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since The end of The indusTrial age, The word “ciTy” became a mechanical space filled wiTh shopping cenTres and commercial skyscrapers. consumerism Turned The ciTy inTo a monoTonous funcTion alThough The physiological and safeTy needs are generally saTisfied, people’s spiriTual needs are hardly fulfilled. emoTions such as loneliness, anxieTy and spiriTual empTiness are increasing in urbanisaTion. chinaTown in melbourne is an urbanisaTion now crowded wiTh various shops and resTauranTs, exposing The issues such as The funcTional monoTonous on The sTreeT. design sTudio epsilon universiTy of melbourne s Te locaTion: sTokes sTreeT, presTon, vicToria ausTralia as a social housing, The shifTing house is an affordable and longTerm projecT. iT aims To provide a more adjusTable and flexible space To saTisfy The requesT for privaTe and communal space in The conTemporary lifesTyle. iT considers several “shifTing spaces” Through The day and nighT, seasons, space and view. i’m looking for affordable properTy for long-Term living.
The evolving library is designed To saTisfy The higher level of needs in human socieTy and increase funcTions in The ciTy. people could obTain belonging, esTeem requiremenTs, cogniTive, aesTheTic and self-acTualisaTion from This space.
The housing shorTage problem is being solved wiTh Thousands of dwellings builT. The disadvanTage of modernisT residenTial buildings is exposure To The conTemporary lifesTyle. This sTyle is no longer suiTable for The conTemporary lifesTyle.
The conTemporary lifesTyle advocaTes The balance beTween work and life, privaTe and social space. The home is no longer jusT a space for sleeping or eaTing buT also for working, self-business and communicaTion.
The home is no longer a shelTer for sleeping or eaTing buT also business and socialisaTion.
“i like socialising wiTh people, and i also love naTure.”
Mr s, a seLf-eMpLoyed jun ocT apr feb
presTon had various hisToric Terraced houses. from The quesTionnaires, several residenTs asked abouT various building Types for differenT family sizes in The modern suburbs
The expansion of public TransporT embodies The idea of low cosT, susTainabiliTy and humane and promoTes The diversiTy of urbanisaTion we lived overseas and planned To live in melbourne afTer our daughTer married. we are looking for a susTainable and liveabiliTy properTy.
“we wanT To move in easily.”
Mr &Mrs a, open-Minded parents like many young parenTs, we are Tired of shifTing roles beTween home and workshop. we are looking for convenienT housing for long-Term living and working.
“we are boTh parenTs and employees. “
Mr & Mrs V, young parents of twins.
Unit Typology
UNIT-B, THREE BEDROOM uniT a + uniT a = uniT b a long-Term and flexible inTerior space is designed for furTher family-size expansion.
7am geT up
9 pm resT
8 pm privaTe acTiviTies communal space for meeTing, exercising and dining. greenery sTudio one bedroom
Two bedrooms
Three bedrooms lofT communal space foldable beds, available for resT aT noon space separaTed for resT and working
NORTH ELEVATION on-siTe vegeTaTion comes in various colours and shapes, and The seasonal sTreeTscape is inTeresTing for long-Term living.
EAST ELEVATION variaTions in Terraces aim To connecT The ciTyscape wiTh The communiTy.
Nature In Shifting Housing
The “l-shape” lounge is connecTed To a conTinuous corridor wiTh an open courTyard view. iT provides convenience To Transform beTween communal and living spaces, ouTdoor and indoor.
The shifTing happens day and nighT in public and semi-privaTe spaces. when The residenTs open The sliding doors, They can socialise wiTh Their neighbours more convenienTly
The oTher side of The “l-shape” is a privaTe space, which includes a bedroom or workshop. iT could hide backward The living space because of The design of The privacy level change. The noise could also reduce by The “buffer zone”.
Story In Shifting House
The shifTing house offers space for people To Transform Their daily paTTerns of living, Transforming Their lifesTyles inTo susTainable and low-cosT ways To enjoy neighbourhood relaTionships in Their communiTies.
courTyard sTories
many renTal faciliTies have been designed, such as The “shared green Trellis” in The yard, which is specially seT up wiTh adjusTable planTers if no longer in use, T can be shared wiTh residenTs.
k Tchen sTories
The kiTchen in The 19Th cenTury was no longer The space for family dining and waTching Tv. shared kiTchens are a more susTainable way of life, reducing The cosT and wasTe of food and The sTress of working from home.