Portfolio for UCL - MArch Architectural design

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UCL Application Portfolio

Xiaotong Shi The University of Edinburgh Application Portfolio UUN: S2443566

Shi Xiaotong

Xiaotong Shi Wenzhou-Kean University, Michael Graves Collage School of Public Architecture Bachelor of Art Phone: +86 13305699181 Email: fmsdouzi@163.com

Honors 2019

2018-2019 Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship


2018-2019 The Dean's Scholarship-First Class


2019-2020 Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship


2019-2020 The Dean's Scholarship-First Class

Intership Experience 2020.1

CTCE Anhui Architecture Design Institute, China


TOPOS DESIGN, Shanghai, China

Concept scheme, Preliminary study and Modeling

Concept scheme, Preliminary study, Modeling and Construction

Research Experience & Works 2021.3-

A Tour of the Monuments of Jingwen Train line: Infrastructural Transformations and Entropology in Wenzhou Urban Fringes Research Assistant

2021.6 2020.11

Digital FUTURES 2021 workshop Teaching Assistant

Third Prize of INM Interdisciplinary Competition Leader in Architectural Design

Skills Rhino+Gh











InDesign Hand drawing /Sketching Illustrator

Cinema 4D




Good Mid

UCL Application Portfolio

Contents Cot Art Brut home & studio with art class/gallery and farm workshop Individual Work|Year4|2021.9-2021.12|Academic Shanghai Gongyi Xintiandi, Shanghai, China Supervisor: Evan Saarinen|esaarine@kean.edu

Animal Embassies Dwellings for animals, where humans are visitors Individual Work|Year4|2021.9-2021.12|Competition Shanghai & Kunming, China/ where animals are abused

Plant-led City Mycelial city, promoted and inhibited by two plants Individual Work|Year3|2021.2-2021.6|Academic Mars Supervisor: Ralph Spencer Steenblik|rsteenbl@kean.edu

Keep the "Track" Culinary school attached to abandoned train ferry tracks Individual Work|Year2|2020.6-2020.8|Academic Wuhu Old Train Ferry Terminal, Wuhu, China Supervisor: Linnéa Moore| linmoore@kean.edu

Other Works

Wall Garden|Year2 Topos Design Intership|Year3 The Little Big Loo Rethinking Public Toilets Competition|Year2 Multiple Folding Wood Tatami|Year1



1. Cot Art Brut Artists & Farming Life LOCATION: Shanghai Gongyi Xintiandi, Shanghai, China

"They are not included in the core authority. They have no formal qualifications as artists. They didn’t take classes and didn’t get a diploma. They are not funded or even recognized. They seem to create by themselves, for themselves, for fun." Cardinal, R. 1979. Outsiders. p.103. Cot is a project that combines homestays, art studio, and farm workshop, surrounded by galleries and a temporary market selling agricultural products, livestock, and works of art. It aims at promoting the integration of Art Brut artists and self-sufficient traditional farming life with modern society. People of different spiritual worlds could communicate with each other and reflect their social values through architectural space while preserving the farming life in the city through the farm workshop. I would like to say, Art brut artists are just as normal as we are, and traditional farming life should not be totally abandoned because of urbanization.

Concept Collage - Farming in the city

PROJECT1-Art Brut Artist Research

Hans Krüsi selling flowers

Hans Krüsi's movements

Hans Krüsi (1920-1995) was brought up in eastern Switzerland, and received only an elementaryschool education. His home was enveloped by sounds, images, animals, and various media creations. Krüsi would go to the alpine valleys to pick flowers, pitch tents, paint, and return to the city to sell his picked bouquets. He made postcard-size drawings and paintings on paper or cardboard, and sold along with his flowers on the Bahnhofstrasse, one of Europe’s most elegant shopping streets.




Research Diagram- Sell flowers on Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich, Switzerland

Research Diagram- Pick flowers in Alpine valleys, Switzerland

Research Diagram- Draw at home, Speicher, Switzerland


Explosive View of Selected Building

Structure of Selected Building

Shanghai Gongyi Xintiandi is the largest public welfare interactive space in China. Because of Heritage III, its main facade, structural system and characteristic decoration shall not be changed.



Artist/ Visitor Room

Artists or tourists or anyone who prefers a self-sufficient lifestyle can choose to live in a room here and take care of each other. Each resident has an independent living room, bathroom and kitchen, and an independent stairs leading to the studio on the second floor.

PROJECT1-Ground Floor Plan




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A' 1. Art Class/ Gallery 2. Artist/ Visitor Room 3. Communal Kitchen & Dining Room 4. Farm Workshop



Shared Studio

Studio space provides spiritual support for artists to paint freely. The studios of the two residents on the west side are separated, while studios on the east side are shared, with a ramp leads to the gallery. Each studio has skylights for the creation of special media, such as tape machine, spinning, and sculpturing.

PROJECT1-First Floor Plan






3 4



1. Art Class/ Gallery 2. Shared Studio 3. Shared Lounge 4. Farm Workshop 5. Individual Studio



Art Class/ Gallery

Art brut artists can teach in the public art class/gallery to communicate with others, show social value of a and get spiritual satisfaction. Passing through the art class is the farm workshop.

Section AA'



Communal Kitchen & Dining Room

Residents share a communal kitchen, which has a platform on the second floor for people to rest, and is connected to the farm, so residents can cook with their own vegetables.

Section BB'




ry Market

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy


2. Animal Embassy Dwellings for animals, where humans are visitors LOCATION: Shanghai & Kunming, China

In modern society, people build zoos to enhance the public's awareness of ecological protection, call on the public to protect animals and the ecological environment, by showing the natural life of wild animals to the public. However, has today's iron-cage zoo achieved its original intention?

Since zoos are established to appeal to people to protect the environment through the natural behavior of animals, the embassies of animal ambassadors can be a possible model for replacing zoos in the contemporary urban context. The iron-cage zoo and the concrete pit zoo, which only meet the needs of human, but make the animals deviate from their natural life, should be abandoned. The embassy that respects the living habits of animals may become a new way of coexistence between humans and animals, and promote the development of cities and ecological environment. This project promotes people's perception of space from the perspective of animals, such as the burrow of pangolins, the mud of Asian Tapir and the height of giraffes, and builds awareness of respecting animals and protecting nature by feeling that animals are the owners here.

Research Start - Snoopy falls into modern society

PROJECT2-Animal Abuse Research

Pangolins in zoos - Living in concrete cages without proper feed

Asian Tapir - Living in a cold concrete room, watched during the day (should be its bedtime)

Giraffe - Without enough height

Bear - Living in pit, fed by people recklessly

Baby raccoons - Small cages lead to stereotyped behavior and obesity

Elephant - Forced to perform

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy


Chinese pangolins have become critically endangered because of human consumption, and contemporary zoos w also not easy for zoos in China to reach their habitats. However, Shanghai fits the environment suitable for Chin more closely imitate the original habitat of Asian tapir and giraffe.


without their preferred environment cannot conserve them. Giraffes and Asian Tapir are foreign animals so it is nese pangolins, while Yunnan Province in southern China has more similarities with Malaysia and Africa, which

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy 17

PROJECT2-Pangolin Embassy-Information

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy


Location: Jing an sculpture park, Shanghai, China

The pangolin embassy encourages visitors to travel through the bu are two entrances for summer and winter respectively according to giving birth in winter. People enter ground floor on the west side in enter underground from the east side in winter and past the two-st floor through a low, dark, and scale-like entrance after getting the t

Lower Ground Floor Plan

PROJECT2-Pangolin Embassy-Section & Plans

Section AA'

urrow-like space to eventually reach the pangolin's space. There o the pangolin's habit of different burrows in summer and winter and n summer and past the publicity exhibition and first aid room, while torey conservation office. In the end, they will enter the basement termite feed.


1. Pangolin Summer Burrow 2. Activity Space 3. Termite Breeding Space 4. Pangolin Winter Burrow 5. Conservation Office 6. First Aid Room 7. Publicity Exhibition 8. Pangolin Space Entrance (Tactile)


Ground Floor Plan

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy


Pangolin Embassy Entrance

The lower ground floor is designed as a continuous mound for pangolins to burrow. There are occasional small windows on the mound to allow people and pangolins to view each other. The winter burrow is connected to the termite nest and the conservation office, and people can take termite feed to cultivate new nests for pangolins.

PROJECT2-Pangolin Embassy-interior

View from Pangolin Winter Burrow to Activity Space

View from Pangolin Winter Burrow to Termite Breeding Space

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy 23

PROJECT2-Asian Tapir Embassy-Information

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy


Location: Laoyuhe Wetland, Kunming, China

Asian Tapirs get a sense of security through smell and sound, and need mud to cool down and deworm, so the building encourages visitors to smell, learn about sounds, and experience the mire before reaching the tapir's space. Part of the mire goes into the ambassador’s home and conservation office, while the home also has a roof that collects rainwater, providing tapirs with water and mud in multiple ways. Asian Tapir needs woods, mud and water, so the materials of the embassy are chosen as rammed earth and bamboo.

PROJECT2-Asian Tapir Embassy-Section







1. Reception (Get Smell) 2. Conversation Hall (Learn Calls) 3. Visa (Get Mud) 4. Ambassador’s Home 5. Conservation Office 6. First Aid Room Section of Asian Tapir embassy

Reception (Get Smell) & Conversation Hall (Learn Calls)

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy


Asian Tapir Em

The Asian Tapir Embassy respects the daily life of the Ambassador and is open at night. Due to the different patte from front to back. At the same time, the straw has a warm effect. Bamboo tubes filled with different scents are h door to comfort the tapirs who were sent for rescue.

PROJECT2-Asian Tapir Embassy-Entrance

mbassy Entrance

erns of Asian tapirs in childhood and adulthood, the facade of the embassy has also become hollow and half-straw hung at the reception room. While allowing people to learn, the scents are also drifted to the first aid room next

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy 29

PROJECT2-Giraffe Embassy-Entrances

Giraffe Embassy Street Entrance

Interactive Dinning Hall & "Visa" department

Giraffes need a high and warm space, so abandoned factories in the city are suitable for transformation into giraffe embassies. Giraffes stand, lie down, eat and drink at different heights, so visitors go directly to the roof via elevators and then experience the sights at different heights through climbing facility from the roof to the ground.

PROJECT2: Animal Embassy





Elevators at the entrance can be lifted without electricity w replenish water for giraffes, and then take the slide after cli The first aid room and the conservation office are on the wes

PROJECT2-Giraffe Embassy-Section

1. Entrance 2. Dining Hall 3. Visa (Experience Different Heights) 4. Ambassador’s Home 5. Public Space 6. Conservation Office 7. First Aid Room





while giraffes stand on the other side of it. After getting off the elevator, visitors reach the top of the building to imbing the facility to reach the yard. There is also a stomped-out showers in the yard for giraffes to cool down. st side, the facade is hidden by wooden boards, and the staff can record giraffe data through the hole.

PROJECT3: Plant-led City


3. Plant-led City Mycelial city, promoted and inhibited by two plants LOCATION: Mars

People have been constantly exploring new planets suitable for human settlement besides the earth, but on other planets, will humans still be dominant? Can we still occupy the territory of nature endlessly to build buildings? How should the material of the new building be selected?

In the solar system, Mars is the only planet in the "habitable zone" other than Earth. It has many similarities with Earth, so humans chose to move to Mars after the collapse of the Earth. However, the intense space radiation on Mars made the two newly grown plants on the improved Mars become super aggressive, resulting in people only building in areas restricted by nature. Since buildings are formed by mycelium clinging to plant branches, plants can limit construction in two ways. Buildings can only be formed and supported by plants with hard leaves, while plants with hairy leaves interfere with the growth of hard-leaf plants , making it impossible to build. The interior of the complex formed by the mycelium also includes various functions.

Concept Collage - Immigrate to Mars


PROJECT3: Plant-led City


Mycelium removes toxins from Martian soil, helping create new and fertile soils, which improves atmospheric and light conditions, allowing Mars to grow plants. Moreover, mycelium with unique physical properties canattach to plant branches to form rooms and be processed into building walls.

Plant supports the extension of the building, and its trunk is hollow since its pipes for nutrient delivery are attached to the inner surface, so people can manipulate the elevator in the hollow trunk by controlling the water pressure of the plant. Type 2: Plant with hairy leaves

Depending on the exposure to radiation, the hard leaves are yellow, while the hairy leaves are mostly pink and blue-purple with a shorter growth cycle and stronger vitality, and it wraps around the first type of tree.

PROJECT3-Two Types of Plants on Mars

Type 1: Plant with hard leaves

PROJECT3: Plant-led City


Mycelium impro

Mycelium attaches to b

Two types of plants affect t

branches to form space

the distribution of buildings

PROJECT3-City Formation

oves Martian soil

PROJECT3: Plant-led City


People standing on the ground

PROJECT3-Aerial & Human View

Aerial View

Street View

Plants grow close to the groundwater distribution, which gets water and allows elevators to function. The two plants are intertwined to form a giant block, which are connected by extending branches as air corridors.

PROJECT3: Plant-led City


Air Corridor

Two Plants are Intertwined to Form a Block

Mycelium Forms Buildings of Different Shapes

PROJECT3-Inside the mycelial complex


Humans still want to create order in uncontrollable mycelial structures, such as turning branches connecting different tree blocks into air corridors. Meanwhile, transform the interior of the building with different shapes formed by mycelium into a multi-functional living space.

PROJECT4: Keep the "Track"


4. Keep the "Track" Culinary school attached to abandoned train ferry tracks LOCATION: Wuhu Old Train Ferry Terminal, Wuhu, China

In ancient times, Anhui fishmongers often transported fish through the Yangtze River for 6-7 days. To prevent the mandarin fish from becoming smelly, people used salt to remove its smell, and pressed it with stones in wooden barrels to ferment. In this way, the fish meat became firm aftere reaching the destination, Although it smelled bad after cooking, it still tasted good, so this Anhui cuisine was named stinky mandarin fish. This delicacy was brought about by river transport and time, but it was gradually forgotten by generations of youth. Therefor, I chose the abandoned train ferry tracks along the Yangtze River, which as of ten years ago were still used for train transportation. At that time, trains could only reach the other side of the Yangtze River by ferries, but after the construction of river-crossing bridge, the this train ferry was abandoned. Today, the opposite side of the ferry tracks is very prosperous, but the old tracks no longer have the vitality of the past. Therefore, this project aims to combine the tracks, incorporate a culinary school that teaches stinky mandarin fish, maintain the extension of the building and the tracks, and increase the interaction between people and the tracks to bring the place back to life. Thus "Track" in the title refers to both the train ferry track and the historical memory of the site and the special dish.

Concept Collage - The Practice of Ancient Stinky Mandarin Fish

PROJECT4-Process of Cooking Fish

5kg fish, 150g salt, 25g Sichuan pepper Put the fish in a wooden bucket and press it with stones.

Room at 25 - 30℃ The fish ferments and turns smelly in the room for 5-6 days, turn the fish once a day.

Clear water Rinse the marinated fish with water for 15 minutes.

75g oil, 15g scallion, 15g ginger Fry the fish over low heat.

15g rock sugar, 8g soy sauce, 50g diced shiitake, 25g lard 50g bamboo shoots, 10-15g chili sauce, 10g bean paste SSr fry for 2 minutes and stew for 15 minutes.

PROJECT4: Keep the "Track"



4 3

2 1

Residence Crew Training School Vocational School Kindergarten

Site Map


Route to the track








1. Rec 2. Mar Bean 3. Cla 4. Lec 5. Dor 6. Ope 7. Mob

Section AA'

The site is located in Wuhu in southern China, an urban area close to the Yangtze River. The red main road repre the 215-meter long train track and the trestle bridge, and another ferry duty room at the end of the track. The on the right side of the road. Process like fishing, ingredient preparation and making, and marinating are tran cooking process is reflected in the kitchen and restaurant.

PROJECT4-Site & Proposal

ception Hall rinating Room & Paste Making assroom & Kitchen cture Hall rmitory en Kitchen bile Restaurant





Site Map with Proposal

Past Train Ferry





1. Dormitory 2. Food Market 3. Mobile Restaurant 4. Educational Kitchen

Section BB'

esents a trail along the Yangtze River. Go north along the road, followed by the abandoned train ferry duty room, ere are residential areas, sewage treatment stations, small parks, crew training schools and vocational schools nsformed into a fishing club, food market, a room for marinating fish, and a bean paste making workshop. The

PROJECT4: Keep the "Track"


Entrance & Reception Hall

Entry Le

Abandoned track steel components are reassembled into a frame-shaped iconic entrance, and the ingredien abandoned train ferry path, applying transport elements to the building. It improves the situation where there i

PROJECT4-Entry Level Plan

Food Market

evel Plan

nts transported on the Yangtze River to the end of the tracks are pulled back to the food market through the is no market nearby as well.

PROJECT4: Keep the "Track"


Public Kitchen



6 2




The public kitchen provides a hands-on place for students learning to cook stinky mandarin fish and provide original train track to the public kitchen to replenish the ingredient, or moved to the riverside to carry raw mate

PROJECT4-Plan after Moving

Mobile Restaurant


1. Reception Hall 2. Marinating Room & Bean Paste Making 3. Classroom & Kitchen 4. Food Market 5. Fishing Club 6. Open Kitchen 7. Mobile Restaurant

e Plan

es food for the moblie restaurant. The Marinating room and bean paste making area can be moved along the erials, while the moblie restaurant can slide to the riverside to enjoy the view.

PROJECT4: Keep the "Track"



Dormitory Plan 1:50

Aggregation Study2

Aggregation Study1

Aggregation Study3

All spaces for making mandarin fish are distributed on the first floor to keep its continuity, and the dormito dormitories of the culinary school, which are placed above the train trestle. There are 12 single bedrooms, eac bedrooms. The different facades of the building from the entrance to the end show the gradual erosion of the iro

PROJECT4-Dormitory Aggregation

Elevation Seen from the Yangtze River

Typical Floor Plan

ory area can be reached by stairs next to the classrooms. The second to fourth floors of the building are the ch with a separate kitchen for students to practice, and the dormitory upstairs also ensures the privacy of the on plate, reflecting the element of time.

Other Works


Wall Garden| Year 2| Supervisor: Evan Saarinen| E-mail: esaarine@kean.edu

Transform the walls used as partitions and seclusion in the traditional Chinese gardem into a series of ramps that allow people to walk up the walls and experience an altered relationship to the landscape. The shape of the garden is designed around the square which in strictly used in the Chinese garden typology, and walls located on the diagonal give people a specific angle to see. Some walls host program, while other walls and roofs form a network of circulation space above ground. Building


Artificial lake

Green space Platform



The Master of the Nets Garden

Representations refer to ancient Chinese paintings and blue and white porcelain, and design results are displayed on Chinese fans and porcelain vases.

Topos design intership-Plan of liberal coffee shop

Build a new type of Public toilet with a resting space using quick-disassemble containers, scaffolding and roofs. Trucks bring containers directly, and scaffolding and roofs are taken from the construction site to quickly build toilets for migrant workers.

Multiple Folding Wood Tatami

Relief Work & Drawings & Facial Make-up Drawing

Other Works

The Little Big Loo Rethinking Public Toilets|Year2

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