Mens Leather Wallets - Think Outside the Cow! Le ather From Stingray, Ostrich, Alligator, and "Eel" _111 Mens Leather Wallets - Think Outside the Cow! Leather From Stingray, Ostrich, Alligator, and "E el" When you think of a leather wallet, you probably think of cowhide leather. That's normal. Cowhid e leather is the most common form of leather used for wallets, belts and other men's accessori es.If you're looking for a more interesting wallet for yourself, or a nice gift for a man, it's time to think outside the cow. Leather is made from many kinds of animals. Leather from other kinds o f animals isn't much more expensive, and for a little extra money you get a much more interest ing wallet.Stingray WalletsStingray leather is made from the skin of a stingray. It is unusually co arse. In fact, historically it was used to cover things like dagger or sword hilts, because the lea ther would not become slippery.Stingray wallets are naturally covered in little bubbles, called p earls. They can be dyed to produce different colors or patterns. The resulting wallet is beautifu l, and its owner cheap replica hermes wallet is cheap replica hermes wallet sure to get cheap replica hermes wallet many compliments.Ostrich WalletsAnyone can recognize a wallet made from ostrich leather immediately. It doesn't look like anything else. The leather has large bump s on it, which are the follicles that used to hold feathers. Ostrich wallets come in a variety of co lors.Ostrich leather can also come without bumps, but it isn't very interesting looking. The part of the hide where the feathers are located is actually pretty small compared to the size of the an imal. That's why ostrich leather is somewhat more expensive - there's only a small amount of d esirable leather from each animal.Alligator WalletsAlligator wallets are also instantly recogniza ble. They are, of course, made from alligators. The pattern cheap replica hermes wallet on the wallet is from where the scales of the alligator used to be. There are different cheap replica h ermes wallet patterns, depending on which part of the alligator was used for the wallet. They come in a variety of styles and colors.Eel Skin WalletsEel skin wallets are incorrectly named, b ecause they are not actually made from the skin of eels. The skin comes from a slimy, ugly, jaw less fish called the Pacific Hagfish. It looks like an eel, but it isn't.Seriously though, who would say, "Dude, check out my Hagfish skin wallet, Even though it's not the right name, let's just ca ll it eel skin.There used to be a popular myth that these wallets would demagnetize your credit cards -- probably because eels make electricity. But now that you know it isn't really made from eels, it's easy to see why this myth is untrue.These wallets are strong and smooth. They look like several strips of eel skin were banded together to make the wallet.Choose any of these le athers for a great wallet. They all make an excellent gift for a man cheap replica hermes wallet.