Network media violence exhibition and education space design XianyingprojectYao
Inbothcases,thevictimismisunderstoodbymanynetizenswhoactuallydonotknowthe truth but still make rude comments , which then triggers the cyber violence. The victim chosesuicide.Itisquitepity!
Myprojectwillfocusonthistypeofviolence networkmediaviolencewhichisformedby keyboardwarrior.
In China, the 《 Social Blue Book 》 has released data showing that 1 in 3 people has experienced cyber violence by receiving accusations and attacks.
Roughly four-in-ten Americans havepersonallyexperienced onlineharassment,and62% consideritamajorproblem.
In UK, abuse on social media and other forms of online communication has increased. Last year 1,209 people were found guilty of offences, compared to just 143 in 2004, under the Communications Act 2003. This phenomenon reflects thatmoreandmorepeoplehave joined or become victims of cyberviolence.
Change perspective Ifoundthatthesethreekeywordsalsocorrespondtothethreeperspective(bystanders,perpetratorsandvictims)involvedinnetworkmediaviolence. Iinitiallyhadtheideaofoneexhibitionspacecorrespondingtoonekeyword.Whenvisitingtheexhibition,visitor’sstayindifferentexhibitionhallsalsomeans thechangeofdifferentperspectives. GroupTruthInternetandfactandindividualPerpetratorBystandersVictim Groupandindividual
Internet Interview Internetis another space - a virtual space thatisdifferentfromtherealworld. literature review Neil Postman《 Amusing ourselves to death 》 People are drowning in massive amounts of information, receiving different andfragmentedinformation. 《Im Schwarm》Byung-Chul Han ErvingGoffman's'dramaturgical'theory Due to Internet’s anonymity, digital media has become a platform for spreadingpersonalimpulses. 《Digital Mcluhan - a guide to the information millennium》Paul Levinson The most significant optimization of the network is that it has a sense of interaction. Massive, Diversity, Anonymous, Invisible, Hidden, Interactive Digital maze
Truth and facts
information, and
personal emotions. Asbystanders,whatweseeonlineisonly one-sided evaluationsandemotions. 'fragmented' spatial experience Experiment
distorted. literature review Post truth Emotionsoutweighfactsinthe‘post-truthera’ nowadays. Hector MacDonald 《 TRUTH How the Many Sides to Every Story Shape Our Reality》 Intheera
Peopleonlyunderstandasmallpartofit,buttheythoughttheyknewitall, bystartingtooutputtheirownviews.Inthiskindofprocess,the been of piecetogether versionsof broken then spread with
the truth from
Through this experiment I visualize the feelings of victims. ‘Just one attack’ may not do much harm. But when thousands of people do " one attack" together, it is like a mountain pressing down on the victims.
Group and individual
interactive installation Experiment People can better understand the very bad feelings perpetrator (group) mightbringtothevictim.
The second floor The third floor
Our visit! Begin now!
Thereareautomaticsensorsontheground,whichwillsprayfogwhenpeopleapproach Theposter,projectionandflyerspostedeverywhereexpressthatwearesurroundedby massiveinformation.Thefogandtranslucentpartitionsshowtheanonymity characteristicsoftheInternet.
Our Digital maze
Throughvisiting,Ihopethatvisitorcanunderstandthatfindingthetruthisalongandcomplexprocess,andweneedto bepatient.Weshouldnotmakejudgmentquicklyandattackrandomlyonthesocialmediaplatform.
Visitorsclimbthestairsandwalkonplatformswatchingvideosandcommentfromnetizens.Onlyafterwalkingthrough alltheplatformsandwatchingallthescreenscarefully,canthevisitorgetsallinformation.Otherwise,whatthevisitorget isonlyone-sidedfactandone-sidedopinion.
Bystander 'The way of truth'
Thesecondfloor thirdfloor
Perpetrator&victim 'Please don't be one of them'
The columns on the two floors are linked together. When visitor sends a comment, one pillar will lit and one joystick on this pillar will also light up, which means that network media violence is gradually start. The joystick will control the partition constantly changing.Onthethirdfloor,peoplecanexperiencethatasmoreandmorejoysticksarelit, thespaceforactivitiesisgettingnarrowerandnarrower.
Perpetrator&victim 'Please don't be one of them'
A one-way mirror is set here. Therefore, when visitors are in the installation space , they cannotseetheresttheloungeareaoutside.
After experiencing the installation, people can watch educational videos, movies about cyberbullyingintheloungearea.Thisisthelaststopoftheexhibition.Therefore,Idesigna relativelybrightandharmoniousatmosphereforthisspace.