30 IS
Publishing Editor Sherron Phillips
Executive Editor Danica Williams
Senior Editor Leah Bland
Contributing Staff Grafton Gayle
Jr. Intern
Chris Gardner XtremeRollers News-Zine is a monthly publication for urban rollerskating enthusiasts. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without permission from the Publishing Ediitor. Opinions expressed in signed columns and advertisements are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of XtremeRollers News-Zine. XtremeRollers News-Zine does not guarantee the publication of any letters or stories under any circumstances and reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity, length, content and syntax. All materials become the property of XtremeRollers News-zine and may be reproduced only with the written consent of the Publishing Editor.
CLASSIFIEDS/EVENTS Cover Photo: Edna Davoll Provided by: Sk8photos.com
Send suggestions and comments to: xrnews@thep3soluton.com or call 202.341.9485
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR IS 30 THE NEW 20? Jay-Z may have been on to something with his song “30 Something,” when he announced that “30 is the new 20.” Nowadays, older/mature adults seem to have a more refreshed approach towards life, participating in everything from skating to skydiving. Who would have thought, even 10 years ago, that there would be a role reversal between the Baby Boomers and Generation Y? But, with the emergence of more youthful, mature adults in today’s society, more 30, 40, and even 70 somethingers are living more viable active lives. This is very true in the urban rollerskating community, especially with the recent emergence and re-emergence of more skate groups whose members are over 30. From California to New York, mature skaters are forming tier one groups, creating a new subculture within urban rollerskating. These mature/older skaters are recognized as “greats in the game,” providing younger skaters with a foundation that has propelled the sport into a spectacular show. Precision moves of the past have been redesigned by the youth into intricate footwork with backspins and flips that keep the sport of urban rollerskating vibrant and alive. Another trend happening in the older urban skate community is the surplus of adult skating parties. If you travel to any given state, there is always an adult skate session or skate party occurring within the week. Skate parties of the past with children, balloons and cake are now filled with people 30 and older, buffets, loud music and adults showing off their skills in and outside the lane. As a 30-somethinger, I have had the privilege to roll with skaters on both sides of the spectrum. The youth who are full of energy while performing all of those fantastic tricks, keep me vibrant and up-to-date; yet, still rolling with my older skaters allows me to take smoothness to a whole new level. This month’s XR News salutes and celebrates our youthful, mature/older skaters, telling their stories about their contribution to rollerskating. Enjoy!
Sherron Phillips Publishing Editor
Roanoke, VA – Southeastern Skate Supply is hosting their annual fall tradeshow on October 5-6, at their warehouse location in Roanoke, Va. The tradeshow is an opportunity for rink operators to meet and discuss what’s going on in skating rinks across the country. In addition, vendors will be offering tradeshow specials on new products for the upcoming fall season. There will also be a meet and greet breakfast hosted by RSA Section 11, on Monday, October 6, 8:30 a.m., at the Famous Anthony’s Restaurant. This event is for rink operators only, and is FREE to any rink operator from PA, DE, and NJ. The event will not be open to the general public. For more information about the breakfast or how to register, contact Roberta Molaro at 570.SK8.1775 or at sk8coach@ tds.net. Large and small rinks are welcome to participate! RSA membership is not required.
Palatine, IL – July 18-19, Orbit Skating Center is hosting the World Skating Association 2008 Jam Skating Nationals. The event is sponsored by Vanilla Skate Company, which will host competitors from around the country. There will be a guest appearance from Randy Jackson’s Best Dance Crew’s 4th place team, BreakSk8. All spectators are invited. For more information regarding this event, please visit: www.wsaevents.com.
Temple Hills, MD – Catch weekly videos of adult night skating sessions at D’light Skate N Palace on YouTube. Watch skaters roll on men only, all skate, trios, and ladies only sets on Thursday and Sunday nights. Visit: www.youtube.com and search “D’Light Skate Palace” and watch over 10 videos of urban rollerskating in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
Harrisburg, PA – Wheelz of Fire opens its doors to skate patrons, featuring rollerskating with schools and church organizations, dancing, video arcade games, and a full service roller cafe pizza restaurant. For more information on session schedules and times, please visit: www.wheelzoffire. com.
Columbia, MD – Returning from a threeyear hiatus, Elements Ingredients of Entertainment is back on the urban rollerskating scene. Starting July 25, they will host one of many adult skating events at the Supreme Sports Skating Rink in Columbia, MD, with Super DJ C-Dup (92Q) on the wheels of steels. The organization’s initial plans are to host five major skating events in the summer, with hopes of partnering with the rink to expand to a weekly Friday night adult session in the fall. Inspired by the Washington, DC based Midnight Rollers, member, Damion “dayday” Harris, states that Elements is committed to extending the barriers that lie between Baltimore and DC skaters. “[We hope] to catapult the sport of urban rollerskating by developing relationships among skaters through interaction at events,” said Harris. New Music - New Venue - New Vibe! For more information about this organization and their events, please visit: www. elementsonline.us or call 888.430.3721.
Raleigh, NC—Shawne “Spice” White of the Carolina Cruisers has a book out titled, Holla If You Hear Me…No More Blind Dates, Please! The book is about a young woman sharing her account of blind dating while searching for “the one,” and the lessons learned along the way. Holla If You Hear Me…No More Blind Dates, Please!, was published in 2004, by
iUniverse – a company for self-published authors. The idea for the book came about after an exchange of dating stories between Spice and one of her friends, which led her friend to suggest that Spice write her stories down to share with others. Since its publication, Spice has had a couple of book signings and donated copies to two North Carolina high school African-American Studies classes. White’s novel has also received write-ups in a North Carolina African-American newspaper as well as in her sorority and Alma Mater’s news magazines. Holla If You Hear Me…No More Blind Dates, Please! was selected as “Editor’s Choice” by iUniverse. To support Spice and purchase a copy of Holla If You Hear Me…No More Blind Dates, Please!, visit http://www.iuniverse. com.
GOT INFORMATION? Contact XR News at: xrnews@theP3solution.com
July 08|3
A LOOK INTO AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the primary cause of vision loss to Americans over the age of 65. According to the Alliance for Aging Research, close to two million Americans are estimated to have advanced AMD, and an additional 7.3 million people are at considerable risk of losing vision from the disease. AMD is a disease that gradually causes sight loss in the central field of vision, which is needed for seeing objects and for common daily tasks, such as reading and driving. AMD affects the macula – the part of the eye that allows people to see fine detail. The macula is located in the center of the retina. There are two types of AMD: “dry” AMD and “wet” AMD. Dry AMD is the more common of the two, accounting for roughly 90 percent of cases. It occurs when light-sensitive cells in the macula slowly break down, gradually blurring central vision in the affected eye. In dry AMD cases, small, yellowish deposits called “drusen” begin accumulating under the retina. These deposits breakdown the macula’s light-sensing cells, causing distorted vision in the eye. Scientists are unclear as to the direct connection between drusen and AMD, but they do know that an increase in the size or number of drusen raises a person’s risk of developing advanced AMD or wet AMD. Dry AMD usually does not cause a total loss in vision.
ADULTS & OBESITY America has become a society of convenience where frozen dinners and fast food have replaced home cooked meals; television and video games have become supplements to outside activities; and “Dance Dance Revolution” has made its way into millions of households as the new exercise mechanism. It should come as no surprise that health experts have placed obesity as one of the top health concerns among Americans today. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that more than 72 million people in the U.S. were obese in 2005–2006. This included 33.3 percent of men and 35.3 percent of women. Obesity is when a person has an excessive amount of body fat; whereas overweight refers to an excessive amount of body
4|July 08
Wet AMD accounts for ten percent of AMD cases, but causes the most severe vision loss. An estimated 200,000 new cases of wet AMD are diagnosed annually. Wet AMD occurs when abnormal blood vessels behind the retina start to grow under the macula. This causes the blood vessels to become fragile and leak blood and fluid, which damages the macula. Wet AMD can cause sudden and severe vision loss, often within a period of weeks or months of the initial symptoms. Without treatment, wet AMD can lead to blindness in most cases. Symptoms: •Blurred vision—the most common symptom of dry AMD •Central scotomas—shadows or missing areas of vision •Distorted vision—an early symptom of wet AMD when straight lines appear to be wavy •Trouble discerning colors •Slow recovery of visual function after exposure to bright light The greatest risk factor of obtaining AMD is age. According to the National Eye Institute, 30 percent of people over the age of 75 are at risk of getting AMD. Other risks factors include: • Genes—individuals who have one or more family members with AMD are at an increased risk. • Gender—women have a greater risk of developing AMD than men. Continued on page 6
weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water. Morbid obesity is when a person is more than 50 percent over their normal weight. Obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories from food than they burn. When a person eats more calories than they burn, the energy balance leans towards weight gain and obesity. Most people use the body mass index (BMI) to measure their body weight. BMI is a combination of a person’s height and weight and is a measurement used to decide whether your weight is dangerous to your health. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), if you have a BMI of 30 or higher, your extra weight is putting your health at risk. Causes of obesity include: • Environment • Physical inactivity • Genes and family history • Health conditions • Medicines • Emotional factors • Smoking • Age • Pregnancy • Lack of sleep Some illnesses that may lead to or are associated with weight gain or obesity include: Continued on page 6
This month, XR News is highlighting skate clubs with members who are 30 years of age and over in the urban rollerskating community. We interviewed several skate clubs and asked them about their experiences as members of clubs created for mature adults. Photo Credit: SkateGroove
CLUB NAME: Capital Rollerz LOCATION: Atlanta HOME SKATING RINK: Sparkles (Smyrna, Ga.) YEAR CLUB FOUNDED: 2007 AVERAGE AGE OF CLUB MEMBERS: 30+ WEB/CONTACT INFORMATION: capitalrollerz@yahoo.com CLUB PRESIDENT(S): Kevin Briscoe and April Pagan 1. DID YOU INTENTIONALLY CREATE A 30 AND OVER SKATE CLUB? No, Capital Rollerz fell upon us when we realized that there were quite a few individuals in the Atlanta area from either DC, Maryland or Virginia [who] shared the same skating style. The DC Metropolitan area has a very unique way of skating and is easily recognized on the floor. We wanted to embrace that and keep it alive while we were away from home. That thought became the birth of Capital Rollerz.
CLUB NAME: The Detroit Rhythmic Rollers LOCATION: Detroit HOME SKATING RINK: Detroit Roller Wheels YEAR CLUB FOUNDED: 1993 AVERAGE AGE OF CLUB MEMBERS: 5 members ranging from 30-62 WEB/CONTACT INFORMATION: Theresa (Tee), jteress01@sbcglobal.net CLUB PRESIDENT(S): Cynthia Travis/Lorna Hubbard 1. DID YOU INTENTIONALLY CREATE A 30 AND OVER SKATE CLUB? Yes, at the time, the original members’ ages were already 30 and over and no other skater really wanted to become a member. They only wanted to skate at the skating events and help out if we needed any help.
2. ARE THERE ANY ADVANTAGES OR DISADVANTAGES IN HAVING A SKATE CLUB THAT IS EXCLUSIVE TO MEMBERS 30 AND OVER? Other than the music, I am not sure if there are any advantages or disadvantages. But, I [do believe] that the 30 and over clubs should be an example to the younger clubs.
2. ARE THERE ANY ADVANTAGES OR DISADVANTAGES IN HAVING A SKATE CLUB THAT IS EXCLUSIVE TO MEMBERS 30 AND OVER? Yes, they are well-rounded and have more experience and it depends on how many members are in the club. There are no [real] disadvantages because of [one’s] age. [Whether you are under or over] 30, it really depends on the individual, the maturity of their mind and whether they are willing to work together and support each other.
3. WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON UNDER 30 SKATE CLUBS? They are very important. I think our youth are the future. If we teach them how to form successful and supportive skate organizations through the love of skating, I think we will serve our community well.
3. WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON UNDER 30 SKATE CLUBS? I often see that members leave faster. [Age] makes no difference, [all skate clubs] have to be team work [oriented as well as give support to their] members and other clubs.
4. DOES YOUR CLUB PLAN TO INTEGRATE YOUNGER MEMBERS IN THE FUTURE? We’ve mentioned formulating a junior club – at least for our children – but haven’t acted upon it yet. It’s definitely something to think about [doing].
4. DOES YOUR CLUB PLAN TO INTEGRATE YOUNGER MEMBERS IN THE FUTURE? No, we are comfortable with the members that we have and do not plan on having an open enrollment, even though we have been approached.
5. DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE OR COMMENTS THAT YOU WISH TO SHARE WITH THE URBAN ROLLERSKATING COMMUNITY? Yes, this year, the Atlanta skate community is promoting UNITY. Joi (Sk8A-Thon) has put a lot of work into transpiring this message. Don’t miss out. Be here in Atlanta during Labor Day Weekend 2008.
5. DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE OR COMMENTS THAT YOU WISH TO SHARE WITH THE URBAN ROLLERSKATING COMMUNITY? Skaters are people, we come in all shapes, colors, nationalities and
Continued on page 10
July 08|5
Continued from page 4
Continued from page 4
•Race—whites are at a greater risk of losing vision from AMD than blacks. •Eye color—AMD is more common in people with light colored eyes. Scientists believe that this might be due to the fact that lighter eyes have less protective pigment to block sunlight. •Diet and nutrition—a diet high in saturated fat, low in antioxidants and with excessive alcohol intake can be harmful to the eyes. •Sunlight exposure—prolonged exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light can damage macular cells. •Heart disease—high blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease raise the risk of AMD, possibly because of the impact on blood vessels supplying nutrition to the retina. •Smoking—reduces the protective antioxidants in the eye and can play a role in the increased risk of AMD. •Obesity—research has found a link between obesity and the progression of early or intermediate stage of AMD to late stage AMD. Being overweight or obese can also contribute to heart disease, which is harmful to your eyes.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the primary cause of vision loss to Americans over the age of 65
There are numerous tests that can be done to detect AMD: • Visual acuity test—eye chart that measures how well you see at various distances. • Dilated eye exam • Tonometry—an instrument used to measure the pressure in side your eye. • Amster grid—a grid that resembles a checkerboard and has a black dot in the center. Eye patients are asked to cover one eye and stare at the black dot in the center of the grid. While staring at the dot, you may notice that the straight lines in the pattern appear wavy or that some of the lines are missing. It is very important to get regular eye exams, because the earlier eye diseases are detected, the more treatment options are available. The National Eye Institute recommends that people over the age of 50 get an eye exam every year. While there is no cure for AMD, there are new therapies that can slow the progression of vision loss and, in some cases, reverse it in some patients. There is no FDA-approved treatments for dry AMD, although nutritional intervention and use of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) supplement can play a part in slowing down the disease. For more information on AREDS and age-related macular degeneration, please visit the National Eye Institute or speak with your eye doctor. xr
6|July 08
•Hypothyroidism—a condition in which the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormone; it often results in lowered metabolic rate and loss of vigor. •Cushing’s syndrome—a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body’s tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. •Polycystic ovary syndrome—a condition characterized by high levels of androgens (male hormone), irregular or missed menstrual cycles and, in some cases, multiple small cysts in the ovaries. Obesity and being overweight affect people of all ages, races, sexes and educational levels. However, some groups are at a higher risk than others. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 82 percent of black women are overweight or obese, compared to 75 percent of MexicanAmerican women and 58 percent of white women. Among males, 76 percent of Mexican-American men are overweight or obese, compared to 71 percent of white men and 69 percent of black men. Being overweight and obese are also common among low income people. Women with low income are about 50 percent more likely to be obese than women with higher incomes. Low-income families tend to buy more high-calorie, high-fat foods that can add to weight problems. Many serious medical conditions have been connected to obesity, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. Obesity is also linked to higher rates of certain types of cancer. Men who are obese are at a higher risk of developing cancer of the colon, rectum or prostate; and women who are obese are at a higher risk of developing cancer of the gallbladder, uterus, cervix or ovaries. Treatment for obesity varies from person to person, depending on their level of obesity; overall health condition; and readiness to lose weight. Treatment may include a combination of diet, exercise, behavior modification and sometimes weightloss drugs. In some cases of extreme obesity, bariatric surgery may be recommended. xr
TIPS FOR MONITORING WEIGHT: • Choose sensible portions of nutritious meals that are lower in fat. • Learn to recognize and control environmental cues that make you want to eat when you are not hungry. • Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderateintesity physical activity during the week. • Take a walk instead of watching television. • Keep records of your food intake and physical activity.
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July 08|7
XTREMEROLLER OF THE MONTH Each month, XR News selects an individual or group to be recognized as the “XtremeRoller of the Month.” Recipients are honored for one or more of the following: positivity, unique or diverse skating style, and/or passion for the art of skating as well as the community at-large. announced Davoll and she wowed the her to the Waverly Place Village Rink in crowd with back-to-back dips and kicks Greenwich Village, N.Y. “That place was as she and her skate partner took off in about as big as a living room,” Davoll a spirited roll around the rink. The crowd exclaimed. “I went [skating] that Friday was especially in awe after the DJ shared night and used rental skates. I woke up Edna’s age. Now, we at XR News usually the next day to purchase my own rollerstand by the adage that you should nev- skates.” Her love for skating was almost er ask a lady to tell her age, but felt that it instantaneous. “I knew it was something appropriately explains our esteem for Ms. that I really liked doing,” she said. “The Edna. “Oh, I don’t mind you telling my Village Wizards were out at that time and I age,” said the 71-year-old with a chuckle. wanted to do what they could do…it was “Everybody knows.” It is true; she does not really motivating.” Known for her graceful routines on the keep her age a secret, but if you take a look at this vibrant and spirited woman, wood, you can typically find Edna in the you might find it hard to believe. “The middle displaying her dance skating physical and psychological benefits [from prowess or gliding across the rink for couple’s skate during adult sessions at least Words put together on paper almost seem skating] are awesome,” Davoll said. two to three times a week. She frequents Edna was born in Columbia, S.C., and inadequate when one tries to describe many rinks in the Tri-State area including: in 1959, she moved to New York where veteran skater Edna Davoll. The XR News Branch Brook Park Roller Skating Center she currently resides in Bronx, N.Y. In staff was first introduced to Edna during in Newark, N.J., Central Park Skate Circle 1975, she was introduced to the skate a late skate held last year at Millennium community by a good friend who invited Skate World Rink in Camden, N.J. The DJ Continued on page 10
July 08|8
SAY WHAT YOU WANT! XR News welcome comments from our readers regarding skate related issues or any article featured in our newsletter. Here is your opportunity to “say what” you feel. Please send all correspondence to xrnews@theP3solution.com. Letters should include: subject title “SAY WHAT,” the writer’s full name and location. Letters may be edited for clarity and/or space.
9|July 08
30 & OVER Continued from page 5
different personalities. We are doctors, lawyers, teachers, policemen and policewomen, TV personalities, nurses, judges and so forth. We skate for various reasons – be it health, stress or just for the fun of it – but at the end of the day, we are no different from anyone else. We go home to our families; and then return to our skating family. If you are not a skater, you would not understand!
CLUB NAME: Ruff Rollers LOCATION: Washington, DC HOME SKATING RINK: Seabrook (Lanham, Md.) YEAR CLUB FOUNDED: 1999 AVERAGE AGE OF CLUB MEMBERS: 32 WEB/CONTACT INFORMATION: www.ruffrollersz.com CLUB PRESIDENT: Ajai Valentine aka Da Buda Man 1. DID YOU INTENTIONALLY CREATE A 30 AND OVER SKATE CLUB? No. 2. ARE THERE ANY ADVANTAGES OR DISADVANTAGES IN HAVING A SKATE CLUB THAT IS EXCLUSIVE TO MEMBERS 30 AND OVER? Yes and no. Yes [there are advantages] because a lot of out of town skate parties are [for] 25 [years of age] and older. [And] no because our young adults help us remember the risk [taken when] skating. 3. WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON UNDER 30 SKATE CLUBS? We like all skate clubs. 4. DOES YOUR CLUB PLAN TO INTEGRATE YOUNGER MEMBERS IN THE FUTURE? Yes, [we plan to integrate younger members] right now. 5. DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE OR COMMENTS THAT YOU WISH TO SHARE WITH THE URBAN ROLLERSKATING COMMUNITY? Roll or Die and Just Do Da Damn Thing!
XR OF THE MONTH Continued from page 8
in N.Y.C., Edward J. Murray Memorial Skating Center in Yonkers, N.Y., Riverbank State Park in N.Y.C., Skate 22 Roller Skating Rink in Union City, N.J., and Woodbridge Community Center in Woodbridge, N.J. In addition to attending local rink sessions, Edna has traveled across the U.S. to out of town events in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Venice Beach, Calif., Chula Vista, Calif., Rialto, Calif., St. Louis, Virginia Beach, Va., Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Charlotte, N.C., Richmond, Va., Monroe, Conn., Wilmington, Del., and New Orleans. Edna is an original member of Energy in the Middle skate club, which was founded in 2003. “We were the first group of rollerskaters to participate in the McDonald’s Annual Gospel Fest in N.Y.,” she shared. As passionate as she is about skating, one might ask how Davoll has any time for her other interests. “[Of all of my] activities, rollerskating is my top priority,” she said. “I am grateful to have a loving biological family. They have [even] rescheduled family reunions to accommodate my skating schedule.” Of course, this did not happen overnight, “[It] took my family some time to understand my passion for skating,” she explained. “[But], after taking the time to watch me skate, they [now] have nothing but compliments and realize skating is not just exercise for me – it is my enjoyment and fun.” When asked what she enjoys most about skating, Edna readily gives a list of reasons why she is so passionate about the sport. “Rollerskating has so many appealing benefits,” said Davoll. “[It] improves balance, body control, agility, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and self esteem.” In particular, Davoll thoroughly enjoys helping others who are interested in improving their skating. “It is a joy to offer a helping hand to beginning skaters of all ages,” she said. “Later on, you’ll see their big smile or they’ll give me a little high five when they’re able to roll around the rink on their own. I just love to see souls in motion…you see them moving and everyone is so happy.” Because of her warm and giving demeanor, it was especially fitting that Edna was inducted into the Adrenalin Royal Court during the 2008 Adrenalin Awards ceremony. “It was indeed an honor to be among the [inductees],” said Davoll. “I felt overwhelmed to know that I had touched the hearts of so many skaters during my years of skating. I am forever grateful for the friendships, love and appreciation.” What is her advice for future skaters? Without hesitation, Edna stated: “The best advice that I can offer is if it is the sport [that young skaters] can appreciate, they must continue to skate as often as possible to improve their [art] skill; maintain a sense of [modesty]; [remember that] jealousy does not belong in any rink; respect your fellow skaters; [and] share your skill, knowledge and techniques of the art [with others].” Our last question stumped her: If she could use one word to describe her legacy to this sport, what would it be? “One word,” she asked? “That is so hard!” It is a challenge to pick just one, but there are plenty of descriptive words to express what Edna means to the sport. Captivating. Inspirational. Humble. Mentor. Maybe Edna is right; more than one word is necessary to convey what she is to rollerskating – a LIVING LEGEND.
July 08|10
Rollerskaters from around the country talk about the differences in rollerskating 30 plus years ago to now. NAME: Mary (not shown) and Gerald – DC/MD/VA
NAME: Bob Nichols - New York HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SKATING? I started skating with my kids in 1977 – ice skating first; and then roller skating. I got serious about roller skating in 1980, and bought my first pair of rollerskates in 1981. HOME RINK(S): Metropolis, Roxy and Central Park
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SKATING? 55 years and 44 years, respectively HOME RINK(S): Alexandria and Kalorama WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN SKATING TODAY COMPARED TO SKATING WHEN YOU WERE A YOUTH? The color barrier–blacks were given a special night to skate.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN TODAY’S YOUTH SKATERS COMPARED TO WHEN YOU AND YOUR SKATING PEERS WERE YOUNGER? The main difference between the skaters who were skating when I was younger and [today’s] younger skaters is that most of [today’s] young skaters started on blades. Some of [skaters] move on to quads for dance skating and some stay with their blades.
NAME: Nevelion Williams, Perry Burr, Gregory Ruslick and Kim Dyson – Washington, DC HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SKATING? Over 40 years HOME RINK: Kalorama WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN SKATING TODAY COMPARED TO SKATING WHEN YOU WERE A YOUTH? The music and skating style. Today, most of the younger skaters believe [that] in order to skate fast, you have to skate to fast music, but that’s not true. In addition, there was less falling; back in the day, there could be 1,000 people on the floor and no one would fall. Continued on page 13
Send us your skate photos, including date, location and name of individual(s).
XRNEWS@THEP3SOLUTION.COM All photos need to be in jpg, tiff, png, bmp or pdf format.
July 08|11
XR NEWS VOTES, DO YOU???? XR News encourages its readers to make a difference by being active participants in the voting process. No matter which p o litical party you support, your vote counts! If you are a U.S. citizen and will be 18 years of age by Election Day, please register to vote on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. Here are a few ways to become a registered voter before Election Day: 1. Register to vote online. It is really quick and simple. Visit http://www.rockthevote. com and click “Register to Vote.” Select your state and fill out the registration form. Print out your completed form and drop it in the mail. 2. Obtain a voter registration application. Typically, individuals must register in states where they reside. You can find voter-
registration applications in several locations including:
to confirm that your registration has been processed.
• State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or driver-licensing offices • Armed forces recruitment offices • Public libraries • Post offices • Unemployment offices • Public high schools and universities • State offices providing public assistance • State offices providing statefunded programs for the disabled • County or city election commission or registrar’s office Complete the voter registration application. Be sure to fill out every required field on the form such as your full name, street address, date of birth, signature and date. Depending on where you reside, some states may require you to list a political party affiliation – if you are not affiliated with any particular party, list “Independent.”
3. If you are already registered but are away from home, vote by absentee ballot. If you are not currently living at home (e.g., attending school, serving in the military, etc.), you can vote by using an absentee ballot. Remember to request an absentee ballot so that you can mail it in prior to the election! Typically, voter registration forms must be postmarked anywhere from 15 to 30 days before the scheduled election. To find out your state’s voter registration deadline, visit: http://www.rockthevote. com/voting-is-easy/important-dates/ You only have to register one time – unless you move, change your name or want to change your political party.
Mail in your voter registration application. You should receive confirmation of your registration in about six to eight weeks from your local Board of Elections office. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact the election office
Once you are registered to vote: • Find your polling place. Visit http:// www.rockthevote.com/voting-is-easy/thevoting-process/ to determine your voting poll location to cast your ballot on Election Day. Generally, the polls are open between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. • Bring some form of identification. Proof of identification varies from state to state. Examples of IDs that are usually accepted are a voter registration card, driver’s license or photo ID, student or work ID and social security card. • Don’t leave without voting! If a poll worker tells you that your name is not on the voter lists, do not worry! You can still vote on a provisional ballot. Source: Rockthevote.com
July 08|12
continued from page 11
NAME: Barbara & Malone (not pictured) HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SKATING? 38 years and over 30 years, respectively HOME RINK: Seabrook
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN SKATING TODAY COMPARED TO SKATING WHEN YOU WERE A YOUTH? The association amongst skaters has become more united. In addition, the interest in skating has increased including, respect for [female] skaters.
NAME: Loretta Larkins – Washington, DC
NAME: Tina – Ackokeek, Md. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SKATING? 32 years HOME RINK: D’Light WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN SKATING TODAY COMPARED TO SKATING WHEN YOU WERE A YOUTH? The style of skating [is different]. Older skaters appear to skate smooth and the younger generation does lots of tricks. I wish [that] I could!
NAME: Big Bert - California HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SKATING? 32 years
HOME RINK: Kalorama WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN SKATING TODAY COMPARED TO SKATING WHEN YOU WERE A YOUTH? Skate clubs today have rhythm and they hardly fall. Sometimes, I stand to the side and admire the show. The older skaters tend to go to the middle and do steps.
HOME RINK: World on Wheels WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN TODAY’S YOUTH SKATERS COMPARED TO YOUR SKATING PEERS WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER? Skating back in the day…we had better music and more fun because skating was just that: [skating]. Now, you have gangs – which takes the fun out of skating, plus their music has no beats. Old school rocks!
July 08|13
CLASSIFIEDS HELP WANTED MULTIPLE POSITIONS AVAILABLE PART-TIME NATIONAL AND LOCAL WRITERS XR News is seeking experienced writers for various sections of the news-zine. PART-TIME PHOTOGRAPHERS XR News is seeking experienced photographers for various sections of the news-zine. To apply, contact Sherron Phillips, 202.341.9485 or xrnews@ theP3solution.com. ONLY SERIOUS CANDIDATES NEED APPLY.
EVENTS/SESSIONS JULY/AUGUST 2008 WEEKLY ADULT SESSIONS EAST - CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, PA, RI, VT D’ Light Skate N Palace Temple Hills, MD Sundays & Thursdays www.dlightskate.org Millennium Skate World Camden, NJ Wednesdays & Thursdays www.MillenniumSkateWorld.com Skate 22 Union, NJ Ride Out Sundays 973.727.2202 Jersey’s Finest Skate 22 Union, NJ TruSk8ter Tuesdays 908.686.6838
Shake N Bake Baltimore Wednesdays & Sundays 410.669.9100 www.snbskating.com Skateland Orchard Towson, MD Wednesdays First Saturdays 410.669.9100 www.snbskating.com Wheel-A-While Lanham, MD Wednesdays 301.577.8889 Branchbrook Newark, NJ First Thursdays & First Saturdays 973.482.8900 WEST - CA, NV, UT, CO, WY, ID, OR, WA, MT, HI, AK No Events Reported SOUTHEAST - AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV Joi’s Sk8-A-Thon All American Skate Ctr. Stone Mountain, GA First Saturdays 678.334.6393 Grown Folks Skate Jam Atlanta, GA Thursdays 770.969.5250 Duncan Pea & TruSk8 Ent Skate Ranch Raleigh, NC Sundays www.skateranchofraleigh.com K97.5 w/Brian Dawson Skate Ranch Raleigh, NC
First Thursdays www.skateranchofraleigh.com Skateland Richmond Richmond, VA First Fridays 804.283.2337 Empire Nights All American Skate Ctr. Stone Mountain, GA Last Saturdays 678.334.6393 MIDWEST - OH, IL, IN, MO, KS, IA, NE, SD, ND, MN, WI, MI United Skates of America Columbus, OH Last Sundays 614.470.2805 The Skatin Place Cincinnati, OH Saturday Night Adult Skate 513.522-2424 Roll-Out Entertainment The Rink Chicago, IL First Fridays
Orbit Skate Center Palatine, IL Saturday Midnight Ramble 847.394.9199 SOUTHWEST - AZ, NM, OK, TX No Sessions Reported SPECIAL EVENTS EAST - CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, PA, RI, VT July 23 Adult Night Skate Special Millennium Skate World Camden, NJ www.MillenniumSkateWorld.com
July 25 Elements Supreme Sports Skating Rink Columbia, MD 888.430.3721 July 31 Summer Skate Explosion Above Average Skate Assn. Skateland Orchard Towson, MD 443-473-5512 August 11 Back 2 School Party & Competition M.A.D. Unity Rollers Skake N Bake Baltimore, MD 410.669.9100 SOUTHEAST - AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV July 18 Louisville’s Adult Skate Syncere Jonez “Sk8 Life/ Skate Junkies” Manslick Rollerdrome Louisville, KY mr.syncere@gmail.com July 26 Sizzilin Summer Skate Jam Fayetteville Gliders Round-a-Bout Skating Center 910.484.4465 August 9 2nd Annual East Coast Showcase Carolina Cruisers Raleigh, NC myspace.com/carolina_cruisers Continued on the next page
XR NEWS COMING TO A CITY NEAR YOU IN JULY/AUGUST July 31 | Summer Skate Explosion | Towson, MD August 11 | Back To School Party & Competition | Baltimore, MD August 15-16 | DJ WIZ “It’s a Leo Thing” | Richmond, VA August 29-31 | Joi’s Sk8-A-Thon | Atlanta, GA
July 08|14
ADVERTISE WITH XR NEWS Display Ad Pricing All artwork must be submitted in a hi-resolution PDF, TIFF, or JPEG. Additional charges will apply for resizing, changes or premium placement. For additional information, contact Sherron Phillips at: sphillips@ theP3solution.com or call 202.341.9485.
Full Spread
Full Page
Half Page
Half Page 1/4 Page
50.00 16 X 10.5 CLASSIFIEDS
Continued from the previous page
August 15-16 DJ Wiz’s 3rd Annual “It’s A Leo Celebration” Skate Jam Richmond, VA (804) 481-5823 August 28 - September 1 Sk8-A-Thon 25 Atlanta, GA joisk8r@yahoo.com MIDWEST - OH, IL, IN, MO, KS, IA, NE, SD, ND, MN, WI, MI
25.00 8 X 10.5 July 18-19 Weekend in Wisconsin III Midwest All Stars Milwaukee, WI http://www.midwestallstars.org/ about.html July 18-20 WSA 2008 Jam Skating Nationals Orbit Skate Center Palatine, IL 847.394.9199 July 19 Peace in the Streets Skate Jam Sherri’s Skate Productions Indianapolis, IN
15.00 8 X 5.25
15.00 10.5 X 4
317.291.5221 August 2 Ohio Skate Explosion Dyme Rollers & SWS Apparel Castle Skateland 513.683.6666 August 22-23 1st Annual Skate Jam 216 Unity on Wheels Roll Arena Family Skate Center 440.366.6649
10.00 5.25 X 4
WEST - CA, NV, UT, CO, WY, ID, OR, WA, MT, HI, AK July 19, 26 & Aug 9, 23 Sunrise Rollerland Rink Citrus Heights, CA 916.961.6333 BUS TRIPS August 29-30 DC/MD to ATL Master Rollers 202.460.3151
SOUTHWEST - AZ, NM, OK, TX No Events Reported
Get your events, announcements, jobs, birthdays and much more posted
July 08|15
BIGEVENTS Promotions/Marketing
PTA Outreach
Saundra L. Billups-Williams PRESIDENT
MakeUp Diva
Shelley Summers Licensed Make-Up Artist © 202-714-5168 Makeupdiva101@hotmail.com
Marketing - Event Planning - Design
P3 SOLUTION 8639-B 16th Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 202.341.9485
Marketing/Promotion Event Planning Desktop Publishing
202-543-0333 (O) 202-543-4306 (F) swilliams@pta.org dc_pres@pta.org
Electrical Services
Tel: 240-555-1234 E-mail: mrcphillips@hotmail.com
Hamilton Administration Building Room 3031 1401 Brentwood Parkway, N.E. P.O. Box 75141 Washington, D.C. 20002 Email: dc_office@pta.org
FLETCH’S ELECTRICAL SERVICE, LLC. Brendan Fletcher Tel: 240-346-0077 blfspark@aol.com Licensed MD,DC,VA
Editing & Writing Services
Would Like To
Give An Extra Special Thanks To: James “Big Jim” Allen M.A.D. Unity Rollers
COMPOSITIONS Content Analysis| Editing| Writing
Danica M. Williams
PO Box 90904 Washington, DC 20090-0904 Tel: 202.251.6851 dwilliams@vividcompositions.com www.vividcompositions.com Personalized Service Done WRITE!