x curdova@ gmail.com 2627 Hillegass AVe, A pt.402 Berk eley , California
OBJECTIVE I’m 25 years designer a n d a r c h i tec tur e stud en t fr om B a y A r ea , bo rn an d rais e d in M o l d o v a. I h av e f o u r y e ars o f wo rk e xpe rie n ce in various positions. S eeki n g p osi ti on a s a n In ter n i n D esi gn in a fi rm t h at pro v id e s an e n g ag in g , ch al l e n g in g , an d s u ppo rt iv e work environment w h er e I c a n c on tr i b ute c r ea ti ve a n d a r ti sti c abil it ie s in t h e are a o f arch it e ct u re an d o bt ain k n o wl e d g e an d ideas at a professiona l evel. I a m w i lli n g to lea r n a n d a d d va l u e t o t h e fi rm .
I n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d A r e a S t u d i e s O ffi c e
B.A. in Architecture
o ffi c e a s s i s t a n t | A u g 2 0 1 5 - n o w
University of California, Berkeley |May 2017
Scheduling meetings and appointments
H o n o r s t u d e n t wit h GP A 3. 6. O n e o f 5 s t u d e n t s s e l e ct e d f o r
Maintaining paper and electronic records
B e rk e l e y C ircu is 2015, pre s e n t in g be s t s t u d e n t wo rk o f 2 0 1 5 .
H2 Consultants
Associate in Mathematics
arch intern | Nov 2014 - Jun 2015 Responsible for construction documentation, schematic design and material
City College of San Francisco | Jun 2012-Jun 2015 P u bl is h e d art wo rk in An n u al I s s u e o f C o l l e g e m ag az in e . D e a n ’ s l is t s t u d e n t wit h GP A 3. 9
research. Created mock graphing, drafting and 3D modeling
Freelance Graphic Designer
Univesetatea Politechnica
Logo design | May 2015-now
Industrial Design Aug 2010 - May2011 03
Designed logos and branding, invitations and stationery.
P ro d u ct d e s ig n s pe cial it y : e l e ct ro n ics ; cars ; s t at io n e ry
LANGUAGE SKILLS Born in Moldova. Flu en t i n En gli sh , Russian, Romanian
REFERENCES Vlad Litvak| client 415-350-8524 | volit va k@y a h oo.c om Kseniia Ryuma | client 415-583-3989 | ksen i y a 0 2 1 3 @gm a i l.c om
SKILLS Illustrator Photoshop AutoCAD Rhino
02 Non-Dimensional Chapel
Dancing Studio
Modular Housing
11 12 13
Conceptual Cut
Good Food
Photography and Art...and Beyond
Dancing studio
Berkeley, CA
The Dancing School that is located at the heart of the UC Berkeley campus was a challenging, yet very interesting program. Through the general form of my building I wanted to evoke the feeling of the floating in the air. I was inspired by the dancing itself, when the feeling of freedom is so evident. The dancing studio is connected to the sky through the formal sky void to emphasize the visual connection with the ground. Through the color, I differentiated the exterior and interior to highlight the unpredictability of art and dancing itself. The building addresses the busy site conditions with a place that has a minimal footprint to bring a sense of ease. The diagonal structure’s direction is bringing the notion of no-gravity, even deeper convincing the dweller to feel free.
dance studio 1
rooftop/flexible/outdoor dancing hall
locker room
Second Floor. 3-3’ Fiourth Floor. 5-5’
Rooftop. 6-6’
dance studio 2
locker room rooftop/flexible/outdoor dancing hall
locker room
meeting area
Fiourth Floor. 5-5’
Third Floor 4-4’’
Rooftop. 6-6’
Section Perspective and The Construction Detail
4 mm polycarbonate
glass insulative panel
end plate
web stiffeners
SHS column
Piedmont, CA
The Non-Dimensional Chapel at The Oakland Cemetery addresses the notion of the sound that exists within the silent nature of the site. The design of the faรงade suggests wind tubes that create the sound that has no beginning and no end. Passing through the site evokes a physical sense of the earth: sense, touch and smell. The curvilinear nature of the chapel is womb-like, creating the sense of warm invitation, contrasting the cold cemetery. The curvilinear nature of the chapel is womb-like, creating the sense of warm invitation, contrasting the cold cemetery. I separated the program throughout the site to create a strong of feel of having a choice where and when to experience the site. The monumentality of the form suggests the sense of being given something.
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In the module housing projectI explored the different ways to expand versatility of the houses and give dwellers the opportunity to choose. The continuous circulation throughout the house module creating the sense of being in the relationship with the house. Entrance through the courtyard creates the connection between inside and outside and provides a sense of privacy at the same time designing the notion of “home�.
Conceptual Cut The conceptual cut is an analytical project evolving the premise that underlines the essential characteristics, qualities, systems and conditions of a building reside in a representative cut of the building at its perimeter. When unfolded, the cut produces the language of the building at its surface. The cut entails the spatial, structural and performative conditions of the wholesome structure.
Tenderloin, San Francisco
The Good Food is compromised by the elements that need access to the city : a large food hall, a loading service area. The promise of the building is that is a multi-use space that can host a farmers market, food fairs, pop-up events and the large gatherings. The interface between the city and the food hall allows for different degrees of openness and porosity that suit needs of particular events. The Good Food also serves as a Food Institute that has an educational mission; the coalition hosts local student field trips and other learning-teaching events.
OBJECTS/ MATERIALS The part of my design interest was exploration of the object’s properties and materiality of the design process. The materials study is consisting of the unique concrete mold process evolving marbleizing two different cement textures. The metal welding project was a prototype for the durable bridge with the fewer footprints as possible.
In my work I explored possibilities to evoke different array of feelings rather than portray a theme. I mixed mediums and styles to experiment with objects, colors and lines to create a coherent composition that would touch the viewer. I used human body as a poetical element rather than objectifying it. I liked to use humor as a part of my work to bring unpredictable elements to my work. Photography for me was not only the way to frame the moment but rather a way to create a composition. I was mostly inspired by surrealistic artist rather than photography itself. I applied painterly quality to my photography to erase the boundaries between design, art and photography
“‘ No Gravity”” 2016.
“‘ No Exit”’ November 2016.
“‘ Still Life”’c 2016.