2 minute read

Foundations of Wellness

We have members across BC, and acknowledge the multiple First Nations traditional territories where we live, work and play. Our organization is housed in the Victoria Native Friendship Centre, and centered in the islands of the mid-Salish Sea, as such we specifically acknowledge our organizational host, the Victoria Native Friendship Centre, and our hosts of several nations, collectively the SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples, also referred to as the Malchosen, the Lekwungen, the Semiahmoo, and the T’Sou-ke. We work on a way forward that is based on mutual respect and marked by stories of our communities cooperating in this time of Truth and Reconciliation.


The O_CHI logo is five rings that overlap each other surrounded by a circle of dots. The five rings represent five marginalized communities, Indigenous/Two-Spirit, trans/nonbinary, Sex Workers, People With Disabilities, and Newcomers.

The overlap represents the intersectionality of our communities. The colours represent the uniqueness of each, the white our common struggles The O_CHI dash states that equity is never dependent on identity The Silver center represents our common goal of improving wellness in our community The circle of dots represents our ongoing welcome to all to join us.

All Rainbow Health Co-operative Educational Materials are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync/4.0/. Not all our documents are licensed for redistribution and are marked as reserved.

This document is not licensed for distribution and is RESERVED, but available for your use per these terms:

We respectfully request that normal business standards of confidentiality are maintained and that: • all information in this document is treated as confidential • it is not shared for any other purpose without permission • requests for information to any organization regarding this content is solely through Rainbow Health Co-operative

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this document – do not hesitate to contact us.

The Directors, Rainbow Health Co-op

Phone – (888) 241-9992 Fax – (888) 623-3481 Email – directors@rainbowhealth.coop

Our Co-op members, who work together to get better together, the work and effort of all O_CHI participants / community members who are generous in sharing their experiences, and the O_CHI Project Leads, Coordinators and Researchers who go above and beyond in our common effort to grow wellness in our communities. Thank You.

Our Vancouver Foundation Systems Investigation Funding Mandate

Tackle the root causes of complex issues by disrupting the ways that

systems work

Challenge the way things have worked for generations Break down the silos between health and social services, education, employment, environment, arts and culture

Be bold, creative, and ambitious in the approach to systems change Be socially innovative such as by grounding a project in cultural

knowledge and practices

Do something new or use existing resources in a new way Create lasting change for communities across British Columbia

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