Dominic Deng - Portfolio - Apply for Architectural Designer

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PORTFOLIO OF DOMINIC DENG Selected Works 2015-2020 Applying for Architectural Designer (215)730-6542


01 Architecture | Intangible Cultural Context Perception of Architecture I was born in Hainan, an island in southern China. The people’s obsession with the house made me realize that architecture is a symbol of culture, causing people’s cultural identity and sense of belonging in its context.In people's traditional beliefs, even if they have been already working and living in the city, they are still willing to dedicate all their property to build their own residential house in their hometown. Furthermore, the house in the hometown condenses the blood relation and cultural identity, which is also the ultimate destination of their life. I still remember that after my father had constructed the house,he said with gratitude: "The house in the hometown was covered, and our whole family was also relieved."

Wuhan Craftmen Center Cultural center that preserves domestic intangible culture

02 Architecture | Physical Cultural Context Syrian Re-school Underground school that shelter the children and local cultural icon

03 Architecture | Museum Lar Brea Tar Pits Museum Future Symetries, world within a world

04 Urban Design | Renovate Context Courtyard Extending Campus renovation design in Southwest Jiaotong University

05 Architecture | Logistic System UPS Hub Hybrid of office and logistic system in the context of New York City

06 City Planning | New Context Lotus Tourist Town Planning Planning for town to promote local tourism industry | Professional Works

01 Architecture Ă— Intangible Cultural Context

Wuhan Craftmen Center Location: Wuhan, China Academic | Individual Advisor: Chen Jianyu The second semester of senior year | June.2017

This is a trial that preserves local intangible cultural context by architectural design. In Wuhan, there are lots of traditional craftsmanship. However, urbanization and new entertainment limit the survival space for craftsmanship. The purpose of this design is to provide space for craftsmen and a platform for young people to experience traditional culture. The design tried to use local materials and insert traditional craftsmanship program to rebuild space of spirit and let people remember the eliminating cultural context.

Tofu Maker The most delicious tofu should be handmade but not factory m a n u f a c t u r e . H o w e v e r, t h e urbanization is squeezing my survival space. Years later, can people still have homemade tofu?

Paper Craft Artist Five generations of my family is working on paper lining craft. But now I am afraid whether we can continue making this.


Han Embroidery Artist I have insisted on this craf tsmanship for nearly 20 years. I learned this from my grandmother. But young people these days refuse to inherit han e m b ro i d e r y w h i c h m a ke m e disappointed.

Stone Curving Artist We really need a place to survive and spread this craftsmanship. This is our traditional culture. If not, all of these will sank into our deep memory forever.

Context The area around Desheng B r i d ge wa s f u l l o f t ra d i t i o n a l characteristic. The houses located here are random but considered by local residents. The formation of the pattern is lead by locals. As a result, the texture of this area is

spontaneous and remarkable. Besides physical context, the cultural context in the old urban district is also vivid. There are numerous traditional craftmanship scattered in each corner. Craftsmen are living on these old skills for

many years. They created a colorful culture in the old city. As the rapid process of urbanization, cultural context is being buried into people's memory. City's cultural context is under damage.

Theory about Genius Loci (spirit of space)

Place Spirit for General Architecture

Place Spirit for Historic Street & Residence











Axometric birdview Insertion of the craftmen center activates the historic block. This is the soul of this historic area.

Craftsmen's Space Original Space


Customed Element

stone-carving and column

Han Embroidery


Tofu Making

customed tools

Paper Lining

Space Strategy


drying shelf

ventilated tubes

pulp filter

Event(Handmade Procedure)

rough machining

fine curve









Circulation and Program

Traditional food restaurant

Paper handcraft Exhibit

Paper lined workshop

Tofu making experience

Lantern studio

Tofu Workshop

Han show Exhibition

Tofu workshop

Han Show Hall

Han-embroidery workshop

Carving museum

Carved Stone Workshop

Carving museum

Han Show Hall

Craftmen Visitor/ Youngmen

Sectioin Perspective

02 Architecture Ă— Physical Cultural Symbol

Syrian Re-school Location: Saraqib, Syria Academic | Individual Advisor : Zhang Zhiwen Dec. 2018

The war in Syria destroyed the urban texture and historical heritage. In order to avoid air attack, Syrian children have to attend school in natural underground caves. This design is to revive the cultural symbol of Syria building - arch and to provide Syria children with a stable and peaceful educational space. The arch is a kind of firm and elegant architectural element which give children a sense of safety both from physical and mental aspect. The assemble of arch not only provide a peaceful and stable space but also emphasize the consense of culture. I also cover the icon of peace on the building by paving and plants. When the air army notices the symbol of peace, they will avoid attacking the innocent children. I h o p e S y r i a n c h i l d re n c a n e n j o y s a f e educational space and remember their culture.




Development diagram

Saraqib - one of Syrian town is severely under attack.

Repeat - sense of peace

Hospital - physical health

Mosque - spiritual health

Underground - avoid bomb wave

Cover-icon of peace


Arch Typology Array


Base volumn























Mosque space 2







1. Classroom 2. Mosque 3. Praying Room 4. Library

5. Lecture hall 6. Tea room 7. Hospital

-3 F plan

Outdoor plaza

A-A Section Perspective


Praying Room


Physical Model Section of theater and creative center.

Physical Model Section of the overall project

03 Architecture Ă— Landscape

World Within a World Location: Los Angeles, CA Academic | Group work Instructor: Marion Weiss, Michael Manfredi TA: Nicolas Bronola Teammates: Carl Cheng Dec. 2020

World Within the world is a project that explores the past and present of La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles relative to its context and artifacts embedded in the site. Scientists began to discover these fossils in the early 20th century and have slowly developed into the Page Museum and Hancock Park. Today, the site is situated along Miracle Mile, and adjacent to multiple new developments, including LACMA and the Ac a d e my M u s e u m . Th e s i te o f t h e Ta r Pits is neglected and overshadowed by its neighbors. It is bounded by a disturbing fence and exhibitions are buried under the soil. The mission of our project is to unravel the magnificence of the unique geological site and open up the museum to showcase the history that is buried. Our vision for the project is to create a journey that carries people from the present to the past, which is manifested in the sequence and atmosphere of the design.

Arial view

Parti Diagrams

1. Existing Site Page Museum, Lake Pit and Tar Pits

2. Anchor/Surround create courtyard around Page Museum and enshrine it

3. Elevate/Open allow people to go in the new massing

4. Create Journey lead people across the field of landscape

Silhouette (E-W Section)

Main Entrance

Tar Pit Stations designed to facilitate research and excavations on sites

Main pathway that connects the whole site

Framing the existing to create a transition between the present and the past

Curson Ave.

Silhouette (N-S Section)

Wilshire Blvd.

Existing Lake pit

Display towards LA Large glass facade means that people from Wilshire Blvd. can see skeleton

Canopy Creates light & shadow atmosphere and also provide shading

6th St.

Resonate Moments of descending into the courtyard spaces resemble how we encountered a descending ground towards the tar pits.

Tar Pit #9 Pavilion

Montage The exhibition courtyard where it showcases fossils is similar to how fossils are revealed in excavation pits.

Exhibition Courtyard

Tar pit #9 Visitors can walk descending towards the tar pit to observe.

West Entrance - Tar Pits Field

Tar pit #13 Fossils are revealed in excavation pits. Scientists work on site.

Southeast Birdview

04 Urban Design Ă— Renovate the Context

Courtyard Extending Location: Chengdu, China Academic | Teamwork Collaborator: Yizhen Wang, Yaxin Wang Advisor : Yanxin Cai, Jinsong Shi, Zhiwen Zhang Fall 2018

In China, fences are indispensable element of campus. With the development of the city and constructioin of the new campus, the functions of the old campus are gradually changing. Its form and function has become irrelated to the surrounding context. The campus urgently needs to physically connect with the surrounding area. The purpose of this urban design is to open the campus and activate the old site. The courtyard is often considered an introverted form of architecture. However, on the city scale, it can play a role in the strong connection of the split area. The design takes full account of the context around the site, after the re-planning of land, according to the site context arranged four different functions of the pacemaker, in the form of echo context, in the function to meet the use of campus updates, and communication links to the surrounding land.

The Funerary temple of Ramses

Traditional Chinese Courtyard building, Siheyuan

National Art Museum, OMA

Rolex learning centre, SANAA

BEISEN Big Courtyard JiaKun Liu

San Rocco Monza, Aldo Rossi

Piet Oudolf, Peter Zumthor


Surrounding Context 1.Industrial Park Rail transportation industrial park

2.Green Space original university landscape is now open to the public ContextThe Analysis

3.Teachers' Apartment


Rebuild from the student dormitory

The main households are teachers of this university

Potential Courtyards Parti Connectivity of Courtyard

Exodus, el imperiode la cinica, Rem Koolhaas

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Narration of Site

Concept Model

Axometric Aerial View


8 10

















1. Park

2. Industrial Park

3. Community Center

4. Green Space

5. Study Center

6. Teacher's

7. Sports Center

8. Residence

9 ~ 16. Pioneer Park

Landscape Small shop Traffic corridor

Rail transportation industrial park.

Theater Outdoor theater Urban farm Gaming room/restaurant

The original university landscape is now open to the public.

Supermarket library Study room

Rebuilded from the student dormitory.

Gym Swimming pool Sauna Playground. etc.

The main households are teachers of this university.

Base for industrializing the research results of Jiaotong University.

+10.3m Plan

Pacemaker A- Park Connected the technology industrial park and provide space for relax and stay. One of gate to open the campus.

Pacemaker B - Urban Farm Connected green land and provide space for farming and entertainment

05 Architecture Ă— Logistic System

UPS Hub Location: New York City Academic | Group work Instructor: Nate Hume TA: Gary Polk Teammates: Guo Xing, In Pun Dec. 2019

This is a project for UPS Corporate Headquarters combining office space and logistic system. The site locates at West SoHo, New York city which is a relatively below-develop blocks in Manhattan. We used "ribbon" as our concept to organize space between office and logistic system. The ribbon seperate but also connect these two different space type. We also play with "density" in our project. High density is for logistic while low density is for office. We designed high efficient logistic covering around the building. The office space also have good view of logistic which can observe the situation of the system. The image created by the "ribbon" also reflect on the landscape design. The building left above provide more public space for the urban.

Steel grid Part of logistic system, creates unique texture for facade.

White Marble Embedded with metal edge, render the elegance of solid wall

Cedar Wood Wood materiality promotes the warm interior atmosphere

East Elevation

Model Pictures of Plaza



1 1




3 4

1. Lobby 2. Reception room 3. Waiting room 4. Garden plaza 5. Distribution Area 6. Loading&Unloading Area

Gournd Floor Plan













5 2

1. Office 2. Meeting room 3. Atrium 4. Logistic engine 5. Conveyer

Floor Plan

Sectional Perspective

Section The model and the sectional perspective show how the logistic system and office coordinate with each other.

Operating Room for operate and control the system running well.

Engine Power for operating the logistic system.

Office The office space coordinates with logistic system.

Storage Providing space for transit, load/unload and store.


Rendering - Axonemetric Birdview

Model - Perspective view from east side

The headquater within the urban context is humble but eye-catching. It doesn't break the harmony of the urban area but also show up as a landmark in west SoHo.

The model shows volumn of the project and also the landscape design on the plaza. The building left high and provide the city with breathing public space.

06 Rural Planning Ă— New Context

Lotus Tourist Town Planning Location: Yunnan, China Competition | Individual Advisor : Hongjie Xie The first semester of senior year | fall 2016

Lotus town, locates in Yunnan, China, which is an important town in west-southern part of Tengchong. In order to futher develop the tourism and improve people's life, I propose this planning project. After considering physical conditions and economic situation, I concluded the strength and weakness of the site. With integrated understanding of site, I designed the new context both for tourists' convenience and residents' benifits. The new town provides more space for tourists which will bring income to local residents. It also improve the residents' living standard and maintain their former lifestyle. The new context comes from former building texture but not strictly bound by old form. It results from thorough research of the township.

Location ly

Yunnan, China

Baoshan City


Lotus town

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Upper Planning

Township Area map of Lotus Town

Programatic land layout planning

Water landscape layout planning

Green space system layout planning

Planning structure of Lotus Town

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Economic Data 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20%



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2009 Primary industry



Secondary industry




Tertiary industry

Ratio of three industries in Tengchong in recently 10 years

Primary industry

Secondary industry

Tertiary industry

Ratio of three industries in Tengchong in 2015

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Poo r co Ge nditio ner n a Go l con od d qua ition lity

Con str Lan uctio in d


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Master Plan

1. Tourists' center 2. Hotel 3.Parking lot 4.Tickets service 5.Bus driver room

6.Reception plaza 7. Hot spring resort 8. Dancing plaza 9. Hotel garden

11. Food court 12. Elite villa 13. DIY farm 14. Craftmenship 15. Residence area

15. 16. 17. 18.

Design Analysis

Residence area Economic farm Food farm Entrance of park

Building Texture





13 5








15 10


7 11

17 Green and spots


N With deep research the geographic condition, existing building condition, transportation and circulation, etc, the master plan of this planning project is designed with fully consideration of the physical condition of Lotus Town. The arrangement of tourism service and residence maximize coefficient of land utilization and keep balance between resident life and tourism.

Programatic layout 20



Birdview perspective

Other Works

Combinatory Urban Study Model - a Object-dominant with extuded lines, silhouette of the object implying the site

Combinatory Urban Study Model - b Surface-dominant with scatterd objects, lines accrossing

Other Works

Urban Design for Yichang Music Town Shenzhen Institute of Architectural Design&Research Cop Design intern | July-Sep,2017 | Schematic Design | Bidding - Responsible for modeling mixed-use mall and shopping street - Analyzed the site context and presented design strategy - Assembled presentation document for client meeting

Other Works

Haixiu Garden Residence Project HIPPR Engineering Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd Design intern | Jun-Aug, 2016 | Schematic Design | Built in 2018 - Responsible for modeling the residential towers and landscape - Assisted principal to brainstorm conceptual design - Responsible for drawings e.g. diagrams, CAD drawing etc

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