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1992.02.19 - Suzhou Tel : +86 15625050706 [EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS]

2011-2016_BArch Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China 2014 Grasshopper Training Qualification McNeel Asia Authorized Rhino Training Centre [AWARDS & RECOGNITION] “10 Cang Street”

2016 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Final works Exhibition -2016 Excellent Graduation Design 2016 Asian Design Annual Award-Cultural Space Area -Gold Award The Future Architects, 1st United Graduation Exhibition of Architecture and Environmental Art Design in Guangdong 2016 - Second Prize “Thickened Border“

2015 The Architect Magazine/ TEAMZERO Award Architecture Student Design Competition - Second prize “Sunbloc”

Solar Decathlon China 2013 The First Prize of Energy Balance The Sixth of Architecture Design “The Symbiosis Platform“

Training Programs Of Innovation And Entrepreneurship For Undergraduates, 2014. -Provincial level 2013-2016 GAFA Scholarship

STATEMENT Architecture is a collection of concepts, anyone who thinks him as an architect could bring new ideas or concepts for the f ield of architecture. In such a vast and confusing environment, I f irmly believe that only those who have their own independent way of thinking and judgment ability can get valuable results,even such an outcome may no longer belong to the scope of architecture. Five years of undergraduate study for me is a process to discover myself. I did not aim at becoming a successful architect by forcing myself to complete the established academic requirements of school, but to build my own completed recognition of architecture . Therefore, workshops, competitions, my own academic organization, and communication with other scholars, are more important for my improvement on my recognition of architecture. Luckily,I met a lot of companions and predecessors who offered me a lot of help and advises through my study of architecture. Without their help, it will be impossible for me to present this portfolio to you. By this portfolio, I would like to pay tribute to the scholars and friends who helped me before. The works or projects involved in this portfolio have great meaning for me, and I wish you could have a better understanding of me and my efforts through these projects.


10 Cang Street


Architecture Design - A Theater Area Design for Suzhou


Thickened Border


Public Space Design- A Strategy to maintain city-village clan in GuangZhou







Material Research- A research on Generative Code & Glass

Public Space Design- A Research on regional ecological structure in Pearl River Delta 3




KBCA Architecture Association


Architecture Design- A sustainable and experimental foam house.



01 10 Cang Street -2016 Excellent Graduation Design The Future Architects, 1st United Graduation Exhibition of Architecture and Environmental Art Design in Guangdong 2016 - Second Prize 2016 Asian Design Annual Award-Cultural Space Area -Gold Award Architecture Design - A Theater Area for Suzhou Instructor: Michelle He & ZhiYao Li Site: Gusu District, Suzhou, China Individual Work 10 Cang Street used to be a significant prison in Suzhou. During my high school period, Suzhou Prison, a historically famous prison which was related to most of significant events in 1900 of China, was located on Cang Street on the way to my school. In 2009, this prison has been removed from Gusu district, which is the central district of Suzhou city, and this vacant area became the most interesting topic to citizens in Suzhou. At the end of 2015, the government decided that this area will be developed as a new commercial area, similar to the situations that most historical city in China are dealing with. I am emotionally charged for this imminent situation, because I believe it is not appropriate that the local authority is going to simply cover this area with a commercially functional area. As a child who has grown up in this city, somehow, I have such unutterable emotion for this old city. I hope I can provide a suitable plan to inherit the special spirit and the memory of this area.


A Theater Area Generally,the location of 10 Cang street is significant for this old city, due to the related historical events and complex urban memory. The local authority is planning to develop this area into a historical style pedestrian mall, and I am firmly convinced that it is not a suitable decision to inherit the urban memory of this area. My recommendation is to establish a ‘Theater Area’ in the core part to decrease the negative impact of the future commercial mall on those historical sites nearby this location.




rotating stair











dancing floor


glass room


the reconstruction of Sleep No More according to the memory

Immersive Theater My research on the history of theater ended up at the famous immersive theater- Sleep No More. The traditional plan of a theater was innovatively deconstructed into several specif ic enterable rooms, which accords with the theatre’s attributes of Happening Art and became a helpful reference to the design of 10 Cang Street. 4



Cang Street ① Cangjie St Pingjiang Road Ganjiang Road

Gan Jiang Road Developing Area Ou Yuan Residents' Committee Heritage Street District

Ou Yuan

Residence Area

Residence Area

Developing Area (Business Area)

Three Issues and Three Steps The process of this project is related to the response of three specific issues: 1.How to define the suitable construction size in such a highly subdivided fabric? 2.How to deal with the relationship between 10 Cang Street and it's public space? 3:How to respond to the history of 10 Cang Street that used to be an important prison of this old city? 5

By the process of subdividing and submerging, The programme is divided into several smaller sectors, which is much more suitable with the local urban fabric.

The traditional plan of a theater normally contains several function, inculuding st a g e, a u d i to r i u m , s e t area, making space, administration and so on.

Find out the most crucial space of a theater related to performace activities, such as stage, blackbox, and practice area.

Reform these spaces to three special stages with the construction regulation. A.a 22m across rotating stage B.a 30m square blackbox C.a 150 ㎡ practice area

Relayout these three stages according to the most appropriate eyesight distance: 28m and 36m.

Establish a triangle system with a good visual relationship

The size of this site is approximately like a 200m* 80m rectangle.

The minimum height of a midle size stage is 30m, which is beyoud the height limit of this district, 15m.

Submerge the whole rotating stage into the ground for around 15m to solve this issue.

Make the west side of the rotating stage open to form a step park.

The prototype of the main theater part is done.

30m includes 5m for portable lifting unit, 12m for visual stage and the same for lifting area above the visual stage

T-shape logistics corridor This logistics corridor enables three parts of this theater to share the function and its able to be the secondary stage of each first stage.


Theater Factory

Main Stage


Theater Factory consisted of practice area, workshop and inner rehearsal department.

Rotating Stage is consisted of the core of the project- the rotating stage,the auditorium and foyer.

Blackbox is consisted of a experimental blackbox theater, personal rooms and storage area.

Practice area is suitble for most of outdoor performance activities.

Rotating stage is the core part of the whole project.

This experimental blackbox theater is over 800 ㎡ .

The workshop is able to manufacture most of sets, costumes and properties.

This underground auditorium is the biggest one in the project, offering 1200 seats for audience.

This personal room area provides 15 rooms for performers of both main stage and blackbox.

The inner rehearsal department could be applied in teaching and daily practise.

This underground connects the auditorium and the public area above it.

The storage area expends the transport function of T-shape logistics corridor, directly connecting the underground parking area with the whole system.

Subdivision and Submerging The subdivision and submerging of conventional theater prototype enables us to establish a organic system that consists of several smaller sectors, which could extremely reduces the size of the structure. The whole system could effectively satisfy most of the performance demands via the specific design of each sector.


The performance activities could happen in the public spaces and streets due to the vertical transport sectors, which means that the performances are no longer restricted in side the theater. Basic Prototype of A Performance Area It is generally considered that a possible performance space consists three basic elements: the stage, the auditorium and the entrance of performers. However, it is hard to define the space for the stage and the auditorium, and we also have some cases of modern theaters that do not have a stationary area for stage or auditorium. Therefore, i consider the prototype of a performance space should have at least two basic elements: an area for interaction and an entrance for performers.

Conventional Prototype the stage the auditorium an entrance for performers

Basic Prototype an area for interactive an entrance for performers

Circle performance space the circle performance space as a result of the connection of outdoor performance space of three stages.

Performance Form a:1 The draditional indoor performance form with auditorium at three sides of the stage.

Performance Form b:1 The most classic performance form of a conventional theater.

Performance Form c:1 The performance form for practicing and small outdoor plays.

Performance Form a:2 The performance form point at the rehearsal stage emphasizing the relationship with rehearsal stage.

Performance Form b:2 The performance form facing to the outdoor space.

Performance Form c:2 the performance form which is suitble for speeches.

Performance Form a:3 The performance form opening to the step park emphasizing the interaction with public in the park

Performance Form b:3 The performance form facing to the north surroundings

Performance Form c:3 The performance form which is suitble for shows requiring a wider background.

Performance Form b:4 The performance form facing to the water at the east side of the theater emphasizing the interaction with the path inside the water.




Towers There are nine towers inside the mirror park and each of them at least has three basic functions: A. The vertical connection between underground parking area and ground public space. B. A micro stage for an outdoor performance show. C. A spectating spot with good visual relationship with three stages.


The Mask Bar The mask bar is the beginning of the whole ritual, and participants are required to wear a mask from this moment to protect their privacy.


The Ferry The Ferry is the f inal step of the whole ritual, and the patient needs to take off his/her mask and get ba ck to the reality.


02 Thickened Border 2015 The Architect Magazine / TEAMZERO award Architecture Student Design Competition. -Second Prize, Public Space Design- A Strategy to maintain city-village clan in GuangZhou Instructor: Professor Yang Yi Ding. & Dr. Jason Ho Site: Chong Tou Village, Guangzhou, China Team Work Position: Team leader of research

Chong Tou village, located in west part of GuangZhou, is a typical city-village in southeast China. The development of the Glass Factory (at the north of the village) and the Ceramic Factory (at the east of the village) blocked an original river in the village and separated the village into two parts. Between those two factories, there is only one path that passes through the public area. It has been occupied by 7 villagers as a farmland. The goal is to establish a strategy to recombine this community, and at the same time, daily farming activities of villagers should also be considered throughout the application of the public area. The plan should be low-tech and flexible to suit various situations.


Before 1940




Grass Wall Land fill Water System Farm Land


Occupation The river was blocked by those factories and became a Fengshui pool in front of the ancestral hall of the village. Eventually, the pool was filled by construction waste. As a result of poor administration, this public wasteland was occupied by 7 villagers as farmland.


Construct Material

Fengshui Pool We suggest that the return of the FengShui pool should be considered as a form of a rectangle pool covered with temporary wooden board. This micro alteration will open up possibilities in the future.


I am a retired worker from a mechanical factory. As it will give rise to certain machinery and high-tech demands in this venue, i can transform different mechanical structures to fulfill these functions.

My family has been doing farming since my grandfather. If some dwellers nearby want to make grocery shopping conveniently, i can offer them a little market and cast shadow for people who need to have a rest.

I am an old experienced doctor in Chinese medicine, and i have planted some different kinds of herbs. You are free to come if you have any physical problem.

I am a retired sanitation worker. Normally, people come and chat with me to have a rest. I will collect materials and make some seats for them to have a rest and talk with each other.

I am a retired director of neighborhood committee. A lot of activities have taken in the venue and I am responsible to inform all to the large programmes.

I am a retired teacher and i grow some vegetables here. Always, kids like come and have fun. I normally teach them agriculture kownledege.

I am a retired zoo keeper. Rise edible fowl for dwellers could be my job in the future. 17

LANTERN FESTIVAL [The fifteenth day of the first lunar month] In Lantern Festival, this public area become a functional art piece which is a reflection of collective memory of both sides of the village.


Dragon Dancing The soul of the Dragon King lingered in the royal palace and caused disturbance every night, scaring S h i m i n L e e ( A f a m o u s K i n g i n Ta n g D y n a s t y) to death. He turned to all ministers for a solution and all believed that it was necessary to give salvation to Dragon King, so there came along the folk custom of dragon lantern dancing in the Lantern Festival. In the dancing , the leader dancer will hold the dragon head, followed by a dozen of people holding the sticks along the body of the dragon, running along the predetermined route and queue in the music. The Main Structure The vegetable shacks and bamboo are collected from the seven farmers, whom together with the villagers firstly build a ver tical structure in the middle and quickly finish the whole structure.

Loud Speaker The horn of Aunt has played a significant role in the Lantern Festival. There is an important link called Grabbing lamps. Several beautiful big lamps will be sold, and Aunt makes a stage with her own horn and platform to hold the activity of grabbing lamps as a hostess due to her own background.

Lantern Structure A framework of the lamp house is built with the farm shacks and bamboo from the farmers, and the villagers use a cloth as a cover for it and make a solid lamp house.

The framework of the lamp tail is built with the farm shack as well, and the villagers use a cloth as a cover for it and make a fine waist of the lamp, following the same for the lamp tail.

Spirit of reunion Another links of the Lantern Festival refer to Casting Lamps and Lamp Tour. The villagers will come to this core structure to appreciate a variety of lams hung above and engage in lantern riddles. In fact, the lantern Festival in China speak s for a spirit of reunion, which matters the most that through festivals both sides of the villagers and their families are able to gather together in this central area of the village.


DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL [The fifth day of the fifth lunar month] This cooperation system shows its flexibility in specific festivals. This public area become a space for preparation of Dragon Boat Race during the Dragon Boat Festival. The preparation of Dragon Boat was subdivided into 4 particular steps (e.g. Dig, Clean, Sacrifice and Decoration) according to the tradition.


Invitation of the Dragon from the Ancestral Hall In the Dragon Boat Festival, The boat will be installed with a dragon head and a tail, which are enshrined in the public ancestral hall beside the vegetable fields for daily worship. Upon the Dragon Boat Festival, the villagers will held the ritual to invite the dragon in the hall and take the dragon head and tail out.

Ceremony- Qilong (Dig the Dragon) Qilong is the f ir st traditiona l prac tice of the D ragon B o at Festival, which has been spread so far for about 300 years. The folks will choose a auspicious day, early on the morning

of which the young men will come to the ship Au(i.e. dock) where the dragon is sunk into from the previous year to burn the incense and candle, present the fruit and wine, and ignite the firecrackers. With the rumble of drum and gong on the dragon boat, the young men courageously first jump into the mud, to hoe and dig out the silt and scoop the water to allow the boat to float upward steadily. Then the boat will be placed on the boat rack built ea r l ier, and cleaned with grapef r uit leaves or folium artemisiae argyi leaves, followed by a few days or week spent on wiping lard, filling tung oil and adding new paints, etc. Then they will choose another auspicious day to conduct Caiqing and install the dragon head and tail enshirined in the ancestral hall, and finally the dragon boat becomes dazzling. Uncle Chan During the Dragon Boat Festival, the villagers will move some vegetable shack s to set up a long open space attached to Uncle Chan's building, who will provide ginger tea to the villagers to prevent a cold.

Take shower T h e y w i l l b eco m e wet w h en f i n ish i n g t h ei r works, which makes them easy to get a cold. They can take a bath and change clothes here.


SUPPLEMENT 1 PARAMETRIC REINTERPRETATION Team 3 of Asian Networking Guangzhou Workshop 2014 Material Research- A research on Generitive Code & Glass Site: Shipai Village, Guangzhou, China

Research on generitive code & glass. We use parametric methods to translate the Shipai Village into a designed digital model. With the help of 3D printing technology, t r id i t io n a l g l a s s m a k i n g sk i l l s a n d d ig i t a l m o d el i n g methods and so on, we put our ideas of material and construction into practice. Therefore, it is also a case of parametric modeling and glass material study. T h e p roj e c t co n sis t s 3 d i f fe re nt d i re c t i o n s of g l a s s making experiments: 3D-print model-Casting; Temperature variation - G ravit y distor sion ; Densit y variation - Glass powder fusion.


Instructor: Immanuel Koh, Professor Chi Ti Nan, Sculptor Wu Dehao Team Work Position: Team Leader

2 THE SYMBIOSIS PLATFORM Instructor: Professor Chi Ti Nan Team Work Position: Project Leader

Training Programs Of Innovation And Entrepreneurship For Undergraduates, 2014.-Provincial Level Public Space Design- A Research on regional ecological structure in Pearl Rirver Delta Site: Shizhai Village, Meizhou, China

Shi Z ha i v il l a ge is a t y pic a l e xa mple of v il l a ge s that a r e d i r e c t ly i m p a c te d b y t h e r a p i d d e v e lo p m e n t of urbanization in China. Most of young adults have moved out of the village. As a result, a large number of residential area are abandoned and some of them naturally collapsed. This situation posed a threat to those who stay in the village. There are two targets of the research: to give a solution that can benefit species around the neighbourhoods and to find out an affordable material and construction methods. G e n e r a l ly, t h e re s ea rc h fo c us e s o n t h e si t uat io n of co nte m p o r a r y co u nt r y si d e, w h i c h h a s u s u a l ly b e e n ignored in recent studies of r ural-to - urban transfer in south-east China. With a 19-day-long construction aid, we brought Shizhai village a virtual alter which will improve the relationship among villagers, their livestock and visitors. The method is microcosmic and we hope the effect of the transform could be significant.


3 SUNBLOC Solar Decathlon China 2013. -First Prize of Energy Balance -Sixth Prize of Architecture Design Architecture Design- A sustainable and experimental foam house.

Instructor: Professor Jonas Lundberg & Michelle He Xiayun Team Work Position: Team leader of construction in GAFA

Bearing in mind that smart architecture and energy solutions must be for all, we base SunBloc is based on the premise of a flexible building system that can readily be adapted to different sites, climates, clients, family circumstances, financial situations and levels of articulation of the design. We strongly believe that sustainability is a holistic undertaking and hence our design is attempting to address a broad range of issues pertaining to sustainable building and living.

Tour Start Digital Display Ramp 1:25 Queuing area

Tour End Wheelchair turning circle Plant pots(similar to Bio-wall pockets)

Ramp 1:18

Rain Drain

South Terrace steps - could be used as seating

Sitting bench. Imitating parapet


SunBloc being both a foam house prototype and building system lends itself to sites where access and transport is limited, such as roof tops, inf ill sites as well as dis aster areas. SunBloc is cost ef fective as in terms of material costing less than 100 £ /m2 for the structural carcass. SunBloc is lightweight coming in at 75 kg /2 of construction for the struc tural carcass using around 100 m3 of EPS.

A single SunBloc unit can be assembled by a sm a l l c re w of u nsk i l le d wo r ker s . T h e foam block s can be handled by t wo people and placed in a standard lift. The long-term intention is to replace EPS with BioFoam produced from plant waste. SunBloc is exceeding the passive house standards and is designed to be a zero net energy home over a calendar year, potentially powering its host building.


4 KBCA Architecture Organization An academic architecture assoication under my leadership between 2012-2016 Founder:DENG XIAOLIANG & WANG YIHENG Guangzhou academic of fine arts

KBCA In 2012, I founded a student organization called KBCA Construction Association with my co-workers. It has become the most well-known academic construction association in our university. We invited famous architects and professors including professor Chi Ti-Nan, a scholar who graduated from Yale University, and Mr. Immanuel Koh, an architect who graduated from AA and works at ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS, to give a series of lectures and workshops related to Rhinoceros and Grasshopper. Meanwhile, on behalf of our association, I also provided free classes about architectural design tools such as Rhinoceros and Grasshopper for students interested in them. Through my work at KBCA that encouraged members to actively participate in academic activities so as to develop independent and critical thinking ability, I not only enhanced my leadership, communication and coordination skills, and a high sense of responsibility, but also got close to some renowned architects and scholars.


Behind the feature 20150605

Keep Thinking 20141105

Grasshopper Teaching 20150101



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