Xiangying Sun Portfolio

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To C o n s t r u c t a s u p e r e x c e l l e n t e n v i ro n m e n t c o n n e c t i n g t h e beauty of a structure, the richness of artistic conception, the transformation of lights and shadows, the colourfulness of flowers and trees in harmony is my belief. The Tube Maze Project has shown the contradiction and irresolvable between architecture and nature, but I found the contrast is beautiful. Let the external natural

01 - 10

A House Designed For Four Different Artists 07/2019 - 10/2019, London


11 - 16

A Multi-Functional Cafe Designed In The Gap 06/2017 - 09/2017, Sydney

environment extend into the inter nal space without obstacles can indistinct the boundary of building and nature. It shows in


The Ski Resort project, as I blend architecture into a ski track.

A Concrete Pavillion Located In Hyde Park

17 - 24

04/2020 - 06/2020, London

SKI RESORT A Spa Lounge That Serves The Ski Trail 10/2021 - 12/2021, Jilin

25 - 32


A House Designed for Four Different Artists

2019 Winter Semester Studio Project Professor: Mrs Tomris Tangaz Digital Tutor: Mr Nick Grace Tutor: Mr Mingxi Liu, Mrs Laura Fielding Site: Goldington Street, Kingscross, London Building Area: 400 sqm Individual Work

The house was designed to meet the needs of four people with different personalities and occupations to live comfortably t o g e t h e r. T h e t e n a n t s w o r k a l l a ro u n d K i n g s c ro s s , t h e y h a v e different personalities and habits. Design is also followed their preferences and living ritual. The building is divided into three p a r t s : t h e a c t i v i t y a r e a o n t h e g r o u n d f l o o r, p h o t o g r a p h e r s and musicians on the first floor and painters and interior d e s i g n e r s o n t h e s e c o n d f l o o r. T h e a c t i v i t y a re a o n t h e f i r s t f l o o r m a i n l y s e r v e s t h e b a s k e t b a l l c o u r t . A l s o , l o c k e r ro o m s are set up for the convenience of residents and outsiders.



Site Mapping

Character Information Workplace

Character Infomation Name: Nick Age: 31 Nation: Korean Education: Tileyard Job: Music Producer Work at Spiritland Podcast


Character Infomation Name: Lucas Age: 35 Nation: French Education: Csm Job: Painter Work at Lethaby Gallery


Character Infomation





Name: Ella Age: 29 Nation: British Education: Rca Job: Interior Designer











Work at Tom Dixion Office






Character Infomation Name: Jacob Age: 28 Nation: British Education: Csm Job: Photographer


Work at Andy Grimshaw This map shows where the four people who live in the Party House work and an overview of the site of Kings Cross. 3


Character Analyse

Site Analyse

Boxing Photography Gaming Ping-pong


Time Management

Typology Space

Cooking Painting Meditation Reading


Time Management

Typology Space

Guitar Alcohol Stay Up Late Drugs


Time Management

Typology Space

Manicure Bath Drawing Gardening


Time Management 5

Typology Space 6

Perspective and Plan

Perspective and Plan

Music Producer

The soundproof studio was designed for the nature of his profession to achieve the purpose of not affecting the neighbours.


I arranged for him to share a floor with the interior designer as they are quiet people. I also design a sunny studio that the painter needs.


This room can avoid direct sunlight to the studio. He is on the same floor with music producers because their work is both noisy.

Interior Designer

The interior designer needs a quiet working area to help her focus, so she has been arranged on the same floor with the painter.



Site Plan


First Floor





Ground Floor

Second Floor 9


NARROW HOUSE A Multi-Functional Cafe Designed In The Gap

2017 Winter Semester Studio Project Professor: Mr Miguel Rodriguez-Casellas Tutor: Mrs Amaia Sanchez-Velasco, Mr Mingxi Liu Building Area: 56 sqm Site: Thomson St, Darlinghurst NSW Australia Individual Work

Kings Cross is a suburb with a strong arts background. There is plenty of gallery and art school around. The concept of the p ro j e c t w a s t o d e s i g n a p l a c e w h e re p e o p l e c o u l d w o r k a n d study, read and communicate where they could also gather and re l a x . Te r re n c e h o u s e i s a t r a d i t i o n a l v i n t a g e h o u s e t h a t c a n be seen everywhere in Sydney, the site has been chosen in the crevices of Terrence house. The major challenge was to tease both functional and delightful spaces out of space that exists in the gap between two houses. The layout is as open as possible to maximise the light and increase the sense of space, so the second and third floors are open. The design also makes it necessary to make the space more efficient and exciting as the shape is skinny. If not rented, it can be used as a reading bar. If rented, it can be used as a company gathering place or an art gallery. Therefore, this space can be very diversified and can also become a lear ning and communication venue for artists of Kingscross.



Site Mapping


Perspective and Plan





Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor Darlinghurst is an artistic area with lots of art schools, galleries, and restaurants. LGBTQ Mardi Gras will hold in here every year. It is a place with a long history and embraces different cultures. 13

The place is divided into a cafe, library and dinning area. 14

Perspective and Plan

Perspective and Plan



The place is divided into a cafe, lecture room and party area. 15

Ground Floor

Ground Floor

First Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Second Floor The place is divided into a cafe, gallery and dinning area. 16

TUBE MAZE A Concrete Pavilion Located In Hyde Park

2020 Autumn Semester Studio Project Professor: Mrs Tomris Tangaz, Tutor: Mrs Rachel Jenkins, Mr Mingxi Liu, Mr Jesse O'Neill Digital Tutor: Mr Mingxi Liu, Mr Nick Grace Building Area: 2500 sqm Site: Serpentine Gallery Pavillion, London Individual Work

This is an experience space located in Hyde Park. Serpentine Gallery Pavilion inspired my concept of this design, I also chose it as my site. The pavilion aims to let people come by to rest and experience the tube maze; people won't care about the direction t h e y a re h e a d i n g t o w h i l e t h e y e x p l o re t h e i n s i d e s o t h a t t h e interior will be like an adventure. Straws inspired the form of this project, and the conceptual models aim to help me understand the interwoven spaces created through pipes. The building sits lazily on the lawn and blends in with Hyde park, giving a relaxed and lazy experience. The user can have the same sense of identity inside the building as in the natural environment. The natural environment outside can be extended and extended to the artificial space inside without any obstacles. The mild form of the tube can make people feel less anxiety and less stressed. The exterior is also a very nice location for people to gather around during weekend for some rest.



Site Mapping

Conceptual Model

Hyde Park

Material: Starbucks straw Th

Method: cut and join

o eL

Colour: dark brown

ng Wa

Tool: sissor, glue


Kensingron Garden

Material: Starbucks straw Se

Method: cut, burn and join rpe




Colour: dark brown ller

Princess Diana Memorial Fountain


Tool: sissor, glue, lighter

Material: Nayuki straw Method: cut and join

Hyde Park Sport Center

Colour: white Tool: sissor

o ri er t M em T h e A lb


Material: PVC pipe Method: cut and join Colour: transparent, black

Royal Albert Hall

Tool: sissor, glue gun, pliers I tried four different ways to make up my ideas. The various use of material and method is constructive for further design. 19


Site Plan


Left Perspective The most extended tube run the entire length of the building and provide a second floor at the midpoint. In addition, it gives the pavilion more connections.

Front Perspective The highest tube provides a spot to stop and enjoy the view of Hyde Park. 21






The pavilion's interior is divided into two levels and the space is

The outdoor area of the pavilion allows people to rest and enjoy

d i v i d e d a n d c o n n e c t e d b y t h e t u b e s . T h e b r i d g e g i v e s t h e a re a

the sunshine. The use of the soft tube gesture and the expression

m o re c o n n e c t i o n a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n . A s t h e t u b e i s d e s i g n e d i n

of simple quality make architecture and nature perfectly integrated,

different sizes, gestures, and shapes, people will get into a different

successfully shaping a functional space for meditation, giving people a

atmosphere while they take the other direction to the other tube. The

different space experience. The relationship between architecture and

experience is more like an adventure, and people can explore the

nature is contradictory and irresolvable. The concrete pavilion makes

space and feel the interior. People can stop by on the higher level tube

a strong contrast with the park. It is a good location for people to kill

to enjoy the view of Hyde Park and have some fresh air.

time, meditation or relaxation.



SKI RESORT A Spa Lounge That Serves The Ski Track

2021 October - December Personal Work Tutor: Mr Mingxi Liu Digital Tutor: Mr Mingxi Liu Site: Changbaishan Ski Resort, Fusong County, Baishan, China Building Area: 5000 sqm Individual Work

Changbaishan mountains are the source of the Songhua, Tumen, and Yalu Rivers. The Changbai Mountains are characterized by long, cold winters. Snow period from November to the following A p ri l , as l ong as s i x m onths , the d ep th of s now i n m ore than 1 m e t e r, s n o w i s l o o s e a n d f l o c k y, i s t h e f a v o u r i t e p l a c e f o r many skiers. Changbaishan Ski Resort is the top ski resort in Asia, and several ski slopes have met the requirements of the Winter Olympics. It is also a trendy choice for winter vacation. I have personally been there and inspired by my hotel hot spring facilities. It will be unique and relaxing to have a hot spring and dining area building along the ski slope. The architecture follows the mountain slope, and skiers are welcome to stop by directly to enjoy the hot spring, dining area or sit and relax. The building can attract more tourists and give them a more memorable experience. There is a ski track designed on the rooftop connected to the main ski track. Skiers are also allowed to enter from the rooftop.



Site Mapping

Site Plan

Changbaishan Ski Resort The Changbai Mountain are a significant mountain range in Northeast Asia that extends from the Northeast Chinese provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning, across the border between China and North Korea. The weather and geographical environment is nature ski heaven.

Section 27




Building Overview

Indoor Hot Spring

Dinning Area

Outdoor Hot Spring 29





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