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Justice for George 846

Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?


My name is Selwyn Jones. I grew up in rural NC. My parents were sharecroppers. We were extremely poor. I grew up in a house with no indoor plumbing, and no bathroom. We had a pump, outside, to haul water from. I remember having to use bathwater after somebody else had used it. We ate ham, that we salted, after we cut the worms out of it. Growing up, I learned about racism early in life. I learned how people were treated differently by the color of their skin or what they did or didn’t have. Football was my escape. It gave me an outlet to be able to come to the Midwest, where I met my wife. With my strong work ethics, I have worked hard enough to purchase a beautiful home, and a motel. We are raising our two young children in central South Dakota. As of May 25th, 2020 I am an activist for justice and equality. I have to change the world for my babies and for all.

How are you related to George Floyd?

I am George’s uncle, my sister Mrs. Larcenia Floyd is his mother. She is affectionately known by our family as “Cissy”. Unfortunately she departed this life in 2018.

What type of relationship did you and George have throughout his life?

George and I were actually like a big brother, younger brother during his formative years. He was nine years younger than me and our interactions were that of mentor and a mentee, I was not old enough to be nor was I trying to be his father.

What are some of your fondest memories of George?

He could be a “knuckle” head sometimes, however; he was a sincere genuine loving person, he would do whatever he could to assist his family and friends in their life struggles, he was a heck of an athlete, and full of joy and laughter, he never met a person he did not like.

What were your initial feelings when you received the news of George’s death on May 25, 2020?

My feelings were all over the place, there was; sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, disgust, disbelief and most of all heart break and pain.

How have those feelings changed over the past 7 months?

These feelings are very much present and at this point I am dealing with the void, dealing with the hate filled way in which his life was taken, grappling with how someone could intentionally, murder another human being and act as if they are kneeling at the alter for prayer instead of kneeling on a person’s neck.

How do you feel about the international attention received concerning this incident?

Obviously, I feel that an occurrence such as this should never have taken place. I do however; appreciate the love, support, and dedication that is being shown to our family. The international attention that is being shown is nothing less than miraculous. To have basically the entire world stand up and denounce not only racism, but send a resounding message that murder by those sworn to protect and serve will no longer be swept under the rug, and that there is no such thing as “Blue” lives. “Blue” is the color of a uniform, not of a person or persons.

What changes do you hope to accomplish by bringing continued attention to the circumstances surrounding George’s death?

I hope to open the eyes of those that have chosen to pretend to be blind when justice is not served and to keep not only George’s name, but those that have suffered the same or similar fate in the minds and hearts of those that promote humanitarianism, not “Race.”

What is your current plan for accomplishing these changes?

We are changing the George Floyd legislation, which has already passed in congress. We are establishing, Justice for George 846, a non-profit organization to promote and serve others that are disenfranchised and dismissed as being; Just an ordinary “Joe,” who is expendable and serves no purposeful place in society.

What advise do you have for anyone who wants to help bring about these changes?

My advice is for them to realize that; “The mirror holds an Image, but the soul holds the truth.” Simply meaning, I can lie to you as well as lie to myself, and it is incumbent upon me to break that mirror of personal and outward deceit.

What words of wisdom do you have for the world that may have been brought about by this incident and the 7-month journey you have been on?

Please do not wait until this or any other unavoidable tragedy knocks at your door, before helping to eradicate a system and individuals that walks on and wipes their collective feet on God’s creations, simply because they disapprove of said groups and or individuals. For life is but a vapor and tomorrow is not promised. In the words of my friend; “Nobody asked any of us about one single thing referencing our preeminent upcoming existence on God’s earth prior to the fertilization process being put into motion”.

How can folks stay up to date on your mission to bring about these much-needed changes?

People can stay up to date by checking our social media pages, contacting us directly, using our email; justice4george846@gmail.com. Instagram: georgefloyd2020 Facebook: @justiceforgeorge846 Twitter: @selwynj60136962a

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