Project 5 Aparthotel

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Cov i l hăi sl ocat edi nt heCent r or egi on, Cov ada Bei r as ubr egi on,i ncent r alPor t ugal ;300k m ( 186mi )Nor t heas tofLi s bon,Por t ugal ' scapi t al ;100k m Eas tofCoi mbr a,t her egi onaladmi ni s t r at i v ecent r e;andatt hebot t om oft he hi ghes tPor t ugues emount ai nr ange,Ser r ada Es t r el a.Thenar r ow, wi ndi ngs t r eet sf ol l ow t he s l opeoft hehi l l ,bl endi ngi nt ot het er r ai nand t heci t ywal l s .Thehous esf ol l ow t hemedi ev al pat t er n,wi t h 2 or3 f l oor s ,t hegr ound f l oor bei ngus edasas hopandt heupperonesas l i v i ngquar t er s . Themos ti mpor t antdecor at i v e f eat ur esar et woManuel i newi ndows ,oneat RuadasFl or es29andt heot heratRuado Gi nás i o Cl ube39.Ar chael ogi caldat as hows t hatt heSy nagogue, t hecent r eofk nowl edgei n Jewi s h communi t i es ,was i nt he Rua das Fl or es .

A P A R T H O T E L C O V I L H A Pr oj ect5_ Mi chal Romanec_3 32 84 _ 20 1 3_ 2 014 MI C H A L R O MA NE C_ 3 3 2 8 4 _ E RASMUS_ 2 0 1 3 _ 2 0 1 4

The accompanying report

Aparthotel Complex Covilha

Michal Romanec

ID: 33284

Year: 2013_2014 ERASMUS

The issue of the aparthotel and good links with other features aparthotel is always a big challenge in terms of rational integration of administrative functions to the aparthotel . Hotel complex , first enriched and in a way also improves the lives of the surrounding area . Therefore, it is a theme in itself very interesting and may be the cause of new , interesting solutions . The plot for this work is in the Jewish part of the Old Town , Covilha . Already as a few papers indicated earlier , the site is very problematic . It's a plot that is more or less on the border between most individual units • zone . It is here specifically about the conflict zone living in houses , as well as starting the construction of residential buildings , the multifunctional zone in a clash with a very different production zone . Therefore, a concrete solution in a given locality was necessary to be approached very cautiously and take on these mentioned variables immense respect . The aim was therefore to future owners of the proposed hotel optically separated from residential buildings to create their outdoor living space large enough for a variety of activities while creating a quieter environment to their lives in symbiosis with various integrated operations amenities. At the same time , however, the proposed hotel should reflect its depiction of a conflict zone said housing in the new building and the old town and should constitute a compromise - aligning these so vastly different units .

PRINTED INDICATORS : BUILDING NAME : Aparthotel TYPE : New LOCATION : Covilha PRINTED INDICATORS : • Plot Area: 4500 m2 • Building area: 2700 m2

PHILOSOPHY SOLUTION : The objective was to create an atypical place for temporary housing with additional functions as a single complex . The complex consists of a hotel , restaurants, cafes , museums and parks . The hotel is designed as an apartment hotel with rentable apartments. Based on the idea of Jewish housing in the past. Where once the Court has entered to the 3 houses . Therefore they were created rooms with garden and mountain views . The shape of the main part of the hotel based on the original objects that the place has become . Urban design : addressing the object is located in Covilha , near the historical center , on the border of the old Jewish Quarter . On one side surrounds Old Building of Jewish homes on the other hand, large blocks of residential buildings . Mountain view remains open and in this direction are oriented perspective. The plot has good transport connections from the main street . And it was subsequently guide the side road . Most of them were closed because the majority of Urban concept. Plot center is located 5 minutes walking through the Old Town. What is the great

potential of this area. Parking is under the whole land, which serves guests in the hotel , visitors to the Museum and Gardens and the residents of the house . Hotel complex consists of several parts that are very well connected. Architectural Design : from concept based features of the surrounding area and the nearby land on which Danny petition is located. As was mentioned in the first paragraph , the mass is notionally trying to enclose land along the border , in order to create a semi-public green area for residents of apartment buildings , hotel visitors and the museum . Since this aspect remains largely absent in the area and there is lot of space for safer movement of children and their separation from the road . Mass design of the building consists of several parts . The old part remains unchanged . Nova risatvba is a continuation of the old factory buildings and was getting the cast housing, which is in an unconventional style . Room is not a room but a house . Objects are one and 2podlazne mostly with sloping roofs . Objects at each other but I'm not trying upozorrnit west. Disposition - operational solutions :Hotel part consists of two parts . The main hotel and accommodation . In the main building there is access floors with a lobby , office director and sanitary block . This floor is connected to the restaurant part , in the old factory buildings . The Storey Below is a convention halls and sanitary block . Do you get the accommodation section of this floor . The top floor is part of the personal and technical background . From the first underground floor smoothly get to the accommodation section which readily through the hallway to get to the atrium of rooms . Rooms have a kitchen and a garden with mountain views . Drhej on the east side of the corridor in a garden with museums

and cafes . Cafe has indoor and outdoor area includes a terrace . The museum has a special hinge available platforms . Also is present in an amphitheater on watch movies . Construction –technical solution :Hotel pursue a combined structural system of walls and columns . The peripheral wall 500 mm blunder I carry 3 storey building with a gabled roof . Columns is just the sublevels . Center distance is 5 meters . I carry the roof of the peripheral wall . Constructions stretch of the lattice truss length of 14 meters. Spaced 1.5 meters . The building is founded on Fridays and passports . Cost of building: price for construction: 1 793 700 Euro earn: 896 857 Euro Timetable of construction

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