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Artist with a Bright Future

How did you come up with the stage name SLYIDE?


Originally My First Love for music was dancing and I picked up and self-taught myself how to Pop & Lock it’s its own unique style its own unique Groove I’ve been told by people I look like I’m triple join it in my knees and when I was thinking about what I wanted to go by as like I was a dancer first and I’d like to slide so that’s how the name came to be that’s why my hashtag is: #SlyideWithMe

Who do you listen to when looking for your musical inspiration and why?

I listen to a lot of lyrical artists mainly more old-school from the early 2000s and back. Eminem, Tech, Ludacris, Vanilla Ice, newer artists like Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, Hopsin and my newest inspiration comes from Joyner Lucas.

If you could pick one of those to collaborate with, who would that be and why?

In all honesty my answer is the same as everybody else’s when it’s in the list and that’s Eminem. But if we’re talking about something that isn’t going to put me in outer space and isn’t going to be massive on that level then I’d want to go with one of his lyrical hip-hop students and that would be Hopsin or Joyner Lucas I’d love to work with either one of them they followed his crap closely and I feel like those are two of the artists in the game right now that most resemble Eminem style.

You have participated in several areas of musical entertainment…what made you decide to focus on production?

The fact that it’s just a different type of art form you know there’s many factors that came into it for one I’m not really the touring kind of guy I don’t like massive crowds of people I like to sit behind the scenes I don’t like to be the center of attention. So being a producer I have a direct influence on how that artist sounds on the track how the beat sounds how they mess together and basically, I’m in charge of making hit vocals into a hit song or a hit beat and mixing it with vocals for a hit song if you know what I mean. It’s a mix of pressure and pleasure in the form that basically you’re pressured to come up with the absolute best result that you possibly can’t but you’re pleasured because you’re doing what you love to do and you can truly make something amazing and when your hearts in it.

Which one of today’s artists would love to produce for and why?

Today’s artists are kind of spotty on my list there’s a few though that stick out Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, Hopson, Ryan Upchurch, Adam Calhoun, lady XO, Joyner Lucas, mainly lyrical artists and people who have a story to tell the way I look at it doesn’t matter if you’re considered one of the best or not what matters is what you bring to the game and if you’re bringing some substance to the game in this day and time odds are I’m going to want to produce a track for you.

How would you describe your evolution in the music industry over the past 4 years?

I started off recording very badly mixed rough a Capella, Hip Hop, and vocal tracks. Trust me, I learned that I could sing a little bit, but what I was trying to sing sounded horrible! LOL. I eventually learned how to make beats over the years, after deciding that I wanted it to be all me on the track not anybody else cuz there was more money in it and then I could truly shape the sound in any way that I want it. And then I decided hey I really don’t want to tour, and artists have to tour it’s just a part of the way it works so I decided in June of 2020 that I wanted to take my experience over to being a producer and perfect my craft there and it’s been a wild ride ever since that I have greatly enjoyed watching everything come together as it has. Being a producer and switching to producing has been the best thing for my career thus far.

Where do you see yourself in the industry 5 years from now?

I see myself doing well but living humbly. I’m not the type of guy that wants a $5 million dollar mansion or $2 million car or the biggest, hottest looking chain or that Gucci belt or any of those things. I like to have some sense of where I came from, so that I can appreciate where I’ve gotten to. In its Essence, I see my family and I, along with my mother doing well. Having a comfortable financial situation and you know, maybe I’ll finally get a plaque by then you know maybe I’ll finally get to work with one of my dream artist by then you really don’t know you’ll never know it’s in God’s hands. But I feel like Gods on my side in this career and I couldn’t be more thankful for where I am right now and that’s all that matters if I never got any farther.

What is the best piece of advice anyone has given you concerning the business side of music?

For every and potential clients that’s a no, there’s going to be one that says yes, 1 out of 10. That’s one of the bits of wisdom and advice that I received that is kept me encouraged even when a business deal didn’t quite go the way I wanted it to.

What has been the most valuable lesson you have learned while participating in the creative side of the entertainment industry?

I have probably learned most valuably that things aren’t always going to go the way you want them to

there’s going to be struggles there’s going to be times when you feel like maybe it’s not worth it but you just need to get up and jump back on the creative process and vent it all out on a beat in a song whether you’re an artist or you’re a producer or you’re a dancer or a writer or promoter any type of artist. Doing what you love makes you happy so use it as to vent to forget about all that ails you.

What motivates you to continue a career in the music business?

All the blessings that will come if I just stick with it and keep the faith and keep pushing because from what I’ve learned about the music industry once you get where you want to be it’s extremely rewarding but it is surely not easy.

What other creative outlets are you pursuing outside of the music industry?

I like to write poetry trying to get a poetry book published right now and get some marketing behind it from the publisher with any luck or blessing. I like live streaming video games on Twitch every now and then I’m a 2K player I’m a Madden player I’m a Call of Duty player and you know a couple of games that I mess around with just started playing MLB The Show and most importantly I’m an Xbox fan best chat service on the planet ladies and gentlemen but all in all I just like doing things that make me feel good writing poetry making music and playing video games make me feel good.

What do you feel is your best personal quality and how do you use that in your endeavors?

I have a huge heart. I have the ability to relate to people that I may not necessarily know all that well I could meet him for the first time or see him on TV and whatever it may be and then there’s the possibility that I may talk to this person on the phone or something like a major TV producer or something like that and I just have a way of connecting with people because I’m genuinely laid-back and cool and a nice guy and I enjoy hearing what others have to say about their experience in their field and what they’ve learned and how that relates to what I’ve learned in my field of music I feel like connecting with people and being able to relate with them in a way that’s productive create more business opportunities for me most of my colleagues aren’t just colleagues their friends. It also helped me get endorsements and ambassador deals though companies like Monster, DJ Jahmar Intl, Curevana, Nava Pouch, Presonus Audio, Redneck Gangsta, SolveIQ, and Xcyte Cables.

What would be your parting words of advice to our readers?

As my cat sits here and plays with my vape and I don’t sit around, I will part ways by saying that no matter how hard it gets no matter how tough it gets no matter how big the mountain no matter how deep the river you can find a way past that obstacle just make sure you put your whole heart and your whole mind and your whole soul into it and where there is a will there is a way thank you for having me in XS10.

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