5 minute read

Nikki LaShae

Actress On The Move

How did you get involved in Acting?


Well, senior year in high school, I took a drama class to fill up my curriculum. Turns out, a class I was taking just to fulfill my credit requirements, turned out to be the introduction to what has become my lifeblood. I had been very involved in extracurriculars, track and field, band, Spanish Club, etc. but the most connected and free I’ve ever felt was performing on stage. And it wasn’t even all that deep! It’s just that, for the first time, I felt the power of my voice. People were listening! I could say anything and no one would judge me for it because it wasn’t me. I mean, it was me but it wasn’t my story. So giving a voice to these beings was very empowering for me. And I began to notice the magic between me and the audience and I never looked back.

How long have you been an actress?

Professionally, about 6 years now From where did you get started? High school with Ms. Veith! Then I studied theater at Georgia State, then between class, coaches, and traumatic life experiences, I became pretty good.

few other shows that never got picked up! Lol. More to come though. Definitely more to come.

In how many films have you performed in so far?

Ok, now we’re talking! Charlie, Til Love Comes, Scary Movie 5, The 3 Stooges, and The Identical.

Are you working on any current projects?

Yes I am! I am actually in development on a couple of my own projects that I’ve written! Recently, I was brought on as the lead character for an audio-fiction series. And I will be doing a workshop production for Ntozake Shange’s “For Colored Girls” directed by Gina Belafonte. I also just finished a Super Bowl commercial with Anthony Anderson!

What kind of roles have you performed throughout your career? Are you satisfied with them?

I have played a wide range of characters, from a sex therapist who codes, to a Goddess. I have also loved playing the assassin. I just love telling compelling stories!

Tell me about an area in which you would like to improve as an actress?

I am in a constant state of evolution. I am satisfied with where I am and aligned with who I am becoming. But....more awards. My shelf could use more awards.

Do you ever think that you could have done a bit better in any particular role?

Maybe in the first couple of years of my career I did, but now I empty myself when I’m on set or on stage, and I have no need for do overs! I just allow myself to be a clear channel for this being to tell their story through. And, in that honesty, there is nothing better to do than that.

Which has been your favorite character that you have performed?

I played a goddess named Glorious in a film, and that particular role, with only a couple of lines but all the presence in the world, enhanced my existence as a human and as a woman. I tapped into my divinity a bit deeper and that character revealed that path for me.

What are your strong points as an actress?

I value people and their stories. I value the gift of creation and the artists who come together in the spirit of this magic in service of the world. And because of my values I navigate this path understanding my purpose as an artist, and I place honesty above ego in storytelling.

What have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career?

That, as an actor, it is important to be flexible. Every director has a different style, a different way they see life and translate that to film.

What have you learned from your senior actors?

To really just relax and have fun on this journey! Be fabulous! Enjoy my youth! To never forget that there is more to life than just booking.

What are your educational qualifications? Life.

From where have you learned acting?

I studied theater at Georgia State University, took classes, and held a couple of private coaches.

Do you think that you have matured as an actress?

For sure! I have certainly grown to be more confident. You come to understand that nothing comes by force, nothing can grow where there are no roots. So, you become mindful of where you get your validation. And you begin to always seek out the joy and the gratitude. And then, you align and allow.

How do you think film stars handle their popularity?

Well that depends on the type of person they are. I think popularity works well with intention.

Do you think that you have the potential to carry a film on your shoulders?

100%. Without a doubt.

What has been your biggest achievement in the field of acting?

I am proud of many things on my journey thus far, and you should never stop achieving. I think the biggest achievement is being the reason a person laughs, or loves, or heals.

What do you prefer tv acting or movie acting?

I love both! As a matter of fact, add theater in there, too!

What kind of roles do you prefer?

I do enjoy characters with layers. Because that is exactly how complex we are.

Give me a few tips to be a successful actor?

1. Know who you are. 2. Know what you want. 3. Know why you want it. 4. Be relentless and unyielding in the realization of your dreams.

Who is your favorite actor?

Meryl Streep

Social media: Nikki LaShae Actress/Writer Founder, The Love Effect (charitable organization) Drama Reel Comedy Reel IMDb Like the FACEBOOK page Follow on INSTAGRAM

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