4 minute read

Tara Eich

Photo by Ricky Zastrow // @coloradophotoworks

When did you first get into modeling?


Coming up on 8 years. Has it really been that long? Wow!

Who or What inspired you to be a model?

I was actually dragged out by my friends to this amazing bar in Honolulu. They had this event where local hair and make up artists would come and style the patrons hair and make up in a vintage vibe. Then local photographers would snatch the girls up and do photoshoots all over the area. It was an awesome local artist collaboration group. I fell in love with modeling immediately! And the rest was history! everything from concept to fashion, swimwear, lingerie, fine art, vintage, couture, horror, really, you name it, i’ve loved doing it! I have to say that my favorite would be at my model roots though, swimwear and pin up. Something about a beach or red lipstick that just makes my jingles jangle.

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

Passion for sure! I thrive on a collaboration of talents. Nothing brings me more fulfillment than a team of creatives who work together to bring a thought to life. There is an electric element to the air when everyone is working to create, and it is that element that I am absolutely addicted to! When an artist is practically vibrating with excitement for an image they helped create, it is contagious and addictive.

What do you think makes you stand out in an industry overflowing with new faces?

I would like to think it would be my mentality more than a physical thing. I take pride that I do what I do well, but what I feel most strongly about is changing the mentality of the industry. Too many creatives are self reliant and self interested. I mentor a lot of newer models and share all my knowledge and networks freely. I only ask they pay it forward to another model starting out later. The only way to make the industry grow is to work together, to raise each other up and to share opportunities. If the industry keeps on the way it is, it will only grow stale and sad. A good attitude will take you farther than a good face.

What has been your biggest challenge as a model? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

I am a wife and mother of 3. my two youngest 10 and 8, are special needs, so it is tough to schedule photoshoots, therapies, schooling and family time. I still am not sure how I make it all work, but I do somehow haha. Really, if you have a passion for something, you find a way to make room for it.

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art”. Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

Hahaha. My very first photographers catch phrase was “suffer model suffer” and to be honest, he prepared me well with that repeated line. physically, a models mantra is “if it doesn’t hurt the next day, you didn’t do it right.” and this is very true. Mentally, you grow a strong sense of who you are and what your worth is in the corse of your career. I can honestly say I have never met a model who didn’t consider quitting in the beginning of her career because it is a very tough business. But once they personally found their worth in their own minds, they were unshakable. Once a model does know their worth, and loves what they do, the suffering is just background static.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the modeling industry?

Both negative and positive. I do agree that beauty standards have become unreachable due to photoshop and manipulation of a digital photo, but at the same time, fantastical creations have come from those same techniques applied differently. The internet is also a space where creativity is infinite. Inspiration runs rampant and there is always something new and exciting! I think, without the internet, the artbof photography and modeling wouldn’t be anywhere near where it is today.

What is the best advise you have received?

Be true to yourself! So many models believe that if they don’t do a certain type of modeling, they will never make it in the industry. “If you don’t do this you will never make it as a model” is the biggest lie in the industry. It is so easy to get wrapped up in all the craziness and start believing you have to compromise your beliefs to be a model, and that couldn’t be farther than the truth. Stay you, stay humble and stay inspired, and you cant go wrong!

Photo by Ricky Zastrow // @coloradophotoworks

What’s next for you?

I have been toying with the idea of breaking into the designer side of the industry. I love to style and dress other models as well as creating costumes and designs for a specific concept. behind the scenes is a place I very much enjoy when I am not center stage so who knows! Maybe you’ll see me waving to the crowd on the end of the parade of models on the runway one day

How can fans-to-be follow your career?

Instagram is my main platform to showcase my work. with little tidbits on my Facebook. IG: @seaside_addict, FB: @tara.eich

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