Rhino and Grasshopper Week 1: Grasshopper Started off with creating three sets of simple curves in rhino which then in Grasshope I linked tw of them to grasp what the lofted structure would look like.
Here is where the third curve was joined and quite an interesting shape was formed. Nothing spectacular, just some experimentation
Simple, no problems and changed in accordance with where the curve was moved
To test the strength of Grasshopper and what was taught in the studio, I began moving the curves and seeing just how much the lofted shape would change with each movement of the curve and it turns out that it made quite a large impact with simple movements along the single axis.
As a final move to this exercise, I experimented by mirroring the three sets of curves, added another and seeing what sort of shape would be produced. The result was a fascinating looking image which after being baked and viewed in rendered look, showed me a small portion of the capabilities that grasshopper is able to provide.
Design Studio: Air Sheehan Yu 541413