12 minute read
For more entries, details and up-to-date event information, visit us online at mtexpress.com/calendar
Hailey Public Library Story Time: Meet in the library for a morning of stories, songs and crafts! Made especially for preschool kids and their caregivers. Free. Hailey Public Library, 7 W. Croy, Hailey. 11 a.m. haileypubliclibrary.org/. Mediation and Yoga: Join Flourish Foundation for meditation and yoga lead by Ryan Redman. Free, donations accepted. Flourish Foundation, 1030 Airport Way, Hailey. 12-1 p.m. flourishfoundation.org. High School Tennis: The Sun Valley Community School and the Wood River High School varsity coed tennis teams play once more. Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley. 4:30 p.m. Beatuy and the Beast, Jr.: Sun Valley Community School’s Middle School presents Beauty and the Beast, Jr. April 20-22. The performances will include close to 30 middle school thespians in addition to eight students working as tech crew. Tickets can be purchased online. $7 students, $12 adults. Sun Valley Community School, Sun Valley. 5 p.m. communityschool.org/news. Ketchum Community Dinner Curbside: St. Thomas Episcopal Church invites those in need to join them for free take & bake curbside meals every Wednesday. St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 201 Sun Valley Rd., Sun Valley. 5-6 p.m. stthomassv.org. 2022 Blaine County Caucus for State Delegates: Help shape the future of the Idaho Democratic Party. Join the Blaine County Democrats for their 2022 County Convention Caucus. Meeting will be a virtual gathering to elect county delegates to the 2022 Idaho Democratic Party State Convention taking place in Boise, on Friday, June 17th. Sign up to be a delegate at bit.ly/38i3NWc 6-7:30 p.m. More information - mobilize.us/idahodems/ event/448080/. Zoom NAMI Family Support Group: NAMI’s Family Support Group is a free resource for families who have a loved one with a mental health challenge. Knowing that others have similar experiences is a relief to families who seldom speak about mental illness to neighbors, friends, or often, even to relatives. Learning how others have worked through common issues can inspire hope and provide practical tools. Zoom Meeting ID: 898-0761-1667. Meeting Password: fsg. 6-7 p.m. info@namiwrv.org, 208-481-0686. namiwrv.org/support. Blaine County Democrats monthly meeting: Blaine County Democrats meet every third Wednesday of every month and the public is welcome. Come hear about goings-on, join local party efforts, and rally around progressive candidates. Meetings will be held virtually until further notice via Zoom. 6-7 p.m. blainecountydemocrats.org. ICL Salmon Club: Salmon Club is a wild salmon and steelhead advocacy group based in the Wood River Valley and Boise. Volunteers spend their time creatively mobilizing efforts to bring Idaho’s wild salmon and steelhead home. During the Wood River Valley’s April meeting, activists will take part in a postcard-writing campaign directed at Washington state decision-makers. Space is limited and registration is required. Hailey Public Library. 6-7 p.m. idahoconservation.org/event/salmonclub-workshop-wood-river-valley/. Trivia at the Sawtooth Brewery Tap Room: Games are free to play and all ages welcome. Each round is based on a popular game show. Word jumbles, picture rounds, and point wagering. Bar tabs to the winners! Sawtooth Brewery, 110 N. River St., Hailey. 6:30 p.m. sawtoothbrewery.com/weekly-triva/.
WRHS Track & Field: The Wood River High School varsity track and field team is at home vs Declo. Wood River High School, Hailey. 10:30 a.m. WRHS Baseball: The Wood River High School varsity baseball team is at home for a doubleheader vs Mountain Home. Wood River High School, Hailey. 3 p.m. WRHS Softball: The Wood River High School varsity softball team is at home for a doubleheader vs Mountain Home. Wood River High School, Hailey. 3 p.m. WRHS Tennis: The Wood River High School varsity co-ed tennis team is at home vs Burley. Wood River High School, Hailey. 4 p.m. “I Have a Dream” Foundation - Idaho Leadership Lab: The “I Have a Dream” Foundation invites the public to view a photo exhibit titled “Highlighting the Unseen of the Wood River Valley” from April 21-22. Refreshments will be served. For questions, contact Kris Stoffer at 208841-7502 or kris@ihdfidaho.org. SVMoA Hailey Classroom, 314 Second Ave. S., Hailey. 5-7 p.m. It’s All About Yew: To celebrate Earth Day, the Hailey Public Library will host “It’s All About Yew,” a talk by Dr. Lynn Kinter, Idaho Department of Fish and Game Program Botanist. Yew has killed many deer, elk and moose in the Wood River Valley. Kinter will have samples of yew on hand for viewing and she will be sharing ID and removal tips. The talk will be held in person. RSVP to kristin. fletcher@haileypubliclibrary.org encouraged. Hailey Public Library/Town Center West, 116 S. River Street, Hailey. 5:30-7 p.m. haileypubliclibrary.org. Evening Conversation with Flourish Foundation: Join Flourish Foundation in person! Come explore the human value of vulnerability in this free evening conversation! Flourish Foundation, 1030 Airport Way, Hailey. 6-7:30 p.m. flourishfoundation.org. The Spot Presents - Sweeney Todd: Sweeney Todd is a story of love and revenge. Benjamin Barker, an unjustly exiled barber, returns to London after years of imprisonment to find the Judge who framed him has ravaged his young wife and stolen their child. In his grief Barker renounces his identity and becomes the infamous, Sweeney Todd. Directed by Natalie Battistone with music directed by Grant Carey. The show will run from April 21-May 1. Tickets are available online. Adults $33, Students/Under 30 $15. The Spot Sun Valley, 220 Lewis Street #2, Ketchum. 7:30-10:15 p.m. spotsunvalley. com/sweeneytodd.
“Can I Recycle This?” Virtual Information Meeting: From glass to plastic, it’s a lot of work keeping track of what belongs in the recycling bin. This virtual meeting will answer several common questions. Join online at meet.goto. com/161976381, 2-3 p.m. cacwrv.org/. Conversacion de Ingles/ Conversational English: Conversacion de Ingles con el tutor Leonardo Padilla Sacha. Una clase para hablantes nativos de español de todos los niveles en un ambiente estructurado pero informal. Se recomienda registrarse, pero se agradece la asistencia sin previo aviso. Gratis. Conversational English with tutor Leonardo Padilla Sacha. A class for native Spanish speakers of all abilities in a structured but informal atmosphere. Registration encouraged but drop-ins welcomed. Free. Email kristin.fletcher@ haileypubliclibrary.org to register. Hailey Public Library, 7 W Croy, Hailey. 4-5:30 p.m. haileypubliclibrary.org/. SVCS Tennis: The Sun Valley Community School varsity co-ed tennis team is at home vs Canyon Ridge. Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley. 4 p.m. Kevin Ware: Free live music in the Limelight Lounge. Limelight Hotel, 151 S. Main St, Ketchum. 5:30-8:30 p.m. limelighthotels.com. Shabbat Service: Please call the Wood River Jewish Community for schedule. WRJC Office, 471 Leadville Ave., Ketchum. 6 p.m. 208-726-1183. Barcelona Flamenco Ballet: The Argyros welcomes audiences to the world of Luxuria! Suspense, intrigue, complex power dynamics, love, loyalty and tragedy are all among a wide range of profound emotions and sensations in this new masterpiece from industry experts Barcelona Flamenco Ballet. Tickets available online. $10-$20. The Argyros Performing Arts Center, 120 Main St. S., Ketchum. 7:30 p.m. theargyros.org.
CALENDAR SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Calendar submissions for the Wednesday edition are due by noon on Friday, and submissions for the Friday calendar are due by noon on Wednesday. You can enter your items directly in to our online calendar by visiting mtexpress.com/calendar. Or, you may submit your event by email to calendar@ mtexpress.com, or call 208-726-8060. Classes are published in our classifieds under Classes. To submit your class for publication, please email classifieds@mtexpress.com. There will be a charge for classes that charge any type of fee.
Earth Day Food Resilience Seed and Plant Exchange: The Wood River Seed Library (WRSL) and the Grange celebrate Earth Day with the annual Seed & Plant Exchange. Local gardeners are invited to come and share seeds and plants. Bring your own saved seeds, potted plants and starts, and dig-up perennials from your gardens to share with the community. The Sun Valley Institute for Resilience will also be offering a demo about how to make Seed Pods using native pollinator seeds. Free. Upper Big Wood River Grange Hall, 609 South 3rd Ave., Hailey. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. cacwrv.org. Earth Day 5K Fun Run: Join this year’s inaugural Earth Day 5K Fun Run! Hosted by the Climate Action Coalition and Hailey Chamber of Commerce. Starting and finishing at Hailey’s new Town Center (behind the Hailey Library), the run will take participants through the Draper Preserve and back. Register online. You can also register in-person at the Hailey Visitors Center. Dogs are welcome on leash! $20 per person, $10 per student. Town Center West, 116 River St. S., Hailey. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. legacy.imathlete.com/events/ EarthDay5KHailey. Earth Day Fest: Activities will include informative and fun events, information booths about how to compost, an electric vehicle display and recycling activities. The Blaine County Courthouse will also house some Earth Day events in their parking lot. Fun for all ages! Free. For details see website. Hailey Town Square, 116 S. River St., Hailey. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. cacwrv.org. Plant Treasures Close to Home: Explore the alleyways of Hailey with members of the Wood River Chapter of the Idaho Native Plant Society. Participants can talk about garden escapees, invasive plants, Idaho natives and more. This free “hike” will be around a mile but rated easy because the terrain can be a little uneven. Questions? Email Mary at mmcclana@ icloud.com. Meet at Town Center West Building, 116 River St. S., Hailey. 11:45 a.m.-2 p.m. woodriverinps.wixsite.com/wrinps. “Recycling Hope” Event: An afternoon of family friendly fun and recycling activities. Food, games and music! Free. Kiwanis Park - Balmoral, 851 Shenandoah Dr., Hailey. 1-3 p.m. cacwrv.org. Shoshone-Bannock Fish & Wildlife Perspectives on Salmon Studies: Kurt Tardy, Fisheries Manager, and Rob Trahant, fisheries technician for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, will discuss their ongoing salmon recovery work as part of this Earth Day event in partnership with the Idaho Conversation League and the Climate Action Coalition of the Wood River Valley. Tardy and Trahant will share the history of the Tribes’ fishing practices along Idaho’s rivers and current tribal resource management and inter-agency coordination, including specific projects at Pettit Lake and on the Middle Fork of the Salmon. Space is limited, so advance registration is requested. The Community Library, 415 Spruce Ave N, Ketchum. 4-5 p.m. comlib.org. Weekly Mass: Join for Mass each week or watch online. Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church, 206 Sun Valley Rd., Sun Valley. 5 p.m. svcatholic.org/mass-times. Travis McDaniel: Free live music in the Limelight Lounge. Limelight Hotel, 151 S. Main St, Ketchum. 5:30-8:30 p.m. limelighthotels.com. Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas: Saturday Evening Mass in Spanish. Sunday morning Mass in English. St. Charles Borromeo, 311 1st Ave S., Hailey. 7:30 p.m. stcharleshailey.org/.
Sunday Morning Service (Rite I and II): St. Thomas Episcopal Church has two services every Sunday. Rite I begins at 8 a.m. Rite II follows at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome. No reservations required. St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Sun Valley. 8 a.m. stthomassv.org. Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas: Saturday Evening Mass in Spanish. Sunday morning Mass in English. St. Charles Borromeo, 311 1st Ave S., Hailey. 8:30 a.m. stcharleshailey.org/. Morning Worship Service: In church or on Zoom. Safe distancing in church. Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 101 Second Ave South, Hailey. 9:30-10:30 a.m. emmanuel.episcopalidaho.org/. Worship Service: Service offered in person and also live-streamed. Sunday school and nursery care provided. Presbyterian Church of the Big Wood, 100 Saddle Rd., Ketchum. 9:30 a.m. pcbw.org/. Sunday Morning Service: Inspirational service with music directed by R.L. Rowsey and a talk given by Rev. John Moreland. All are welcome. In person attendance or online at livestream. com/lightonthemountains. Light on the Mountains Center for Spiritual Living, 12446 Highway 75, Ketchum. 9:30-10:30 a.m. office@lightonthemountains.org. Weekly Mass: Join for Mass each week. Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church, 206 Sun Valley Rd., Sun Valley. 10:30 a.m. svcatholic.org/mass-times. Joe Fos: Free live music. The Duchin Room, Sun Valley Lodge, 1 Sun Valley Rd., Sun Valley. 6-9 p.m. sunvalley.com.
Story Time at The Community Library: Story time will be working its way through the colors of the rainbow using books to teach pre-school age children letters, sounds and a love of books. The Community Library, 415 Spruce Ave. N, Ketchum. 10:30 a.m. thecommunitylibrary. libcal.com. Evening Codependents Anonymous Meeting: Codependents Anonymous is a support group for individuals who want to create healthy and fulfilling relationships. All are welcome and there is no charge. The Zinc Building, 231 Second St, Ketchum. 5-6 p.m. thesunclub.org/co-dependentsanonymous/. Evening Alanon Meeting: Alanon is a support group for friends and families of alcoholics. All are welcome and there is no charge. St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Sun Valley. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Journalist Diana Kapp - ‘Girls Who Green the World’: Sun Valley Community School welcomes author and journalist Diana Kapp. The event is a part of ‘Green Week’ and is hosted by the school’s Green Team, an Upper School student club whose mission is to inspire positive change in order to create a sustainable future for our community. Kapp will be speaking about her newest book which spotlights 34 visionaries driving change in clean energy, waste reduction, sustainable food and fashion, ocean health, plastic alternatives and activism. Free to attend. Sun Valley Community School Theater, 1 Community School Dr., Sun Valley. 6 p.m. communityschool.org/. Papoose Club Meeting: Join the Papoose Club in an upcoming meeting as they discuss supporting youth-oriented groups in the Wood River Valley. All are welcome. Free. Sun Valley Culinary Institute, 211 N. Main St., Ketchum. 7 p.m. papooseclub.org.
SVCS Tennis: The Sun Valley Community School varsity co-ed tennis team is at home vs Gooding. Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley. 2 p.m. WRHS Baseball: The Wood River High School varsity baseball team is at home vs Canyon Ridge. Wood River High School, Hailey. 3:30 p.m. WRHS Tennis: The Wood River High School varsity co-ed tennis team is at home vs Canyon Ridge. Wood River High School, Hailey. 4 p.m. Trivia at the Sawtooth Brewery Public House: Free. All ages welcome. Each round will be based on a popular game show. Word jumbles, picture rounds, and point wagering. Sawtooth Brewery Public House, 631 Warm Springs Rd, Ketchum. 7:30 p.m. hsawtoothbrewery.com/weeklytriva/.
Public Meetings
Visit each agency’s respective website to learn how to attend meetings remotely.
North Blaine County Fire District Meeting: Special meeting. Sun Valley City Hall. 10 a.m. Mountain Rides Transportation Authority Board Meeting: Regular meeting. Ketchum City Hall. 1 p.m.
Sun Valley Planning and Zoning Commission: Regular meeting. Sun Valley City Hall. 9 a.m. Ketchum Traffic Authority: Regular meeting. Ketchum City Hall. 9 a.m.
Ketchum Housing Action Plan: Focus Group. Ketchum City Hall. 12-1 p.m.
Bellevue City Council: Regular meeting, virtually on Zoom only. Bellevue City Hall, Bellevue. 5:30 p.m. Hailey City Council: Regular meeting. Hailey City Hall. 5:30 p.m.
Blaine County Commissioners: Regular meeting. Old Blaine County Courthouse, Hailey. 9 a.m. Blaine County Commissioners: Regular meeting. Old Blaine County Courthouse, Hailey. 9 a.m.