximum rates of volumetric sap flow and velocities using the heat ratio method, and measured rates of tree growth and several stem, vessel, and leaf traits. Sap flow measures exhibited limited variability across species, although early-successional species and palms had high mean sap velocities relative to most mature-phase species. Stem, vessel, and leaf traits were poor predictors of sap flow measures. However, these traits exhibited different associations in multivariate analysis, revealing gradients in some traits across species and alternative hydraulic strategies in others. Trait differences across and within tree functional groups reflect variation in water transport and drought resistance strategies. These varying strategies will help in our understanding of changing species distributions under predicted drought scenarios. Comparative hydraulic architecture of tropical tree species representing a range of successional stages and wood density. McCulloh KA, Meinzer FC, Sperry JS, Lachenbruch B, Voelker SL, Woodruff DR, Domec JC. Department of Wood Science and Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Plant hydraulic architecture (PHA) has been linked to water transport sufficiency, photosynthetic rates, growth form and attendant carbon allocation. Despite its influence on traits central to conferring an overall competitive advantage in a given environment, few studies have examined whether key aspects of PHA are indicative of successional stage, especially within mature individuals. While it is well established that wood density (WD) tends to be lower in early versus late successional tree species, and that WD can influence other aspects of PHA, the interaction of WD, successional stage and the consequent implications for PHA have not been sufficiently explored. Here, we studied differences in PHA at the scales of wood anatomy to whole-tree hydraulic conductance in species in early versus late successional Panamanian tropical forests. Although the trunk WD was indistinguishable between the successional groups, the branch WD was lower in the early successional species. Across all species, WD correlated negatively with vessel diameter and positively with vessel packing density. The ratio of branch:trunk vessel diameter, branch sap flux and whole-tree leaf-specific conductance scaled negatively with branch WD across species. Pioneer species showed greater sap flux in branches than in trunks and a greater leaf-specific hydraulic conductance, suggesting that pioneer species can move greater quantities of water at a given tension gradient. In combination with the greater water storage capacitance associated with lower WD, these results suggest these pioneer species can save on the carbon expenditure needed to build safer xylem and instead allow more carbon to be allocated to rapid growth.
Pyrolytic Gasification Waste to Energy and Waste to Fuel Alternatives to Expensive and NOT Yet Commercially-viable Pyrolyitic Gasification technology, 2008, http://www.pyrolyticgasification.com/ BC of the xABC BIOCHAR PRODUCTION FOR SOIL BUILDING A SMALL SCALE Pyrolytic Gasification has zero emissions and is a renewable energy technology. Pyrolytic Gasification occurs in an “oxygen starved” environment. “Oxygen starved” is another term for pyrolysis. Therefore, instead of burning or incinerating organic wastes, Pyrolytic Gasification “thermally degrades” these organic wastes in a closed reactor with temperatures in the 800 F to 1200 F range. This process produces “synthesis gas” a renewable fuel that is primarily carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which is also considered to be a “carbon free energy” resource, which can then be used as a fuel in a cogeneration power plant to generate green power. Depending on the content of the organic waste stream, biochar is another by-product of the Pyrolytic Gasification process. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Yafei Shen, March 2015, Pages 281–295. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364032114010004# Biomass tar could be produced along with syngas during biomass pyrolysis/gasification. Tar elimination by efficient adsorption and catalytic conversion by carbon-based adsorbents/catalysts with chemical inertness should be attractive methods to commercialize this technology. Biochars are the by-products of biomass pyrolysis/gasification that can be used as low-cost carbon-based adsorbents to adsorb heavy metals or organic pollutants. Meanwhile, the char-supported catalysts could be simply gasified/burnt to recover the energy from the char without the need of frequently regeneration after deactivation. This review elaborated the recent progress on tar removal by biochars adsorption and catalytic cracking/reforming in detail. Two novel integrated concepts have been proposed that chars can be initially utilized and modified like activated chars for heavy metals or tars adsorption, after that, the saturated char-supported metallic catalysts can be employed for tar conversion. In addition, biomass can directly adsorb the heavy metal ions and realize nascent tar in situ conversion along with the metal nanoparticles in situ generated and embedded in the biochar matrix after pyrolysis. Significantly, the nanocomposite char residue could be catalytically gasified into the useful syngas, accompanied by recycling and reuse of the catalyst metal species in the ash. Explaining biomass growth of tropical canopy trees: the importance of sapwood, van der Sande MT1, Zuidema PA, Sterck F. Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group, Wageningen University, PO Box 47, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2015 Tropical forests are important in worldwide carbon (C) storage and sequestration. C sequestration of these forests may especially be determined by the growth of canopy trees. However, the factors driving variation in growth among such large individuals remain largely unclear. We evaluate how crown traits [total leaf area, specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen (N) concentration] and stem traits [sapwood area (SA) and sapwood N concentration] measured for individual trees affect absolute biomass growth for 43 tropical canopy trees belonging to four species, in a moist forest in Bolivia. Biomass growth varied strongly among trees, between 17.3 and 367.3 kg year(-1), with an average of 105.4 kg year(-1). We found that variation in biomass growth was chiefly explained by a positive effect of SA, and not by tree size or other traits examined. SA itself was positively associated with sapwood growth, sapwood lifespan and basal area. We speculate that SA positively affects the growth of individual trees mainly by increasing water storage, thus securing water supply to the crown. These positive roles of sapwood on growth apparently offset the increased respiration costs incurred by more sapwood. This is one of the first individual-based studies to show that variation in sapwood traits-and not crown traits-explains variation in growth among tropical canopy trees. Accurate predictions of C dynamics in tropical forests require similar studies on biomass growth of individual trees as well as studies evaluating the dual effect of sapwood (water provision vs. respiratory costs) on tropical tree growth. Sustainabilty, Business models and techno-economic alaysis, Manuel García Perez, Jesus Alberto García-nunez, Manuel Perez-samaniego, Eugene Kruger, Marck Raymond, Gloria Eileen Flora, 2015, https://books.google.com/ life cycle assessments of pyrolysis vapors are used for bio-oil or heat production,both, the production of biochar through slow pyrolysis and its use as a soil amendment to sequester carbon, and the production and refining of fast pyrolysis oils to produce transportation fuels could have a positive environmental impact jdjdjdbooks?hl=en&lr=&id=CYEfCgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA298&dq=distributed+local+energy+production+small+scale+pyrolytic+gasification+biochar&ots=Vpzy6Zz8U7&sig=R6aJVEYUwbevu6S0iMM52dMMjxA#v=onepage&q&f=false jdjdjdbooks?hl=en&lr=&id=CYEfCgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA298&dq=distributed+local+energy+production+small+scale+pyrolytic+gasification+biochar&ots=Vpzy6Zz8U7&sig=R6aJVEYUwbevu6S0iMM52dMMjxA#v=onepage&q&f=false jdjdjdbooks?hl=en&lr=&id=CYEfCgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA298&dq=distributed+local+energy+production+small+scale+pyrolytic+gasification+biochar&ots=Vpzy6Zz8U7&sig=R6aJVEYUwbevu6S0iMM52dMMjxA#v=onepage&q&f=false jdjdjdbooks?hl=en&lr=&id=CYEfCgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA298&dq=distributed+local+energy+production+small+scale+pyrolytic+gasification+biochar&ots=Vpzy6Zz8U7&sig=R6aJVEYUwbevu6S0iMM52dMMjxA#v=onepage&q&f=false
Ultrafine particles in cities “UFPs in Asian Cities is aboutu four times larker than that in European cities. it shows that it’s a largescale global phenomenon.”
http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/1408565/ The heat budget and insolation, From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, 2011. http://www.geocoops.com/heat-budget--insolation.html Global circulation of Earth’s atmosphere displaying Hadley cell, Ferrell cell and polar cell., From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, January 2013. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Earth_Global_Circulation_-_en.svg Characterization and Source Identification of Air Particulate Pollution in the Asian Region Project Proponent: Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) Objectives: The overall objective of this project is to assist in improving the air quality in the RCA region by utilizing advanced NATs for air particulate matter pollution assessment Ultrafine particles in cities, Prashant Kumar, Prashant Kumar, Lidia Morawska, Wolfram Birmili, Pauli Paasonen, Min Hug, Markku Kulmalae, Roy M. Harrisonh, i, Leslie Norfordj, Rex Britter. epartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS), University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom Environmental Flow (EnFlo) Research Centre, FEPS, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George Street, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, 00014 Helsinki, Finland International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China Division of Environmental Health & Risk Management, School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom iDepartment of Environmental Sciences / Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia
GLOBAL CIRCULATION MODEL Mechanism of action: the intertropical convergence zone, wet and dry deposition of black carbon from incomplete combustions (a potent greenhouse gas; increasing evidence of negative impacts on human health ) and low wind speeds, a.k.a “the doldrums” creates high deposition ultra f ine particulate drawn to the equator. This make air f iltering in this region more effective. Tropical air is re-coupled into the subtropical zone through the Hadley Cell and then onto the temperate zones. NEWair works with the atmospheric systems “dump and flush”. If aerosols are the inputs we are given a constant supply of new fuel and minimal limiting factors. Pollution rearranging ocean currents A CSIRO team studying human-generated aerosols found they caused a cooling of the northern hemisphere’s oceans, while those below the equator continue to warm. “… we’ve shown that aerosols can influence southern hemisphere atmospheric circulation on a large scale,” said CSIRO scientist Tim Cowan, who conducted the research with Dr Wenju Cai. “In a shift of the oceans, you get a shift in the atmosphere as well. You can’t take aerosols for granted . . . it shows that it’s a large-scale global phenomenon.”
Dry and wet deposition of elemental carbon on a tropical forest in Thailand, Phuvasa Chanonmuang, Kazuhide Matsuda, Hiroyuki Sase, Naoto Murao, Tatsuya Fukazawa, Kan Khoomsub. 2012. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/257521852_Dry_and_wet_deposition_of_elemental_carbon_on_a_tropical_forest_in_Thailand In order to further understand atmospheric deposition of elemental carbon (EC) with respect to climate and plant impacts, dry and wet deposition of EC was investigated in a tropical deciduous forest, Sakaerat, Thailand. Micro-meteorological measurements and monthly sampling of PM2.5 aerosols were carried out continuously over one year in 2010 at the top of an experimental tower 38 m above the ground established in the forest. The dry deposition was estimated by the inferential method by using an empirical parameterization of aerosol deposition velocity. For measurement of wet deposition, biweekly sampling of EC directly filtrated from rainwater was carried out continuously over one year in 2010. EC concentration significantly increased during the period from January to March due to heavy biomass burning, and decreased during the period from June to September due to less biomass burning and the washout effect by rainfall. High deposition velocities were caused by high wind speed in February to April and also by both large displacement height and medium wind speed in May to July. Dry deposition increased during the period from February to April when the concentration and deposition velocity were both high, and decreased during the period from June to December when the concentration or deposition velocity was low. Wet deposition peaked in March because of the washout effect of high EC in the atmosphere of the late dry season. Wet deposition was somewhat high from August to October with increased rainfall. Both dry and wet deposition increased in the leafless season and decreased in the leafy season, respectively. The annual dry and wet depositions were estimated as 0.58 and 0.05 mg m−2 day−1, respectively. Taking the uncertainties of estimations into account, dry deposition was still significantly higher than wet deposition. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/257521852_Dry_and_wet_deposition_of_elemental_carbon_on_a_tropical_forest_in_Thailand [accessed Aug 22, 2015].
BLACK CARBON CONCENTRATIONS, SOURCES, AND FLUXES IN THE TROPICAL ATLANTIC OCEAN, Kari Ann Pohl, University of Rhode Island. 2014. http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1296&context=oa_diss Review of Singapore’s air quality and greenhouse gas emissions: Current situation and opportunities Erik Velasco, Matthias Roth, Singapore-MITAlliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling (CENSAM), S-16-05-08, 3 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117543. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995) http://www.researchgate.net/publication/229079713_Review_of_Singapore’s_air_quality_and_greenhouse_gas_emissions_Current_ situation_and_opportunities Associations of Mortality with Long-Term Exposures to Fine and Ultrafine Particles, Species and Sources: Results from the California Teachers Study Cohort, Bart Ostro, Jianlin Hu, Debbie Goldberg, Peggy Reynolds, Andrew Hertz, Leslie Bernstein, and Michael J. Kleeman. 2015
Singapore Rail Corridor as a NEWair oxygen production facility in obvious comparison to the NEWater facility. And building the evidence that this can be designed as the most effective air filtering machine in the world (aka the most productive ecosystem in the world) by accident of geography--like its well positioned port--just because it is part of the Malaya Peninsular. This is of course what the SRC was and remains symbolically... a terrestrial connection to Malaysia and the region despite its “severence” so to speak. The megadiversity that characterizes this bioregion is important to NEWair because it is the engine that builds the membranes that filter air and produce oxygen, i.e. in order to maximize the canopy complexity, Leaf Area Index and the stomatal oxygen production function. We have to show that the extraordinary production capacity of the Wet Tropics system is not hydrologically limited, i.e. that we can control/dampen the pulsing wet-dry cycles. This means
we need to explore how much we can store water in a form that is most readily available to the biogeochemical processes of the NEWair facility. This means keeping enough of the water onsite, largely in the “above-ground storage” in biomass, leaf litter, and short-term surface water storage in the ephemeral ponding. The inputs to NEWair, given the unlimited solar resource, are most critically 1) the hydrological controls; 2) the pollinator diversity that produces and maintains the plant reproduction and diversity to maximize the canopy and wetland biomass and carbon sequestration function; (the fortuitous thing about insect-dependence of tropical reproduction is that we can leverage the r-strategy reproduction of the insects to be building this in the timeframe of weeks) 3) the soil augmentation with biochar, anaerobic digest and other organic matter to design the rhizophere effect.
mega infrastructure exploits seasonal
global circulation of particulates local production of particulates
Facing insects Encounters with critical local pollinators: Instagram-able Facebookable , portraits with the ticklish nonhumans cross-pollinate social media and establish personal relationships. Raise my pollinator from egg or cocoon enlists intelligent ongoing care in addressing the global pollinator crisis. xCLINIC will script people to release their adpopted pollinator in association with mutualistic plant dependencies and introduce mutualistic systems more generally.
Why are pollinators the leverof BiodiverCITY ? What is the math of the Great Participatory Pollinator Project?
Pollination biology in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. I. Characteristics of the plant-pollinator community in a lowland dipterocarp forest, Kuniyasu Momose, Takakazu Yumoto, Teruyoshi Nagamitsu, Makoto Kato, Hidetoshi Nagamasu, Shoko Sakai, Rhett D. Harrison, Takao Itioka, Abang A. Hamid and Tamiji Inoue. February 1998. http://www.amjbot.org/content/85/10/1477.short Flowerings and flower visitors were observed continuously in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, for 53 mo in 1992–1996. Flower visitors of 270 plant species were observed or collected, and pollinators were assessed by observing body contact to stigmas and anthers. We recognized 12 categories of pollination systems. Among them, plants pollinated by social bees included the largest number of species (32%) and were followed by beetle-pollinated species (20%). Pollination systems were significantly related with some floral characters (flowering time of day, reward, and floral shape), but not with floral color. Based on the relationships between pollinators and floral characters, we described pollination syndromes found in a lowland dipterocarp forest. The dominance of social bees and beetles among pollinators is discussed in relation to the general flowering observed in dipterocarp forests of West Malesia. In spite of high plant species diversity and consequent low population densities of lowland dipterocarp forests, long-distance-specific pollinators were uncommon compared with the Neotropics. Plant–pollinator interactions in tropical monsoon forests in Southeast Asia, Makoto Kato, Yasuyuki Kosaka, Atsushi Kawakita, Yudai Okuyama, Chisato Kobayashi, Thavy Phimminith and Daovorn Thongphan. July 2008. http://www.amjbot.org/content/95/11/1375.abstract#fn-1 Forests with different flora and vegetation types harbor different assemblages of flower visitors, and plant–pollinator interactions vary among forests. In monsoon-dominated East and Southeast Asia, there is a characteristic gradient in climate along latitude, creating a broad spectrum of forest types with potentially diverse pollinator communities. To detect a geographical pattern of plant–pollinator interactions, we investigated flowering phenology and pollinator assemblages in the least-studied forest type, i.e., tropical monsoon forest, in the Vientiane plain in Laos. Throughout the 5-year study, we observed 171 plant species blooming and detected flower visitors on 145 species. Flowering occurred throughout the year, although the number of flowering plant species peaked at the end of dry season. The dominant canopy trees, including Dipterocarpaceae, bloomed annually, in contrast to the supra-annual general flowering that occurs in Southeast Asian tropical rain forests. Among the 134 native plant species, 68 were pollinated by hymenopterans and others by lepidopterans, beetles, flies, or diverse insects. Among the observed bees, Xylocopa, megachilids, and honeybees mainly contributed to the pollination of canopy trees, whereas long-tonguedAmegilla bees pollinated diverse perennials with long corolla tubes. This is the first community-level study of plant–pollinator interactions in an Asian tropical monsoon forest ecosystem
Pollination biology in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. I. Characteristics of the plant-pollinator community in a lowland dipterocarp forest, Kuniyasu Momose, Takakazu Yumoto, Teruyoshi Nagamitsu, Makoto Kato, Hidetoshi Nagamasu, Shoko Sakai, Rhett D. Harrison, Takao Itioka, Abang A. Hamid and Tamiji Inoue. February 1998. http://www.amjbot.org/content/85/10/1477.short Flowerings and flower visitors were observed continuously in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, for 53 mo in 1992–1996. Flower visitors of 270 plant species were observed or collected, and pollinators were assessed by observing body contact to stigmas and anthers. We recognized 12 categories of pollination systems. Among them, plants pollinated by social bees included the largest number of species (32%) and were followed by beetle-pollinated species (20%). Pollination systems were significantly related with some floral characters (flowering time of day, reward, and floral shape), but not with floral color. Based on the relationships between pollinators and floral characters, we described pollination syndromes found in a lowland dipterocarp forest. The dominance of social bees and beetles among pollinators is discussed in relation to the general flowering observed in dipterocarp forests of West Malesia. In spite of high plant species diversity and consequent low population densities of lowland dipterocarp forests, long-distance-specific pollinators were uncommon compared with the Neotropics. Plant–pollinator interactions in tropical monsoon forests in Southeast Asia, Makoto Kato, Yasuyuki Kosaka, Atsushi Kawakita, Yudai Okuyama, Chisato Kobayashi, Thavy Phimminith and Daovorn Thongphan. July 2008. http://www.amjbot.org/content/95/11/1375.abstract#fn-1 Forests with different flora and vegetation types harbor different assemblages of flower visitors, and plant–pollinator interactions vary among forests. In monsoon-dominated East and Southeast Asia, there is a characteristic gradient in climate along latitude, creating a broad spectrum of forest types with potentially diverse pollinator communities. To detect a geographical pattern of plant–pollinator interactions, we investigated flowering phenology and pollinator assemblages in the least-studied forest type, i.e., tropical monsoon forest, in the Vientiane plain in Laos. Throughout the 5-year study, we observed 171 plant species blooming and detected flower visitors on 145 species. Flowering occurred throughout the year, although the number of flowering plant species peaked at the end of dry season. The dominant canopy trees, including Dipterocarpaceae, bloomed annually, in contrast to the supra-annual general flowering that occurs in Southeast Asian tropical rain forests. Among the 134 native plant species, 68 were pollinated by hymenopterans and others by lepidopterans, beetles, flies, or diverse insects. Among the observed bees, Xylocopa, megachilids, and honeybees mainly contributed to the pollination of canopy trees, whereas long-tonguedAmegilla bees pollinated diverse perennials with long corolla tubes. This is the first community-level study of plant–pollinator interactions in an Asian tropical monsoon forest ecosystem
socio-ecological algorithm to increase urban biodiverCITY
algorithm: socio-ecological system algorithm of the GREAT PARTICIPATORY POLLINATOR PROJECT
1 Use the reproductive power and rapid life cycle of pollinators to increase plant reproduction and biodiversity and build forests; investigate flowering phenology and pollinator assemblages in the various forest types, describe plant–pollinator interactions as new Aesops Fables · while x pollinator population is not saturated · do augment and increase population · by distributing eggs for guided human care · provide geo-specific release instructions · provide on going phenological notebooks for observations · stage monthly open-book exhibitions Global pollinator crisis research and design focus on radically increasing pollinator populations in urban natural systems can test most relevant
parameters of ecosystems science and the understudied tropical monsoon forests*. Using the density of (interested) humans as a positive we create ‘radical pedagogy’ through enlisting participants into urban systems intervention, instructing on provision and nectar plants, density and spatial requirements of plants for specific pollinator lifestyles.
PUBLIC EXPERIMENTS PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH AND REDESIGING OUR RELATIONSHIP TO NATURAL SYSTEMS: predominance of beetles, the diverse lifestyles of beetles, their perplexing “force of nature” as pollinators, decomposers, and the strongest animals in the world. After social bees (32%) and beetles are the most prodigious pollinators in relation to the general flowering observed in dipterocarp forests. “Every claim about Alfred Russel Wallace and evolution is incorrect...Wallace deserves more attention...” Alfred Russel Wallace1 based his theory
of evolution on the Malay Pannifsular/ Archipelago and included 80000 beetles of the 126,000 specimens collected The Anthropocene invites us to revisit Wallace’s concerns with distribution, population of speciation in changing climate and ecological conditions. The biogeochemical effects are most sensitively displayed and potentially disrupted, predominantly through the phenology of organisms
Phenological observation are the primary integrative and precodition for mutualism. Wallace was also a social activist who also used authority of natural systems to counter eugenics. The transformations in knowledge production from the era of “ collect and theorize” to the contemporary “ design and improve, idea that appriated scientific work and particularly interested in the integrative science of populations and species. “The problem then was not only how and why do species change, but how and why
do they change into new and well defined species, distinguished from each other in so many ways; why and how they become so exactly adapted to distinct modes of life; and why do all the intermediate grades die out (as geology shows they have died out) and leave only clearly defined and well marked species, genera, and higher groups of animals?[68]” Others have used beetles to ask important Haldane discussed the prevalence of stars and beetles in his book “What is life?” published in the 1940s [HWIL] The Creator would appear as endowed with a passion for stars, on the one hand, and for beetles on the other, for the simple reason that there are nearly 300,000 species of beetle known, and perhaps more, as compared with somewhat less than 9,000 species of birds and a little over 10,000 species of mammals. Beetles are actually more numerous than the species of any other insect order ...a characteristic of nature. Wallace collected over 800 species in a single outing at Bukit Timah
an commented widely on the local megabiodiverisity.
18 of Singapore’s 24 native anurans can be found in forest fragments close to urban facilities and therefore can Increasing the population of pollinators be easily coupled to guided generative to augment amphibians populations in the designs. amphibian species extinction crisis. direct greywater outlet from a your Two strategies: bath tub/shower to a constructed vernal + conventional raise and release methods pond. (cf Raffles Museum) and. design seepage and evapartion to match + raise in situ improving, adapting and bathing schedule designing diverse habitats from larval direct water through passive char-sandmicrohabitats to frog opera houses. chitin filter observe volunteer organisms as Habitat creation challenges the WSUB nonhuman clients for architectural/sociowith organism centric design and provides ecological design services a different but powerful metric of success --specifically population increase Increasing the population of pollinators of relevant species. to increase survivability of criticallyinsect-dependent fledglings and Providing vernal and ephemeral investigation the forest types with habitat that incorporate a filter-mix in diverse pollinator communities. surrounding micro-catchments, including biochar, sand and chitin-dreivative to Turbo charge the reproduction of remove hydrocarbon pollutants or other diverse plants builds complex community urban stressors known to impact frogs. structure
Population Dynamics of Mutualism, Nathaniel J. Holland, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston. 2012. http://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/population-dynamics-of-mutualism-61656069 Like predation and competition, recognition of mutualisms’ functional responses and consumer-resource interactions provides new insights into their density-dependent population dynamics. How Populations Grow: The Exponential and Logistic Equations, John Vandermeer, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan) 2010 http://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/how-populations-grow-the-exponential-and-logistic-13240157
N =e
+θ ·t
dN = θ ·N dt
dN = θ ·N =number of animals dt dN =reproduction constant = θ ·N dt
Malthus was wrong!
Growth of the human population of the United States of America during the nineteenth century
Pollinator People
Medium: printed flow thru screen; moth garden Location: “Civic Action Exhibition“ Socrates Sculpture Park NY, NY Date: 2012 MEDIA SANCTUARY Location: Columbus Ohio, hosted byCOLA Oliva COMPANY Couri Date: 2014 Dimensions: variable
A silver screen, hung according to a scree and insects but inste habitat, host and nec light. These valuable they play out their nig fluttering lifestyles of nutmeg oil, coriander oil, lavender oil, gum arabic, caramel color, citric acid, water. GNU GLP (general public license)
Inositol, orange oil, lime oil, lemon oil, cassia oil, Natalie Ingredients: Jeremijenko, xCLINIC
Inositol, orange oil, lime oil, lemon oil, cassia oil, Natalie Ingredients: Jeremijenko, xCLINIC nutmeg oil, coriander oil, lavender oil, gum arabic, caramel color, citric acid, water. GNU GLP (general public license)
Medium: printed flow thru screen; moth garden Location: “Civic Action Exhibition“ Socrates Sculpture Park NY, NY Date: 2012 MEDIA SANCTUARY Location: Columbus Ohio, hosted byCOLA Oliva COMPANY Couri Date: 2014 Dimensions: variable Inositol, orange oil, lime oil, lemon oil, cassia oil, Natalie Ingredients: Jeremijenko, xCLINIC
A silver screen, hung in an urba according to a screening sched and insects but instead of bedaz habitat, host and nectar plants light. These valuable pollinators they play out their nightly drama fluttering lifestyles of the dark a
HIGH COLA MOTH CINEMA nutmeg oil, coriander oil, lavender oil, gum arabic, caramel color, citric acid, water. GNU GLP (general public license)
Medium: printed flow thru screen; moth garden Location: “Civic Action Exhibition“ Socrates Sculpture Park NY, NY Date: 2012 MEDIA SANCTUARY Location: Columbus Ohio, hosted byCOLA Oliva COMPANY Couri Date: 2014 Dimensions: variable 50
A silver screen, hung in an urb according to a screening sched and insects but instead of beda habitat, host and nectar plants light. These valuable pollinator they play out their nightly dram fluttering lifestyles of the dark
MOTHxCINEMA Events commission musicians to improvise with with AA silver screen, screen, hung hungininan anurban urbanpark, park,is isilluminated illuminated MOTHxCINEMA Events commission musicians to improvise according to attracts moths shadows. And And actors to enact and dramatize the quest of according to aa screening screeningschedule. schedule.The Thelight light attracts moths thethe shadows. actors to enact and dramatize the quest of and insects insects but them they findfind a particular mothmoth fromfrom its emergence, dangerous journey to and but instead insteadofofbedazzling bedazzlingororkilling killing them they a particular its emergence, dangerous journey to Y, NY habitat, habitat, host thethe cone of of thethe MOTHxCINEMA, visitsvisits to critical local resources, and love , NY host and and nectar nectarplants plantsplanted plantedunder under cone MOTHxCINEMA, to critical local resources, and love light. These shadows as as triangle connected with with both both matemate and host light. These valuable valuablepollinators pollinatorscast castdramatic dramatic shadows triangle connected and plants. host plants. they play play out andand thethe they out their their nightly nightlydrama dramaofoflove, love,adventure adventure fluttering lifestyles of the dark and mysterious. ban park, is illuminated Events commission musicians to improvise with fluttering lifestyles of the dark andMOTHxCINEMA mysterious.
dule. The light attracts moths azzling or killing them they find s planted under the cone of rs cast dramatic shadows as ma of love, adventure and the and mysterious.
the shadows. And actors to enact and dramatize the quest of a particular moth from its emergence, dangerous journey to the MOTHxCINEMA, visits to critical local resources, and love triangle connected with both mate and host plants.
HIGH COLA butterfly bridge cassia oil, Natalie Jeremijenko, xCliNiC Ingredients: Inositol, orange oil, lime oil, lemon oil, BUTTERFLYxBRIDGE provides butterflies with flyovers to navigate nutmeg oil, coriander oil, lavender oil, gum arabic, caramel thelicense) obstacles of urban settings (aka streets). Planted with color, citric acid, water. GNU GLP (general public Medium: printed tyvek, butterfly attracting plants enticing flowering perennials, it lures them above dangerous Location: BiodiverCITY, 5x5 Washington DC traffic, and demonstrates the possibilities of re-imagining urban Date: 2012 infrastructure to account for the diverse species with which we MEDIA SANCTUARY COLA COMPANY Dimensions: variable share space and resources.
The tyvek-based bridge design is high-tensile but it supports intensive plantings using the micropores permeable to air but not water. Using Tyvek, roots are oxegenated and moisture is conserved. Soil drains into a SoilMoist (polyacrylamide gel), re-releasing when soil is sufficiently dry reducing plant stress due to wet/dry cycles. Tyvek is a printable commercial material that comply with most banner permit requirements, yet there is significantly less windload than on a conventional banner.
HIGH COLA The Cross speCies Table Natalie Jeremijenko
Ingredients: Inositol, orange oil, lime oil, lemon cassia oil, The oil, Cross(x)Species Table or xTable sets nutmeg oil, coriander oil, lavender oil, gum arabic, caramel color, citric acid, water. GNU GLP (generalnonhumans public license)and directs humans to share
a place for nutritional Medium: edition of 5 custom outdoor tables with uv stable prints resources. The image on the table is the local phenological Location: “Yes, Naturally� The Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, NL clock. This lists all the local organisms in concentric Date: 2013 circles and the budding, blossoming, and migration events MEDIA SANCTUARY COLA of COMPANY Dimensions: variable flowering perennials, pollinators, birds and trees on a January thru December clock face. http://www.gemeentemuseum.nl/en/exhibitions/yes-naturally
Hawk moth caterpillar
Spicebush swallowtail
Spicebush caterpillar
Spicebush Swallowtail Caterpillar
Daniel Janzen’s research at The New York Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer. http://www.lifeforcemagazine.com/july2012/index_17.htm http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/current/node/3677
Population Dynamics of Mutualism, Nathaniel J. Holland, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston. 2012. http://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/population-dynamics-of-mutualism-61656069 Like predation and competition, recognition of mutualisms’ functional responses and consumer-resource interactions provides new insights into their density-dependent population dynamics. Macaranga bancana, Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, HSBC Singapore, National Parks Board, 2015, http://lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg/dna/organisms/details/333 The Common Mahang has a mutualistic relationship with ants (genus Crematogaster), which live in the hollow twigs. The seedlings may be inhabitated by ants when they are less than half a meter tall. The ants protect the plant presumably from herbivores and climbers. The plant produces food for the ants, in the form of Beccarian bodies, which are rich in lipids. Within the plant stem, the ants harvest scale insects. The scale insects suck sugary sap from the plant and and exude a sweet excretion through their bodies that the ants feed on.
+ +
+ +
+ ++
Orchids Fungus
Doctors without Disciplinary Borders:
x m2
k m1
... .
p1 x Dr =p2
d1 d2 ... d3 k k k ... x 11 x 12 xn k k k x 21 x 22 ... x 2n x
k mn
conspiring to redesign our collective relationship to natural systems
In fuzzy set theory, defuzzification has been used as an effective means of interpreting the membership degree of a triangular fuzzy number as a specific crisp value. A common and useful defuzzification technique is called the centre-of-gravity (COG) approach (Wang and Luoh 2000).The COG is an expected geometric centre of mass. Given a fuzzy number x*kij, denoted as (xk(1)ij, xk(2)ij, xk(3)ij), its COG, xkij, is defined as
where SUPij is the support of x*kij and Ο(x) is the membership function of x*kij. By applying the defuzzification method in equation (4) to the personalised fuzzy decision matrix D*k in equation (3), we obtain a personalised decision matrix Dk that is composed of crisp values (equation (5)) and the logo of Doctors without Disciplinary Borders. This matrix contains expert-agent k’s personalised utilities with respect to idea-product attributes.
xCLINIC and the DOCTORS WITHOUT DISCIPLINARY BORDERS xCLINIC has assembled the following Doctors without Disciplinary Borders to comment, co-develop and conspire to improve human and environmental health. BENEFIT BENEFIT ANALYSIS and Natural System Engineering In excess of 95% of all biomass is produced by organisms in mutualistic symbiosis. The stunning predominance of mutualism in natural systems has been remarkably understudied. To develop healthy urban ecologies based on mutualistic systems the xCLINIC and Doctors without Disciplinary Borders are committed to mutualistic systems design and the Benef it analysis (or BSquared) analysis this requires. In contrast to Cost Benef it analysis B2 characterizes the desired and possible benefits and beneficiaries witnin human and nonhuman communities including nutrient cycles and energy exchanges through the socioecological networks that characterize the Anthropocene. Although Singapore has been perceived as a Biophilic City the performance of extremely productive natural systems has been greatly hampered by a decorative use of vegetation in parks and urban environment. The performance demands of urban sensitive urban design and Active, Beautiful, Clean Water (ABC Water) demonstrates a new paradigm in which engineered public utilities are utilized to public, incorporate natural systems and demonstrate many beneficiaries. NEWair extends this paradigm again. In the megadiverse region including Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, Singapore is the most developed and the most degraded of forest ecosystems. To demostrate regional
leadership and to reap the benefits that they small land area cannot alone provide. The Singapore Rail Corridor, is and can be, a turning point. NOMINATION SINGAPORE RAIL CORRIDOR FOR THE GOLDEN SPIKE xCLINIC and Doctors without Disciplinary Borders are recognizing and reinforcing this by placing a Golden Spike of the Anthropocene at the Singapore Rail Corridor. The use of the Golden Spike to mark, not the destruction we have wrought, but the cultural response, or response-ability we create by naming the Anthropocene as a time when humans processes dominate the biogeochemical processes of the planet. That is, we have capacity to creatively re-imagine and redesign our collective relationship to natural systems. This is the new stance, in contrast to measuring-the-loss of biodiversity or forest cover etc. and the policing and accounting approaches of conventional environmentalism. For each geological epoch the International Union of Geological Sciences identifies an exemplary site and marks it by driving a golden spike into the rock layers. There is still much dispute amongst scientists on what might actually constitute the shifts that characterize the Anthropocene, however, the call to address the issues of the Anthropocene has little ambiguity. The petition to mark the Habitat with the Golden Spike of the Anthropocene—and initiating GOLDEN SPIKE TOURISM (comparable to World Heritage Sites) is on the basis that of Singapore’s situation in the most complex
tropical rainforest ecosystems in the world,... can demonstrate intellectual leadership: internationally and regional pioneering innovative approaches to regenerating forest ecologies, and augmenting primary forest performance. The critical issue however, is that any positive work in terms of increasing biodiversity, improving air quality, building soil, or innovative programs that benefit human and non-human communities will have tremendous leverage because Singapore Rail Corridor is a critical resource for increasing biodiversity. By accident of geography, Singapore is well position to be a fulcrum for the lever arm of global biodiversity, reversing the loss of organisms. Conventional approaches to “protect, preserve and display” are necessary but not sufficient—radically insufficient. Fragmented forests have limited resilience and performance and degraded biodiversity. Recent papers settling debate about strategies to increase yield have demonstrated that biodiverse systems produce more biomass than less diverse systems in the same land area and same conditions[1]. The Oxford NET survey in argueing that a combination of forestation and biochar soil augmentation is the most effective form of geo-engineering and atmospheric manipulation available, sets up an imperative. To leave this site alone and not augment the soil and increase biodiversity, is to squander the most critical opportunity we have—internationally. This is consistent with the research paradigm for xCLINIC to design the most productive ecosystems in the world tuned for the HIGH MEDIUM and LOW.
Cassandra L. Fraser Professor of Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering and Affiliated Faculty in the School of Architecture, University of Virginia. Research in the Fraser Lab is concerned with the synthesis, properties and applications of metal complexes with polymeric ligands. Like metalloproteins, polymeric metal complexes feature site-isolated metal centers in well-defined macromolecular environments
King spider orchid (Caladenia pectinata), Christian Ziegler. King spider orchid (Caladenia pectinata) being visited by its pollinator, a male parasitic wasp which is attracted to the flower by a faux female wasp pheromone. http://voices.nationalgeographic. com/2012/01/25/deceptive-beauties%E2%80%93-the-world-of-wild-orchids/ orchids-4/
Natalie Jeremijenko Associate Professor in the Visual Art Department, NYU and affiliated with the Computer Science Dept and Environmental Studies program. Previously she was on the Visual Arts faculty at UCSD, Faculty of Engineering at Yale University, a visiting professor at Royal College of Art in London, a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Public Understanding of Science at Michigan State University, and a Visiting Global Distinguished Professor at they NYU College of Arts and Sciences.
evidence driven design, public experiments and participatory research to improve shared human and environmental health
William Mitsch editor of Environmental Engineering William Mitsch has been Eminent Scholar and Director, Everglades Wetland Research Park, and Sproul Chair for Southwest Florida Habitat Restoration and Management at Florida Gulf Coast University since October 2012. His over 600 publications, reports, abstracts and books, including 5 editions of the popular textbook Wetlands.
Tim Beatly Biophilic Cities Timothy Beatley is the Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities, in the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning, School of Architecture at the University of Virginia. His most recent book is Biophilic Cities: Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning argues that cities must be designed to permit daily
Tom Gillespie disease emergence Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Health, Rollins School of Public Heatlh andProgram In Population, Biology, Ecology and Evolution. His research in the Gillespie lab focuses on interactions among anthropogenic environmental change; biodiversity; and the ecology and emergence of pathogens of people, wildlife, and domestic animals.