Thesis book_Xinyue Ann Wu_[De]colonisation of the environment

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Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Thesis Book Studio 06 Forms of Enchantment

Ann Xinyue WU 752748


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis




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Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis



Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Ever since colonisation, Anglophone capitalism has pillaged natural environments and commoditised its resources in the interest of profit. The exploitation based on over-extraction of material has resulted in devastating consequences that have escalated over the decades. The current economic model relies heavily on mining and other resource-intensive fields, but the aftermath of this economic modus operandi is rapidly escalating out of control. The ethics of ridding such environmental ramifications for development and consumerism is interrogated by the thesis. The thesis investigates the possibility of architecture acting as an agent that prophecies a cautionary future tale. Through the implication of immersive space. The design of such space will be informed by elements that materialised the issues of Anthropocene through form, aesthetic, and material.


Chapter I / Hypothesis

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

[De]colonisation of the environment

The term ‘Environmental colonialism’, refers to the ‘various ways in which colonial practices have impacted the natural environments of Indigenous peoples.’ ( website, Duquette, 2020)The concept of colonisation in the modern context describes ‘situations of past, present and ongoing acts, institutions, decision-making processes, physical interventions, discourses, narratives and paradigms that continue to marginalise and exclude Indigenous peoples.’ (p6-7, Hartwig, Jackson, Markham & Osborne, 2021). The victims of environmental colonialism are not only the local residents but also relevant plant and fauna species.

European colonisation had dramatic environmental impacts. (Wood, 2015) Before colonisation, Aboriginal people were not ‘mere’ hunter-gatherers as how we conventionally misunderstand them. Indeed, they had a system of managing the landscape and that allowed them to live sustainably with the environment. (Pascoe, n.d.) The first impact colonialism has drawn on the environment was the introduction of cattle farming. The ten years of cattle farming from the 1840s - 1850s has changed the grass template and impact which furtherly impacted soil and groundwater content. As a result, the increasing cattle farming after 1788 has contributed to more ‘savage’ bushfires and resulted in controlled burns going out of control. (Gammage, 2014) The consequence of disregarding fire management still takes effect today.

Chapter I / Elaboration

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Environmental Colonialism


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis





Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Miyazaki, 1984

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Through the lens of this mega/film, Miyazaki unfolds a discourse of what an escalating climatic crisis will bring. Reflecting on the current affair, it is a cautionary tale that reflects on the current affairs. Ever since technological progression is driven in favour of capital rather than sustainability, the relationship between humans and nature is becoming more ‘hostile.’ Figure1. Fan Art of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Banzuela, 2017


Chapter II / FabelNausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is an animated film by Miyazaki. The story sets in a post-apocalyptic future, where the world is covered by the life-threatening Sea of Decay, occupied by mutant giant insects. Even within this dire situation, humans would still fight against each other for land and power. The clans even wanted to master the destructive power of the Decay to conquer the rest. Eventually, humankind cast doom upon themselves. At the end of the film, the main protagonist, Nausicaä found a plot of the land untouched by any corruption or human conflict and decided not to tell any human of its presence so the land can thrive.

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter II / FabelNausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Figure 2-6. Manga pages, Miyazaki, Wong, Lewis, Smith & Kawasaki, n.d.


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Figure7. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Miyazaki, 1984

Miyazaki’s apocalyptic vision of the Sea of Decay derives from real-world scenarios.

Figure8. Minamata Bay mercury poisoning, (Smith, n.d.) Figure9. Rotten Sea polluted by heavy metal and pesticide in Ukraine, (“Rotten Sea by Sergey Anashkevych 4”, n.d.)


Chapter II / FabelNausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / Stoy Line in relation to hypothesis

The sea of decay

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The presence of Nausicaä illustrates a symbolism of coexistence and symbiosis. At the climax of the story, Nausicaä resolved the conflict between the arthropods, turning the bright red eye to a friendly blue colour.

Figure11. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Miyazaki, 1984

Figure10. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Miyazaki, 1984

Reflected in today’s world, the desire for expansion correlates to the idea of colonialism. The fact that nature is harmed and still overly exploited much resembles today’s situation. The film proposed an extreme vision of our future, as one day, the twisted nature will consume the world.

This unfolds the relationship between artificial environments and natural environments. The mutant insect is a personification of the disturbed environments. The escalation of climate change can be traced back to the frenzy unsustainable development of humankind. The film questioned if a more empathetic way of treating the environment can yield a better result.

At the end of the film, Nausicaä found a clean land untouched by pollution and stayed undiscovered by human civilization.

Figure11. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Miyazaki, 1984

The open ending of the film indicates how nature can restore itself without human interference. In turn, nature can ‘reincarnate’ regardless of human presence, whether not humans become perished or chose to coexist.

Chapter II / FabelNausicaä of the Valley of the Wind / Stoy Line in relation to hypothesis

The two kingdoms waged war in excuse fighting against the Sea of Decay, a problematic form of nature. The weaponry of the war is manufactured on the resources from the Sea of Decay. Even though nature is twisted, the extraction of resources is still prioritised for the purpose of expansion and conquest.


Figure 12. Midas Painting II, n.d.


The story is about a King who had been granted the power to turn whatever he touched into gold upon his touch. He was happy at once until he turned his food and even his daughter into solid gold. He was then falling into deep regret with extreme hunger as well. At the end of the story, he begged God to dismiss his superpower, and everything that turned to gold returned to normal. The Midas Touch is still relevant in today’s context. With the power of technological advancement, humans are able to terraform the landscape. Just like how Midas was able to turn everything to gold and lost food and his loved ones, exploitation is a double-edged sword. On one hand, economic prosperity is brought to the world, on the other hand, the environment we lived in is also slowly destroyed by unsustainable overexploitation. Even the power of destruction is mastered, we still lack the power to undo the damage.

Chapter II / The Midas Touch/Stoy Line in relation to hypothesis

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The Midas Touch

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

After Midas was granted his wish, he was happy until he touched his food and his daughter, and both turned into gold.

In the story, Midas was lucky as he restored everything to normal upon asking Dionyssus to dismiss his ability. He then decided to share his fortune and became a generous and grateful person.

As in today, the zeal for capitalism and consumerism resembles strongly Midas’ obsession with gold. The ability of gold touch can be contextualised as the power to rapidly mass-manipulate and colonise the environment in favour of exploitation. Just like how Midas was short-sighted for the consequences of the gold touch, the operations of over-extraction and over-exploitation were conducted, at first, disregarding the potential/ ongoing devastation.

The food and Midas’ daughter can be translated to the elements of the environment. The ‘food’ can be related to essential needs that sustain the health and lives of our society. ‘Midas’ daughter’ on the other hand resembles the fine things we appreciated. Midas’ consequence can be cautious to what over-exploitation in the machine age can lead to irreversible destruction.

However the situation, in reality, is not the same. The destructive act towards nature still keeps ongoing.

Chapter II / The Midas Touch/Stoy Line in relation to hypothesis

In the story, Midas had an obsession with gold, and asked the god of wine and revelry, Dionyssus, to grant him the ability to turn things into gold upon his touch. Though Midas was warned to think well about the wish, he remained positive.


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis




These events are more or less a cause or direct consequence of overexploitation. Though floods and bushfires have caused great property damage and loss, they are a vital rejuvenation process of the natural environment. Flood and bushfires have actually recovered many species that have been threatened by us or invasive species. (McHugh, 2021)

Depicting as a narrative, colonialism has brought disruption to the environment. The use of land for the best interest of profit and settlement has had both short-term and long-term impacts on the environment. The long-term impacts are often delayed and can accumulate to a greater crisis across centuries. These impacts essentially articulate a counter-narrative.

Chapter III / Thesis research / Timeline

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The timeline maps colonial and artificial activities that have damaged the environment, and other direct events in regards to the natural environment.







Figure1 .What to Know About the History Behind Australia Day, 2021

Figure5 ."How to build a city: Melbourne's early street plan -

Colonisaaon of Australia, First Fleet

FUSE - Department of Educaaon & Training", 2021

Hoddle Grid of Melbourne

Figure3 ."Queenstown", 2021

Coal mining commenced

from Carlton and the CBD and released it

in 1799. These early coal mining accviies made a Figure2 .Radulova, 2021

European Rabbits

Wheal Gawler mine The first metal mined in Australia was lead at Osmond in South Australia in 1841.

into the Yarra River, which is influenced by

significant contribuuon to the progress of European

Figure4 ."Modern Baloch Sheep farmers mullply incomes by

seelement in Australia (("Coal | Geoscience Australia",

80 percent", 2021


Historical Society", 2021

underground drain has collected stormwater

in 1791 and coal mining and exports commenced


Figure6 . "Visit Wheal Watkins Mine Glen Osmond, Sunday 5th J

and is built on top of what was historically a natural creek. Since 1884 the Elizabeth

In Australia, black coal was first discovered in Newcastle


Elizabeth Street is the lowest point in the CBD

Over farming of sheep

the ocean de (("Local Flood Guide City of Melbourne" 2021)). Melbourne",



1840 AAer 1835, the millions of sheep which fed on Victoria’s lush natural grasslands during this me not only destroyed much of those grasslands, they also caused the near-exxnccon of the Myrniong Daisy – the staple plant food of the local Aboriginal people. The Myrniong, which has an edible, nutriious tuber all but vanished within three years following the introduccon of sheep(The Environmental Impacts of the Gold Rush, 2021).

The near-exxnccon of the Myrniong Daisy

Figure11 ."Yam Daisy - Green Olive at Red Hill - Farm the Good Life", 2021







Figure8 . "Carp Background", 2021

June 2016 | Burnside

Figure7 . "Edward Roper: Gold diggings, Ararat - Google Arts & Culture", 2021

Gold Rush Glen

Gold rushes devastated the natural environment, created great confusion and disorder, and adversely affected Indigenous and other communiies whose lands the miners invaded.” As the historian David Goodman has pointed out, if you want to engineer an invasion, what beeer way to do it than to have a gold rush? In the Victorian goldfields it has been essmated that about one metre of top soil was removed by the miners. The soil was turned over, animals were hunted and waterways were polluted and diverted – all devastaang the land. Today, the Dja Dja Wurrung community ssll refer to the goldfields as ‘upside down

Common carpt were first introduced into Australia via Victoria

Figure9 . "Works | NGV | View Work", 2021

Figure10 . Nair, 2021

Broken Hill Seelement

Coal Burning, Power Generaaon in Victoria

At present, most electricity in Victoria is generated by brown coal fired thermal power staaons in the Latrobe

Impacts of carp include decreased water


quality, algal blooms, river bank damage and destruccon of aquaac vegetaaon (("General informaaon about carp", 2021)).

country’”(("Turning points in history - the gold rush - Impact - Australian Catholic University", 2021)).




“Ballarat Flat from the Black Hill” shows a vast, largely treeless plain with only small tuus of grass between the mounds of unearthed clay. The purpose-built cart in the background of “The Spliiers” suggests the considerable size of the mber industry by 1864 (("The Environmental Impacts of the Gold Rush", 2021)).

“Ballarat Flat from the Black Hill”

Figure12 ."The Environmental Impacts of the Gold Rush", 2021


("Modern day mining contribuung to Broken Hill lead problem: research", 2021)

Lead contaminaaon, high blood-lead levels in children

Figure13 ."Modern day mining contribuung to Broken Hill lead problem: research", 2021





Figure14 ."S.S. LOONGANA TO THE RESCUE", 2021

Figure15 ."1301.0 - Year Book Australia, 2005", 2021

Mount Lyell Mining in Queenstown, Tasmania

Mining contribute to 10% of GDP



Figure16 ."The town that could poison children", 2021

Figure17 ."Smelters at Port Pirie", 2021

Mount Isa Mines

Port Pirie - biggest lead smelter in the world from Broken Hill By 1934 Port Pirie had become the biggest lead smelter in the world as

Copper mining, wastewater (Acid Drainage) was dumped into


King River

a result of the presence of the Broken Hill Associated Smelters (BHAS). Originally established in 1915, the smelter processed lead and zinc ore


from Broken Hill("Smelters at Port Pirie", 2021).



1920 Lead contaminaaon, high blood-lead levels in children

Lead contaminaaon, high blood-lead levels in children

("Two months in town and this toddler has too much lead

("Two months in town and this toddler has too much lead in her blood",

in her blood", 2021)


Mount Isa Mines

Port Pirie - lead contaminaaon

Figure19 ."Two months in town and this toddler has too much lead in her

Figure20 ."Two months in town and this toddler has too much lead in her

blood", 2021

blood", 2021






Figure18 ."COVID-19 Recovery: Victorian Greens suggests upgrading Portland Aluminium smelter to serve as “reverse baaery”", 2021)

Aluminium Smellng in Portland One of the major electricity consumers in Victoria is the aluminium smelter at Portland.

Following colonisaaon of the Murray River, and aided

Government officials had argued in the 1980s and

Carp draws significant negaave impact on environment,

The almost decade-long millennium drought, starrng around 2000, caused

by widespread flooding in 1974, carp populaaons

1990s that historical lead-smelter dust-emissions

wosen water quality and threat ecosystem("Impacts of

significant damage to ecosystems as well as to the economy. It ended with

rapidly spread throughout the Murray-Darling Basin and

held in the city’s soils and home environments were

Carp in Wetlands", 2021)

widespread flooding in 2010, resullng in inundaaon of many floodplains and

established populaaons in all states except the Northern

the primary cause of elevated blood lead in children

raising the Basin's water storages from 32% to 81% during 2010–11. The flooding


(Body et al., 1991)("Lead poisoning of Port Pirie

enabled many species to recover from the effects of a long drought but also caused

children: a long history of looking the other way", 2021). This effect ssll impacts children today.

Brisbane Flood (Queensland Flood)

Port Pirie - lead contaminaaon

Figure21 . "Flood Engineering – G.M. McMahon Consultants",

Figure22 . "Lead poisoning of Port Pirie children: a long history


of looking the other way", 2021



widespread damage to property("Murray-Darling Basin management – Parliament

Carp is listed as a "noxious aquaac of Australia", 2021). species" in Victoria under the Fisheries Millennium drought - Murray-Darling Basin Act

Figure23 . "Impacts of Carp in Wetlands", 2021

Figure24 . "Murray-Darling Basin management – Parliament of Australia", 2021






Figure25 ."Tasmania, Australia Deforestaaon Rates & Staasscs | GFW", 2021

Forest Clearing - 3,784,400 Hectares/37844 Km2 of land ‘Agriculture was the reason for most of the clearing, with "grazing naave vegetaaon" accounnng for more than 1.8 million hectares of clearing. The next biggest contributor to the data was "grazing modified pastures" at around 125,000 hectares.’ In 8 years, about 37,844 km2 of land was cleared, the size equal


to more than half of the area of Tasmania. Though Tree cover is increasing, “the issue is that a mature Thoug


forest can be cleared in one place, and an equivalent area of 2-metre saplings may have regrown in another.”("Tasmania,


Australia Deforestaaon Rates & Staasscs | GFW", 2021)


Figure26. "WEBINAR: Post-extraccvism: How do we move beyond mining? | A

Australia becomes the biggest coal exporter i

2010 “A coalmine has cracked the rock above it and


methane gas is now bubbling through one of Sydney’s key drinking water catchments. The mine, in the

Tasmania lost 755kha of land King River Polluuon causes deforestaaon

("Fact check: Does Australia have one of the 'highest

("Mt Lyell Acid Drainage Remediaaon -

("Lead poisoning of Port Pirie children: a long history of

loss of species anywhere in the world'?", 2021)

EPA Tasmania", 2021)

looking the other way", 2021)

Australia has one of the highest rates of animal exxnccon in the world.

King River - Most polluted river in Australia

2010 Flood (Queensland, NSW, VIC)

Waratah Rivulet, east of Campbelltown, is owned by a subsidiary of the world’s biggest coal company, Peabody.”("Murray-Darling Basin management – Parliament of Australia", 2021).

Coalmine cracks leaking methane gas into Sydney drinking water catchment

Figure29 ."Tasmania, Australia Deforestaaon Rates & Staasscs | GFW", 2021

Figure30 ."Fact check: Does Australia have one of the 'highest loss of

Figure31 ."Mt Lyell Acid Drainage Remediaaon - EPA

Figure32 ."Lead poisoning of Port Pirie children: a

species anywhere in the world'?", 2021

Tasmania", 2021

long history of looking the other way", 2021

Figure33 . "Murray-Darling Basin management – Parliament of

2001 to 2019


Australia", 2021







Figure27 . "Dark side of the boom | The Australia

Figure28 ."Mining is the largest contributor to

Insstute", 2021

Australian economy in 2019-20", 2021

Abandoned Mine in Australia

Mining contribute to 10.4% of GDP

It was essmated that around 60,000

("Mining is the largest contributor to

mines in Australia in different scales were

Australian economy in 2019-20", 2021)

abandoned and there had been nearly no rehabilitaave treatment at all.” There The has been no accurate essmaaon around the sum area of mining voids lee in Australia. However, refilling these holes will take centuries to complete.("Dark side

AID/WATCH", 2021

of the boom | The Australia Insstute", 2021)

in the world

‘There are at least 45 voids with a total of 6,050ha


to be thought.

of voids (about 100m in depth)) either planned or

South Australia, and is vulnerable to local

approved, covering a total area greater than all of

exxnccon("Australia’s species exxnccon crisis in South32's legal Wollongong creek discharge 'exceeds numbers: 2019 | Ecological Society of Australia", safe levels' of heavy metals, sciennst says ("'Very dangerous levels' of heavy metals are being dumped 2021) into this creek and it's perfectly legal", 2021)

“It “I was not that the leaks themselves were dangerous, what shocked him was the number of them, and the evidence backed growing fears that far from reducing greenhouse gas

Sydney Harbour.”("The Hole Truth: The mess coal companies plan to leave in NSW", 2021)

emissions, the world's increasing enthusiasm for natural gas





in Contaminaaon detected in a drain at Port Kembla (Fellner, 2021)

Natural gas is far less environmental friendly than it was used

could prove to be as toxic for climate change as the use of

Byarong Creek polluted by ceramic fines ("Rangers track perpetrator of latest Figtree creek polluuon incident",

coal.”(Malley, 2021)

Australia becomes the biggest coal exporter in the world

Total coal mine voids in NSW

Black Summer Australia Bushfire

Figure34 . Malley, 2021

Figure35. "The Hole Truth: The mess coal companies plan to leave in

Figure36 . Issues & Friday, 2021

NSW", 2021



Australia’s Species Exxnccon Crisis

Figure37 . "Australia’s species exxnccon crisis in numbers: 2019 |

Figure38 . "Rangers track perpetrator of latest Figtree creek polluuon

Ecological Society of Australia", 2021

incident", 2021





Mining is chosen for its persistency within the Australian context. Mining operation not only helped to expand the economic power of the colony but also became a driving force in establishing new settlements. To understand the system more deeply, one of the cases is pulled out from the timeline to demonstrate the chain reaction of cause and delayed effect and examine how environmental impact escalates.

Figure39. The northern group, Broken Hill Mines (Goodhart, 1920)

The settlement in Broken Hill was founded upon the discovery of lead and silver mineral content in 1883.

Figure40. The old Junction Mine lookout in Broken Hill. (Coote, 2017)

The most obvious consequence of lead mining operation is lead contamination.

High blood-lead content in blood testing of the local residents is still a significant problem today. Besides, the water used in mineral washing leads to huge consumption of water from the Darling River. After the termination of the mining license, an open-cut minefield will create a void that polluted the air with lead particles and traps rainwater, which affects the rate of evaporation of water and ultimately destabilises the volume of the Murray-Darling Basin. Potentially, this will affect the flourishment of local plant and animal species and further damages the local ecosystem.

Chapter III / Thesis research / The systematic issue from timeline

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The systematic issue from timeline

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Figure42. A man standing on the bed of the River Murray near Mildura during the 1901 drought. (Wilf, 1901)

The mining operations will also require corresponding refinery and smelting facilities to make use of the resources.

In other states of Australia, smelting consumes a significant amount of electricity generated.

This leads to further expansion. In 1934, Port Pirie becomes the biggest lead smelter in the world, with lead minerals supplied by Broken Hill mines. Whilst being a contributor to the economy, it results in more severe lead contamination problems and still taking effect today.

Since the majority of the energy is generated by brown coal burning, it means ore smelting contributes greatly to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions across Australia. Statistically, more demand for energy means more demand for coal and natural gas mining, which leads to even greater consumption of water and the tendency of drought in the Murray-Darling Basin. In addition, the economy’s reliance on the mining industry is also increased.

Chapter III / Thesis research / The systematic issue from timeline

Figure41. Smelters at Port Pirie. (Smelters at Port Pirie, 1919)


Mining - overexploitation as a form of Unlike how the Aboriginals lived symbiotically in the country, as the paradigm of economy and development of the colonies relied heavily on extracting and exporting mineral resources, the Australian landscape was rapidly transformed by mining. The environmental consequences of mineral extraction, however, were not considered. (Guerrero, 2016) ‘Long-term environmental impacts were pushed to the sides in an attempt to make profit out of the very expensive enterprise of controlling a significantly-sized colony.’ (p9, Wood, 2015) In states like Tasmania, though the Environmental Protection Act was passed in 1973, mining companies were granted exemptions to the ACT. (De Blas, 1994) As a result of today, ‘there are more than 50,000 legacy mines. These are former mining sites requiring remediation where no individual or company can be held responsible’ (website, Unger, 2014). The effect of mining legacy is not merely an open pit of land, but it affects the current of the creek since more water is trapped in the void. 26

(Johnson & Wright, 2003) Moreover, the water used for mineral washing and other means will be contaminated. For instance, the water dumped from the century-long continuous copper mining and processing at Mount Lyell has drawn significant environmental impact. Not only has the acidity of chemical content changed the colour of water, but it also caused deforestation which destroyed habitat for local animals and harmed local communities. (Davies, Mitchell & Barmuta, 1996) Mining does not only just impact the environment by its legacy. Even today, Australia still heavily relies on mining, for both its economy and power generation. In 2019, mining occupies 10.4% (Constable, 2020) of GDP, and coal mining contributes to 56% overall of power generation. (“Australian Energy Statistics”, 2020) It is also a huge consumer of water and power, contributing to about 77.3% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions.(“2019–20 published data highlights”, 2021)

Chapter III / Thesis research / Mining

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The availability of technological progression in the past centuries has made mineral extraction more efficient, but little has improved in its sustainability. As more researchers start to study more comprehensively on those impacts, more issues have been linked to mining. Once a mining operation extracts the value of resources by occupying the landscape and marginalising the rights of local people and species, it becomes an act of colonialism. The vicious escalation of environmental destruction, if not intervened, projects a pessimistic vision of the future. This unfolds an interesting interrogation in structuring the narrative of the architectural journey.

Chapter III / Thesis research / Mining

Both the act of mining and the relevant industry has built a cycle of contamination generation. Besides, lead-related operations are still responsible for the high blood-lead contents of local residents and especially children. (Taylor, 2012)


This map indicates the density and scale of ‘problematic’ sites. The map describes the overarching idea of how Australia still relies too much on mining. (Moffat et al., 2017) The ‘problematic’ is defined by how much the operation can relate to direct environmental and health problems to the local and broader context. The highlighted sites are mainly toxic open-cut mines such as radioactive, coal, and lead mining, and any relevant facilities.

Geoscience Australia. (2018). AUSTRALIAN OPERATING MINES MAP 2017. Geoscience Australia. Lead | Geoscience Australia. Retrieved 27 March 2021, from Coal | Geoscience Australia. Retrieved 27 March 2021, from Moffat, K., Pert, P., McCrea, R., Boughen, N., Rodriguez, M., & Lacey, J. (2017). Australian attitudes toward mining. Retrieved 27 March 2021, from download?pid=csiro:EP178434&dsid=DS1


Chapter III / Thesis research / Mapping

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Mapping I


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

This map shows the tension between nature and the city, and the erasure of the natural by the artificial. The dirty spot on the Yarra River denotes poor water quality. The other ink spots denote the location of artificial water bores that indicates an artificial intervention of controlling and displacing water. The overlaying of The Great Flash Flood depicts a moment of what would happen if the Murray-Darling Basin and the sea level rise by several meters. Since Elizabeth St sits on a historical creek site, (White, 2020) when Melbourne is flooded, all the contamination would flush back to the city.

White, S. (2020). From the Archives, 1972: Chaos as floods batter Melbourne. Retrieved 27 March 2021, from MapShareVic. Retrieved 27 March 2021, from Geocortex Viewer for HTML5. (2021). Retrieved 27 March 2021, from https://mapshare. Spatial Datamart Victoria. (2021). Retrieved 27 March 2021, from


Chapter III / Thesis research / Mapping

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Mapping II


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

This map collects colonial symbols in Melbourne. The historical map of the Hoddle grid is superimposed and highlighted to magnify how the Hoddle sets the nexus of expanding urbanisation in the norms created by settlers and regardless of natural systems. From the grid as a nexus, the city expands and creeps outwards. The chosen historical buildings and the two former brick and bluestone quarries were a display of colonial power. The Barak Building is a modern irony in using traditional imagery to advertise a profit-driven reality. The hand in the drawing is colonialism, strategically placing structure like chess, representing the power and authority we have to reshape the landscape.

MapShareVic. Retrieved 27 March 2021, from Geocortex Viewer for HTML5. (2021). Retrieved 27 March 2021, from https://mapshare. Spatial Datamart Victoria. (2021). Retrieved 27 March 2021, from


Chapter III / Thesis research / Mapping

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Mapping III


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis





Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


The location is chosen besides a water body in reference to the water study conduct through mappings and other tasks. As currently, the artificial lake inside the Royal Botanical Garden is experiencing an algal bloom which corresponds to the intention. In addition, the tall grass and rich vegetation of the location complement the post-apocalyptic theme of the artwork.

Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The Site


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


The material pallet of Buggenhout’s work is familiar and evokes a sense of post-apocalyptic-ness. Through carefully orchestrate chaos through abject material, (“Artist represented by Axel Vervoordt Gallery”, n.d.) the art piece conveys a sense of sorrow. The aesthetic of his work depicts an archeological finding from the Anthropocene epoch, remnants of a collapsed version of our civilization. Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Peter Buggenhout

Figure 1. “Peter Buggenhout - Artist - Saatchi Gallery”, n.d. Figure 2. Buggenhout, 2021

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3

Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Form Finding Process

Figure 4.

Figure 6.

Figure 5

Figure 1. Scaffolding structure. Figure 2. Unstable is created by sharpening the tip and tilting. Figure 3. The artificial is conflicting the Landscape. Figure 4. Weak tensile force from cable. Figure 5. The displacement and fragmentation of nature environment. Figure 6. Final sketch of all elements combined.


Chapter IV / Installation

Figure 7. Water Wheel, n.d.

Form Finding Process Model of a headframe and a wheel

Model of a steam tractor and a dumping truck

Model of drills and boring machine

Model of the imbalance frame


Figure 9. Dumping Truck, n.d.

Figure10. Boring Machine, n.d.

Figure 11. Bucket wheel excavators , 2020

Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Figure 8. Steam Tractor, n.d.

Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Form Finding Process


42 Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Final Outcome


44 Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Final Outcome

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IV / Installation


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IV / Installation


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IV / Installation


The central core of the installation is composed of an upside-down steel frame to capture a sense of imbalance. The big wheel in the middle is an abstraction of steam tractors and other machines that rotates, a symbol of the technological progress of humankind. The other elements surrounding the steel frames are infrastructure relates to mining and industry. As the artificial cluster steers, stirs, and pierces through the natural, the land becomes fragile and collapsed in ephemeral. The dynamism of the floating swarms of fragments and shards, like debris or dust, captures the segregation of the natural landscape and resource displacement. At last, the force of the rehabilitation is like a week cable that is holding all the chaotic mass in place. The contrast of the mass and the cables speaks the urgency of the issue.


Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The installation captures the impression of fiercely imbalanced man-made structure in a post-apocalyptical and rustic aesthetic. The iron oxide used in the installation is a reflection of the metallic elements on site.

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IV / Installation


50 Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IV / Installation

Installation on site

From far, a scene is composed of foreground, middle, and background of water and plants. Aided by the algal bloom, the tension between the (artificially perfected) environment and the machine aesthetic is lost in the post-apocalyptic scenography. When approaching the installation, one must merge his/her feet in the tall grass and wandering through other vegetation.

Chapter IV / Installation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The intention of the image is to project in a future prophecy, where the installation is an artifact that has been carelessly left on the overgrown site.


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis





Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Parc de la Villette

Tschumi created a series of red structures using a strategy of point grid, where each pavilion corresponds to others in proximity. The concept is to make a park based on ‘culture’ rather than ‘nature’. The regular arrangement of the pavilion in a system of grid creates an outpost-like effect, which, in comparison to the site of Botanic Garden, glorifies the ‘non-natural’. As a reflection, despites Tchumi’s intention, the detachment of the nature and the act of formulating a self-referential framework that creates an interesting inteorgation of if the nature can be detached.

Figure 1. “Serpentine Gallery - The Red Sun Pavilion — Ateliers Jean Nouvel”, 2009


Chapter V / pavilion

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Bernard Tschumi Architects Paris, 1982-1998

Music Video Pavilion

The disjunction of frame and planes have merged/ disrupted different orders and elements into one unified structure. The openings of the pavilion are strategically placed creating a hide-and-seek effect. Since the internal circulation is only partially revealed, the act of opening enhances the concealment of the building. The alienation of the structure creates a sense of detachment from the site, which makes the building disregard the natural environment.

Chapter V / pavilion

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Groningen, Netherlands. 1990 Zaha Hadid

Figure 2. “Music Video Pavilion - Hidden Architecture”, 2016


Parc de la Villette

Tschumi created a series of red structures using a strategy of point grid, where each pavilion corresponds to others in proximity. The concept is to make a park based on ‘culture’ rather than ‘nature’. The regular arrangement of the pavilion in a system of grid creates an outpost-like effect, which, in comparison to the site of Botanic Garden, glorifies the ‘nonnatural’. As a reflection, despites Tchumi’s intention, the detachment of the nature and the act of formulating a self-referential framework that creates an interesting inteorgation of if the nature can be detached.

Figure 3. “Bernard Tschumi Architects”, 2021


Chapter V / pavilion

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Bernard Tschumi Architects Paris, 1982-1998

The location is chosen besides a water body in reference to the water study conduct through mappings and other tasks. As currently, the artificial lake inside the Royal Botanical Garden is experiencing an algal bloom which corresponds to the intention. In addition, the tall grass and rich vegetation of the location complement the post-apocalyptic theme of the artwork.

Chapter V / pavilion

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Pavilion Concept


Chapter V / Pavilion

The Slanted Pavilion

The overall disjunction of linear and planar elements creates an unstable feeling. The use of metal and polycarbonate material in such slender form creates a jiggling noise in a windy weather, and enhances its instability. On the ground level, a slender and slanted shelter space is created for resting or meditation. The space will be under disruptive noise when someone is using the metal staircase above.

IntersecƟng CirculaƟon

Unstable Plane + Shelter

The staircase goes through the slanted plane, where the planar elements create an interesting moment of in and out.



Chapter V / pavilion

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The pavilion provides the visitors a sense of authority to overlook the garden and the Silo, an industrial legacy. A small lift is provided for ambulant visitors to reach the top.

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter V / pavilion


60 Chapter V / pavilion

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter V / Pavilion

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter V / pavilion


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter V / pavilion


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter V / pavilion


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter V / pavilion


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter V / pavilion


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis





Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Historic wetlands Historic seasonal lake Historic water way Natural reserve ACCA


Chapter VI / ACCA site mapping and analysis

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Artificial park

When looking at it in a broader context with historic overlay, it demonstrates how the urban fabric is conquering the natural system. The natural reserve and the park becomes fragments of the natural environment as a result of urban expansion. The ACCA site is located on Sturt Street, near the Art Precinct. The analysis highlights the nearby public transport. The residential area on Dodds Street is highlighted for later community engagement or avoidance.The analysis highlights the surrounding commercial buildings to indicate the livelihood of the proximity.

Chapter VI / ACCA site mapping and analysis

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Site Analysis


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VI / ACCA site mapping and analysis/ Grid


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VI / ACCA site mapping and analysis/ Nature


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VI / ACCA site mapping and analysis/ Commercial


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VI / ACCA site mapping and analysis/ Residential and art


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis





Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

PUBLIC ENTRANCE I. Site Entrance II. Pedestrian Access (No private parking on purpose)

I. Indoor Exhibi�on Rooms--History II. Indoor Exhibi�on Rooms--Memory III. Indoor Exhibi�on Rooms--Present IV. Indoor Exhibi�on Rooms--Future V. Panorama Overlook VI. Interac�ve Exhibi�on Space VII. Immersive Auditorium VIII.Temporary Exhibi�on


I. Entry Foyer II. Recep�on-Informa�on Desk III. Cloaking Room IV. Ticket Office V. Atrium VI. Art Store/Storage VII.Cafe

COMMUNAL SPACE I. Restaurant (Service) II. Workshop III. Educa�ve space IV. Circula�on (Bridge/Corridor/Catwalk...) V. Amenity



EXHIBITION SPACE OUTDOOR I. Temporary Exhibi�on II. Exhibi�on Space in garden III.Kiosk

PRIVATE SPACE I. Staff Ameni�es II. BOH Private Circula�on III. Goods Li�s IV. Storage V. Ar�st Residence VI. Office for Museum Staff VII. Mee�ng Rooms VIII.Mechanical Plant Room

Chapter VII / Program arrangement

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

III. Service Car Park IV. Loading Bay


III. Service Car Park

IV. Loading Bay



VIII.Temporary Exhibi�on

II. Pedestrian Access

I. Entry Foyer

VI. Art Store

III. Educa�ve space

V. Atrium

EXHIBITION III. Indoor Exhibi�on Rooms--Present

II. Workshop


VI. Interac�ve Exhibi�on Space

VII. Immersive Auditorium


I. Indoor Exhibi�on Rooms--History

I. Restaurant

VII. Mee�ng Rooms

VIIII.Restaurant Service

EXHIBITION II. Exhibi�on Space in garden III.Kiosk


II. Indoor Exhibi�on Rooms--Memory

IV. Indoor Exhibi�on Rooms--Future

Chapter VII / Program arrangement

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

III. Cloaking Room IV. Ticket Office II. Recep�on-Informa�on Desk

VIII.Mechanical Plant Room

V. Ar�st Residence I. Staff Ameni�es

IV. Storage

VI. Office for Museum Staff II. BOH Private Circula�on


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VII / Program arrangement

Top. Bernard Tschumi. Screenplays, 1977. Excerpt. Bottom. : Bernard Tschumi.Screenplays, 1977. Excerpt Opposite. Bernard Tschumi.Le Fresnoy National Studio for the Contemporary Arts, 1991–1997. Cinematic catwalks.



Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis



Visualized Chronicles

Indoor ExhibiƟon

Recall Memory Resraurant



Temporary ExhibiƟon

Indoor ExhibiƟon

Indoor ExhibiƟon


InteracƟve ExhibiƟon

Indoor ExhibiƟon

Immersive Auditorium


EducaƟve Space





The Great Collapse




Panorama Overlook


Post Anthroprocene

Hall of ReincarnaƟon

Garden AŌer Calamity

Chapter VII / Program arrangement

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The ColonizaƟon

Upon studying Tschumi’s approach to using a film storyboard approach, I have attempted to take a similar approach by structuring the building’s program in accordance to how the plot of a story is structured. Inspired by the fables, the program is structured around a future tale of environmental destruction. From Pre-European colonisation to the probable future we are heading forward, the main programs are arranged according to the ‘tectonic’ of the development of plot. A series of experiences then articulate the chapters to map the full story. As the story goes on, ‘conflicts’ and ‘destruction’ would intensify a sense of disarrangement. And finally, when the visitor reaches the end, the story ends in a post-apocalyptic garden, an alternative futuristic vision taken from the ending of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

Chapter VII / Program arrangement

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The Experiential Journey of Program


Locate Hoodle Gird + Street Grid

Use circulation as base of dynamism


Offset the boundary

Split by grid lines

Arrange the program according to their privacy and story line


Chapter VII / Program arrangement

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VII / Parti

Initially, The arrangement starts from overlying the grid system on site. The city grid can be used to determine elements of critique whereas the street grid determines the orientation of the main massing. The circulation from the Tram stop to Dodds St then become an a starting point of dynamism, creating movement that is perpendicular to the initial axis.The program is then arranged according to privacy and the sequence of journey. Composition-wise, strategy of form finding is by locating the tower structructure and the garden space used for exhibition, and determined by experiential thresholds of the journey. The tests of massing are used to contextualize the program on site. For now, the massing is composed of both blocks and some taxonomy in regards to infrastructure and gianatic mining facilities.

Chapter VII / Program arrangement

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Strategy on Site

At this stage, The form finding and massing procedure lacks some rationale. To reconsider and admit the site and link the research/mapping task to the form finding process, I’m thinking of utilising` the tectonics and geometric elements existing in the mapping to articulate a series of taxonomy which helps to articulate the form.


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VII / Massing


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VII / Massing


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VII / Massing


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VII / Massing


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis




Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


Extract social issues from timeline

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

�x�osi�on The colonisa�on

�isin� ���on The booming

Lorem ipsum Figure. 1

Figure. 2


Figure. 7

Mount Lyell Mine Establishment, 1883

A�er the 6 rabbits brought by the First Fleet, in 1898, 24 breeding European rabbits were introduced by Thomas Aus�n for a shoo�ng party in South Australia. Thomas Aus�n was a member of the Acclima�sa�on Society of Victoria, and at the �me believed that the introduc�on of few rabbits ‘could do li�le harm and might provide a touch of home. (‘The State Barrier Fence of Western Australia’, n.d.)

Mount Lyell Mine brought prosperity, popula�on and infrastructure to the towns in proximity.

Figure. 3

Figure. 8

Figure. 4

The Rabbit-Proof Fence 1901-1907

Mount Lyell Mine

‘The spread of rabbits over Britain took 700 years while the colonisa�on of two-thirds of Australia, an area 25 �mes the size of Britain, took only 50 years.’ (‘Rabbits introduced’, n.d.) In response to the rabbit migratory frenzy, Western Australia had issued to build a stretching fence across longitude, with 3 fences span a total of 3256KM, the longest fence ever built. ‘Between 1885 and 1890 demand for wire ne�ng increased from 1600 to 9600 kilometres per year.’ (‘Rabbits introduced’, n.d.)

‘The Mount Lyell copper mine used to be the country's oldest con�nually operating mining field and has also long been the lifeblood of Tasmania's west coast mining region. It is es�mated more than $4 billion worth of metal has been mined from the area. ’ (‘Mount Lyell copper mine’, 2014)

�m�a�t on �nimal �i�ra�on

Climax The Greate Collapse

Figure. 6

Introduc�on of Rabbits, 1788, 1898

�ater Contamina�on and �e�oresta�on

The State Barrier Fence

Figure. 5

Figure. 9

The Rabbit Problem

The Rabbit Problem

Coal Dust Contamina�on

Though the fence failed to be rabbit-proof, it is now used as a barrier to aid in the management of migratory feral animals from pastoral areas into agricultural land. Besides the huge ini�al cost and high maintenance cost of the fence, its presence has influenced the migra�on of animals, which might affect the ecosystem.

‘Rabbits have clearly contributed to the decline or loss of the greater bilby, yellow-footed rock-wallaby, southern and northern hairy-nosed wombats, the malleefowl and the plains-wanderer.’ (‘The Rabbit Problem’, n.d.) They also threaten the recruitment of local vegetarian and plant species.

As a legacy of unsustainable copper mining, the King’s River has been heavily polluted by the dumping of Sulphurous fumes, causing a drama�c deforesta�on that harms the ecosystem.

‘The ash waste from the power sta�ons in the Latrobe Valley is sent by pipe to areas including worked-out sec�ons of the brown coal mines near the sta�ons.’ (‘Coal ash dumps and community health’, n.d.)

Figure. 10

Figure. 11

Figure. 12

Figure. 13

Figure. 18

Figure. 19

Broken Hill Se�lemen, 1883

Yallourn North, discovered in 1879, became the loca�on for the first major development of brown coal in the Latrobe Valley. (Brown Coal, n.d.)

The se�lement in Broken Hill was founded upon the discovery of lead and silver mineral content in 1883

Figure. 14

Figure. 20

Figure. 21

Figure. 22

Yallourn Power Sta�on, 1921

The Largest Lead Smelter in the World, Port Pirie, 1934

Since the introduc�on of electricity in Australia from 1888, Majority of Australia’s power supply comes from coal-firing sta�ons.

In 1934, Port Pirie becomes the biggest lead smelter in the world, with lead minerals supplied by Broken Hill mines.

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Morwell Brown Coal Mine near Yallourn North, Latrobe Valley, 1873

The Yellourn Power Sta�on A was developed from the former State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV) built a temporary power sta�on fuelled by brown coal adjacent to the Brown Coal Mine adjacent to the power sta�on.

Untreated Voids

�ead Contamina�on

Figure. 15

Figure. 16

The open-cut void

The current mine

Flood in the void

The void resulted from coal mining not only affects the soil content, but in the short future, untreated voids in vast size will affect rain water cycle and ul�mately affect the river flows in proximity.

Photographs of Yallourn landslide which caused millions of litres of water to flood into the open cut. (‘Yallourn landslide in photographs’, 2007)

The open-cut void remains untreated. Not only the landscape has been damgamed

Figure. 17

‘It would be enough to fill nearly 24,000 Olympic swimming pools, or the MCG from turf to stadium roof 35 �mes.’ (Morton, 2012)

Figure. 23

Figure. 24

Lead Contamina�on in Broken Hill

Lead Contamina�on in Port Pirie

Broken Hill is Australia’s longest-lived mining city. (‘Discover Broken Hill’, n.d.) As a consequence of lead mining, the lead contamina�on remains as an on-going problem even today.

As a consequence of the booming lead smel�ng industry, like Broken Hill, the residents of Port Pirie has also become vic�ms of lead contamina�on long since the establishment of lead smel�ng ac�vi�es.


Hilla and Benrnd Becher

Chapter VIII / design development

Industrial Landscape from comtemporary insight

The industrial objects’ forms are strictly determined by function, which helps to set up a referential framework for further form exploration. The motive of documenting then becomes the starting point of the tectonic studies. I attempt to articulate some taxonomy studies by modeling the mining structures as well as the hoddle grid. Though the work appears to be a bit literal, I found that the industrial landscape can be translated more architecturally through a distillation of tectonics such as symmetry & asymmetry, disjunction & grafting, Linearity & Mass, etc.

Bernd and Hilla Becher Artworks (Becher, 2021)


Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The photography by Hilla and Benrnd Becher set up matrices in documenting the artifacts of industrial landscape in regards to the 19-20th idea of industry. The lack of dialogue between these entities and the landscape is consciously ignored in the work.

Intersecting of Grid

Head frame (Mining)

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


Tower (Mining)



From Installation and Pavilion to final design

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

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Both the art installation and the pavilion critique the act of over-exploitation. The installation captures the segregation of the fragile ecology through materialises the unbalanced tension between machine and nature. The pavilion on the other hand captures a sense of collapsing through the use of disjunction and slanted elements.



Chapter VIII / design development


Chapter VIII / design development

From Installation and Pavilion to final design



Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

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Currently, the act of built environments contributes greatly to the problem of over-exploitation. The act of construction on site is an interruptive overlay to the natural landscape. Besides, the cost-effective methodology of construction has made the process ever more unsustainable. Ever since the invention of Reinforced Concrete, the practice has improved little in sustainability



To reflect the issue in the context of Melbourne’s built environment, both the material and the program should critique on the ‘over’. Not only should the program such as water treatment or waste treatment raise the awareness of the issue, but also the building materials can be sustainably sourced and fabricated, such as utilising upcycling, innovative technologies, etc.


Chapter VIII / design development



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Form finding diagrams

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Narrate the prophecies on site

The majority of visitors traveling on foot would be coming from this direction. The Dodds St on the east provides an access for maintaining service and supply trucks.


The view to the west frames the highway and the city escapes. To the south, public space should be available in between the art gallery and the melthouse.

The primary grid of the building follows the same orientation as the Hoddle grid.

These three axes form the primary control line on site.

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VIII / design development

The central courtyard is the heart of the gallery.

Spaces are arranged according to the sequence of the narrative.

Other control lines sculpt and compose the overall form


Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Prologue Recall Memory --Visualized Chronicles

(Safdie Architects, 2021) Flashback: Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum / Safdie Architects


Prologue Recall Memory --Indoor exhibition

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Elongated corridor of directionality Display the timeline



(Safdie Architects, 2021) Flashback: Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum / Safdie Architects


Transition space

The intersection in between exhibition space

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Transition in between inside and outside Get the glimpse of the space with different atmosphere

(Safdie Architects, 2021) Flashback: Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum / Safdie Architects


建 1

Exposition The colonization --Tempoary exhibition


1 i


Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


(Safdie Architects, 2021) Flashback: Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum / Safdie Architects




(Architecture – Museum | Mona, 2021)

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Prologue Recall Memory --Indoor exhibition

left:Mona (Architecture – Museum | Mona, 2021) right:Canadian Museum for Human Rights (Architecture | CMHR, 2021)

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Prologue Recall Memory --Indoor exhibition



The ruhr museum in zollverein by OMA (ruhr Museum, 2021)

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Rising action The booming --Escalating

Chapter VIII / design development

Rising action The booming --Panorama Overlook

Horno 3 Steel Museum (Horno 3 Steel Museum / Grimshaw, 2021)

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Tear up the elements of industralization to break its original aesthetic and order In this way, to create instability and criticism



Horno 3 Steel Museum (Horno 3 Steel Museum / Grimshaw, 2021)

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Rising action The booming --Panorama Overlook

Climax The great collapse --Uncomfortable facilities

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

-- Laboratary

To imagine the difficult situation we will meet in the future To understand what sacrifices we have made in exchange of the comfort crossness-pumping station (Hats, 2021)



landschaftspark duisburg-nord (Do, Education and Park, 2021)

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Falling action Post Anthroprocene --Garden after calamity

Pierre Huyghe: After ALife Ahead (Pierre Huyghe: Indiscernible, Unpredictable, Irrational - ELEPHANT, 2021)

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Open End Recarnition --Hall of recarnition



Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Form iteration 01

Form iteration 01

To make clear the stance, the idea of industrial complex should be used to critique the mechanism of pollution and emphasise the devastated ecology. This might be achieved through contrasting and juxtaposing the enrapturing environment with the interior, or potion natural environment in the transition spaces. The material aspects also should play a role in critiquing the status quo. The composition had lost some precarious value and delicacy of the pavilion and installation. The use of industrial elements in large scale was intended to create a sense of alienation between the visitors and the antiqued industrial landscape, to critique the sense of growth in the industrial landscape (e.g. Urban sprawl.) The current overlaying of elements was deemed overwhelming and the composition could be read as a literal retrofitting of the machines. The idea of a machine should be more dug into exploring the mechanism of an objective (algae, water treatment, pollution or CO2) rather than its physical and visual representation, and thus, to avoid using such an aesthetic as a trophy.

The massing still contained unresolved clunky moments of tension. These moments had the potential to create distorted and slanted spaces with detailing to the disjunction and grafting moment of intersections. Besides, the eye-level elevation was not attractive and intriguing to the street as the building envelope appeared plain and boxy. The linkage between the building and the vent tower could be advertised. The vent tower could also be used to count emission or degrees of pollution to make real what has often been hidden.

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The iteration of the form was derived from composing different elements of mining legacy with volumes. The intention was to use the form as a critique of the machine age and the damage caused by over exploitation. The clarity of the message at the moment is not as convincing since the form could be easily read as fantasizing industrial progression.



Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VIII / design development


The gesture of the entrance split the overall composition, and should be reduced in length wise. The addition of curved elements and bent columns were unsuccessful as the design language became a visual mess. The use of mining elements did not express the formal idea in the contemporary settings. Instead, it should be made perverse. The experiment of the curved ramp was a bit out of place, and the portal frames looked heavy at the moment. The form needed to be simplified by stripping away the purposeless elements. Detailing of structural elements such as slab and column could be made interesting to give character and identity of space. The use of pipes in combination with the water or waste management system of the building can be used to contrast between industrial consumption versus eclogies. The composition had lost some precarious value and delicacy of the pavilion and installation. The use of industrial elements in large scale was intended to create a sense of alienation between the visitors and the antiqued industrial landscape, to critique the sense of growth in the industrial landscape (e.g. Urban sprawl.) The current overlaying of elements was deemed overwhelming and the composition could be read as a literal retrofitting of the machines. The idea of a machine should be more dug into exploring the mechanism of an objective (algae, water treatment, pollution or CO2) rather than its physical and visual representation, and thus, to avoid using such an aesthetic as a trophy.

The massing still contained unresolved clunky moments of tension. These moments had the potential to create distorted and slanted spaces with detailing to the disjunction and grafting moment of intersections. Besides, the eye-level elevation was not attractive and intriguing to the street as the building envelope appeared plain and boxy. The linkage between the building and the vent tower could be advertised. The vent tower could also be used to count emission or degrees of pollution to make real what has often been hidden. The gesture of the entrance split the overall composition, and should be reduced in length wise. The addition of curved elements and bent columns were unsuccessful as the design language became a visual mess. The use of mining elements did not express the formal idea in the contemporary settings. Instead, it should be made perverse. The experiment of the curved ramp was a bit out of place, and the portal frames looked heavy at the moment. The form needed to be simplified by stripping away the purposeless elements.

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Form iteration 02 + 03

Detailing of structural elements such as slab and column could be made interesting to give character and identity of space. The use of pipes in combination with the water or waste management system of the building can be used to contrast between industrial consumption versus eclogies.


Form iteration 02 + 03


Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Testing on plan

Form iteration 02 + 03

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Testing on section


Form iteration 04


Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Testing on perspective

Form iteration 04

Chapter VIII / design development

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Testing on plan



Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Form iteration 04

Form iteration 04 Composition-wise, the entrance did not sit harmoniously with the rest of the form. The canopy of the entrance was the only moment of a roof to be read independently.

In the plan, the design of back of house service and delivery bady to storage circulation had not been fully determined yet. The circulation was too dominated by the linear approach of the narrative and lacked flexibility. Short cuts and alternative opening should be added to aid a better circulation. Besides, the general size of the exhibition space needed to be bigger. Program-wise, The Atrium space should be engaged more, and become a buffer and transitional space amongst other exhibition space. It should provide a place for waiting for friends or simply lounging.

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The entry stayed relatively hidden in comparison with the red shard elements, otherwise it could be mistaken as the entry.

Other programs should be introduced in the building to let people move beyond this industrial age, to keep people coming to the site more than once. The expose service could be a laboratory that tests water from the yarra, or showcase water treatment by algae, etc. The art store might feature jewelry made out of refuse, pottery made of half clay half slug of yarra.


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VIII / design development


Form iteration 05

The centre tower and the elongated garden space projects view to the vent Tower. The slit of green externally is integrated as a part of the internal program. When inside the exhibition room, small openings will be cut to juxtapose the vegetation with the internal chaotic experience. The contrast is used to amplify both the horror and the hope. When using the escalator, the visitor’s view will be squeezed by the narrow green corridor, and see the vent tower directly. On The western side, the blade frames the view of the Highway and the cityscape, whereas the internal space contains disorienting elements. On the Northern side, a massive tunnel marks the threshold of entry.

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The central frame of the form is in the same direction as the hoddle grid. The moments of disjunction and grafting creates a tension both externally and internally.


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VIII / design development


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VIII / design development


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VIII / design development


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter VIII / design development


Form iteration 05 circulation following the prophecies

First Floor


Ground Floor



Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Second floor

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Form iteration 05 section


Form iteration 05


The chaos of the exhibition space in between the intermediate condition sets up the struggling feel. Slanted and tilted elements create moments of disorientation and oppression. The use of scale and height of disjoining elements amplify the narrative’s mise en scene, both magnificent and destructive, when everything just starts to fall apart.

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


The huge entrance is located at the northwest side of the site. The jagged out wall of the entry makes it visible from the tram stop on Sturt St. This way. The visual of the red blade to the western side is weakened so it won’t be read as the entry of the art gallery.

The garden of calamity enshrines pipe works extruded from the basement water lab. The pipes will showcase the water quality and the treatment process as a part of the experience. The analogy of penetration of pipes resembles somewhat a fragile system. However, the theme of calamity is not yet presented. One way to engage with the calamity can be using obstacles and linear elements (like the installation) to populate the space. The grass won’t be a vibrant green colour, but tall orange and brownish tone (artificial grass or specific species) to give the sense of rustic and pathos.

Chapter VIII / design development

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The bridge connecting the panorama overlook and the red blade articulate a circulative experience of escape/(re)entering by the analogy of pass through chaos. It provides an opportunity for the visitor to see the tectonics of the frame up close.


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis




Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Over exploitaƟon

Putting back


Chapter IX / design development 2.0

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Over exploitatiion




Chapter IX / design development 2.0

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Section testing the Idea about over exploitatiion


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Plan 1.0


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Plan 1.0


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Plan 1.0


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Plan 1.0


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Plan 2.0


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Plan 2.0


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Plan 2.0


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Plan 2.0


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ External perspectove


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ External perspectove


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Internal perspectove


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Internal perspectove


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Render testing


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Chapter IX / design development 2.0/ Render testing



Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis



Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

Second Floor

First Floor

Ground Floor



Basement plan

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

1. Auditorium 2. AV room 3. Back stage 4. Temporary exhibiƟon 5 .Atrium and event space








10 9 13 12 8






6. ConservaƟon lab 7. Plant room 8. Goods liŌ 9. Visitor liŌ 10. Staircase to upper level 11. Staircase to lower level 12. Fire staircase 13. Toilet 14. Storage

Ground oor plan Grou Gro

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

1. Exhibi�on 01 : recall the memory 2. Exhibi�on 02: the coloniza�on 3 .Exhibi�on 03: garden a�er calamity( dark garden of fern and fungus 4. Mist system in the garden 5 .Exhibi�on 04: lab of reincarna�on






2 4



9 15




5 17


6. Entrance 7. Store 8. Cafe 9. Informa�on desk 10. Clock room 11. Atrium and event space 12. Staff office 13. Goods li� 14. Visitor li� 15. Staircase to upper level 16. Staircase to lower level 17. Fire staircase 18. Toilet 19. Storage 20. Loading bay 21. Water pond 22. Vent tower









First oor plan

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis


5. Library 6. Atrium and event space 7. Staff office 8. Goods li� 9. Visitor li� 10. Staircase to upper level 11. Staircase to lower level 12. Fire staircase 13. Toilet 14. Storage

1 3 10



6 9 13


12 8



1. Exhibi�on 05 : the booming (Black-box theater) 2. Exhibi�on 06: the booming (Archive) 3 .Exhibi�on 07: the great collapse 4. Bridge over the garden


Second oor plan

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

1. Exhibi�on 08 : the booming 2. Bridge over the garden 3. Atrium over the exhibi�on 4. Tower 5. Staff office 6. Goods li� 7. Visitor li� 8. Staircase to upper level 9. Staircase to lower level 10. Fire staircase 11. Toilet 12. Storage




2 9 8 7

3 11 10




Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis



Visualized Chronicles

Indoor ExhibiƟon

Recall Memory Cafe



Temporary ExhibiƟon

Indoor ExhibiƟon

Immersive Auditorium


EducaƟve Space

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The ColonizaƟon The Over exploitaƟon



Indoor ExhibiƟon




InteracƟve ExhibiƟon

Indoor ExhibiƟon


Hall of ReincarnaƟon

Panorama Overlook

The Booming

The Great Collapse


Garden AŌer Calamity

Post Anthroprocene




Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

The Colonisation

The Overexploitation

Industrial Booming

The Great Collapse

Garden After Calamity

Garden After Calamity

Hall of Reincarnation

Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

A recall of the Memory


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis A recall of the Memory - A memorial of lost flora and fauna


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis The Colonisation - The repetitive and slanted elements remarks the begin of the machine age


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis The Overexploitation - A fortress being built over the cost of natural disturbance and destruction


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis Industrial Booming - The gabion tower announces the authority of development, until the nature retaliates


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis The Great Collapse - The intensifying fragility and unstable disjunction captures the turmoil moment of a great collapse


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis Garden After Calamity - Ferns and fungi would thrive over the former glory of anthropocene age


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis Garden After Calamity - The misting carries a subtle odour of mud and fungi


Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis Hall of Reincarnation - A laboratory in serenity that monitors the water quality of Yarra River



Xinyue Ann Wu/ Design thesis

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