script scriptural scripture scriptures scrivener scroll scrounging scrub scrubbed scrubbing scrumptious scruple scrupulosity scrupulous scrupulously scrutin scrutinize scrutinized scrutinizing scrutiny scudding scu� scu�e sculpt sculpted sculptor sculptors sculptural sculpture sculptured sculptures scurlock regular seach • italic • boldseafarers • bold italic seafaring • кириллица scurried scurrilous scurry scurvy scuttle scuttled scuttling scvec scythe sd sdsts se sea seaboard seaborg seaborn seabrook seacoast seafood seago seagoville seagulls seahorse seal sealed sealing sealing seals seam seaman seamanship seamen seamless seams sean sean seaport seaports seaquake seaquarium sear search searched searches searching searchingly searchings searchlight searchlights searfoss searing searles sears seas seashore seaside season seasonal seasonally seasoned seasoning seasons seat seated seating seaton seats seattle seaward seaway seaweed seay sebastyan sec secant secants secco secede seceded seceding secesh secession secessionist seckel seclude secluded seclusion second secondarily secondary secondhand secondly seconds secrecy secret secretarial secretariat secretariate secretaries secretary secreted secretion secretions secretly secrets sect sectarian section sectional sectionalized sections sector sectors sects secular secularism secularist secularists secularized secure secured securely securing securities security sedan sedans sedate sedately sedative seddon sedej sedentary sedge sedgwick sedillo sediment sedimentary sedimentation sediments sedition seditious sedra seduce seduced seducer seduction seductive sedulously see seeber seebohm seed seedbed seedcoat seedcoats seedless seedling seedlings seeds seeing seek seeker seekers seeking seekingly seekonk seeks seelbach seeley seem seemed seeming seemingly seems seen seep seepage seeped seeping seerey seers seersucker sees seesaw seethe sega segment segmental segmentation segments segovia segree segregate segregated segregating segregation segregationist segun segur segura seibert seidel seidl seime seismic seismograph seismographs seismological seitz seiwell seize seized seizing seizure selaine selden seldes seldom select selected selecting selection selectional selections selective selectively selectivity selectmen selector selectors selects selena self selfe�acing sel�sh sel�shness sel�ess sel�essness selfsame selkirk selkirkers sell sellari seller sellers selling sellout sells sells sellstrom selma selo� seltzer selves semantic semantically semanticists semaphore semblance semen semenov semester semi semiannual semiarid semiautomatic semicircular semicolon semide�nite semidrying semiempirical seminal seminar seminarians seminario seminary seminole semipublic semiquantitative semiramis semisecret semitrance semitropical semmes semper semra semrau sen senate senator senatorial senators send senders sending sends senesac senile senilis senior senioritatis seniority seniors senor senora sens sensation sensational sensationalism sensations sense sensed senseless senselessly senses sensibilities sensibility sensible sensibly sensing sensitive sensitively sensitiveness sensitives sensitivities sensitivity sensitized sensor sensors sensory sensual sensuality sensuous sent sentence sentenced sentences sentencing sentential senter sentient sentiment sentimental sentimentalists sentimentality sentimentalize sentiments sentinel sentinels sentry sents seoul sep sepahban separability separable separate separated separately separateness separates separating separation separations separator separators sepia sepsis sept septa septation september septic septillion septum sepulcher sepulchred seq sequeira sequel sequence sequenced sequences sequential sequester sequestration sequins sequitta sequoia sera sera�n seraph seraphim serbantian serenade serenaded serene serenely serenissimus serenity serf serfdom serfs serge sergeant sergeants sergei serial serialegrush series serieuses serif serious seriously seriousness serloin sermon sermons serna serological serpas serpent serpentine serpents serr serra serrato serratus serum servanda servant servants servatius serve served serves service serviceability serviceable servicemen services servicing serviettes servile serving servings servitors servitude servo sesame seshan sesshu session sessions set setback setbacks setc seth setnm seto setom seton sets setter setting settings settle settled settlement settlements settler settlers settles settling setup setz setzb setzm seurat sevec seven seventeen seventeenth seventh seventies seventy sever several severally severalty severance severe severed severely severing severity severly severna severs sevier sevigli sew sewage sewanee seward sewed sewell sewer sewers sewickley sewing sewn sex sexes sextet sextillion sexton sexton sextuor sexual sexuality sexualized sexually sexy seyl seymour seymour seynes sez sfacs s�sz sfcoc sfmod sfork sforzando sforzt sfptr sfrkv sg sha shabbat shabbily shabby shack shack shacked shackled shackles shackleton shacks shade shaded shades shading shadings shadle shadow shadowed shadowfax shadowing shadows shadowy shady shaefer shafer shafer sha�ner sha�ner shaft shafts shag shaggy shah shah shahan shahn shake shaken shaker shakers shakes shakespeare shakespearean shakespearian shakily shaking shaky shakya shale shalinsky shall shallow shallower shallowness shalom sham sham shamala shamble shambled shambling shame shamed shamefacedly shameful shames shamorrow shampoo shamrock shams shamuil shan shane shank shann shannan shannon shannon shansi shantelle shanties shantung shanty shantz shape shaped shapeless shapely shapes shaping shappee sharable shard shards share sharecrop shared shareholder shareholders sharen sharers shares shari shari sharing shark sharkey sharks sharon sharon sharona sharp sharp sharpe sharpen sharpened sharpening sharper sharpest sharples sharply sharpness sharpshooters sharyl sharyn shatilov shatter shattered shattering shatteringly shatterproof shatters shaughnessy shaun�eld shave shaved shaven shaving shavings shaw shaw shawano shawl shawls shawn shawna shawnee shawomet shay shayla shayne shayol she shea sheaf shear shearing shearn shears sheath sheathing sheaves shed shedding sheds sheegog sheen sheep sheepskin sheer sheeran sheered sheeree sheet sheeted sheeting sheets she�eld she�eld sheik sheila sheila shelagh shelby shelby sheldon shelf shelia shell shelled shelley shelley shells shelly shelmire shelob shelter sheltered shelters shelton shelve shelved shelves shenandoah shenanigans shensi shep shepard shepard shephard shepherd shepherd shepherds sheppard sheppherd sherborne sheree sheri sheridan sheridan sheri� sheri�s sherill sherlock sherlock sherman sherman sherri sherrie sherrill sherry sherry sherwin sherwood sheryl sheshadri shevchenko shewe shh shian shianuei shibboleth shibboleths shied shield shielded shielding shields shields shies shietz
r l s l e e l f a i d fo n fort nder gile f franc l frat boote zel fr frictio frimo r fron ration fulln unera urtad riel g c gala allop ando ing ga garry ton ga uthier gegen ed gen entle logy aniu esua giaco n g a o t a g i m e f g e t s t f b a s g u r i t n s a r e y e e t h n r e e s m d fo res f vill ater e fr ic fr rick frill ront fru ulle eral furs s ga alac llop nde arde ulou n ga m g ees nera nly orp c ge ring olet o bert g i a f e a g t h r f f e o s g c g n le r a s u g ta il m re tu und fract franc ranz f hall f frene frick ll frill onted tratin lerton ds fu urrow r gab l gala llons g dalf g nias an gar u gast n gau geely rate g ntlem l geo erman s ges no gia gil g gham e e n a n c e s e e f i i d s l f n i l s k a a r g a n i g a r c d a e u r g f i t e e c n n k u b g i u a h g y r n f f g ur chis icall edri chm te fri gid ntal ed fr ller f ing owed le ga ters age ch g a ga rriso stin auss geei ls ge man olog ania gestu iacc gign am th giv i a i r n i e i h g g r t d o t a n n n r e h f b a a m g u e a a v r n r g g l r d f a n a s e n s r o f c i a p i g e f t g e l e l r e u i s u n fr fra drik n fr e r g yg u s fr tfully ntage frust fuller tals f row f man g aited n gal nado s gard soned tinea y gau dies g ly gen le gen eomo ane g estur ghou ling g rly gi ives g lasse g c fre a r i t a m an rik nch ar fri frigh t fro trate ing men r fur abel ait g gallo a ga ener arri y gas ntle es ge eral gent ry g erm ure g houl gigg inge ers g ses g lint k d fre ch fre le fri htful l fron s frus llbac funda furrie abel g ains g gallo t gan gard ison g gass et gau gedd d gen tility eomet man g g gest osts g ggles read g er giv k glas pses g loriou n riab frig nde ruit k fu lly g ger gs ntl er arr n y gh ed gi erb s giv coc glim us g cer e or en mu ize en ng gg gg r f ri f s ed g l g• lati• sitalic y o ro sly f llbac enta re fur bblin ainin vanti a ga arden son g gassin t gau dank neral iles g ically anregular l gl bold u f g f gly las • sкириллица c nes italic o t gin • bold ori i din tenin rommuitles ull fu ndam rnitu le ga ful g galli gammned g garri sing gaun ka ge ize ge gent ometr germ gest ke gh gle gi nger given lass g limp so gl nated ddam s b f i h b e l g i d g m i g u e o g f r le a io e in m u frig from less f fulke list f ings f e gab ey ga alliu amin gard arrig set ga aunc ish ge enera genti ical g ch ger culate hostl nza gi nger g givenglash mpse glor glycer mit g olden y n t g s a n s g g t i s g a g r i g i n i f i s h e l t a e g a olic n fru lgham amen urnis abard le gai alling mgee gard rrick ser g gaulle in gea tions ntian omet y gerl e gest osted ic gig ean g eaway asgow ing g glori ycerin godd lden man g e r l s f b g svil li g l t t n e k ga gas er o a l h e a v io s fu m d s i d e k g o e i a g z t g d n g g g g g r a a i g t o i n r u �ll fu ishin a ga aine s gal mez le ga rric ssed uleit ry ge eral tian etric n ge o ges host giga dler way g ingly limm lori� tons godd berg ly go rton g m l e t n g a g n g g a d g l v s r n a a a m d a i u t g y o n p l e k i u i e g i g o i a f al eo ger esta hosh fts g na g give g gl mer i�ed n gl am a go goo in g ov g ur dor g ines galle mes garc rett sse g aul g rs ge ity g eel g e yg i d g r h o l i g d e ent es f a r n a a g t m am rnish �e fyo nes g galley ock ga garcia ett ga sps g guin ng ge enera s gen eolog c gerk stalt ley g fted g gin g ni giv glari co gli on glo glutt od go ld gol oodin k gors erne g ation e m i i g g i i a d y a i e v g g d o u r a u e c r y t r g r a a g t i e r g s r f p m e a u f g i e t n s s o e h rad t a d y fy ers g gall am garc ret ga ingly ged g ed ge alitie re gen logist geria n gest eb gh n gift e gim iustin e glar es gli ri�ca s glut gobli khan oodie gors tte go rad g gramm g z n y a o i d d z r d r r p i e i p u t r o g r g y l o u g r i n u m r e a a gas u r ga lle ebir rble e e a a gor ti go usly ality ts g a e g r ge gen s ge st ge s ge ver hore l gi� gim ppe e gl rs gl ies g tino obl ns g die ng e a ain eries g e gamrble g garre sping r gaug s gea lists enou ologi rhard esang erti g ietze imli giuse anvill glide a glor ic glu bert g itroge e goo orman t gou racio matic g gran ssy g a a g t g g e l g l h m u a e g o e ra gal g gambed ga arnis spee g y gau kc gds gene naro ical g ard g werk s ghibsecke imbel uliett ular g glided lorian lutam les g en go odga orky g ts go cious l gram rantin ots gr n gra g n e b n o g o o g t i g t g i a i h r d a e a g g s d g o e t e b r g l s o i g to s r g r t c a t g mb age g arnet sped o gau vec gd erali uses g c geol ek ge tkun ghet eck g baled nari s glan y glid gloria y glu ers go goitr oode gorin gourmiela g mati nther grass avita berg o i n l l n r o e g l o n c i t i a a d c c t b a n g m r e i m a g g b y b r r e m l e t b r g a n i g t e i g m a r n a t i a l g e b i e l e g r c a b rne spard s gaud inosu erale ius ge geolo rby g al ges ns gh ideon gilt g in giu rf gla glib g gloomm glu ok go gs go oodby gori gourm cie g tic gr nted rassm metri en gr grega � a g a i o g e a e m y i a i g r d ga erie gaz gen gen ph r d erk ide g e r vi n gr greg n gr ap gitl and non mily d glu dygo goin by g rha l ch run r e str l g t din as g mm t g nds gra d g o ra h spa gauc gazin enera enitiv geog gerbs nd ge ent gh iddy oy gil ist gi ders g n glen gloo e glue obble going d goo am g gour graci ns gra y gran assla avid y gree s greg gri�e ip gri r r r g m g r g d s h t g e eri zettes nera enii g icallygerard e geru hee gh ings re gil s gist d glan n glen gloo ws glu bled hmer od goo n gor gour grace maria grann and g ards g greeleeeting evous ead g groo t s d l d i e h g s o b r o a e r o d y s s o o s r g n e e g gies g enie ograp nium ertru zals ss gid gilm giso g glan a gle mm ng gl le go gol g lez g gorg lding efully r gramranit gras rave reek ing g ing g grin room el gro g b g o g i h r a e g r t a s e v a g u g o e l c o a g v n r s b r e eal genie ical g e ger tner zal gh iddin ilmo lle gi lanci lendo lar g glow b go ogo g gonz orgin ng go l gra amm nger oppe eyard greek d gree e grie sfeld ming e gro nfeu o v s g i r n a g l g o g v g g e g fu a h ru in e h rs nia grap erald er ge ly gh ddily lman le gis nces dale lome werin goat g gogh nzale rges gould grace ram g ge gr grass tt gra reedy greet s griev s grin d gro ve gro y gru atori i o t o n g o n n e a i i e g e g o o g g n t i s l s s e a e g n a e e g l d s c g ldine tenm t gha son g lotti g th gi ced g da gl gloin red g l goal oggle ales usly ulde race rains nd gr ss�r e grav edily r gree vanc ng gr room use gr grun guber s guill g z o g i o s i s e n n a a g ib ie a g ra e ir il o n an re ger s ger a gha son g gly g girt g ce gla da gle glock glow ed go gog n gon gorge ould g grace ining andst sses g vesto eed g er gre ce gr grinn room ps gr ndm malan nburr nders n a h s n o g n u u d b u d r s r e d a i g e l t r e n a e a s hw ni gha let gi ie gil y girl r gla n glen bulin glowe d goa gofor gont rgeou ould i grac in gr ons g rs gr est gr ece g od gr grieva rinne nked gs gro ing gr guat guill ann g gusto e e u s a g e o a l l a p a e i o v lo y g ib lay bes g gillis irlish lamo ees gl lin g glow oa go e go� gonn rge go ging rabskrail gr grand grass d gra ian gr eenw grief tone nk gr oupin rumb temal llaum nderm ustin gyp g g g s u u r i y g s o g r l c i s d o g n g c h a a u g s e r i o e g b g s be is gill irlish orou fully g k glo r glov nu go s goet ongor gore g ged g grabs town ndsongrasse avese ss gre ood g gridl grindmet g ping bled ds gu ord gu oat g tavus logist er ha k i r r s b e s m w l a e g s f e u g u gil irlie e glam l glee bocn glove mon er go ong g gore e gou grab ham ds gr grass ves g reatn reen e grid grind grom d gro e gru o gua guil l gun ve gu yneco r hac hag r r s e g g l e a c u g a r g z g n lo o g n e g ra g n nd mori gleef tter g glove es gn goer gone inkle ie gou abbin am gr ts gra sping ver g eatly wich in gri ndlay kkin roup rumb uardi ileles nbarr gust ogist hack hagne half v d i k u a a g o a n g e w b g l r r u o s r d g l h r r r a r n r c r g m r g e gle obetr veles gno oerin ondo rdon e gou bed g gra pare ed g en g test g gree grib gs g ed g roup uller dini uile un g gust neco ema agle halfo ts ha b n l g g o r y p y k r gle bes gl ed glo elike erig g olin g don g oudg grab rahamgrand gras y grav r grea enwa reyla rindi grok ork g �y g g gua uild g ums ustaf ical g hack ling h �ing ly ha mmo d l g w l g g g b g p g g m g g d e o r e k a v o g n u a e e a s d t a g r n t l o l i g o r e n n o o g n o g h p v r k i s a e g ve gl e gn fert hi go ner g otte ps g grag rand as gr l gra grea are g eyin ndin in gr roun u� g uard igno ptio s gu ecol hac le ha our h halt ock ftsma g g g g r r u i g n a k e m o o c m r w g g n m d et te ep r gl ll gno el go ompa k gor gotta gpjfn rafto thers ling g e grav grea green und g ers gr gy gr wave ome g dians idry g y gu guss ms gy k hac ly hag d hal� altin ham ndicr andw d c g m a s h o o t g r s d d k y u u o a d e g v h p o t s a e o n g f e h a c e t gn win mez orde tt go e goz graft ndm grap t gra coat nvill reyh grin s gr rou gru n gu oni g gum r gu sts g rg h ggar ear halt mo afts ting hans g g e a n i g g r a d u n t o t n god ez g rdan sch go goyet a�ti er gra ppled grau grea e gree grey grin roggi unds uene ardia g guid min gush gymn absb ard h s hal�halter g ham ndicr ndwr anse bors r r t a n u m m n h h y o a a o g g d r t h e k d i n i g s a s g r r o g e t h u r d i r g e a g o h e c r n c r n o t l y g oduc sm g gown gra� dmo ple g auba eatc reen ew g ess g roga less g eling rdia guid m g gush asti hab n ha al�a halte amm caps ave anse ing h hard a i i m a n w n p h r r e s r r a f n g u d t h g b c h u d r h a g d a u d l g g t e l k i g r o a gor goth owne dy gr ma gr lly gr grau reat aner yles r grim ocery groun gly g use g guid um g s gus ic gymy hab ag ha ack ll ha met d han s han lman harb dwic ize ha e � g r h o m v l u s g e t e r l g n e c d a h s y e l t d w d t n hi own n gr ran rapp ousl easy reen e gre mm ers g ding udgi ardh pos ulps uru g nas itua afta lf ha s hal ey ha capp stan hans bore ck ha rmo arro e g r m n g i r l i b c g u l a d r ll a h it ri h io g g g ns duat andly aphs gratu ases gward grevi m g es gro r grou ges g ess g s guid lped ursel ast gy al ha a�is ale h in ha mers hand d han check or ha ardw ion h arro tz har r m a u n u d t h h p h e r s e b r h i designed by Mitja Miklavčič i p n s v e t m r l n g g s g a r d r u r a g i r n n a y n e z a k g g iose hite uitou sed g green n gr ly g roce ound ge gr arde ideli gulp rrola gym hab ha� ima os ha dt h ndic dsta s ha rt ha wic oniz arrit ick h g has n i s d l p g r e u d n m n e d t a a m d u t m u r l a y h i i a s a � g a w g r i h b a l r e es n an ly gr n gr e gr reen gret y gr roce ded s gru ded ine g gul rla g asiu hab e ha a ha ns h schm old h es h n h har e ha ha ison aroft Reading ste unch y a h y University r b l k r l d n l s e r a i l g u r a n g i b n l g h s a l n e e r k a e s a r t a g l h g n f o e p u u a d a a o m e ers a twe w iou hic t grat re gre enock tebec grim t grob d gro er gr rd gu guid gulli khas m gy itati ly ha on h halo amm han ands anovDepartment Communication n h Graphic aofrdTypography ned nch h hay h i n isoand r b e o r h a s o d y b s e t h a t s r b h a y l s g a e n h r c h e d u 2006 e gra zing ss gr en g rime g gro grou y gru ty gu guid gullie on gu yn g tat ha haen l hal a ha rless dgun mest over gh h rdtop harm harr eger n has s haJuly orn hea gra eenne retch med g oanin ttoes grubb uaran book lible guri nn gw habi efner al ha s halm mme n han ndso z han arbau ck ha nious arris artw haste haul awth ading alth h h g g a h h a u e s i e r o h g le e r e y ts s ta ha ro he ul ly g tchen ldi gr ned g tto g rubb ntees e guid lity g s gurg yn gw bitan aec h mem allwa ered handg mer h hann ssing hard harm arris s�eld t hast haulin horne der h thier ters h h k h a a g o t l t i a o e s l s a a s a n a h d r t gr grim n gro ues g rubb guar e gui gullib aniou endo ble h drian kes ha lway hamm dfuls ands niga d har dship onie gton ld har on ha auled haw ed he l hea er he da he
a typeface for magazines
isa is a typeface created while studing in the ma Typeface Design course at the University of Reading. The typeface was primarily created for use in various magazines that are either printed by web-fed o�set or gravure printing techniques. Nevertheless, the typeface can also be successfully used in other printed media, such as newspapers, annual reports etc. It is rather hard to de�ne the characteristics of a ‘conventional magazine typeface’ and how a magazine typeface di�ers from other groups of typefaces, particularly from newspaper typefaces. In many ways the closest relative to a magazine typeface is a newspaper typeface. The text length should be fairly close, although in magazines articles tend to be shorter and more frequently interrupted by other elements on the page, such as illustrations or photographs. On the other hand newspapers tend to look more and more like magazines.
169 ééÉ However a magazine typeface doesn’t necessarily need the rough character of a newspaper typeface. The reason may lie in printing technology di�erences. Magazines are often printed on di�erent kind of web-fed o�set presses using paper of better quality and di�erent types of printing ink. On the other hand, quite a signi�cant number of magazines are printed with gravure printing. Gravure printing is principally used for very long print runs with a minimum of one million copies. A detailed description of this very old and interesting printing technique would go beyond the subject of this specimen. But one has to be familiar with the key peculiarity of gravure printing: everything, including letterforms, is ‘rasterized’. In order to meet the technological and aesthetic requirements of magazine use a typeface with a relatively low contrast and fairly pronounced serifs was designed.
From this point of view a group of typefaces usually labelled as Slab serifs or Egyptians (or sometimes Egyptiennes) was chosen as a model. Slab serifs normally have a rather solid style and somewhat simpli�ed character. They were traditionally used in newspaper printing and were a good choice for a suitable typeface in early typewriters. Many typefaces from this group also have a relatively large x-height, which is advantageous for newspapers and magazines.
The main goal of this project was to design a softer and a more dynamic version of a slab serif typeface. The idea was to create a typeface that would have good legibility in text sizes while showing interesting characteristics when used in larger sizes.
some basic characteristics
oe nve Hzbph bifnkloprt il IL Tisa is a low contrast slab serif typeface. It is an attempt to create a contemporary version of the nineteenth century woodtype slab serif typefaces. Some ‘humanist’ characteristics, such as asymmetric serifs and slightly oblique stress, might make it easier to read in longer texts. Due to its low stroke contrast Tisa is also surprisingly legible in small sizes and works �ne in demanding
printing techniques, such as gravure printing or low resolution laser printing. Tisa has a relatively large x-height which makes it suitable for use in publications such as magazines or newspapers. Small caps are visibly taller compared to lowercase letters, and can be used e�ectively in emphasising parts of text.
degrees of (in)formality
nnN Although belonging to the same typeface family there are some di�erences in design between uppercase and lowercase letters. Brie�y, lowercase letterforms have an informal character (asymmetric serifs, slightly diagonal cuts etc.) while uppercase letters tend to be more formal (optically symmetric serifs, horizontal cuts, straight downstrokes
55 etc.). From this point of view small caps are somewhere in between the two: having a basic shape of caps while carrying some stylistic features of lowercase letters. A different degree of formality was also applied to �gures. Oldstyle �gures tend to be closer to the lowercase letters while lining �gures closely resemble uppercase letters.
The italic version was not primarily created to have the role of emphasising - it is more a secondary typeface to the regular version. From this reason a fairly upright ‘hybrid’ italic was designed which is slightly lighter comparing to the regular version. However, the angle of slant is mathematically not the same in all glyphs and varies roughly from 7 to 5 degrees. In order to achieve an optically
uniform angle of slant, taller and wider letters were slanted less. Small caps are comparing to lowercase less and comparing to uppercase more slanted. Another peculiarity of the italic version is that the main strokes are slightly wider on the baseline (this adjustment was more applied on lowercase letters). This characteristic gives the italic typeface some stability.
inrp hH nn ww
ink traps and diagonals
In letters where a round stroke meets a straight one, such as the lowercase ‘n’ or ‘p’, or in letters where two diagonals meet,
for example lowercase ‘v’ and ‘w’, a dark area results. To reduce this unwanted e�ect some inspirations from phototypesetting were used. Due to small openings in some parts of the letters less light penetrated in these areas when exposed to light and the inside angles had to be strongly opened. Although the process of reproduction in digital work�ow is very di�erent a similar optical adjustment was made in a more subtle way. A similar, though much less obvious adjustment is made when a serif and a diagonal stroke meet (e.g. letter ‘w’). The diagonal stroke was thinned in a similar and even more subtle way.
regular character set
italic character set
latin lowercase:
latin lowercase:
latin uppercase:
latin uppercase:
latin small caps:
latin small caps:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđðèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭįıijĵķĸĺľļ łŀńňñņŋòóôõöōŏőøǿœþŕřŗśŝšşșßťţțŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵ ẅỳýŷÿźžż
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđðèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭįıijĵķĸĺľļ łŀńňñņŋòóôõöōŏőøǿœþŕřŗśŝšşșßťţțŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅ ỳýŷÿźžż
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđðèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭį� ijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņŋòóôõöōŏőøǿœþŕřŗśŝšşșťţŧùúûũü ūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžż
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđðèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭį� ijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņŋòóôõöōŏőøǿœþŕřŗśŝšşșťţŧùúûũüū ŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžż
lowercase, uppercase and small cap accents:
lowercase, uppercase and small cap accents:
`´˝ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˙¸˛̦̕ `´˝ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˙¸˛̕
standard and discretionary ligatures:
�gures – oldstyle, lining, tabular and proportional:
standard and discretionary ligatures:
�������������� 0123456789
`´˝ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˙¸˛̦̕ `´˝ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˙¸˛̕ ��������������
�gures – oldstyle, lining, tabular and proportional:
punctuation, symbols and currency:
,;:.…&·•-–—!¡?¿ '"‛‘’“”‚„‹›«» §¶@©®™ ¤€$¢£ƒ¥
punctuation, symbols and currency:
mathematical operators, fractions and superior numbers:
,;:.…&·•-–—!¡?¿ '"‛‘’“”‚„‹›«» §¶@©®™ ¤€$¢£ƒ¥
mathematical operators, fractions and superior numbers:
%‰⁄½¼⅓¾⅔ ¹²³⁴
%‰⁄½¼⅓¾⅔ ¹²³⁴
case sensitive forms for caps and small caps:
case sensitive forms for caps and small caps:
:·•-–—¡¿‹›«»()[]{}ªº°#�*@¤€$¢£ƒ¥%‰+−=≠×÷≈>≥< ≤±¬ !¡?¿()[]{}@/|¦\
:·•-–—¡¿‹›«»()[]{}ªº°#�*@¤€$¢£ƒ¥%‰+−=≠×÷≈>≥< ≤±¬ !¡?¿()[]{}@/|¦\
tabular punctuation for use with numerals and dingbats:
tabular punctuation for use with numerals and dingbats:
bold character set
bold italic character set
latin lowercase:
latin lowercase:
latin uppercase:
latin uppercase:
latin small caps:
latin small caps:
lowercase, uppercase and small cap accents:
lowercase, uppercase and small cap accents:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđðèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭįıijĵķ ĸĺľļłŀńňñņŋòóôõöōŏőøǿœþŕřŗśŝšşșßťţțŧùúûũüūŭůű ųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžż ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ ÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄÆǼĆĈČĊÇĎĐÐÈÉÊĚËĒĔĖĘĜĞĠĢ ĤĦÌÍÎĨÏĪĬİĮĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇÑŅŊÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØǾŒÞŔŘ ŖŚŜŠŞȘŤŢŦÙÚÛŨÜŪŬŮŰŲẀẂŴẄỲÝŶŸŹŽŻ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđðèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħì íîĩïīĭį�ijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņŋòóôõöōŏőøǿœþŕřŗśŝš şșťţŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžż `´˝ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˙¸˛̦̕
standard and discretionary ligatures:
`´˝ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˙¸˛̕ ������
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđðèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩïīĭįıijĵķĸĺľļł ŀńňñņŋòóôõöōŏőøǿœþŕřŗśŝšşșßťţțŧùúûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅ ỳýŷÿźžż ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ ÀÁÂÃÄĀĂÅǺĄÆǼĆĈČĊÇĎĐÐÈÉÊĚËĒĔĖĘĜĞĠĢĤĦÌ ÍÎĨÏĪĬİĮĴĶĹĽĻŁĿŃŇÑŅŊÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐØǾŒÞŔŘŖŚŜŠŞȘŤ ŢŦÙÚÛŨÜŪŬŮŰŲẀẂŴẄỲÝŶŸŹŽŻ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz àáâãäāăåǻąæǽćĉčċçďđðèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħìíîĩï īĭį�ijĵķĺľļłŀńňñņŋòóôõöōŏőøǿœþŕřŗśŝšşșťţŧù úûũüūŭůűųẁẃŵẅỳýŷÿźžż `´˝ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˙¸˛̦̕ `´˝ˆˇ˜¨¯˘˚˙¸˛̕ standard and discretionary ligatures:
�gures – oldstyle, lining, tabular and proportional:
�gures – oldstyle, lining, tabular and proportional:
punctuation, symbols and currency:
punctuation, symbols and currency:
0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 ,;:.…&·•-–—!¡?¿ '"‛‘’“”‚„‹›«» ‾^~*†‡§¶@©®™ ¤€$¢£ƒ¥ mathematical operators, fractions and superior numbers:
()[]{}ªº°#�/|¦\_ %‰⁄½¼⅓¾⅔ ¹²³⁴
,;:.…&·•-–—!¡?¿ '"‛‘’“”‚„‹›«» ‾^~*†‡§¶@©®™ ¤€$¢£ƒ¥ mathematical operators, fractions and superior numbers:
tabular punctuation for use with numerals and dingbats:
tabular punctuation for use with numerals and dingbats:
+−=≠×÷≈>≥<≤±¬∞◊∫∂√∏∑µ∆Ωπℓ℮ case sensitive forms for caps and small caps:
0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789
case sensitive forms for caps and small caps:
:·•-–—¡¿‹›«»()[]{}ªº°#�*@¤€$¢£ƒ¥%‰+−=≠×÷≈>≥< ≤±¬ !¡?¿()[]{}@/|¦\
%‰⁄½¼⅓¾⅔ ¹²³⁴
:·•-–—¡¿‹›«»()[]{}ªº°#�*@¤€$¢£ƒ¥%‰+−=≠×÷≈>≥< ≤±¬ !¡?¿()[]{}@/|¦\ ,;:.'"°
cyrillic character set cyrillic lowercase:
абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя ѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџ cyrillic uppercase:
АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ ЀЁЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЍЎЏ case sensitive forms case sensitive punctuation lowercase forms:
(ad)he/sio[n] ¡l{о}rem! ¿ip|s¦um? slash@dot\com •dol ·or-em – imsum — etc ›de‹ «aed*net» uppercase forms:
(AD)HE/SIO[N] ¡L{О}REM! ¿IP|S¦UM? SLASH@DOT\COM •DOL ·OR-EM – IMSUM — ETC ›DE‹ «AED*NET» small caps forms:
(ad)he/sio[n] ¡l{о}rem! ¿ip|s¦um? slash@dot\com case sensitive numerals and currency
abc0d1e2f3g4h5i6j7k8l9m ABC0D1E2F3G4H5I6J7K8L9M $1, 99¢, 29€, 19£, 30¥, ƒ1 15%, 9‰, 8ª, 8º, �1, #21°3'15" $1, 99¢, 29€, 19£, 30¥, ƒ1 15%, 9‰, 8ª, 8º, �1, #21°3'15" case sensitive mathematical operators:
12+33−2×66÷4=231 21≠20≈81>32<19≥56≤78±34¬100 12+33−2×66÷4=231 21≠20≈81>32<19≥56≤78±34¬100
using the typeface in tables One of the main characteristics of tabular features is that they all have the same width. Normally oldstyle and lining tabular �gures are also designed on the same width. When designing this typeface a further step was taken in this direction: regular, italic and bold version tabular �gures have the same width. All mathematical operators also share the same width while some basic punctuation for use in tables was created.
120+35=155 3<56>52 17×3−105÷2 45±8≥30 6:45:08 7,400.00 45° 9:00:45 1.300,00 60°
Stalna sredstva, 7.5/9
447.225 31.817.483 456,00 3.750.561,99 4.274.411 4.096.582 95.626 4.000.956 5.398.724 0 134
439.894 30.616.277 521,99 5.670.326,45 4.269.299 1.156.229 20.268 1.135.961 4.181.604 0 0
1.659.623 £ 47.880,05 $ 150.000 €
1.479.825 ¥ 56.340,05 $ 430.500 €
Kratkoročne poslovne terjatve Kratkoročne poslovne terjatve do kupcev Kratkoročne �nančne naložbe Dolgoročne naložbe v male stvari
3.003,989 1.290,522 6.480,290 7.880,799
3.813,862 1.477,613 5.340,254 15.456,561
Aktivne časovne razmejitve
Dolgoročne premoženjske pravice Zemljišča in zgradbe Besede in dobri nameni Izgubljeni predmeti Zemljišča Osnovna sredstva, ki se pridobivajo Predujmi za pridobitev opredmetenih osnovnih sredstev Opredmetena osnovna sredstva v gradnji in izdelavi Dolgoročne �nančne naložbe Deleži v lasti manjšinskih delničarjev skupini Lastni deleži Zaloge Dobroimetja Ocene
Ljubljana – Zagreb – Thessaloniki, 7.5/10 station mv 411 mv 412 Ljubljana Nekje Drugod Vmes Zagreb Između Негдје Београд Скопје Thessaloniki
21:05 21:05 22:39 23:00 00:15 04:30 06:15 07:45 21:30 21:30
06:05 06:05 06:15 06:45 07:10 10:00 11:00 12:40 18:32 18:32
mv 413
mv 414
mv 415
mv 416
mv 417
22:15 22:15 23:00 23:55 00:10 05:35 06:00 07:30 19:55 21:45
11:55 11:55 00:00 00:00 00:10 00:15 00:45 11:00 17:40 18:40
10:05 10:15 00:30 00:55 23:15 00:00 00:22 00:50 08:45 09:45
15:12 16:15 21:15 01:30 01:55 02:45 04:10 05:35 06:45 09:00
23:55 00:45 01:30 01:55 03:45 07:15 08:12 10:55 11:45 13:05
I know what you’re thinking:
did he �re six shots
or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement,
I’ve kinda lost track myself.
But being as
ПАРУС Белеет парус одинокой В тумане моря голубом!.. Что ищет он в стране далекой? Что кинул он в краю родном?.. Играют волны - ветер свищет, И мачта гнется и скрыпит... Увы! он счастия не ищет И не от счастия бежит! Под ним струя светлей лазури, Над ним луч солнца золотой... А он, мятежный, просит бури, Как будто в бурях есть покой!
this is a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun
in the world and would
blow your head clean o�,
you’ve got to ask yourself one question:
Do I feel lucky? Well,
do ya punk?
JADRO Na sinji morski se gladini v meglicah jadro lesketa ... Le česa išče si v tujini, in kaj pustilo je doma? Morje kipi in veter vleče škripaje jambor se šibi. Ah, jadro si ne išče sreče, pred srečo tudi ne beži! Nad njim se sončna luč razžarja, pod njim je morje v dalj in šir. A jadro si želi viharja, kot da v viharju bil bi mir!
English The sheer size of the European Union in economic, trade and �nancial terms makes it a world player. It has a web of agreements with most countries and regions of the globe. The biggest international trader and home to the euro, the world’s second currency, the eu spends € 500 million a month on assistance projects in all �ve continents. The European Union is putting in place a common foreign and security policy so that its members can act together on the world stage as a united force for stability, cooperation and understanding. At the same time, the eu is developing a defence capability and has undertaken its �rst peacekeeping missions.
Italian Per importanza economica, commerciale e �nanziaria, l’Unione europea è una protagonista della scena mondiale. L’UE dispone di una rete di accordi con la maggior parte dei paesi e delle regioni del globo. Oltre ad essere la prima potenza commerciale a livello internazionale e patria dell’euro - la seconda valuta più importante del mondo - l’Unione europea spende 550 milioni di euro al mese in progetti di assistenza in tutti e cinque i continenti. Stati membri di intervenire collegialmente e in modo unitario sulla scena mondiale a favore della stabilità, della cooperazione e della comprensione reciproca.
Slovenian Sama pomembnost Evropske unije na gospodarskem, trgovinskem in �nančnem področju ji daje vlogo svetovnega igralca. Z večino držav in regij sveta ima mrežo sporazumov. Kot največji mednarodni trgovec in dom euru – drugi svetovni valuti – porabi eu 500 milijonov eurov mesečno za projekte pomoči na vseh petih kontinentih. Evropska unija vzpostavlja skupno zunanjo in varnostno politiko, tako da lahko njeni člani na svetovnem odru delujejo skupaj kot združena sila za stabilnost, sodelovanje in razumevanje. Obenem eu razvija obrambno sposobnost in lotila se je svojih prvih mirovnih misij.
Czech Význam Evropské unie v hospodářském, obchodním a �nančním měřítku z ní činí globálního hráče. Evropská unie má síť dohod s většinou zemí a regionů světa. Je mezinárodně největší obchodní silou, má měnu – euro, která je druhou nejvýznamnější měnou na světě, a věnuje 500 milionů eur měsíčně na projekty pomoci na všech pěti kontinentech. Evropská unie zavádí společnou zahraniční a bezpečnostní politiku, aby její členové mohli na světové scéně spojenými silami prosazovat stabilitu, spolupráci a porozumění. Současně Evropská unie rozvíjí svou obrannou kapacitu a uskutečňuje první mírové mise. Je také zapojena do boje proti terorismu.
French Le simple poids économique, commercial et �nancier de l’Union européenne lui confère une place sur la scène internationale. L’Union a tissé un réseau d’accords avec la plupart des pays et régions du globe. Premier bloc commercial au monde doté de la deuxième devise mondiale, l’euro, l’Union consacre chaque mois 500 millions d’euros à des projets d’assistance sur les cinq continents. L’Union européenne met en place une politique étrangère et de sécurité commune a�n que ses membres puissent constituer une force unie et agir ensemble au niveau mondial pour promouvoir la stabilité, la coopération et la compréhension mutuelle.
Hungarian Az Európai Uniót puszta mérete gazdasági, kereskedelmi és pénzügyi vonatkozásban globális szereplővé teszi. Megállapodások hálózatával rendelkezik a Föld legtöbb országával és régiójával. Mint a legnagyobb nemzetközi kereskedő és az euró hazája – amely a világ második valutája – az EU havonta 500 millió eurót költ segélyezési projektekre az öt kontinensen együttvéve. Az Európai Unió megalkotja közös kül- és biztonságpolitikáját, hogy tagjai közösen tudjanak fellépni a világ színpadán, a stabilitást, az együttműködést és az egyetértést előmozdító egységes erőként. Ugyanakkor az EU fejleszti védelmi képességét, és elvállalta az első békefenntartó küldetéseit.
German Allein ihr wirtschaftliches, handelspolitisches und �nanzielles Gewicht macht die Europäische Union zu einem globalen Akteur. Sie unterhält ein Netz von Abkommen mit den meisten Ländern und Regionen der Welt. Die eu ist die größte internationale Handelsmacht, verfügt mit dem Euro über die zweitwichtigste Währung der Welt und gibt monatlich 500 Mio. eur für Hilfeprojekte in allen fünf Kontinenten aus.Die Europäische Union ist dabei, eine Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik einzurichten, damit ihre Mitglieder auf internationaler Bühne mit vereinten Kräften für Stabilität.
Serbian Европска унија је најмоћнија регионална организација која тренутно у свету постоји. Као што се из претходног може видети, у неким областима где су државе чланице свој суверинитет препустиле Европској унији, може се рећи да је Европска унија федерација или конфедерација. Унија нема право да премести додатна овлашћења других чланица на себе без допуштења одређене чланице. Исто тако, одређени број чланица руководи самостално својим политикама од националног интереса, као што су инострани послови, одбрана, валута.
When speaking of animals with the ability to reason (generally considered the exclusive domain of humans), goals are no longer limited to short term satisfaction of basic drives. Nevertheless, there remains a strong relationship of happiness to goal ful�llment and the brain’s reinforcement mechanism, even if the goals themselves may be more complex and/ or cerebral, longer term, and less sel�sh than a lower animal’s goals might be. 7/9
Non c’è dubbio che i �loso� a volte interpretano e fanno riferimento al lavoro sperimentale svolto in vari campi. Ma ciò non è sorprendente: lo scopo di queste branche della �loso�a, è di aiutare a interpretare gli aspetti �loso�ci del lavoro sperimentale, ma non sono i �loso� che svolgono gli esperimenti e formulano le teorie esplicative dei dati raccolti. 10/12
Znanstvenik si tako kot �lozof prizadeva, da bi svoja dognanja tudi utemeljil – jih argumentiral. Glavna razlika med njima je v tem, da se znanstvenik ukvarja z vprašanji, o katerih se je mogoče odločiti s poskusi ali opazovanjem. Vprašanja, ki jih ne morejo odločiti z poskusi sodijo v �lozo�jo. Vedeti moramo, da �lozo�ja, znanost in umetnost niso v sporu, imajo več skupnega, kot se zdi na prvi pogled. Pravzaprav se je znanost rodila iz �lozo�je. Vse tri raziskujejo svet, se soočajo z skrivnostjo življenja in to poskušajo razumeti bolje. Uporabljajo različne metode, zato so poti različne, vendar imajo isti cilj – raziskujejo svet in življenje. Druga drugo bogatijo. 6/8
Le raisonnement est le suivant : les moralistes estiment que les hommes font leur propre malheur ; mais ces hommes cherchent ce qu’ils croient leur être pro�table. Cette quête peut être brutale et sanguinaire ; elle peut être aussi heureusement spirituelle : recherche du savoir, création artistique, quête religieuse. 11/13
Существуют теории, согласно которым вся деятельность любого живого существа направлена на достижение положительных и избегание отрицательных ощущений, называемых также страданиями. 13/14 Het hanteren van een louter positieve de�nitie van geluk heeft echter ook mogelijke nadelen, omdat het kan leiden tot het buiten het bewustzijn houden van de pijnlijke aspecten van het leven, die men echter nog steeds zal beleven. Indien men zichzelf óók bewust is van deze meer pijnlijke aspecten van het leven is men beter in staat deze te overkomen (of er beter mee om te gaan) door het eigen gedrag te verbeteren of aan te passen. 8/10
Zunächst geht alles nach Wunsch und Willen - der Mensch versucht seine Neigungen im hedonistischen, Verlangen zu befriedigen. Dabei ist der Glücksbegri� der Menschen für Kant nicht grei�ar, da schon die einfachsten Neigungen schwankend sind und der gesamte Begri� damit selbst für individuelle Begri�sde�nitionen nur bedingt gültig sein kann. 9/11
9/11 Information Design A statistician and sculptor, Edward Tufte has written a series of highly regarded books on the subject of information graphics. Tufte also delivers lectures and workshops on a regular basis. He describes the process of incorporating many dimensions of information into a two-dimensional image as ‘escaping �atland’.
� Nigel Holmes is an established commercial creator of what he calls explanation graphics. His works deal not only with the visual display of the diy information but also of knowledge - how to do things.
Close and strongly related to the �eld of information graphics, is information design. Actually, making infographics is a certain discipline within the information design world. Modern day American information designers, like Nigel Holmes, Edward Tufte and Sam Ward; are accompanied by a very active Dutch information designer: Paul Mijksenaar. His Amsterdam and New York based design studio is specialized in the development of visual oriented information systems. They create so called way�nding and waysigning systems for all kinds of large public transport systems and infrastructures. Examples of their work are, the signing systems for airports in the Amsterdam (Schiphol, nl), but also for airports in Italy and the United States �
7.5/8 C-47 noun
a common clothespin us Used by television and �lm crews, mocking the formality of the o�cial jargon of their craft. — Collected from Discovery Channel television crew in Los Angeles, January 2003
Cabbagetown noun a mixed residential and business area near downtown in Toronto canada, 1958 This term was likely derived from the days when poor people lived downtown and presumably could only a�ord to eat cabbage. cábóg noun ignorant male, a rustic clodhopper ireland
• ‘What a cábóg he is.’— Terence Dolan, A Dictionary of Hiberno-English, 1999, p. 47
Caboodle noun all of something us, 1848
• ‘It wasn’t the money, mind you – he was dead set against the whole caboodle.’— Frederick Kohner, Gidget, 1957, p. 23 • ‘I left the whole caboodle under a bench in Washington Square.’— Mary McCarthy, The Group, 1963, p. 174
cab sav noun cabernet sauvignon wine australia • ‘The new design is seen on the 1988 Yellow Label cab sav-shiraz blend and the ‘86 classic Brown Label shiraz.’— News, 3 July 1990, p. 90
cab squad noun in American football, players who are cut from a professional team’s game roster but kept for practices to make a better impression on us. us
22 • typeface in a magazine
tisa • typeface specimen
taxus baccata Tisa is a Slovenian name for yew tree. This conifer is native to western, central and southern Europe, northwest Africa, northern Iran and southwest Asia. Text from wikipedia. Originally and still widely known in English as just Yew, the later discovery of other very similar related species has led to quali�cation as European Yew, Common Yew or English Yew where detail of which species of Taxus is required. The word yew is from Proto-Germanic *īwa-, possibly originally a loanword from Gaulish ivos, compare Irish ēo, Welsh ywen, French if; see Eihwaz for a discussion). Baccata is Latin for bearing berries. It is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, growing 10-20
m tall, exceptionally up to 28 m. It is relatively slow growing, but can be very longlived, with the maximum recorded trunk diameter of 4 m probably only being reached in around 4,000 years. The potential age of yews is di�cult to determine, as there is rarely any wood as old as the whole tree and the bough often hollows out with time; there are uncon�rmed age estimates as high as 5,000-9,000 years.It is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree, growing 10-20 m tall, exceptionally up to 28 or even 30 m.
tisa • typeface specimen
It has thin scaly brown bark. The leaves are lanceolate, �at, dark green, 1-4 cm long and 2-3 mm broad, arranged spirally on the stem. The seed cones are highly modi�ed, each cone containing a single seed 4-7 mm long partly surrounded by a modi�ed scale which develops into a soft, bright red berrylike structure called an aril. The arils are mature 6-9 months after pollination, and with the seed contained are eaten by thrushes, waxwings and other birds, which disperse the seeds undamaged in their droppings; maturation of the arils is spread over 2-3 months, increasing the chances of successful seed dispersal. The male cones are globose, 3-6 mm diameter, and shed their pollen in spring. It is mostly dioecious, but occasional individuals can be variably monoecious, or change sex with time. All parts of the tree are toxic, except the bright red aril surrounding the seed, enabling ingestion and dispersal by birds.
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scienti�c classifacion
code value
Kingdom: Division: Class: Order:
65.342:15 45.330:00 00.372:21 22.451:88 39.979:45 35.200:81 43.266:70
Plantae Pinophyta Pinopsida Pinales Taxaceae Taxus T. baccata
The yew is often found in churchyards from England and Ireland to the Asturias (Simón ref); some of these trees are exceptionally large (over 3 m diameter) and likely to be over 3,000 years old, long predating the churches they are beside and betokening an earlier sacred site. Many believe that the enormous sacred evergreen at the pagan Temple at Uppsala was a yew. The Christian church commonly found it expedient to take over these existing sacred sites for churches. It is sometimes suggested that
Many believe that the enormous sacred evergreen at the pagan Temple at Uppsala was a yew. these were planted as a symbol of long life or trees of death. An explanation that the yews were planted to discourage farmers and drovers from letting their animals wander into the burial grounds, with the poisonous foliage being the disincentive, may be intentionally prosaic. Uses and traditions Yew is also associated with Wales because Similarly, Florus notes that when the Can- of the longbow, an early weapon of war, detabrians were under siege by the legate veloped in Wales. Yew is the wood of choice Gaius Furnius in 22 BC, most of them took for longbow making, which are constructed their lives either by the sword or by �re or so the heartwood of yew is on the inside of by a poison extracted ex arboribus taxeis, the bow while the sapwood is on the outside. that is, from the yew tree (2: 33, 50-51). In This takes advantage of the natural properHispania, Prudentius and Martin of Braga ties of wood since the heartwood is able to in Visigothic times (De correctione rustico- withstand compression while the sapwood rum 8) denounced the fact that the Hispan- is elastic and allows the bow to stretch. Both ic country folk worshipped trees and sacred tend to return to their original straightness when the arrow is released. (9/11) stones. � In the ancient Celtic world, the yew tree (*eburos) had extraordinary importance; a passage by Caesar narrates that Catuvolcus, chief of the Eburones, virtually “sons of the yew”, poisoned himself with yew rather than submit to Rome (Gallic Wars 6: 31).
r l s l e e l f a i d fo n fort nder gile f franc l frat boote zel fr frictio frimo r fron ration fulln unera urtad riel g c gala allop ando ing ga garry ton ga uthier gegen ed gen entle logy aniu esua giaco n g a o t a g i m e f g e t s t f b a s g u r i t n s a r e y e e t h n r e e s m d fo res f vill ater e fr ic fr rick frill ront fru ulle eral furs s ga alac llop nde arde ulou n ga m g ees nera nly orp c ge ring olet o bert g i a f e a g t h r f f e o s g c g n le r a s u g ta il m re tu und fract franc ranz f hall f frene frick ll frill onted tratin lerton ds fu urrow r gab l gala llons g dalf g nias an gar u gast n gau geely rate g ntlem l geo erman s ges no gia gil g gham e e n a n c e s e e f i i d s l f n i l s k a a r g a n i g a r c d a e u r g f i t e e c n n k u b g i u a h g y r n f f g ur chis icall edri chm te fri gid ntal ed fr ller f ing owed le ga ters age ch g a ga rriso stin auss geei ls ge man olog ania gestu iacc gign am th giv i a i r n i e i h g g r t d o t a n n n r e h f b a a m g u e a a v r n r g g l r d f a n a s e n s r o f c i a p i g e f t g e l e l r e u i s u n fr fra drik n fr e r g yg u s fr tfully ntage frust fuller tals f row f man g aited n gal nado s gard soned tinea y gau dies g ly gen le gen eomo ane g estur ghou ling g rly gi ives g lasse g c fre a r i t a m an rik nch ar fri frigh t fro trate ing men r fur abel ait g gallo a ga ener arri y gas ntle es ge eral gent ry g erm ure g houl gigg inge ers g ses g lint k d fre ch fre le fri htful l fron s frus llbac funda furrie abel g ains g gallo t gan gard ison g gass et gau gedd d gen tility eomet man g g gest osts g ggles read g er giv k glas pses g loriou n riab frig nde ruit k fu lly g gi gs ntl er arr r er e or en in mu rb im s g ize en oc ng giv gh gg gg r f ri f y ro sly f llbac enta re fur bblin ainin vanti a ga arden son g gassin t gau dank neral iles g ically an g iculat ostly iggled ginge ness lassc sed gl oriou glyce l f g f m r m n e i t g g i e l s m n d n t u n i l t a g r h p r m g u g m i g r l n t e e e s g e m d u l e g f e giv n g r i l a m d ss lim so g nat dda a ssin e ga bka lize le ge eom m g d ge ike ggle ing hte fro ruit full und urn ble infu m g g ga ene a ga g i gla o io frig from less f fulke list f ings f e gab ey ga alliu amin gard arrig set ga aunc ish ge enera genti ical g ch ger culate hostl nza gi nger g givenglash mpse glor glycer mit g olden y n t g s a n s g g t i s g a g r i g i n i f i s h e l t a e g a olic n fru lgham amen urnis abard le gai alling mgee gard rrick ser g gaulle in gea tions ntian omet y gerl e gest osted ic gig ean g eaway asgow ing g glori ycerin godd lden man g e r l s f b g svil li g l t t n e k ga gas er o a l h e a v io s fu m d s i d e k g o e i a g z t g d n g g g g g r a a i g t o i n r u �ll fu ishin a ga aine s gal mez le ga rric ssed uleit ry ge eral tian etric n ge o ges host giga dler way g ingly limm lori� tons godd berg ly go rton g m l e t n g a g n g g a d g l v s r n a a a m d a i u 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gaug s gea lists enou ologi rhard esang erti g ietze imli giuse anvill glide a glor ic glu bert g itroge e goo orman t gou racio matic g gran ssy g a a g t g g e l g l h m u a e g o e ra gal g gambed ga arnis spee g y gau kc gds gene naro ical g ard g werk s ghibsecke imbel uliett ular g glided lorian lutam les g en go odga orky g ts go cious l gram rantin ots gr n gra g n e b n o g o o g t i g t g i a i h r d a e a g g s d g o e t e b r g l s o i g to s r g r t c a t g mb age g arnet sped o gau vec gd erali uses g c geol ek ge tkun ghet eck g baled nari s glan y glid gloria y glu ers go goitr oode gorin gourmiela g mati nther grass avita berg o i n l l n r o e g l o n c i t i a a d c c t b a n g m r e i m a g g b y b r r e m l e t b r g a n i g t e i g m a r n a t i a l g e b i e l e g r c a b rne spard s gaud inosu erale ius ge geolo rby g al ges ns gh ideon gilt g in giu rf gla glib g gloomm glu ok go gs go oodby gori gourm cie g tic gr nted rassm metri en gr grega � a g a i o g e a e m y i a i g r d ga erie gaz gen gen ph r d erk ide g e r vi n gr greg n gr ap gitl and non mily d glu dygo goin by g rha l ch run r e str l g t din as g mm t g nds gra d g o ra h spa gauc gazin enera enitiv geog gerbs nd ge ent gh iddy oy gil ist gi ders g n glen gloo e glue obble going d goo am g gour graci ns gra y gran assla avid y gree s greg gri�e ip gri r r r g m g r g d s h t g e eri zettes nera enii g icallygerard e geru hee gh ings re gil s gist d glan n glen gloo ws glu bled hmer od goo n gor gour grace maria grann and g ards g greeleeeting evous ead g groo t s d l d i e h g s o b r o a e r o d y s s o o s r g n e e g gies g enie ograp nium ertru zals ss gid gilm giso g glan a gle mm ng gl le go gol g lez g gorg lding efully r gramranit gras rave reek ing g ing g grin room el gro g b g o g i h r a e g r t a s e v a g u g o e l c o a g v n r s b r e eal genie ical g e ger tner zal gh iddin ilmo lle gi lanci lendo lar g glow b go ogo g gonz orgin ng go l gra amm nger oppe eyard greek d gree e grie sfeld ming e gro nfeu o v s g i r n a g l g o g v g g e g fu a h ru in e h rs nia grap erald er ge ly gh ddily lman le gis nces dale lome werin goat g gogh nzale rges gould grace ram g ge gr grass tt gra reedy greet s griev s grin d gro ve gro y gru atori i o t o n g o n n e a i i e g e g o o g g n t i s l s s e a e g n a e e g l d s c g ldine tenm t gha son g lotti g th gi ced g da gl gloin red g l goal oggle ales usly ulde race rains nd gr ss�r e grav edily r gree vanc ng gr room use gr grun guber s guill g z o g i o s i s e n n a a g ib ie a g ra e ir il o n an re ger s ger a gha son g gly g girt g ce gla da gle glock glow ed go gog n gon gorge ould g grace ining andst sses g vesto eed g er gre ce gr grinn room ps gr ndm malan nburr nders n a h s n o g n u u d b u d r s r e d a i g e l t r e n a e a s hw ni gha let gi ie gil y girl r gla n glen bulin glowe d goa gofor gont rgeou ould i grac in gr ons g rs gr est gr ece g od gr grieva rinne nked gs gro ing gr guat guill ann g gusto e e u s a g e o a l l a p a e i o v lo y g ib lay bes g gillis irlish lamo ees gl lin g glow oa go e go� gonn rge go ging rabskrail gr grand grass d gra ian gr eenw grief tone nk gr oupin rumb temal llaum nderm ustin gyp g g g s u u r i y g s o g r l c i s d o g n g c h a a u g s e r i o e g b g s be is gill irlish orou fully g k glo r glov nu go s goet ongor gore g ged g grabs town ndsongrasse avese ss gre ood g gridl grindmet g ping bled ds gu ord gu oat g tavus logist er ha k i r r s b e s m w l a e g s f e u g u gil irlie e glam l glee bocn glove mon er go ong g gore e gou grab ham ds gr grass ves g reatn reen e grid grind grom d gro e gru o gua guil l gun ve gu yneco r hac hag r r s e g g l e a c u g a r g z g n lo o g n e g ra g n nd mori gleef tter g glove es gn goer gone inkle ie gou abbin am gr ts gra sping ver g eatly wich in gri ndlay kkin roup rumb uardi ileles nbarr gust ogist hack hagne half v d i k u a a g o a n g e w b g l r r u o s r d g l h r 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go e goz graft ndm grap t gra coat nvill reyh grin s gr rou gru n gu oni g gum r gu sts g rg h ggar ear halt mo afts ting hans g g e a n i g g r a d u n t o t n god ez g rdan sch go goyet a�ti er gra ppled grau grea e gree grey grin roggi unds uene ardia g guid min gush gymn absb ard h s hal�halter g ham ndicr ndwr anse bors r r t a n u m m n h h y o a a o g g d r t h e k d i n i g s a s g r r o g e t h u r d i r g e a g o h e c r n c r n o t l y g oduc sm g gown gra� dmo ple g auba eatc reen ew g ess g roga less g eling rdia guid m g gush asti hab n ha al�a halte amm caps ave anse ing h hard a i i m a n w n p h r r e s r r a f n g u d t h g b c h u d r h a g d a u d l g g t e l k i g r o a gor goth owne dy gr ma gr lly gr grau reat aner yles r grim ocery groun gly g use g guid um g s gus ic gymy hab ag ha ack ll ha met d han s han lman harb dwic ize ha e � g r h o m v l u s g e t e r l g n e c d a h s y e l t d w d t n n hi owtisa gr ran rapp ousl easy reen e gre mm ers g ding udgi ardh pos ulps uru g nas itua afta lf ha s hal ey ha capp stan hans bore ck ha rmo arro r dg g ation •dlitalic y g • hbold gr al di gu ar s g • bold ha ide d g nd ck gri roc oun ha lg uititalic s• gкириллица wi ar sh rsl oh gym ab vill ns duregular n ap s grat rease swar v gre rimm ries g er gr udges dness es gu gulpe gurse nast itual h ha�i hale lpin h mme p han nd ha sche rbor h hard ation harr artz h s a r a r r g g n n a y n e z a k a th a e hite itou ed g reen gr ly g roce und e gr arde deli ulp rola gym hab g g iosdesigned ic ha sta ha ha niz rit a� kh dic sh by Mitja ingJuly 2006 forim more information contactdme s g on:gmiklavcic@gmail.com u Miklavčič u ui lly g •gThe ur ium bits a� h haldim halo hmid han hand hans rbert hardw armo n har rtwic ening hes r g ed gro henin– partial r g u rap gand t ns submitted e ratthe gbooklet rea ewere r and ly gtypeface d g e e e c u d a a s h s a s ful�lment h g rde forlithe a c n e n magingTypeface e a so a h h sc n rl Design, st e e ol n nd ofruthe gr eck grof Typography bsrequirements sby gro Graphic al mn ation hafel hald aloge mer andh dspik overia rson rdwar iously harri well h ed ha haun hay tta greofasReading, inin InDesign de ullset ua u• iBooklet s gu cs yusing ck Department me grob and g rou er gCommunication a hic t graUniversity g b i o e y t m n g h n r h d t e n g a n h n h y n n r e b a a c o i g t t undGerarduUnger, o e I want h a s y h b sl t Tisa h i ar Ross, dPaul Luna, n te s Tagir Safaev, thank: Fiona rk Sumner b so ha aLeonidas, ym Stone, lo grtypeface ar ha es gGerry gre toim gre •emy gra zing gr ty gu guide gullie on gu yn g tat ha r haen l halc a ha erless ndgun mest over ugh h rdtop s harm harri eger h n has ls hau horne head gro and n classmates, romy bparents. Matevž my friends ssMedja, y r in g g e h n i a i a g e a w g m s s o n t k u t r l a r a e w c i e a n u b b g h e n l d m t t s r o a r th a g een u h nds z ha arb ck h nio haw eadi heal gre ime roan rotto s gru gua ebo ullib le g enn ts ha aefn hal ys h ham un a har har e ha g h s r o h ta ly g tchen ldi gr ned g tto g rubb ntees e guid lity g s gurg yn gw bitan aec h mem allwa ered handg mer h hann ssing hard harm arris s�eld t hast haulin horne der h thier ters h h k h a a g t l t i a o e s l s a a s a n a h d ro t gr grim n gro ues g rubb guar e gui gullib aniou endo ble h drian kes ha lway hamm dfuls ands niga d har dship onie gton ld har on ha auled haw ed he l hea er he da he