Spiral Dynamics & Learning

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Spiral Dynamics® & Learning An overview of thinking processes in learning / training environments

developed by: Eric Bochene ℗2011 XoMoXnyc.com

contents • • • • • •

what is Spiral Dynamics? what has Tier ONE Consciousness brought us? what is the emerging Tier TWO Consciousness bringing us? Tier ONE learning preferences & delivery methods. Tier TWO learning preferences & delivery methods. common traps / where Learners & Learning Facilitators “get stuck”.

what is Spiral Dynamics?

Spiral Dynamics Integral — or SDi — is a model that maps out and illustrates the major developmental MEMEs over the course of human cognitive evolution. And, it indicates two connected threads which shape the thinking process.

CONDITIONS — external environmental factors that the person • LIFE must deal with on a day to day basis. THINKING CAPACITIES — the various abilities and skill sets that form • the ability to think about and deal with the external problems facing the person.

meme |mēm|

noun Biology an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, esp. imitation. DERIVATIVES memetic |mēˈmetik; mə-| adjective ORIGIN 1970s: from Greek mimēma ‘that which is imitated,’ on the pattern of gene.

As a working model, Spiral Dynamics is commonly illustrated via a color-coded chart overlaid on an emergent spiral shape. It is comprised of Eight Levels & Two Tiers.

ONE — contains levels 1—6. And these are the lower • Tier consciousness levels . (base mentalities)

TWO — contains levels 7 & 8 and are the HIGHER • Tier consciousness levels. * It is important to note that this “spiral model” is NOT fixed and does not/is not ending at level 8. rather, it allows for more to continually emerge.

The psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process... marked by progressive subordination of older and lower-order behavior systems to newer, continually emerging yet symbiotic higher-order systems.

second tier consciousness HOLISTIC

level 8: TURQUOISE


level 7:YELLOW

first tier consciousness COMMUNITARIAN / EGALITARIAN

level 6 GREEN


level 5: ORANGE


level 4: BLUE


level 3: RED


level 2: PURPLE


level 1: BEIGE

First Tier (lower)



think “prehistoric” or “Caveman”

level 1: INSTINCTIVE / SURVIVALISTIC began around 100,000 years ago theme: do what you must

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to stay alive

lives off the land much as other animals. highest priorities are food, water, shelter, warmth, sex & safety. uses instincts & habits just to survive. distinct self is barely awakened or sustained. forms into survival bands to perpetuate life.


think “Shaman” & “Their Tribe”

level 2: MAGICAL / ANIMISTIC began around 50,000 years ago theme: keep

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the spirits happy & the tribe's nest warm & safe

obeys the desires of the spirit being(s) & mystical signs. shows allegiance to chief, elders, ancestors & the clan. allows individual self to be subsumed in group. preserves sacred objects, places, events & memories. observes rites of passage, seasonal cycles & tribal customs.


think “Early Civilization”... think “Warrior Kings” and “THEIR people”.

level 3: IMPULSIVE / EGOCENTRIC began around 10,000 years ago theme: be

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what you are and do what you want, regardless...

more self-aware & individualistic, breaking free from domination or constraint to please oneself as one desires. sees world as a jungle full of threats, predators & enemies. carves out of nature, a society via physical force as well as the physical & mental domination of others. stands proudly & defiantly, expects attention, demands respect.


think “Empires & Kingdoms”.... the “Kings / Emperors / Pharaohs...” and their “Subjects / Slaves”. think “the Rule of Man-Made Law”.

level 4: PURPOSEFUL / AUTHORITARIAN began around 5,000 years ago theme: life has meaning,

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direction & purpose with pre-determined outcomes

develops intangible & abstract "greater" ideologies. sacrifices self to the higher transcendent cause, truth or righteous pathway. law & order enforces code of conduct perceived as stemming from eternal absolute principles. righteous living produces stability now & guarantees future reward. is impulse driven through emotions & believes that everybody has a prescribed position in society. believes laws, regulations & discipline builds character & moral fiber.


think “Industrial Revolution”. think “Business Tycoons & Bankers”... think their partners the “Politicians”... and think the subsequent “Classes of People”.

level 5: STRATEGIC / OPPORTUNISTIC began around 1700 theme: act in your own self interest by playing the game to win”

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sees change & advancement as inherent & within a perceivably manageable scheme of things. perceives progress/success is attained by learning & thus utilizing secrets. manipulates resources & other people to create comfort & conveniences. believes itʼs a simple matter of being deserving or undeserving of perceived successes & rewards. sees prosperity as largely relating to tangible materialistic things attainable through strategic competitiveness.

level 6: COMMUNITARIAN / EGALITARIAN think “Environmental / Peace Activists”. think “Hippies”... “People vs. THE Man”... “moving away from Materialism & Hyper—Consumerism”. think about “Going Back to Nature”

level 6: COMMUNITARIAN / EGALITARIAN began around 1860 theme: seek peace within. explore (with others)... the “Carrying Capacity” of the world

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the human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma & divisiveness. sensitivity & caring supersede cold rationality. shares the Earth's abundant resources & opportunities equally among all. reaches decisions through reconciliation & group consensus. refreshes spirituality, brings harmony & enriches human development.

So cie t al I nst i t u t i o n a l i z a t i o n & H u ma nit y 始s Line a r Tim e Pe r c e pt ion

organized religion Monetary/Market Economics nation states science & technology educational systems rule of man-made laws

tribalism kingdoms war empires

Second Tier (higher/emerging)



think: Non-Divisionary & Humanitarian

Martin Luther King, Jr. (15 Jan. 1929 – 4 Apr. 1968)

Mohandas K. Gandhi (2 Oct. 1869 – 30 Jan. 1948)

level 7: INTEGRATIVE began around 1950 theme: live life fully

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& responsibly as what you are & learn to become

life is a kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies, systems & forms. the magnificence of existence is valued over material possessions. flexibility, spontaneity & functionality have the highest priority. differences can be integrated into interdependent natural flows. understands change is naturally occurring & not always something to manage.

level 8: HOLISTIC

think: Global (全球) Biospherical (生物圈保护区) Universally (举世) Holistic (整体) ONEness (一起主义) Carl Sagan (9 Nov., 1934 – 20 Dec., 1996)

Jiddu Krishnamurti (12 May 1895 – 17 Feb. 1986)

level 8: HOLISTIC began around 1970 theme: Experience

the wholeness of existence through mind & spirit

the world as a single dynamic organism with its own collective mind.

self is distinct yet symbiotic with a larger compassionate whole.

everything connects to everything else in ecological allotments.

energy & information permeate the Earth's total environment.

holistic intuitive thinking & rational actions are expected in order to be "good ancestors" in the here nʼ now.

What has Tier ONE Consciousness brought us? Tier ONE Consciousness has essentially given our human society belief systems that tell us who and what we are (our identity) is based upon what we have been assigned by a plethora of institutions and that this “identity” is largely dependent upon the perceptions of others.


“Iʼm an African-American woman form New York thus, a U.S. citizen. Iʼm an Electrical Engineer with a Masterʼs Degree from Harvard. My family consists of myself, husband and two kids and we are all devout Christians. Our family is in the uppermiddle class tax bracket, although I donʼt feel itʼs true. We have successfully saved enough money to pay for our kidsʼ education at some select schools.

Whatʼs Tier TWO Consciousness bringing us? As itʼs still emerging “new”... it is difficult to describe as most people are still stuck down in the MEMEs of levels 1-5 or Beige - Red. However, as Tier TWO Consciousness is NOT a fantasy or dream, but rather traits that are identifiable as being held by some people and a consciousness that is in fact emerging into more and more people. That said, perhaps we could state here that Tier TWO consciousness is about the DE-institutionalization of the individual as well as the collective species. Some may even call it an “UN-learning Process”.


I, as Conscious Observer from a living, breathing biosphere known as Earth, am endowed with feelings and perceptions. With these feelings and perceptions, I will ALWAYS be in search of NOT “thee truth”... but rather the CONSTANTLY EMERGING “Bigger Truths”. And once I feel “comfortable” that I have arrived at these Bigger Truths… I shall progress or maybe even regress at times and QUESTION these so-called “Bigger Truths” I have come to know. THIS, if there is any such thing… IS the TRUE nature of what it means “to be alive”!

Tier ONE consciousness learning preferences & delivery methods

level 1: Learning/student


As level ONE is simply “survival mode”, we should understand that there really is NO “learning” and/or “teaching” taking place in this MEME. Therefor, we shall skip over it.

level 2: Learning/student

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seeks knowledge & understanding from the wise & elders. readily accepts & desires things at “Face Value”. wants “rewards” for the WHOLE group. needs “ceremonies” to denote moving to another stage/phase. sees a set pace of progress for self & peers as “good”.

level 2: Delivery

• • • •

(teaching) Method

use myths & metaphors to convey more complex meanings. captivates audience with rhythmic songs & chants. give rewards that meet basic physiological needs. create “special places” & icons for important / traditional / group-based activities (cultural & ceremonial centers).

level 3: Learning/student


likes instant rewards for achievements & even pre-rewards for engagement.

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shame & loss of face is preferably avoided.

NOT easily accepting of guilt, but rather, usually blames others for their behavior – (e.g. “they made me do it”)

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likes to be dared & appreciates learning via trial & error.

does NOT like to take into consideration the consequences of one’s actions.

seeks to be full of passion, creativity & enthusiasm in order to please… sometimes even surpass their “masters”.

level 3: Delivery

(teaching) Method

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provide environment for structured self-study (e.g. exercises & homework).

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keep learners inline with YOUR ideals while acknowledging their “efforts”.

present oneself as firm & authoritative in order to direct & control. allow for moderate bursts of creativity, no matter how far off-center they may be.

regarding “things missed” or “childish mistakes”, suggest things to include for next time.

level 4: Learning/student

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likes to be fed abstract realities & needs “Absolute Truths”. wants to learn in order to be contributive to the overall social order of things, while staying within oneʼs predetermined class.

understanding “one’s place in society”, seek to “fit-in” by being compliant & obedient.

• •

follows “the rules” without daring to question the order of things.

likes to neglect one’s own passion & independence in order to appear as if they are under self-control as dictated by the order of things. studies & does exercises not so much to “learn”, but rather to avoid upsetting the rulers and/or gods.

level 4: Delivery

(teaching) Method

• • •

be authoritarian but at the same time, instructive (i.e. show the “Reason For”).

develop curriculum that instills an ideology & belief-system that suggests the ruling oligarchy is eternal & divine.

outline “appropriate” punishments for undesirable behaviors. believe that no punishment means “no learning” & that too much punishment means “too rigid” a learning experience”.

level 5: Learning/student


learns in order to be more “successful” in the eyes of others & in terms of “material & monetary wealth”.

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regarding peers, likes competition & hierarchical systems.

while seeking to be recognized & revered , wants to “dream up” challenges to the status-quo while creating “markets” & “demand”.

is comfortable when analyzing things & takes existing knowledge and technologies as a base to build upon or expand.

seeks to learn & thus hoard, “secrets” & “credentials” in order to gain an “advantage” over others.

level 5: Delivery

(teaching) Method

curriculum should insist competition & an “Everybody for Themselves Society” is core to innovation & “Economic Development” of the nation.

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“Rote Learning” & memorization exercises as main method.

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engage & “be a part of” the learning experience with students.

advocate a worldview based on“Us vs. Them” scenarios. allow self-expression, independence & entrepreneurship as long as it’s within a certain limit & not too “radical” / “disruptive”.

be more supportive rather than authoritative.

level 6: Learning/student


wants to learn “secrets” to share with ALL in order to challenge institutions based upon hierarchies & the exploitation of others and/or nature.

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feels reward in collaborative, non-hierarchical, group-based experiences. perceives feelings should often & naturally supersede logic & rules. dislikes competitive, individualistic, reward-based learning environments. authoritarian & segregational environments are highly resented & frustrating. demands that situations & context be of the highest importance and relevancy & that alternatives are usually more attractive than just one “right answer”.

level 6: Delivery

(teaching) Method

• •

steers away from standardized curriculum & testing.

be less of a “teacher” & more of an “Experienced Instructor” thatʼs a-part-OF the group rather than external to or “above”.

understand the Learning Experience derives more from one’s own Critical Thought) & Related Reactions of others within group.

imply & reinforce the concept that “rewards” & “profits” benefit the group / community.

create overarching goals that all within the group can contribute to.

moves more towards situational & pertinent “problem-solutions” that keep the group connected.

Tier TWO consciousness learning preferences & delivery methods

levels 7 & 8: Learning/student


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desires to be more of a “Generalist” vs. “Specialist / Expert”.

embarks upon self-paced journey of learning NOT to become a “success” in the eyes of others, rather for the pure joy of.

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wants information, skills & thus projects that are integral.

wants NOTHING to do with & totally rejects anything based in hierarchies, competitiveness & segregation.

does NOT seek “THEE truth”, but rather desires the “Bigger Truths” loves to learn & teach ANY where, at ANY time & with ANY source/student.

levels 7 & 8: Delivery

(teaching) Method

predominantly REJECTS ideology of “Institutionalized Academics” and the “reward” of credentials.

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instead... presents oneself for WHO & WHAT self is / is about.

appeal more to... and stimulate the intellect & the innate intuitions & creativity in ALL people while demonstrating the relevancy of things.

present “problems” & thus a challenge in order to seek MANY solutions that benefit ALL.

in the spirit of “transparency”, provide any & ALL available resources.

conduct / present oneself as more of a “Learning Facilitator” rather than teacher, instructor, evaluator, judge...

COMMON TRAPS where Learners & Learning Facilitators “get stuck”

Learners (students) can become “stuck” when...

• their cognitive abilities cannot meet the level of problem complexity. * abilities are commonly hindered due to:

1. “faith” & belief systems 2. cultural norms & social / peer pressure 3. parental / familial demands & expectations 4. personal fears

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incentives to learn don’t match the things they value.

while emerging or transitioning – “2 steps forward one step back” can just as quickly become “2 steps back, one step forward”.

the learning environment doesnʼt match learning preferences... their environment is NOT adaptive to their “New Self”.

Facilitators (teachers) can become “stuck” when...

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cognitive abilities fail to adapt to Law of Emergence. Theyʼre perceiving a lack of appreciation & enthusiasm in learners. they themselves forget to ALSO be in a constant state of learning. finding themselves seriously lacking in creative inspirations. all passion for sharing knowledge / facilitating learning experiences runs out. belief arises that somehow ALL learners share the same value systems... therefor, a “cookie cutter” delivery style will often take shape.


Criticisms of Spiral Dynamics While I do have some constructive criticisms / problems with Spiral Dynamics, most of my critiques focus of what i call the “institutionalization of SDi”. And they pertain largely to many of the so-called “founders” and/or “Leaders” of the Spiral Dynamics Model as well as their “clients” and audience. However, I’ll leave that as a whole other presentation for the future. For now, I’ll show some common and in my view, highly valid points of contention that exist amongst some. They are:

• The model's implications are political, socially elitist and authoritarian. Don Beck (a main proponent of SDi) emphasizes a characteristic of "Tier Two" individuals • Dr. (“Spiral Wizards”) is an ability to make superior decisions for ALL parties and to Manufacture Consent for their approaches by using resonant terms and ideas. perceive that Spiral Dynamics explicitly suggests that "Tier Two Wizards" are prime for • Some both consensual and non-consensual so-called “management” of Lower-Tier Individuals. Michel Bauwens, argues that some concepts of what it means to be "Second Tier" are • Critic, highly similar to Nietzsche's idea of the Übermensch.

Spiral Dynamics Resources Here are some links to more information on Spiral Dynamics and some things that be considered as highly related:


• Spiral Dynamics • Spiral Dynamics Integral — • Spiral Dynamics Group — • Human Emergence Middle East — • the Zeitgeist Movement — — • Transhumanism (Wikipedia page)


Conceived and led by Dr. Don Beck www.SpiralDynamics.net

a network of individuals that practice and apply the SDi model. SpiralDynamicsGroup.com catalyst for cultural transformation throughout the Mid-East. HumanEmergenceMiddleEast.org

grassroots movement concerned with the future of humanity. TheZeitgeistMovement.com

(Wikipedia page)

movement that affirms the possibility of transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism

• Kardashev scale

(Wikipedia page) — a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement by putting energy

on a cosmic perspective and it has three designated categories called Type I, II, and III. wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale

Related Books Brief History of Everything • aEscape Freedom • the Art ofFrom Loving • the Empathic • ManufacturingCivilization • the Never EndingConsent Quest • 1984 • Manufacturing Consent •

— by Ken Wilber ℗ 1996 — by Erich Fromm ℗ 1942 — by Erich Fromm ℗ 1956 — by Jeremy Rifkin ℗ 2010 — by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky ℗ 1988 — by Christopher Cowan & Natasha Todorovic ℗ 2005 — by George Orwell ℗ 1988 — by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky ℗ 1988

Related Documentary Films the Movie • Zeitgeist: Addendum • Zeitgeist: Moving Forward • Zeitgeist: Century of the Self • the - by Yann Arthus-Bertrand • Home • Earthlings • Kymatica Man • Transcendent • Technocalyps ℗










And of course, lots of information, including, articles, essays, films, video presentations... can be found at my official website: www.XoMoXnyc.com

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