Kunsthaus Graz “While the building’s interior is meant to inspire its curators as a “black box of hihhen tricks“, its outer skin is a media facade which can be changed electronically.” ---- Colin Fournier The building is located on the banks of the Mur. The surrounding historic building is all in red brick roofs while this new building acts like a new symbol and it referred to as the “friendly alien“ locally. It shows that architecture, design, new media, internet art, film and photography are united under one roof. The facade of the museum called BIX which is an additional architecutral concept that architect had put on the deisgn. This facade represents a wonderful fusion from architecture and New Media. It is a interplay between this new biomorphic structure and the old Clock Tower on the Schlossbery, it suggested to creat a productive dialogue between tradition and the avant-garde. Therefore, the Kunsthaus Graz is acting as a symbol where the past and the future meet. Kalay has mentioned that “computers will contribute their superb rational and search abilities, and we human will contribute all the creativity and intuition needed to solve design problem.“ Computational design allows the architect to design more complex, fashional and special form. Like the Kunsthaus Graz, it appears a distinct structure while the neigbouring building is more traditional. Therefore, this design has provokes the new architecture design to be created in the city.
- http://www.arcspace.com/architects/cook/ - http://www.pushpullbar.com/forums/showthread.php?4755-Kunsthaus-Graz-(Friendly-Alien)-Peter-Cook/ page2 - http://www.museum-joanneum.at/en/kunsthaus/the_building
Boxel Pavilion Boxel Pavilion is an experimental pavillion that designed and construct by the students of the university in Germany. The pavilion has been built with more than 2,000 beer boxes and it attends to achieve a shape of minimal surface. This 1:1 scale summer pavilion was to constructe by using the digital deisgn and fabrication tools on the computer. The parametric design software allows they to control the position of the boxes and also relates to the overall surface. The project has been designed under the use of Rhino and Grasshoppwer. Parametric approach allow the designer to complete a complicated structure. And this kind of method also lead more architects to design some “impossible� idea and it can carry out a new development in the future
- http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=Boxel+Pavilion&um=1 &hl=en&biw=1920&bih=1070&tbm=isch&tbnid=1IUbDiNGmZ N0XM:&imgrefurl=http://illusion.scene360.com/design/11125/ the-large-scale-beer-cased-pavilion/&docid=mz5UzrMwS2o2q M&imgurl=http://illusion.scene360.com/wp-content/themes/sahara-10/submissions/boxel_01.jpg&w=590&h=393&ei=uBxhT6iD4GQiQfmurjABw&zoom=1 - http://www.grasshopper3d.com/profiles/blogs/boxelpavilion-1