Xpsclothing - Official krabs’ Shore shirt
Buy this shirt: https://xpsclothing.com/product/official-krabs-shore-shirt/
I think theres a lot to unpack here I will definitely say that I remember every day in my office my co-workers confused me with another young black woman. I remember hearing the Official krabs’ Shore shirt moreover I will buy this N-word many times during my first professional retreat I also remember being underpaid, especially for some of the jobs I was involved with With this, I grow and learn I understand what it means to finally own my own business. I am grateful to have so many allies who continue to help me every day as a designer in New York City
If there’s anything the Official krabs’ Shore shirt moreover I will buy this fashion industry needs to undo right now, it’s this cultural appropriation and this sense of performance that gives and helps Sometimes I see several brands donating to different organizations or movements and I just chuckle. Thats fine, but I also know its probably their partisan budget for 2021 My hope is that young women and young Xpsclothingllc of color will continue to feel inspired to move on from a creative perspective They will see that if I can do it, so can you